Warning : This chapter does include violence & swear words. If you're sensitive to these, I recommend not reading this chapter! But that doesn't mean all the other chapters are full of violence, so you can simply skip onto the next chapter.
Happy reading! :)
C H A P T E R U N O (1)
Austin. The blondie who stole my heart.
9PM. That's the time. It's forbidden for me to leave the house after 8:30 PM, but who am I to follow rules? That's just boring! I've snuck out through my bedroom window so many times, I'm surprised that it's gone by unnoticed. Maybe I'm just lucky.
"Yeah right," I scoff to myself. "My best friend's Karma and she always gets me back."
"Aurelia! Get your ass to bed or I swear to God you will never see Mollie again!" My mum's harsh voice sends a shiver down my spine.
I tip-toe to my bed and call out, "Yeah, yeah, I'm in bed already. I'm not a fucking child."
I hear her footsteps patter away and then I tip-toe back to the open window. The winter's air is cold to my bare arms so I quickly put on a leather jacket. It's my favourite jacket - one that Austin gave me. Originally, it was his so it's a little big for me but he tells me it looks great on me.
I swing my legs over the window ledge and proceed to climb down. There's a wall about a metre apart from the window so I carefully climb down.
Austin waits just as the bottom, and as I jump down to the floor once at a safe height, he greets me by pulling me into a kiss. "Hey baby," he whispers in my ear, moving his hand down to my waist where he grips onto me.
"Austin," I warn. "Let's go already!"
"Alright, baby, anything for you."
Austin parked his small car a couple of houses from mine so that my parents don't catch him. I climb into the passenger's side and as soon as he sits down he locks the doors which makes me send a weird look his way. Then he drives off.
I shrug it off. Obviously, he won't kidnap me, he's my boyfriend for flip's sake!
He turns on the radio and a song comes on.
'I'd come for you, no one but you, yes I'd come for you. But only if you told me to.'
I turn my head to Austin and flash him a smile, which he returns with a devilish smirk.
"There are two meanings of that," he says.
"Would you come for me, baby?" He looks at me.
"Oh my!" A blush creeps onto my cheeks as I realise what he means. The car slows down and eventually stops near the school. "What are you doing?" My breathing quickens when he leans over to kiss me.
"Austin, stop it."
"What? I can't kiss my own fucking girlfriend?" He practically spits out the words at me with such a disgusted look on his face.
"You can kiss me!"
"Then why did you tell me to stop, hm?" He softens his voice.
"Because you were touching me!"
"Well duh, I can't kiss you in the air."
"You can," I point out. "It's called air-kissing."
"Oh, for fuck's sake."
He kisses me again, this time more hungrily. I can see the lust in his eyes and I try to push him off but he won't stop. He knows that he's so much stronger than me and I hate it. I use all of my strength to push him off, which he looks startled for a split-second, before narrowing his eyes.
"Why the fuck am I dating your stupid little virgin ass when you think that I'm raping you with just a fucking kiss?" He huffs in frustration. "For fucks sake, Aurelia! You need to grow up at some point."
My eyes widen. At this point, I want to get out but he locked the doors.
"Unlock the doors," I say.
I don't get an answer, so I pull out my phone and text the last person I texted. It's my ex, Kai. I get an answer instantly, which I thank the heavens for.
I couldn't take his humour at the moment because at this point I'm scared straight. I don't want to be raped. Especially not by my own boyfriend.
"Shut up." The words come straight out of my mouth and I instantly cover it with wide eyes.
"How dare you tell me to shut up," he grumbles.
Before I know it, I'm grabbed by the hair which he violently pulls. He slaps me and all I can do is cry out for help.
"No one can hear you, you bitch."
"Get off me!" I scream. And another blow is sent to my face.
He firmly snaps my head back to hit the window and continuously shakes it. I try not to focus on the hellish pain and instead try to get his hand off of me, but his other hand goes straight to my throat.
Hurry the hell up Kai.
My throat tightens up and my chest rises up and down dramatically even though I can't breathe a single breath of air. I get slapped around the face once more, just as I thought this unbearable pain couldn't get any worse. I take my hands off his wrist and try slapping him hard so that he would get his hands off me, but just before I do that the window behind him smashes and the car alarm sounds.
He is pulled away from me and I gasp when the air finally reaches my lungs again. I look up at Austin, who was dragged out of the car through the window by something. Or, someone.
I can't see what he's doing to Austin because I raise my knees up and let my face sink into them. Tears stream down my face as I mentally go over what just happened.
I love Austin.
Correction - loved.
"Aurelia?" A familiar deep voice calls out. I snap my head up and I cry even more when I see the dirty-blonde leaning in through the window looking at me extremely worried.
"Are you locked in?" I nod my head. He reaches in and presses the button to unlock the doors. Then he runs over to the other side - my side - and opens the door. But I can't move.
He picks me up bridal style, his arms strongly hold me and he carries me to his Rover.
"You're okay, you're safe now," is the last words I hear before I doze off into a deep sleep.
I flutter my eyelids open only to quickly shut them again once the bright lights invade my vision. I slowly open them again and sigh before rubbing my tired eyes.
"Oh, thank god you're okay!" My mom exclaims, pulling me into a hug. Her blue eyes are wide with worry. I hear a door shut so I instantly pull away to look who it was.
I realise that I'm in the living room of my house, and the only people who are in this room is my mom and I.
"Who was that?" I frown.
"Um, Kieran or something," she rubs her forehead. "Sweetie, do you need a drink or something?"
I suddenly realise that my throat is crying out for some liquid, so I quickly nod. As my mum leaves the room, I stand up a little too fast because the dark spots come to my vision which I blink away. I jog over to the window quick enough to see a figure in a hoodie climbing into a car.
Kai, I smile to myself. My smile quickly fades when I feel a pain to my chest.
I was almost raped.
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