okay this will be the death of me but i finished it
order is : cactus dad, leon, lily, ryder, sinnabun, fred, milo, estee, cupid, and uwu
i'll tell you what's going on
so cactus dad thought uwu was waving at him (when she's really just crying over how small she is while tip-toeing) so she's fucking waving back bc he's a kind gentle boi
both leon and lily are the same height but fucking leon gets some high heels and teases lily to the point where he's pissed because everyone else isn't wearing anything that's making them taller
ryderandsinnabunbeingthecutecoupletheyare-- i mean, ryder's laughing at the whole leon and lily thing while sinnabun's kinda distracted on what's happening next to him because fred bumps into sinnabun
and the reason why fred is so sHooK!11!!1 is because milo and him kinda look a like with the dark skin and the freckles and the 4 LETTERED NAME
while estee's just feeling awkward and just looking over to cupid for some help but he doesn't know what to do either so they're just sharing each other's pain
and there's uwu crying about how fucking short she is and just trying to cheat by tip-toeing and "waving" (i was too lazy to do that wave effect) her arms in the air
but yeah
process gif
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