I have not intentionally been ignoring Gladys or withholding information; the past day and a half has been an emotional whirlwind. I've felt a range of emotions, from deep sadness and a heavy heart to intense rage, anger, and a burning desire for revenge.
As I walk towards Ava and Gladys's tent I can hear their conversation. My sweet innocent Ava woke up feeling ill to her stomach, and Gladys conveniences her to lay back down and rest for the day reassuring her that the medical unit would be fine and that if anyone happened to come in she would come get her.
Gladys walks out of their tent and has a worried expression on her face.
"Good morning Gladys, I thought we could chat I do owe you an explanation. How about we go get you some breakfast."
She frowns and says, "Lord knows I want an explanation for all the bull crap I have seen, but I am also wanting to stay close to the tent in case Ava needs me."
"Ava is sleeping again. Come walk with me you appear like you could use some coffee."
I know she is truly overwhelmed because she doesn't smart off her typical Gladys response, she gives me a simple flip of her middle finger, and she says, "How the hell do you know that she's sleeping?"
I hold out my arm and give Gladys my best winning smile, and she huffs but takes my arm and allows me to take her to breakfast. Once she and I are sitting at the back of the mess hall, Gladys with a cup of black coffee and some toast that she is smothering to death with butter, she looks up at me and says, "Okay Buster spill the damn beans."
"Well, I will try, but I have several meetings today and a radio call I have to take at noon. Do you want the news about Ava first or my secrets?"
Gladys frowns and then asks, "Well, which is easier to tell and will help make sense of all the bullshit from the other night?"
"I will start with Ava, but Gladys, this is not going to be easy to hear, and it's not going to be easy to say."
She gives me a impatient glare, but then softens as she sees I am truly distressed over everything.
"So, you're aware that Dr. Petrov and Tatiana are witches. He inherited his abilities naturally, as they run in his family. While Tatiana has learned most of her skills through hard work, since her bloodline is not as ancient and pure as Dr. Petrov's. I had my reservations about him, but he's proven to be a decent, and good man."
She nods and says, "Tatiana told me everything about her and Dr. Petrov the other day after you and Ava left for breakfast, and yeah, I saw that he is truly kind and compassionate; the other night. Last night when he heard her cry in her sleep he came in and did a spell on Ava, and she slept like a baby all night."
"Yes, I spent the entire night next door in the medical tent, making plans and talking with them, while listening to Ava sleep. The moment I mentioned that she might be having a nightmare, Mikhail assured me he would take care of her and told me to relax."
Gladys sips her coffee then looks me in the eyes and says, "Stop hem-hawing around and explain to me what you are."
"Gladys, I am Upir; I think the term now is a vampire."
She laughs and says, "Vampires drink blood and can not go outside in the daylight."
"That's correct, but for me, it's different, and I do not know how or why."
"Wait! Gabriel, are you saying that you are a real-life fucking vampire!"
"Yes, but I can tell you all about me later. I need to tell you this secret now because it's a big part of everything dealing with Ava, and it's a long story."
As I share Ana's and my story with Gladys, she listens intently, occasionally pausing to pour more coffee. My tale has her torn between thinking I've lost my mind and considering that the world might be far more complicated and mysterious than she ever imagined. The moment I show her Ana's photo from my billfold, all doubt fades. She examines the picture, and exclaims, "Holy hell, Gabriel, they have the exact same eyes!"
"Yes, I believe that is hers... well, our soul."
I tell Gladys about the curse, quickly only the crucial details, and she appears heartbroken as I explain the reasons and circumstances behind our curse.
She sticks a hand up to stop me and asks, "So God, Lucifer, angels, magic, and vampires all exist?"
Regarding God or angels, I cannot say, as I have not seen either, but the rest without a doubt exist.
I don't bother telling her that werewolves and other creatures also exist. I ask her if she needs proof.
She informs me that she has seen all the necessary evidence to convince her. She says, the sight of blue tendrils sprouting from thin air, and Dr. Petrov intertwining them in his glowing blue hands completely satisfied any doubts she had.
"Gabriel my grandmother used to tell stories about druids from the homelands. My grandmother wasn't a liar. My brother and I always thought it was an ongoing joke she kept up for storytelling."
I assured Gladys that her grandmother was indeed not a liar.
"I'm working with Mikhail and Tatiana on a plan to allow everyone here to have several days off; or hopefully make this entire base unnecessary. I promise we will talk about everything mystical once I finish planning."
With a cock of her eyebrow and a smirk, she sarcastically asks, "Mikhail! Have you and Dr. Petrov taken things to a first-name basis?"
"Yes, I asked that he refrain from calling me Lieutenant, and he agreed, but only if I stop calling him Doctor. Gladys, I do have to hurry, and this part is difficult."
She motions me to continue, and I take a deep breath and begin.
"When you and Willard found Ava she hadn't been sent to the tunnel by her parents like she believes."
Nodding, her smile quickly fades. As I am recounting the images still plaguing my mind without going into the vivid horrific details.
"The potion Tatiana is concocting will probably make her sick. She will miscarry in the coming days, and when that happens, I plan to heal her with my blood. Mikhail has been working on a spell, and we both hope it will erase her memory of the trauma she endured after leaving the camp. I can't bear the thought of her having to remember that incident."
Gladys gazes at me, visibly shocked, and nods in agreement before motioning for me to continue.
"Mikhail believes he can remove a significant part of her memory from that week, particularly the sexual abuse—we all agree that if she must remember anything, it shouldn't be that. At this moment, she needs your support. I'm uncertain about the best approach."
Gladys takes a deep calming breath and tells me, "Gabriel you realize I will be there for her, I love that girl."
"I understand you do Gladys, and this is why I feel safe telling you all this."
Before I'm able to finish my conversation, I'm struck with an overwhelming burst of senses. I stand up and quietly but quickly make my way to Ava. As I approach, the smell hits me with so much emotion and force I'm stunned momentarily. Her blood retains the familiar sweet scent I remember. I step into the tent to find her still asleep.
Behind me, Gladys has tagged along, wearing a confused expression, uncertain of my actions. Ava grimaces, grabs her lower abdomen, and sits up wide awake with a look of shock and confusion. Then her face blossoms into a bright red, and she looks at me mortified. I know she's such a shy girl, so I try to be careful and not embarrass her more.
"Good morning, beautiful; are you okay? Gladys and I were outside talking and you groaned, so we came in to check on you."
I despise lying to her, but I realize it is for the best. I lean in and kiss her forehead; she looks up at me, wanting more. I press my lips on hers and caress her cheek as I kiss her deeply. She smiles as I pull away. Then she has another wave of discomfort and makes a face.
"Gladys said you have a stomach bug and to let you sleep today, but I need to see you, at least long enough to kiss you and to tell you how much I love you and how breathtakingly beautiful you are."
Blushing she says, "I love you too, Gabriel, very much. I am not feeling well. Gladys is right, but hopefully, I might be feeling better later today. Will you come back to see me?"
"Lalka, nothing will ever keep me away from you. After my meetings, I'll be back, and if you're still not feeling well, we can consult Dr. Petrov. Rest for now, and I'll return later tonight."
I embrace her quickly once more, feeling a wave of embarrassment as I stand. Desperately, I attempt to conceal my erection from her, and, fortunately, I manage to do so. However, I am not able to keep Gladys from seeing the prominent bulge in my uniform.
She gives me a wide-eyed look and points toward the tent door in a very exacerbated manner, she then turns to Ava and warmly says, "Sweetie pie, I'll be right in to tend to you."
She waves her hand at me in frustration and says, "I will need Dr. Petrov to cast a spell to make me forget I ever saw that."
She points at my crotch, which has thankfully returned to average size, and I feel my face grow warm.
"Dear God Gabriel does your mind always go to sex."
"Gladys, I'm over 600 years old, and you are the second person to make me embarrassed. Please stop pointing at it, Miss Hastings."
She laughs, and says, "Good, you should be embarrassed. A damn kiss and you're raising the star-spangled banner!"
She laughed and said, "Good, you should be embarrassed. A damn kiss and you're raising the star-spangled banner!"
"Her kisses are very nice, yet it's the blood that truly captivates me. The smell is intoxicating to me."
"Woah there! Okay, that's all I need to hear. Get out of here so I can take care of her. Wait, when are you planning on telling her your secret?"
"After we get through all this before I ask her to marry me."
She smiles and says, "Damn straight we will talk about how you are that old and look that good because I want in on this."
"What? You want to be Upir?"
Jokeingly she says, "No, I want to be a vampire."
I nod and tell her I'll discuss all this with her as soon as we have time.
My period has only occurred twice, and each time it was light with mild cramping. This time, it's extremely painful, and the flow is much heavier. Gladys reassures me that it's normal, likely because I haven't had one in a few months.
Gladys helps me tidy up and kindly offers her cot for me to sleep on while mine is drying after she has meticulously cleaned it. I can't imagine managing without her. After my shower, she serves me oatmeal, provides several pillows, and gives me the book I've been reading, then gently advises, "Alright, young lady, time for you to rest. I'll return as soon as I can, but remember, I'm just next door if you need anything."
"Gladys, thank you."
Gladys smiles, runs her hand over my head smoothing my hair, and says, "You're so welcome dumpling."
"Gladys, I love you."
A smile blossoms across her face and she says, "Oh, sweetie, I love you too. I've told Gabriel I think of you as the daughter I never knew I wanted, but thank God you've been sent my way. Well, hell, now I'm crying, glad I didn't put mascara on today."
She kisses my forehead and hugs me, and it's so wonderful to feel motherly arms embracing me. I try hard not to think about my parents; I understand many people are talking about how so many Jews are locked up and not allowed to leave. I understand that Gabriel is keeping an ear out for information, and he's assured me that once the fighting is over, we will focus on finding my parents.
Cramping pain wakes me from an afternoon nap, and it's sharp and causing me agony. Menstruating should not be this terrible. I make my way to the restroom area, and I'm shocked at the amount of blood. I clean up as much as possible and go to the medical tent. Dr. Willard and Gladys are removing shrapnel from a man's back.
Gladys looks up sympathetically asking, "Ava, sweetheart, are you okay? Do you need me?"
"I'm okay. I just wanted to move around a bit. I am hoping it will help my pain."
She nods at me and tells me, "I'm here if you need me. The mess hall is finished with lunch, but I have cookies in my bag."
I smile and take the cookies. Gladys winks as I walk out. I run face-first into Dr. Petrov
I hold up my cookies as though they contain the secret to my clumsiness, with thoughts consumed by chocolate I can't be blamed.
My face turns red when Dr. Petrov says, "Ava, you are just the person I am looking for. Gladys says you are not feeling so well today due to menstrual pain. Please come to my tent. Tatiana has a wonderful herbal tea for just this problem."
I shrug deciding not to allow my embarrassment to keep me from feeling better, and follow him as I finish my cookies. I guess everyone talks about their cycles. I think my mother is a bit shy about that topic.
I follow Dr. Petrov to his tent and I am surprised when I step inside and see how large it is and how beautifully decorated everything is. From the outside, you would never guess it is this big and so very nice.
Dr. Petrov kisses Tatiana and says, "Tatiana, my love, Ava is having a hard time with menstrual pain, and I told her about your herbal tea. I thought it might help her."
She winks at him and then says, "Of course, darling, I'll brew a kettle now. Ava, do you like sugar in your tea?"
"Yes, please."
As Dr. Petrov leaves he jokingly tells me, "Okay, Ava, you keep Tatiana out of trouble for me. I have a meeting with Gabriel."
"Will you please tell him I say hello?"
Smiling he says, "Yes, of course, I will."
Tatiana laughs and tells me, "Mikhail loves to play Cupid." She blows him a kiss Mikhail catches it and places it in his pocket, it is nice to see the two of them outside of work.
Their love for one another isn't obvious in the medical unit, but it most certainly is here.
I had just finished the morning's paperwork and was wondering about the necessity of notes during a damn war when my duty guard notifies me of Dr. Petrov's arrival. "Hello, Mikhail, how are things going today?"
He yawns, remarking, "For someone who typically wakes up an hour later, I've had a surprisingly productive day. I bring messages and what I think is good news. First off, Ava sends her love. Also, on my way here, I ran into an Upyr named Alexander Sokolova who claims he knows you. He was lurking in the shadows of the tree line near the camp."
Hearing Ava is thinking about me makes this day so much better. I smile at Mikhail and inform him, I do know Alexander; he is a double agent. We wreak a lot of havoc on German forces together."
He raises an eyebrow and then says, "Very interesting. I was just under the impression you stayed away from your kind."
"That's absolutely correct for the very few exceptions. How is Ava? So what's the good news you bring me?"
I motion for him to have a seat, and as he sits down he begins to tell me about Ava. "She is cramping pretty bad. The potion is working quickly, and I am having Tatiana brew her tea to ease the pain.
I was able to cast the spell I've been working on into the tea leaves and herbs, so as she drinks the tea, my magic should slowly take hold, and I pray it works well, removing the horrors she's endured."
"That is good to be aware of, thank you again."
With a smile, he kindly says, "Of course, I am happy to help in any way I can. As for the plan. You should have complete cloud coverage tonight, and the rest of our plans should go smoothly the next night. Now I do have to run. I am relieving Dr. Willard tonight."
"Excellent news and you will still place a protective spell around Ava tonight while I'm out?"
"Of course, Gabriel. We will ensure she is checked on consistently during the night. Take care and stay safe my friend."
I finish my last meeting for the day, and as the sun falls on this bright, clear day, a series of dark clouds begin to roll in. I dress in dark fatigues without any patches or emblems, nothing to say who I am or what side I'm on. I make my way to Ava, stopping in the mess hall to pick up the chocolate cake I ordered just for her. I know she's not Ana, but they both seem to have that sweet tooth in common, and Ana craved chocolate on her cycle.
I step into her tent to find her reading a book, the dim light of a lantern just enough light to read by. I signal for the soldiers to follow. They enter, maneuvering about assembling pieces of my bed, quickly filling the tiny, cramped space.
I motion Ava to join me outside. She steps outside and the moonlight makes her glow like something celestial, and I am awestruck at her beauty. I'm uncertain how long I have been staring at her, but she smiles and curiously asks, "Gabriel, is that your bed?"
"Yes, my love. As I promised, you won't have to sleep alone again, and Gladys will be away tomorrow night. Additionally, if my bed is here, it seems I must also be here every night, but only if that is okay with you."
I pick up the cake box, silverware, and napkins, gesturing for her to come along. We head to the outdoor tables near the medical tent. And pat my leg for her to come and sit on my lap. She seems to think for a moment, then she slowly inches herself up closer to me, and as she adjusts to face me, I kiss her passionately.
"Ava you are so beautiful, and I am so deeply and madly in love with you." She shyly smiles at me while I push her hair behind her ears and softly run my finger up and down her cheek. I point to the box on the table, and she opens the cake box, and a delighted squeak of happiness emanates as she throws her arms around my neck.
"Oh, Gabriel, how did you know I have been craving chocolate all day!"
She quickly kisses me and moves to stand, and she's racked with an intense abdominal pain severe enough to make her weak on her knees.
Worry hits me, and I scoop her up and begin to walk toward the medical tent, she groans and says, "Don't you dare leave that cake behind?" with a slight smile on her angelic face.
Relief washes over me with her smile, aware that her craving for this cake means she's not in too bad of shape, but as I carry her I am aware of the increased amount of blood she is spilling it has soaked her dress. As I enter the medical unit, carrying Ava in my arms, Mikhail, Gladys, and Tatiana cease their conversation about her—a discussion I overhear as I approach the tent. Gladys sees me carrying a blood-soaked Ava and worry fills her eyes.
Gladys springs to her feet and asks with concern, "Ava, honey, are you okay?" I can see the worry in her eyes as she calls out, "Hey, Clark Kent, bring her back here." Meanwhile, Tatiana and Mikhail start preparing an exam table.
Gladys motions to the table closest to the three of them. I walk towards them and ask, "Miss Hastings, could you kindly pry the cake box from this beautiful angel, and handle it with care." I wink at her to help lighten the mood, and she gives me a small smile.
Gladys and Tatiana both peek inside the box, and look toward her with an envious playful expression Ava says, "I was on my way to share some with everyone, and I had a cramp in my lower abdominal area that caused me sharp pains."
Mikhail says, "Gabriel lay her here on the bed. Tatiana, my love, do you and Gladys mind giving her a quick exam to ensure she's okay?"
They knowingly nod and close the curtain around them, and in whispered voices, they tell her that they need to do an exam to make sure she doesn't have a cyst on her ovaries. I heard them decide it would be the best way to explain why a vaginal exam was necessary since she has so much medical training and knowledge.
I listen as they tend to Ava, the smell of her blood fills the air now. Tatiana quietly tells Ava there might be a small amount of discomfort. Ava's pulse quickens, and it kills me to hear the small sound of discomfort she experiences.
Tatiana and Gladys carry on their conversation casually, yet a subtle shift in her tone signals that something has occurred. Emerging from behind the curtain, Gladys holds a surgical tray with Ava's removed clothing. Approaching Mikhail, she whispers, "Dr. Petrov, Tatiana would like you to confirm that this is the issue we need to address."
He takes the chuck, lays it on a table, turns on his headlamp, pulls out forceps from a drawer, and brings it to inspect the bloody, gelatinous small mass. From what I can see, it is most definitely the fetus around four inches long, so it fits the three-month timeframe. Mikhail wraps everything in the surgical chuck, bags it, places it in the medical waste, and then motions to me to come towards him.
In a hushed voice, Mikhail confirms, "It is intact and looked to be three and a half months gestation, and the placenta also passed intact. This is very good, and she will be feeling better in a day or two. Please excuse me while I give Ava an explanation."
Dr. Petrov opens the curtain once Gladys gives him the okay, I hear him confidently tell her, "Well, Ava, I think we found the problem why you are having such intense cramping and pain. You passed a Uterine polyp, which is uncommon but nothing to worry about. Have you read about polyps in your studies?"
"I don't think I have, but it's okay now. Will this happen again?"
"No, it won't happen again; you're fine now. There's no need to worry," Mikhail says, patting her leg to reassure her.
I cut everyone a big slice of cake and handed a slice to the soldier in his cot. He is very excited to be offered a piece of cake.
"Thanks, Lieutenant; it's been forever since I had cake."
Gladys and Tatiana begin trying to clean Ava up but I tell them "Eat some cake before Private Williams does" I point to the soldier on the cot, and he grins.
Moving towards the bed I scoop Ava up wrapping her in the medical sheet. I hand Ava the cake box and tell everyone goodnight. Ava rests her head on my chest as we walk back to the tent.
The smell of her blood is sweet and has me hard again. I had thought all day about the erection this morning and feeling ashamed, and I realized that it is foolish to feel guilt for what I am; I am Upir, and blood is the source of our essence, and it's not just the bleeding, Ava is my soul, and my emotions for her are catalysts to all my desires.
I feel an intense need to clean her and wash away all the harm that she has endured. I am certain it's the underlying knowledge of knowing what she suffered. I want to protect her, and I feel so much anger towards myself because she had been hurt, and I wasn't there to protect her. I realize this feeling is irrational because I haven't even met her. I couldn't have known, but the rational thoughts are meaningless to me right now.
I grab the bag I bought with me earlier and put the cake next to the bed. I gather a few things for her and set off to clean her up and wash this day away. I hear her heartbeat quicken as she realizes my plans. She's about to protest, and I lightly kiss her so softly telling her, "Shh, Lalka, I will see you like this every day, and you will see me. Let me take care of you, please, love."
She doesn't say a word, but she doesn't say no, either which concerns me. I stop walking and look into her eyes asking her, "Will you let me take care of you?"
With helplessly innocent eyes, she takes a deep, reassuring breath and shyly says. "Yes, Gabriel."
I motion for one of the patrolling men. "Please stand at this entrance and if anyone approaches let them know it's occupied now. Thank you, Private."
His eyes widen as he sees who I am and salutes me, saying "Sir, yes Sir."
I switch on the lantern, and it's enough light to see Ava's beautiful body. I pick one of the large wooden benches and carry it to one of the showers sitting it down so the water will hit us while we sit. I turn the water on, allowing it time to heat up.
Ava is sitting on one of the dry benches and as I walk to her I take my shirt off she runs a hand across my chest, without realizing she has spoken she innocently whispers, "Your body is so beautiful; it's perfect."
I help her stand while placing kisses all over her face as I remove the stained sheets, sitting them on the bench near her. I lean into her closely, my mouth against her neck as I reach behind her to undo her bra making sure she is still accepting my help.
"Ava you are everything beautiful in this world. You have allowed me to know true love. My heart is yours; it always has been and it always will be."
Goosebumps prickle along her neck and work their way down her body. As I slip off her bra, her nipples harden as I slowly kiss up her neck and then down her chest. I cup her breast and rub my thumb over her nipple. My thumb traces her areola and then rubs over her hard nipple, knowing everything she has experienced even if she does not recall the events it's vital to me that she knows she has total control even if I am making the moves. "Lalka, if you want me to stop for any reason, promise me you will tell me."
She nods at me and softly whispers, "I promise I will Gabriel."
I refrain from acting on my desires. I pull her bare chest against mine, she absentmindedly runs her fingers along my back tracing the muscles. I slowly move her hair placing it behind her, and then I delicately begin kissing her neck again. At first just my lips with small pecks, but soon my mouth is on her neck and my tongue explores her; licking and kissing her porcelain, smooth skin. "Does this feel good?" I ask her, as I work my lips down her neck she nods again and moans escape her luscious lips.
When my mouth finds the nape of her neck she digs her nails into my back and moans lustfully and that's when I know I need to get back to the task of why we are here. I move my hand between her legs to take the sanitary napkin between her legs, and she grabs at my arm and says, "Umm..."
"Ava, I know you are on your menstrual I want to clean you up. Should I stop?"
I think she sees the worry and doubt in my eyes because she lovingly says, "No, it's okay." making sure she meets my eyes as she speaks to reinforce her words.
I remove the sanitary napkin, it is soaked in blood, and I'm instantly hard again, my cock fighting against my pants for room to grow. I take my clean set of clothes from my bag laying them down on the dry bench next to the clothes I gathered for Ava, and this allows me the time to calm down a little bit and get control of my urges, but I do not try and shame myself this time.
I remove my boots and socks and then my pants, I am not wearing anything but my boxers, and I notice her heart rate double when I move to take them off, so I keep them on and carry her to the shower which is warm and inviting. I hold her in my arms while the water washes over us. My lips are drawn to hers and I kiss her under the waterfall of water; softly. I place her on her feet kiss her nose and whisper, "I love you, Ava."
She giggles and says, "I love you too, Gabriel." I sit down on the bench, and Ava sits next to me our legs touching.
The shower's stream of water hits our legs as a fine spray mist over the rest of our bodies, I open my bag and retrieve the soap I had bought in the last town we passed through months ago, its scent of lavender mixed with subtle notes of cedar and earthy undertones fills the air. It's a far cry from the standard issue military soap we usually use. Lathering up my hands, I begin to wash her back, letting my fingers ease away the tension as I massage her gently.
As I lift Ava's arm, I see that she trusts me fully, holding it up without hesitation. With each stroke, I carefully cleanse her left side, then her right, letting the water flow gently around us.
I wash her chest and desperately try to refrain from getting an erection, but I am only so strong, soft little moans and gasps pass through her enticing full lips and I softy kiss them, praying it will stop the sensual noises coming from her.
Her nipples are hard and I admire the curvature her breasts make, they are small in my massive hand, but not small on her. She is proportioned to perfection, with a little extra in her backside which is full and round and makes a lovely pear shape.
I squat in front of her, as I move to her legs washing the dried blood off with the soap and my hands, and I rub her leg from her ankle up to her thighs, when I get close to her uppermost thigh she tenses up, and her heart races, I move my hands and whisper, "Ava, are you okay?"
I sit down on the bench again next to her. She nods, and I realize she hasn't been looking down this whole time. "Lalka, are you uncomfortable with me continuing to clean you? Please, tell me how you truly feel."
She's not looking down, yet her gaze doesn't quite meet mine either. In a soft whisper, she says, "Gabriel, I'm just nervous, but I'm not uncomfortable in the way you think. I like the way your hands feel on my body."
Even in the dim light, I can see her cheeks flush, but she bravely continues, "I've seen men undressed before, in the hospital where I worked and here on the base. Men who came into the medical tent, had their uniforms cut off to stop a bleed or clean a wound. But their nakedness felt different compared to this because I didn't care for them the way I care for you."
She pauses talking, and I can tell she is trying to compose the words she wants to say, and then with a deep breath, she nervously says, "I comprehend the female anatomy, but I understand very little about the male sexual anatomy, and Gabriel I have never been touched before the way you are touching me now, and I do not want you to stop, but I am also very insecure."
I caress her face and softly kiss her lightly on her lips, and I tell her, "Ava it is okay to feel nervous just as long as you do not feel pressured or uneasy."
She shakes her head no and tells me, "I do not feel those things."
I kiss her nose and decide to wash her hair for now. I stand behind her and massage her scalp wash her long golden hair and send a wave of calm over the area, I can see her relax, all her muscles that have been so tense now loosen and I finish her hair.
I reach from behind her taking my hand I place it on her thigh. Softly and slowly move up between her legs, her pubic hair is matted with dried blood and I am afraid I might hurt her if I continue, so I walk around and sit next to her, and with the soap in my hands, I lather them until they are slick.
I slowly and softly begin to unmatt her hair as the blood loosens and even though her breathing has increased, and her heart is pounding she doesn't pull away. I take my time washing her so my movements are anticipated and not unexpected or intimidating. I remove the clotted and dried blood that is between her thighs and on her valvula.
"You are all clean now Lalka." I lean into her to kiss her forehead and she catches me off guard and touches my face and guides my lips to hers. We kiss softly and with tenderness; kissing to feel one another more so than the spark of passion.
I grab towels turn the water off and begin to dry her patting her softly all over and wrapping her hair up with the other towel I pick her up and carry her to the back bench where our clothes are and I help her into her panties securing her sanitary napkin in place then I slip a shirt over her and notice it is entirely too large, and realize why I grabbed mine and not hers.
I attempt to replace my oversized shirt and she tells me, "No, I want to wear your shirt, I like it."
I smirk and begin to dry myself off, and I will have to remove my soaked boxers before I redress, she sees the look I make in regards to my situation and she smiles at me.
I would never have imagined she would do that; I'd bet a small fortune on it. I look at her and she giggles and quickly says, "You should get dressed before you catch a cold."
I laugh finding her newfound boldness quite amusing, but she should have been warned I do not get embarrassed and I am very comfortable with who I am, and as I pull off my wet boxers her eyes widen, and crimson creeps across her cheeks, she quickly looks away but not before I make eye contact with her and give her a wink.
After I dress and gather all our things and then I pick Ava up carrying her like a new bride. Walking out, I see the guard I completely forgot about. "Thank you, Private; please go about your night."
I look at his name on his uniform; it's not one of my Hell Squad. His thoughts are deafening. "I miss my girl, God. I hope I make it out of here alive. If I do, I won't let her leave bed for a month."
"Thank you, Private Mills."
I carry her to her tent and tuck her into bed. She has a dreamy look on her face.
"Gabriel, I need to ask you two questions."
I'm sitting on the bed next to her.
"Anything Lalka"
"What do Americans call the male part? I have always called them a private part until Gladys said, "It's called a penis. Around here, sweetpea; private is a rank."
I laugh at this. It's something Gladys would most definitely say. "Lalka most people call it a penis."
She looks at me puzzled and then asks, "Then why did that American soldier come into the clinic saying his cock burned? A cock is a cocoș no?"
She has learned so much English I forget it is not her primary language, and then everything falls into place, and I can't help but laugh while I try to explain slang to her and why the young man had a burning cock.
I think she understood American slang a bit better after giving her a brief overview.
"What is your other question, my love?"
"Can I have some cake?"
I laugh so hard she's confused until I tell her I just think it's adorable she asked such different questions. I grab the cake box, sit on the bed, and feed her cake.
I scoop up a forkful of the rich chocolate cake and bring it to her lips removing it playfully just as she goes to take a bite. The pouty face she gives me is adorable, and I bring the fork back to her lips. She opens her mouth, and I watch as she takes the cake off the fork making eye contact with me she moans and sucks the fork a small smile playing on her lips. I make a mental note that devious minx is a trait bound to our soul as well. I set the box down, take off my shoes, and slip into bed beside her.
I pull her to me and kiss her chocolate lips. "I want to ask you a question, okay?"
She nods, and I say, "You realize I want you now and forever?"
Her beautiful face blushes and she shrugs and nods.
"Does that thought frighten you?"
"No, I would like that. I will ask you a question, but I need my blanket."
"Hmm, is this a negation? Well, I guess I can allow it one time."
I wink at her, and she smiles and hides under the blanket."
Quiet like a mouse, she says, "I think you are the most handsome and perfect man I've seen. Would you honestly want to marry me?"
I sneak under the blanket with her, and she huffs and says, "Gabriel, that's cheating!"
I roll us until she's on my chest. I stroke her hair and simply relish the familiar feeling I've longed for.
"I want nothing more than to make you my wife. Ava, you are stunningly gorgeous. You're not just lovely on the outside; your inner beauty shines brighter than any star in the sky. I've prayed for you for so long, and I feared the day might never happen, and then there you were, and I know happiness once more."
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