Chap 9
Here you guys go, sorry about the wait again I made it extra-long for you all.
Zane ---------------->
My hands were balled fists at my side and my teeth were grinding to nubs and I stared at Derek as he kissed his fifth guy of the weeks neck his eyes locked on mine. He was playing with me! Now I know why he broke up with me. So he could whore himself around the whole damn gay populations. Apparently I was a bore or something. The more I saw his face the angrier I got lately because he was flaunting all his men in my face. Is this the guy I use to call the love of my life?
"stop staring at him dude" Adam pushed my shoulder. I snapped my head to him.
"well sorry that I can't ignore his deliberate display of his new boy toy!" I growled to him. his brown eyes softened before hardening as they shifted down the hall at Derek.
"dude he's just doing it to get a rise out of you don't give him the satisfaction" he told me giving my arm a comforting squeeze.
"but why the hell would he being trying to hurt me like this?" I asked him knowing he had no answers. Huffing I slammed my locker.
"whatever" I grumbled crossly and marched off down the crowded hallway. My blood was boiling as I had to walk past 'HIM' to get to my class. he wrapped his arms around the smaller guys waist and seductively lent down to his ear causing the guy to burst in uncontrollable giggles. My short nails were digging in the palms of my hands as I tried my hardest to not slam his face in his locker.
I stormed around the corner only to bump into something solid and warm. I stumbled back catching myself before I fell back.
"damn" they muttered as I spotted a pocket knife crash to the ground. Gasping I looked up to find ice blue eyes.
I couldn't take my eyes off him as much as it pissed me off there was no doubt that he had looks like a Greek god.
"take a picture it will surly last longer" he mocked with a play boy smirk. This brought me out of my awed mental praise of his godliness only to be replaced by a glare.
"why I really should, then I could send it to the principal as evidence of you caring an illegal weapon on school grounds" I retorted nastily. He looked taken back as he raised an eye brow at me. Rolling my eyes I walked around him and continued to my class. He bent down to retrieve his knife.
"wait!" he called after me which caused me to scoff. As if. Sadly he caught up with me too quickly. Damn tall people!
"you wouldn't really do that would you?" he asked as he stuffed his knife in his pocket. I just chuckled.
"what are you doing today?" he asked me.
"why the do you care" I sneered. I was not in a good mood today, clearly so why won't he leave me alone.
"well I thought we should get to know each other better" he continued. I sighed annoyed stopping in the middle of the hall to stare up at him with a bored expression.
"no, Zane all you want to get to know better is my ass" I answered him my voice dripping with annoyance. He crossed his arms against his magnificently built chest and smirked smugly.
"I'm not going to lie, your ass is very nice." he chuckled to himself. I glared at him.
"well sorry but my ass and everything else on my person is off limits to you." I sneered before continuing my walk.
"your very irritable today." he snickered.
"what about Owen, would you let him have your ass?" he asked. I stopped in my tracks again and spun to face him with a glare.
"excuse me?" he shrugged.
"well you guys look so cozy at lunch the other day" I was speechless, was he keeping tabs on me or something.
"what are you spying on me now" he kept his face blank.
"no, I'm just really observant and it's not that hard to figure out with him following you around like a little puppy." He answered. I growled as I stepped up close to him till we were inches apart. I gave him my most threatening glare.
"again why do you care?" I hissed. It was none of his business what I did with anyone.
"I go after what I want and you, Wyatt are what I want and I intend to make you mine." He told me boldly, unblinking and serious faced. I scoffed.
"no zane all you want me for is a f*ck like all the other kids around here. Yeah I heard about you, playboy but you can stop trying because I'm not interested" I snapped, and with that I turned towards my chemistry class. Taking my seat he took the one next to me. I gave him a 'are you kidding me' look causing him to shrug.
"you don't give up do you" I hissed at him annoyed at hell. Persistent bastard.
"oh I've been told I'm hard headed at times, a lot of times" he said wiggling his eye suggestively and lent back in his chair and kicked his feet up the table.
"well you can get your ass out of the way so my 'partner' can sit in 'his' chair." I told him tightly just as matt walked up to the desk confused. Zane just stared at him coldly till the guy was visibly shaking and ran off to another seat.
"not anymore, how's it going lab partner." He smiled innocently. Groaning I dropped my head on the table. Why!
The teacher came in after the class filled. His eyes trained on Zane and he looked absolutely pained as he shut his eyes for a second.
"Zane" his voice gruff,
"what's up teach" he answered with his snarky comment.
"get your feet off my desk boy" he growled. Chuckling he took them off and dropped them to the floor with a loud thud .
"what did I tell you about respect! Now keep your feet where they belong or we're going to have problems you and I" he said stiffly before turning back to start the class. this class is going to be a long one.
I was super grateful he didn't bug me though out the class period as we were doing book work. He just sat there carving into the table; when the bell rung I grabbed my bag and quickly walked out of there but he just followed right behind me.
"so you never answered me, what are you doing today" he said casually as he walked followed me to my locker.
"staying away from you" I muttered to him hoping he got the hint. Once I reached my locker I took my math book out.
"come on, I can show you a fun time." His voice low and husky into my ear; this brought back memories of the first time we were this close and that had me spinning around and pointing my finger in his face.
"you bring you mouth any closer to my face I will punch you square in the nose you go that!" I growled at him. he held up his arms in surrender.
"I'm just trying to get to know you what the crime angel?"
"the crime is you won't leave me the hell alone. I just want to wallow in my own problems without you or anyone else adding to them!" I exclaimed at him, my breathing was heaving and harsh. "now take you illegal weapon and juvenile self away from me" I sighed and made my way towards my math class a quick as possible.
I heard chuckling behind me and fast approaching footsteps.
"you though that little speech was going to get rid of me? who do you think I am, some wimpy nerd with no backbone? Not gunna happen" he laughed.
"oh my god" I groaned.
"your going to have to try harder than that sweet heart" he whispered closely in my ear causing unwanted shivers to wrack through me.
Right then the bell rung and I gladly rushed off leaving him to run in my classroom where Adam sat. plopping down I threw my stuff on the desk and sighed loudly. Adam gave me a questionable look.
The day passed slowly again, Owen didn't show up to school today so at least I had one less this to worry about. As cruel as it sounded, but I had a bitch of a headache and the less people around me the better.
I was making my way out the front when there he was.
He was alone this time but that didn't stop the disgust and anger to boil in my veins. I planned on just walking past him like he wasn't there but things never go as planned... well not with me anyway. He reached out and grabbed my arm.
"Wyatt" was all he had to say and I was mush. My heart was beating a mile a minute and my skin was hot from his touch. The sound of my name coming from those lips tore me apart all anew. I gritted my teeth. Why! Why does he have to be the one to do this to me, the one to make me melt in a span of a second?
When I didn't reply he tried again.
"how have you been?" his voice soft but I could hear something off deep within, that I couldn't quite pinpoint what. His forest green eyes stared at me deeply and unblinking.
"fine" my word was clip and harsh. He sighed,
"I haven't seen you around lately" I rolled my eyes. yeah that's because you to busy giving cpr to all your new boy toys. I wanted to say that but I didn't. I didn't want him to have the satisfaction of knowing I'm jealous. Movement caught my attention behind me as I turned to find Zane walking past; his eyes were solely on me as he walked down the steps to the parking lot. I was surprised he didn't make a scene.
"I've missed you" I snapped my head back to face Derek again in surprise.
"what?" I asked dumbfounded.
"I miss you" I began to glare at him.
"yeah well that sucks" I grunted. He gave me a sorrowful look.
"I know how I left things with you was wrong and inconsiderate but you have to understand, I never wanted to hurt you but I needed to be by myself for a while." I scoffed yanking my arm from his hand.
"no, I'm sure you had plenty of company Derek. Don't give me that bullshit. You broke up with me because you want to fool around. Ugh" I turned to walk away but he ran in front of me his hands held me back by my chest.
"no, baby don't leave" I slapped his hands away.
"baby? Oh please Derek, get out the way" I had to leave, I could feel the knot in my throat rising and tears building in my eyes. I couldn't hold back much longer.
"I don't want to be apart anymore, I really love you I want you back." he told me. That was it, I broke down, and tears streaming down my face like dam just broke.
"why are you doing this to me!" I yelled at him pushing him at his shoulders. He caught his balance tried to cup my cheek. I moved out of his reach.
"don't you dare touch me you bastard! Your doing this on purpose aren't' you! You just want to know that you can still hurt me" I screamed. He shook his head walking closer.
"no, baby no."
"STOP CALLING ME THAT! I'm not your baby anymore!" I sobbed out the last words. The sound of a loud motor covered up my sobs while Derek kept trying to touch me event though I was swatting his hands and pushing him away constantly. The revving made me look to see Zane getting off his bike and yanked his helmet off. he didn't look happy, I kind of shivered at the scary expression he had on. He stormed over to us and grabbed Derek by the back of his collar and yanked him away from me.
Derek caught his balance and stared in disbelief at him.
"what the hell man" he snapped, his green eyes blazing. Zane didn't say anything to him but his icy blue eyes held a storm that said it all; Derek took a step back. Zane shoved a helmet in my arms.
"come on" was all he said as he put his helmet on and straddled his bike. I looked down at the helmet then to Derek. His mouth was tight and his eyes were still blazing. Wiping the tears from my eyes I shoved the helmet on and climbed on the back of Zane's bike.
"where to?" he asked his voice muffled.
"home" he nodded.
"hold on tight" he told me. I wrapped my arms around his lean waist pressing my body close to his. The motorcycle jerked forward sharply and we took off. My arms atomically tightened further where it probably hurt but he said nothing. I pointed the directions to my house and he followed.
He hit the brakes roughly when we were in front of my house causing me to slam into him further. I grunted with the force of it. He waited for me to slide off before dismounting himself. That was the scariest moment of my life. I had to bend of on my knees for a minute trying to feel my legs and catch my breath.
I heard the snap of his visor as he lifted it up so I could see his eyes before taking it off.
"your first time?" the amusement dominate in his voice. I glared at him as I yanked the helmet off my head shaking my hair out.
"how did you know" I ask sarcastically. He just chuckled. Sighing I handed him the helmet.
"thank you" I muttered but he heard me. He nodded his amusement gone now.
"what that the ex?" I looked away from him peering down the quiet street. I hated that just the mention of him brung out these unwanted feelings. I hated it. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.
"you don't have to say anything ok" I gazed up at him in thanks.
Oh my gosh was he being nice?
"do you think I can come in for a glass of water or something?" he asked. I turned towards my house, my dad was still at work which means we would be alone. I was hesitant but he did help me out the least I can do is give him something to drink.
"I guess" was all I said as we walked up to my door. I let him in and closed the door.
"the kitchen is through there, I'm just going to put my stuff away." Zane laughed.
"yeah, room with a stove, got it" he joked sarcastically; rolling my eyes as I walked into my room and threw my bag on my bed. I sighed as I walked over to my bedside table where my phone was still on the charger. I had left it this morning in the rush of things. Adam had text me where I was.
*I got a ride home* I wrote and put my phone back down and headed to the kitchen. Zane was walking around the kitchen with a glass of water. His attention was all over the place as he looked around the room.
"I see a lot of pictures frames but not many pictures in them" he commented. I peered at the frames he was talking about. They were empty after my dad went around taking them out in a rage a few days after mom left.
"yep" I mumbled saying none of that. He noticed my reluctance with the subject and dropped it.
"are you ok?" he asked me. I was leaning in the entry of the kitchen and he turned to look at me. I frowned with a shrug knowing what he was talking about.
"I'm fine" I said. He moved in front of me.
"he still affect you" he said like it was foreign to him. I huffed offended.
"well I'm sorry that I don't have a heart of stone" I growled. he gave me a flat look.
"how long have you been over Wyatt, I thinks its time to forget and let go"
"I can't just push away a six year relationship as if it was nothing Zane no matter how long we're separated, now let it go" I snapped harshly as I moved away from him and over the fridge pulling out a soda.
"I can make you forget" he said lowly. I chuckled I closed the door,
"I'm sure" I retorted sarcastically. Popping the top of my beverage I took a swig and turned back around. But I wasn't aware that Zane was right behind me. He reached out around my waist and pulled me into him roughly making me gasp in surprise and to drop my soda on the floor. Before I could do anything his mouth had claimed mine.
His lips were soft and warm, I was frozen. He was kissing me. I finally got my wits back and tried to push him off but his arm tightened with every struggle. He gripped the back of my hair with his free hand so I wasn't going anyway anytime soon. My hands were on his chest but my fight was quickly dissolving. Before I knew it I was kissing him back.
It felt like time was stopping and just Zane and I were able to move, left to relish in the moment. his tongue licked at my responding lips and they opened, my body was betraying me for him. His tongue slowly exploring my mouth like he was savoring me and I moaned. I didn't know that he tasted this good. My hands moved on their own accord wrapping around his neck and pressing up to him. my heart was beating hard against my chest as I became lost.
I missed this, to touch my lips to someone else so intimately. My fingers buried in the hair at the nape of his neck causing him to groan and deepen the kiss further. He pushed me into the fridge while his hips pressed fully against mine, seductively grinding into my fast hardening member.
"ahh" I moaned out loud tilting my head back in pleasure. He trailed his lips down my throat.
"that's it angel" he whispered biting into my ear. Soon his hands were gripping into my hair agian.
"come here" he ordered softly and kissed me again just when we heard the front door close. Gasping I pushed Zane way, his hair was messy from my hands I bet mine wasn't far off.
"Wyatt! Theirs a bike in front of our house" he called out as he walked in the kitchen putting his briefcase down. he looked up to see me and Zane.
"oh, you're in here" he said. Zane cleared his throat.
"yeah sir that mine outside" dad looked at him questionably.
"is it now, and you are?" he asked. I interrupted whatever Zane was going to say.
"He. Was just leaving" I said grabbing his arm and dragging him to the door.
"nice to meet you sir" he said to my dad.
"you too?" he sounded as if he wasn't sure.
I opened the door for him and pushed him out.
"whatever that was just now didn't happen" I hissed to him quietly. He smirked smugly.
"I don't know it seemed kind of like it happened to me." He teased. He reached out his hand caressing my swollen bottom lip. "I love those little sounds you make angel; I look forward to making you forget more often." My cheeks were burning as I pushed him away.
"go" I demanded. He chuckled raising his hands in surrender.
"ok, see you soon angel" with that he walked to his bike. Groaning I closed the door and lent my back against it taking a deep breath.
Shit! This was bad.
"Wyatt, why is there a spilled soda on the floor!"
I uploaded yeah!!!! Are you happy? I hope you are.
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