Chap 8
Hey guys sorry for the LONG wait but I’ve been having trouble writing lately but I squeezed this out the best I could. I hope you like it.
His warm lips pressed against my shoulder as we lay in my bed. I sighed as his hands caressed down my chest to my sides with a feather like touch. Tilting my head I gave him more access to my neck as his hot tongue snaked up to my ear, biting, causing me to hiss in pleasure. Rolling over I leant over him and pressed my lips to his. His groan gave me delight, he gripped my hips tightly grinding our lower halves together.
“ahh” I moaned as I threw my head back. chuckling he kissed my neck lovingly. My fingers buried in his soft hair pushing him further into my neck. he rid us of our boxers quickly and laid me down on my back. his eyes filled with lust as he stared down at me. Settling in between my willing thighs I felt him ready, leaning down he kissed my hard and passionately till we were gasping for breath. He pushed himself against my bottom.
“I love you” he breathed. I smiled and gazed at his mesmerizing green eyes through my lust filled haze and managed to answer him.
“I love you too, Derek”
With a cry I jolted from bed. I was gasping for air as my heart was beating like a hammer against my chest causing so much pain it was hard to even think. My forehead was drenched in sweat and the covers were tangled around me. A sob wrenched from my mouth and within seconds I was crying my eyes out. I thought I was doing good, I hadn’t thought about him in so long I was beginning to live my own life and then he has to pop up out of nowhere. I dropped back in my bed and buried my face in my pillow.
This wasn’t fair! How does he have the right to shatter me to pieces and still haunt me so deeply with his false words of affection?
“lying bastard” I cried into the pillow. I was so distraught I never heard the door open but I did feel the bed dip and a hand stroked gentle in my hair.
“Wyatt” my dad whispered softly but I didn’t move. Slowly he pulled up scooting against the headboard and hugged me to him, his hand never stopped petting the back of my hair as I cried in his shoulder.
“I know that it hurts, Wyatt but you have to be strong” he spoke softly. I was shocked at the unexpected affection. “you’ll find someone new and much better.” I shook my head.
“I loved him” I cried soaking his shirt. “I still do, dad” his arms tightened their hold.
“it’s difficult to forget someone who’s been there for so long but it has to be done. You can’t dwell and let it eat at you”
“why do people who claim they love me leave?” I sobbed pulling back to look up at him. A painful expression past across his face as he frowned.
“that’s not true” he breathed. I shook my head.
“how is it not? Derek said he loved me and he’d never leave me and he did” he sighed.
“Derek’s a teenager Wyatt he doesn’t know what he wants” I bit my lip as it began to quiver.
“yeah and what about mom? She told me she loved me, that I was her little boy and nothing in this world could ruin it. And she left because I wasn’t capable of being her perfect ‘straight’ son” my eyes were filling with tears again. He closed his eyes as he turned his head to the side.
“she hated me so much that she screamed for me to go to hell and I was only fourteen” my throat was clogged with emotions and I strained my words.
“she left you because of me and I know that you despise for that it, for what I am.” His hands shot out and cupped my face in his hands staring me straight in my eyes, his eyes were filled with unshed tears. I was shocked.
“yes she did but I love you like a father should love his son because that what you are, my son. You say those that love you leave but I would never leave you and I haven’t I’ve stayed right here this whole time. So don’t you say that I despise you because it’s not true. I’m not your mother, she was raise strictly and even though I will always have a part of me that will always lover her what she did was wrong and unforgivable. And I couldn’t hate you for being who you are Wyatt, it’s inevitable. I may not be completely comfortable with it but I’m trying my best ok.”
I was froze at his confession. I have never heard such things ever leave my dad’s mouth. he was always a quiet guy who kept his thought to himself. Reaching up he wiped tears away with the pads of his thumbs.
“now no more talk about your mother or Derek ok. Forget about them” he told me firmly. I sniffled with a nod. He gave me a gentle smile. “good, now get ready for school don’t want you to be late.” He pressed a soft kiss to my temple before sliding from the bed and walking out of the room.
“he’s cute you should totally go for that” Adam whispered in my ear. we were sitting by the pool and watching Owen doing laps by himself. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off me with my shoulder.
“little space here” I complained. Huffing he moved about an inch. I shook my head.
“come on man, he want you I can tell” I ignored him looking down at my book I started the other day. It was pretty damn good even though I hadn’t got far with all the distractions. Owen had taken it upon himself to come hang out with me and Adam. I first was annoyed knowing this was going to happen where Adam would try and play match maker. But Owen hasn’t tried anything but to be friends with me and for that I was grateful.
I was just getting to the good part when a hand began swinging in my way.
“helloooooo” Adam called in my ear, very loudly I might add. I crossed my eyes and huffed in annoyance before turning to stare at him.
“seriously” I said. He shrugged before taking my face in his hand and forcefully turning my head in the pools direction, where Owen was bobbing his lean body in and out of the water as he swam from one end to the other.
“tell me that’s not yummy” Adam whispered in my ear. he was right it was very yummy looking. His body was slick as he glided through the water, his muscles tensing with every move, his hair soaked. His head would dunk down then come back up as he took a breath.
Oh my gad he’s delicious! But… no I cant. I wrenched my face from Adam’s hold and turned back to my book.
“uh-huh” he teased in my ear.
“what are you doing over here. Shouldn’t you be over there training” I said. He wiggled his eyes suggestively.
“why so you can drool over my body in a speedo” I scrunched up my face at the thought.
“ugh” I shivered in fright. He scoffed punching my arm.
“whatever you want this” he said standing and touching his body.
“rrrriiiight” I looked back at my book.
“I’m gorgeous” he muttered to himself and I had to hold in my laughter.
“hey guys I have to go” a little while later Owen hopped out of the pool wiping himself off with his towel. Peering up at watched him pick his stuff up.
“oh, ok” I said stuffing my book in my bag and getting too my feet. Adam had left to get some make up work for one of his classes. Shrugging on a pair of track pants he grabbed his duffle bag throwing it over his shoulder. We walked out to the front, stopping on the stairs. I looked up at him as he looked out to the parking lot, giving out a loud sigh I rose and eyebrow.
“what’s up with you?” I asked. He shook his head.
“my parents are throwing a dinner tonight, I really don’t want to go but you know how snobby parents are.” He chuckled. I smiled.
“well have fun” I teased. Rolling his eyes he waved goodbye and drove off.
Walking out the front I realized that I didn’t have a ride home and I knew Adam was busy so I walked. Today hadn’t started as the best day and just kept dragging on. I just wanted it to be over. Sighing I began dragging my feet down the sidewalk, here goes a half hour of a boring lonely quiet walk. I couldn’t help but think about this morning. How it was the first time I actually had a decent conversation with my father. I only agree with him because I knew it would make him feel better but I still blame myself. I was the cause of his divorce with my mother; I was to blame to their constant arguments. I remember the day my secret got out, how my mom caught me and Derek.
“stop” I giggled.
“oh don’t deny it you like my kisses.” Derek breathed into my neck kissing up to my ear. We were in the living room. my parents had gone on a date and the time was getting short till they came back.
“come on Derek my parents maybe home any minute.”
“mmmm” he moved to kiss my mouth as his hands began to roam do my chest as he lay over me.
“Derek” I whined against his lips. Sighing he pulled back.
“how long are we going to be hiding this? It’s been two years Wyatt” I bit my lip.
“I’m not ready Derek, I don’t know what they will do, how they’ll react. What if they hate me?”
“I’m here for you babe, you can live with me you know that my mom is ok with me being gay she would be fine with you to” he wasn’t making me feel any better if anything I felt even worse. I didn’t want to be kicked out. I loved my parents and it would kill me if they got rid of me because they didn’t love me anymore. I was going to tell them someday, like twenty years from now. I didn’t have time to answer when the door opened and my mom’s laugh filled the room.
“that was hilari- what are you two doing!” she stopped to stare at our very bad position. Gasping I pushed Derek off of me and shot up to my feet.
“MOM” my heart was pounding so hard it was deafening. I felt like a deer caught in headlights as my parents stood in the middle of the room. how did I not hear their car or the keys? Crap!
“Wyatt?” my dad said as he frowned at us looking from Derek then me. My breath was heavy like I was ready to hyperventilate.
“what the hell are you two doing” my mom exclaimed again. Her eyes narrowed and just as I feared I could see the disgust building in her gray eyes.
“I- wwe- uh” I couldn’t get anything out.
“Wyatt! This better not be what I think it is!” she yelled causing me to jump. Bowing my head I answered no need to lie now the jig was up.
“it was just what it looked like mom.” I whispered keeping my eyes to the floor.
“Mrs. Evans I’m sorry for th-” Derek tried to say.
“get out” she muttered. I looked over to him to find him wide eyed staring at my mother in shock.
“Mrs. E-”
“GET OUT!!” she cut him off.
“Karen” my dad said to her placing his hand on her shoulder.
“NO!” brushing his hand off her shoulder, “my son is not gay, GET OUT DEREK!” Derek looked at me and I nodded to him quickly. Sighing he paused at the door before closing it.
“alright lets all just take a deep breath and have a rational talk ok” mom spun around to face him.
“excuse me there is nothing about this that is rational, Dan! You think that walking into our house and see some boy on top of our son is ok!?” dad ran his hands over his face and hair before he sat down in his chair releasing a heavy breath. I was frozen as I watched my mother turn back to me to glare.
The room was silent for far too long and my mother never looked away from me.
“no,” she broke the silence. “he’s not my son” with that my heart broke. Tears began to fill my eyes.
“mom?” my voice strained. Dad stood.
“what do you mean, Karen?”
“I don’t have a son, my son can’t not be gay. I refuse my to have a son who loves other boys!” she sounded hysterical. Dad looked at me for a second.
“that’s, that’s ridiculous Karen. Your talking crazy. Wyatt is your son you can’t just disown him because of this. I know its hard to cope with this but come on honey”
“there’s nothing to coping involved, he’s an abomination and I want him out of this house!”
“what?! Mom-” I exclaimed walking towards her but she stepped back from me her face contorted in repulsion.
“don’t you dare call me that!” she screamed at me.
“he’s fourteen Karen! Whats wrong with you?” dad exclaimed.
“nothing is wrong with me”
“Apparently there is because you want to kick our minor of a son out on the damn streets!” mom walked up to him till they were inches from each other and pointed her finger in his face.
“you know what Dan. I’m not going to argue with you on this” she turned her pointer finger to me. “he is a disgusting and retched mistake and I Want. Him. Gone. Now! Either you support me or I’m leaving you and this atrocity and you will never see me again. Do you hear me Dan. I will pack my things tonight!”
I was now crying hysterically as the room was suffocating me with all the hatred and tension. The yelling was ringing in my ears and it was hard to stand it. My parents never argued, dads chest was heaving as he stared down at his small beautiful angry wife. I heard his sniffle one big time before straightening his back and squaring his shoulders.
“fine” he finally said. I was freaking out he was going to kick me out. More tears spilled as I dropped my head down. they didn’t love anymore, if they ever did. where am I going to go?!
“good” my mom’s voice was relieved. “glad you’ve come to you sen-”
“no, I meant that fine you can leave” he cut her off. I snapped my head up in shock. What? My mother’s mouth was hanging open.
“I love you Karen I do but I can’t let you kick my son out. He’s a part of me as much as he’s apart of you even though you don’t want to hear it. I’m sorry but I can’t do it, I won’t”
Growling at him she turned and headed up stairs leaving me and my dad standing there. My legs were weak and I collapsed on the couch sitting there in a daze. I couldn’t believe what was happening. My mom was leaving because of me I disgusted her because I was gay. She hated me that much to leave my dad after fifteen loving years of marriage.
Loud footsteps stomped down the stairs and my mom appeared with two bulky suitcases. She snatched the keys out of the key bowl by the door. my dad followed her but before she was out she turned to me with red angry and hateful steely gray eyes.
“Go To Hell, you belong there” and with that she left. My heart dropped far below my feet. Dad slammed the door behind her posting his arm up on it and leaning his head on his forearm, glaring at the door for a minute.
“dad” my voice barely a whisper.
“go to your room Wyatt” he told me but I couldn’t.
“dad” I tried again.
“NOW!” he yelled and I bolted up the stairs slamming my door behind me.
Nothing was ever the same after that, my relationship with my dad was practically nonexistent, when Derek was over he wouldn’t even look us in the eyes and would just say he had work to do and leave us alone. I didn’t even realizing I was in at my house until I came to a stop at the door. looking in the drive way my dad’s car wasn’t there. With a sigh I walked in and headed up to my room. I guess this morning was all my dad could muster up for our little father son bonding today.
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