Chap 7
My hands were gripping into the guy's hair as he worked me with his mouth. The back of my head was resting against the bathroom stall wall and my eyes closed in pleasure. Geez this guy knew what he was doing.
"mmmm" he moaned lightly around me. I looked down to see his lustful hazel eyes peering up at me. A smirk pulled up at my lips.
"your really good at this" I praised him. his light brown hair hanging in his eyes as a subtle blush filled his cheeks at my words. Oh I just love the shy ones... well this one can't all be that shy if he's going down on me in the school bathroom. His tongue massaged the underside of my shaft to the tip and I was almost undone. I started to thrust into his mouth as I kept his head still; the bell rung right when I let go and released in his sucking mouth.
"ahhhh" I moaned aloud. I let his head go and he pulled off plopping down on the floor taking gulps of air. Snickering I tucked myself in my jeans and zipped up. Patting him on the head.
"that was enjoyable, I'll call you for another go soon" and I left him in the bathroom as I walked to my chem class. I always like to take a load off before school, it relaxes me.
"Zane" a lusty smooth voice said as I passed by a group of girls. I smirk at Kelly as he waved at me with a seductive smile on her face. Damn she had a hot body.
"kel" I said and she bit her bottom lip. "we're gunna have to meet up later" I told her and she nodded.
"I'll be waiting"
Grinning I made my way towards the class taking my seat in the back. the room was mostly empty besides a few student. I threw my feet up on the desk and leant back in my chair closing my eyes for some much needed sleep. I was just about to dose off when a banging sound erupted in the room. I didn't jump just merely cracked an eye to see the teacher glaring at me along with the whole class staring at me.
"Mr. Daniels will you get your feet off my desk!" he exclaimed. Smirking I lifted my head focusing on him fully.
"anything for you sir" I mocked slowly dropping one foot then the other making a loud thump with each foot causing snickers from the students.
"respect my class room Mr. Daniels" he reproached. I held my hands up in surrender.
He started the class and I zoned out my gaze traveling over every student. But soon I stopped when I reached the familiar messy white blonde hair. The one I've had my sights set on since I came to this stupid school. You can say I have had a bit of an obsession since the day he bumped in to me at the party before he ran off, also in the hall the other day. I see him around a lot especially with that curly haired kid. I snooped around a bit after Halloween, finding out that his real name was Wyatt, he's openly gay, has or should I say had a boyfriend named Derek of six years. Feeewww that's a hell of a long time. And also he's seventeen now don't go calling me a stalker. It's common knowledge around here.
He does get my curiously going, for some strange reason I just want to know all about him. the bell rung for the next class and I followed behind angel. I don't' know where the nickname came from it wasn't like me at all to call someone something so sweet but once I saw him the first day and it came out of my mouth without thinking. I watched him go to his locker talking with his curly haired friend.
Lunch came around I walked to my Cousin Richard's table, well he wasn't exactly my cousin I was adopted so, yeah.
"hey dude" he greeted with a big smile. Not to be weird or anything but Rich was a freaking hottie! I would have done him a hell of a long time ago... if he wasn't kind of cousin and he's straight as a wood ruler.
"hows life at Mckinzley high?" he asked me as I dropped down in my seat. I smirked as I saw the boy from this morning smile shyly at me averting his gaze and walk past.
"full of potential" I stated. Rich shock his head and gagged mockingly.
"you have a sex addiction" he said sipping his chocolate milk. I snickered looking back at him,
"no, rich, there is no such thing as a sex addict. The only reason they have that stupid group is because those idiotic people were dumb enough to get caught by their wives or husbands. There is no such thing as to much sex. It heals the soul my friend" he started laughing.
"then you should be the Mr. clean of souls" he chuckled picking up his burger and biting into it. I didn't answer as I relaxed under the sun that chose to show today.
"are you going to the garage today" I sighed furrowing my brows.
"I have to" I mumbled unhappily that I had to go to my 'dads' garage. Rich gave me a sympathetic look, he was the only one besides his dad who knew what my home life was like for me. He cleared his throat,
"do you have your sights set on anyone here?" he asked changing the subject. I gave him a flat look.
"what do you think? I have a lot of people that I have to get at. I marked one of them off in the bathroom this morning already." He chuckled.
"he was amazing by the way" I wiggled my eyes suggestively.
"I will trust your word on that" he said awkwardly. I love making him feel uncomfortable. I was laughing as I looked around the quad. There really was a lot of potential in the school, so many people so little time. Soon my eyes landed on him. angel. He immediately caught my attention, his white blonde hair shining lusciously in the bright sun, like a beacon. He was talking with his friend and...
"Rich isn't that your friend, Owen?" I asked pointing towards their table. He turned to look and nodded.
"yep" he answered. I watched as Owen smiling cheerfully to everything Wyatt said. I didn't like the gleam in his eyes; he was trying to get at my prey!
"he's gay?" I asked never looking away. Rich nodded,
"I didn't know that"
"well he doesn't flaunt it like you do Zane" he said accusingly. I just rolled my eyes.
"well he's going after that wrong boy, that I know for sure" I growled. He frowned as he looked over at the table.
"what? You mean Wyatt?" he asked stunned. I nodded as I stared like a lion stalking his prey.
"oh yeah, that boys going to be mine soon and your friend Owens gunna have to move elsewhere" Rich's eyes were wide as he stared at me.
"your very adamant about Evans aren't you?" I just bit into my lips I imagined all the thing is could do to that beautiful boy. I will defiantly be making him scream my name.
"well you better put your game face on because Owen's not going to just hand you Evans without a proper fight." Chuckling softly I turned back to rick.
"Richey, Richey, Richey. I never go down without a fight" I picked up one of his fries. "and I always get what I want"
"cocky f*cker" rich mumbled as I continued to admire my prize from a far but not for long.
"did you check the oil?" spittle landed on my face as Jim my 'dad' chewed me out. My teeth were gritted as I suppressed the urge to punch him in his ugly ass face.
"yes, Jim I did" I hissed through my teeth. He scowled at me.
"don't sass me boy" he yelled shaking his finger in my face. Sighing,
"sorry sir" he gave me a satisfied grin.
"that's more like it, now check that alternator and the engine I want this car running by the end of the night! And you will be working on it all night if I don't hear that thing purring" with that he walked off to his office.
"F*cking lazy ass fat mother f*cker." I let out a stream of curses under my breath. There was a chuckle behind me.
"don't want boss man hearing you say that" I smirked as I turned to find Collin, Jims younger brother also Richard's father, behind me. He was thirty six and a single father at such a young age. Good looking with light brown hair and brown puppy dog eyes. he was technically my 'uncle' but I just called him Collin, he was cool with it. He was pretty cool, he was always helped me out ignoring my protest when I ended up in the slammer for the night. I shrugged ducking under the hood to take a look.
"like I give a shit" I huffed shining the light on the engine. I heard him laugh as he leant down next to me.
"I know you don't but I don't want him to hear it and..." he trailed off but I kept working, pulling out a tool from my back pocket.
"like that will stop him anyway" I muttered. Sighing Collin dropped him head.
"Zane" he pulled his hand on my shoulder pulling me back from under the hood. I growled with annoyance as he griped both my shoulders now.
"dammit Collin I don't need this right now" his brown eyes were soft and caring as he stared at me.
"I'm trying to help you Zane just listen to me for once" he told me. I jerked myself from his grip and glared at him. I know I'm being a little shit right now but this is how I am. I don't need anyone, just so they can let me down late. I'm better off by myself.
"I don't need your help Collin or your sympathy just go fix your own damn car." I hissed turning back to the piece of junk vehicle. He sighed but listen finally walking away.
"did you fix the damn thing yet!" I heard Jim's grading voice. I groaned as I hit my head on the hood from jumping at his voice. It was getting dark now and all of the mechanics had left home. I had the one single light hanging from the hood of the car to see what I was doing since Jim decided to turn the light out. Growling I walked to the driver's seat and turned the key but all there was, was the clicking sound.
Jim laughed out loud as he made his way to his truck.
"get it working dammit!" he yelled. I heard him say 'worthless' just before he slammed the car door closed and screeched off. I glared at the retreating truck as dust and dirt picked up under his tires.
"F*CK YOU TOO ASSHOLE!" I screamed kicking at the cars tire before going back and fixing it more.
Who knows how long I was there but finally the car started. Purring beautifully; I was too tired and pissed to care. I hate this, I hate this place and I hate them! I wiped my hands on a rag and threw it on the floor trying to get some of my anger out but it was far from enough. How the hell am I going to get home since that bastard took the damn truck! I spotted something in the corner and stormed over to it with a devilish smirk.
"well that'll do"
Snatching up a black helmet I rolled the motorcycle out before closing up the garage. It was a Honda CBR600RR. With a red and black paint job and it was beautiful. I put the helmet on and hoped on the bike. The keys were still in the ignition. No ones really going to care about it. It was Collin's old bike, he never used it anymore and it was just collecting dust anyway, I doubt hell mind. Grinning I snapped the visor down and started the bike. It roared to life as I revved it and took off down the road, the houses and stores passing by in a blur.
Oh I'm definably keeping this. I thought happily as I sped down the street.
There's a little insight into Zane's life. i made a slight change from the first chapter. Bret the one who through the party i changed his name from bret to rick to richard k. Hope you enjoyed!
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