Chap 6
"hey" I looked up to see Owen standing over me. I was currently avoiding Adam and his twenty thousand questions. Ever since the Halloween diner incident he hasn't shut up about it. I finally escaped him to the tree from before, I think this is going to be my get away tree but sadly Owen knows about it.
"hi" I muttered, can't a guy just have some time to himself? He turned to sit next to me.
"hows it going?" he asked casually. I shrugged looking up at the leaves on the low hanging branches, they looked like hundreds of fingers reaching down.
"good to know" he chuckled. Why is it that every time this guy laughs I get flutters in my stomach? I ignored it and continued my tree watching.
"so, um, I'm having swim practice today. I was wondering if you would like to come" this caused me to look in his direction with a frown.
"why?" I asked him slowly. He smiled with a shrugged.
"well that's what friends do right. Hang out when you're at your other friends practice." I rose a brow at him and shook my head at him in amusement.
"really and where does it say that in the friend handbook" I said. He had a thoughtful expression for a second.
"page forty-forty middle paragraph line two." He said with a triumphant grin. I stared at him as his warm brown eyes did the same. Chuckling I nodded.
"alright, I'll go" he grinned widely and pulled me in an awkward huge, since I was pretty much laying in the grass he was leaning on top of me and his arms wrapped around my torso.
"thank you" he whispered in my ear. I shivered as his warm breath caressed my neck. he pulled away but paused as he was inches from my face, I watched nervously as his eyes trained on my lips.
"O-Owen?" my voice was shaky as I stared up at him. blinking he pulled all the way off getting to his feet and smiled like nothing was wrong.
"see you at the pool; three forty" and he walked away rather quickly leaving me to wonder what happened or what would of happened. I gulped as I thought, he was going to kiss me. My palms were becoming sweat as I started to freak. I knew this was a bad idea to become friends with him. I sat up slowly leaning my back against the trunk.
I bit my lip and stared after his as he was moving further and further away. I wasn't going to deny that he was one of the most gorgeous men I've ever seen and that I got a weird fluttering in my stomach when he was around me that's one of the reasons I try my best to stay the hell away. He was dangerous but I had to be the stupid one to go and accept his offer of friendship now it's just going to be so weird. Sighing I got to my feet as the bell rung signaling for the end of lunch and headed to my last two classes.
On the way to art I was deep in thought. Should I show up at his practice, would that be giving the wrong impression after what just 'almost' happened? But then again Adam will be there as well. Oh, whatever I'll go.
"come on! Michel's push it faster." The coach yelled at his team as they raced. After making up my mind I trudged into the inside pool area and sat in the middle of the bleachers watching their practice. There were some other people here chatting as they watched the team splashing. Adam was kind of one of the slower swimmers, but it was because he was never really athletic. He may have a lean body but that's just from good genetics. I laughed as I sat him roll his eyes the coach as he yelled at him to swim faster.
"yeah! That's it Caine, that's what I'm talking about!!" this was towards Owen. I was really surprised at how good he was. But then as I had overheard from the girls sitting close to me as they gawked at him was he has been swim Capitan for three years when he was just a sophomore. I frowned when I heard that I was stunned. He's been here since freshman year and I never noticed him?
"oh what was that Harman! Pick it up!" the coach threw his clip board down.
"HORRIBLE!" lifting his whistle up to his mouth the shrill sound pierced my ear drums as it echoed in the room.
"STOP, STOP, STOP! What the hell was that? Do any of you know what your doing?" I raised a brow at him. Man this guy was harsh. The guys came up to the edge of the pool as he ranted.
"apparently not, that was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen! Are you even trying?!" coach paced back and forth.
"our first game is on the twentieth of this month and with the way you guys are headed were going to lose. I know I'm supposed to say it's not about the win but the game but I mean come on, you guys got at least know what your doing!" sighing he ran his hands thought his graying hair roughly.
"I'm holding practice later than usual because a lot of you need the extra help. But for right now you can go home and I want to see you all here at three thirty sharp right when the bell rings you're here got it!" he stared them all down.
"yes coach" they all said in unison before they hopped out of the pool and headed in the locker rooms. I watched Adam get out and grumble to himself as he walked with the other guys. The kids sitting on the bleachers got up as well and walked out to meet up with who they were waiting for. I noticed Owen was still in the pool doing more laps. Frowning I made my way down to him. I stood at the edge of the pool in his lane as he finished he came up to see me.
That heartwarming smile lighting up his face.
"you came" he said lifting himself up halfway out of the pool to cross his arms over the edge. I shrugged as I sat down in front of him.
"I said I would" why does he have to be so sexy when he's wet. His hair was flat on his forehead, his long harsh lashes were stuck together making his brown eyes pop more than usual and his biceps were flexing as he kept himself up.
"so what did you think" he asked curiously. I rose my brows up,
"the coach is something" I said truthfully which caused him to laugh.
"yeah, he can be a little rough around the edges" I scoffed as I crossed my legs Indian style.
"no, he's rough around the edges and burnt in the middle" I joked. He shook his head grinning.
"he's a good coach though, if he wasn't so harsh then I don't think that we would have won so many trophy's" I shrugged.
"your pretty good though" I praised him. he scoffed mockingly.
"good I'm amazing" he wiggled his eyebrows. I gave him a flat look.
"stroking your ego just a bit to much are we?"
"we'll if I didn't who else would" he teased.
"those girls who were here earlier, they seem to be quit taken with the 'Capitan'" I quoted the word with my fingers. he blushed a bit.
"oh well..." he seemed embarrassed by it.
"aww is that a blush on the almighty Capitans cheeks?" I gasp dramatically putting my hand up to my mouth. he flashed his white teeth. He lifted himself out of the pool with such grace and I was stuck as I got to see the rest of his dripping body. He was sporting a six pack on his lean hard body, he had on a light blue and white speedo school regulated uniform and I was drooling. I snapped my eyes elsewhere as he stood up. I heard the water splashing on the floor off his body. Gulping I stood up next him and looked up to just his eyes but they somehow wandered down at his constricting abs and his chest.
"so I was wondering if you wanted to go get some food with me?" he asked me as he picked up his towel to wipe his body off, his towel moving over his yummy chest and stomach. He had a fine trail of hair leading down into his speedo and so was the sinful 'V' indention along with it.
"yeah" I said absentmindedly not hearing a word he just said.
'great" he said enthusiastically which brought me out of my clouded mind. What? He was smiling at me joyfully. Ok crap what did I just agree to?
"I'm going to get washed up and I'll meet you by my truck" with that he walked off.
His truck? Where are we going. I was about to asked what he was talking about but he was already gone.
I don't even know what his truck looked like! Sighing I gathered my bag, throwing it over my shoulder and walked out to the parking lot. I looked around once I was in the front of the school. I sighed in relief as I noticed when there was only one truck out here. I leant by it and pulled out my phone to text Adam that I didn't need a ride home today.
*hey, I don't need a ride 2day, so don't worry* I texted him. I really didn't want to tell him I was going to be riding with someone else because he would want to know who and why. Especially if it was a guy, then he would be like is it Zane? Are you two a thing? Blah, blah, blah.
*alright dude* he answered back. I slide my phone in my pocket right when Owen came up to his truck.
"ready?" I was nervous,
"yeah" for whatever it is I guess. His truck was pretty damn high and I had to jump in. god I hate being short! I heard his laughter as he started his car. I glared over at him.
"it's not funny!" I hissed at him. he held his hands up in surrender.
"sorry but it kind of was" he snickered. I crossed my arms childishly.
"it's not" I muttered as I pouted out the window.
"awww, but I like that you're so small Wyatt, there's nothing wrong with that" he said pulling out of the lot and on to the road. I didn't answer. Chuckling lightly touched my shoulder.
"I'm sorry" he apologized. I shrugged his hand off, I was milking this for as long as I could.
"come on Wyatt, I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you mad" he pleaded. I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face. He must have seen it because he pushed me lightly.
"oh, you little- that was good" he said nodding his approval on my acting skills. I laughed softly as I looked over at him.
"that's what you get" I teased. He shook his head and looked back out to the road but a small smile on his lips.
"so what do you want to eat?" he asked randomly and all I did was frown at him. why did he asked that? He turned his head to me expectantly.
"so we can fill our bellies and not starve" he explained further like I was slow. I rose a brow at him warningly. Then it hit, was this why I was in his car? I blushed.
"oh um I don't really care" I told him. he just chuckled and drove on. Damn his god of a body for getting me into this mess.
Soon we pulled up to a fast food restaurant that was actually close to my house. We got out and walked in.
"I'm starving man" Owen said as he strode up to the menu.
"welcome to Carl's Jr. what can I get you" the guy asked us.
"yeah, uhhh, I'll take a number five combo" he answered the cashier put it in and they both look at me. I peered up at the menu, I wasn't really all that hungry so I ordered something small.
"that'll be ten ninety five." He told us, I took my wallet to pay for my half when Owen quickly gave the guy a twenty as he grinned at me mischievously. I glared at him.
"I could have paid for myself you know" I said irritated. Now this felt like a date. He shrugged,
"I asked you to get food with me I should pay" he told me as he snatched our number of the counter and handed me a cup. Rolling my eyes I marched over to the soda machine. Owen was laughing.
"are you seriously mad at me?" he asked as he came up behind me. I kept my back to him as I filled my cup.
"well now this feels like a date since now you paid for me" I explained to him. I was pressing the lid down on my cup when I noticed the silence. I turned to him and he was frowning down at his empty cup. My brows furrowed as I stepped closer to him.
"what?" I asked looking from his cup back to him. he licked his lips before his brown eyes met my gray/blue ones.
"is it really all that bad to go out on a date with me?" he asked softly. My eyes widened,
"this- this isn't a date is it?" I asked nervously, I hope not because than I would have gave him a sliver of hope for us. oh god. My heart was beating faster than normal. Thankfully he shook his head and I sighed in relief.
"no, but would it be so horrible to go on a date with me?" he asked again. My face softened as I shook my head.
"It's not that it would be bad it's just that I'm not ready for dating Owen. I told you this already, I just want to be friends" I said desperate for him to understand. He let out a deep sigh.
"who did this to you?" he was frowning deeply as he searched my face. "I don't understand how someone can hurt you so badly that you freeze up at just the thought of someone to have any interest it you?" I blinked.
"I- I" right then our number was called. Averting my eyes from meeting his I told him I would get it. I walked over to our food and carried it to a table. This little outing has gotten awkward and gone somewhere I really didn't want it to go.
I was setting our things out on the table when he came to sit down, we didn't speak or look at each other. I began nibbling on my fries as I turned my head out the window. Was it really all that bad that I didn't want to complicate my life right now by dating? I thought that maybe he respected that but now I know that he didn't. I really didn't want to end this friendship because of this but if he was going to keep pursuing this I would have to.
"look, I'm sorry" I turned to look at him, " I was out of line I shouldn't have said those thing and I'm so sorry. I understand that your not in a good place right now with the dating thing. I didn't take you out as a date really I just wanted to get to know you. We're friends now and I know nothing about you so can we start over" I thought about it for a moment. He looked sincere at what he said as he watched me from across the table. I bit my lip and nodded. he smiled brightly at me in relief.
"well lets get started, tell me about yourself Caine" I asked him. chuckling he took a sip of his drink.
"well for starters I have a little sister her name is summer and she's a year younger than me"
Throughout our time he told me that he was a straight A student, his parents Jane and Mark are from old money and were the perfect suburban couple. I laughed when he gagged.
"they get on my nerves sometimes. I mean everything has to be perfect. Me and summer have to be perfect little angels at social gatherings and balls." He rolled his eyes.
"wait your telling me you really do all that?" I asked in awe.
"yeah, we have dinner with all sorts of 'important' people, like mayors and governors. It's horrible" he laughed. I smiled.
"so your parent are ok with you being gay? Even those there perfectionist?" I asked offhand. He tensed at this. I frowned at him.
"what?" I asked him. he shifted in his seat and bit down on his lip.
"th-they don't know" he muttered. I put my burger down.
"how do they not, aren't you out?" he rolled his shoulders.
"I have dated men and stuff but I'm not flamboyant about it. I mean I'm not ashamed of it, I try not to date people from our school so it doesn't get back to my parents somehow but I just can't seem to tell them. You could say I'm scared that they won't accept me" he said weakly. My chest weighed heavy as I thought about that. To be not accepted did hurt. It hurt so much that you never would be the same.
"so do you live in a castle?" I asked him changing the subject. He looked relieved by it.
"no" he laughed shaking his head. "it's a relatively big house but no castle" we finished with our food a while ago but was so caught in the conversation. Soon we got up from the table and walked to the truck.
"thanks for coming to practice again" he said getting in the driver's seat. I blushed but hide it the best I could.
"no biggy" I murmured. He started the car and drove to my house after I gave him the directions.
"well have to do this again and I can get your life story next" he teased. I chuckled as I grabbed my bag and opened the door slipping out.
"maybe" I said he just laughed and I closed his car door.
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