Chap 4
I lazily crawled out of bed, it was a Friday and I really wanted to stay home. I just didn’t feel like playing like I was ok today. Sighing I walked in my bathroom, flipping the lights and turned the shower on. It’s been a couple weeks now, my dad came home but we didn’t say anything to each there like usual. Just the normal head nod, like we were two strangers living in the same house. And dinners are even worse that was why I’ve been going to Adam’s more than usual. I never apologized and I knew he was avoiding me.
I squeezed some shampoo into my palm and scrubbed roughly at my hair. Owen’s been showing up at random times all throughout school, I didn’t notice before but he had my government class. he’s really nice but I haven’t been talking to him much. It was because he likes me that I’m keeping a safe distance from him. I really didn’t want him getting the wrong ideas. Adam doesn’t know about Owen only because I don’t want him to push the guy on me, I know he will.
Rinsing my head I quickly washed my body and got out; rubbing the towel through my wet hair leaving it sticking up at odd ends and tossed it on my bed before throwing on some clothes. I walked down the hall to the kitchen and grabbed my house keys. Dad had left already at an early time this morning. I was snatching up a cereal bar when I heard a honk outside I jogged out and climbed in Adam’s car.
“hey” he greeted sleepily he probably woke late. I inclined my head to him. starting his car he drove to school.
“so Halloween this weekened, Ryan and Jordan are planning on going trick or treating are you in?” he asked me, his eyes on the road. I smirk.
“I wouldn’t miss you dressing up like a girl for the world” I teased him. scowling he grunted none to happily.
“I’m not doing it” he mumbled.
“ha, there’s no way your getting past your brothers. They will forcefully stick you in a dress and slap powder on your face” I told him all to amused.
“ah hahaha, so funny. Over my dead body” he growled.
“that can always be easily arranged, then they can pull you in wagon around the neighborhood” I snickered. Grimacing he looked at me fearfully.
“they would do that wouldn’t they?” he said his brows scrunched up in worry.
“yes my good friend they would”
We pulled up in the parking lot and got our heading up to the building. The halls were again noisy as we walked to our locker.
“whatever” he shrugged. “so did you talk with your dad yet?” he asked. I looked away innocently hoping he got the hint to let it drop.
“I’ll take that as a no, man come on” he sighed. I bit my lip.
“we’re just not the sorry type Adam. We’re two strangers in the same house” I explained to him. his brown eyes softened.
“your not strangers Wyatt, he’s your dad dude. He chose you” he pointed out pushing me in the arm a little too hard which made me fall sideways and bump into someone. Whoever it was caught me before I could hit the floor and righted me.
“sorry” I said as I looked up to find the brightest blue eyes I’d ever seen under unruly black hair. I was kind of stuck in a daze as I stared at him like a dumbass. He was gorgeous. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with ripped faded blue jeans and black worn out combat boots. He had this whole bad boy image going on which was kind of attractive for some reason. I had to say he was very much defined in the muscle area. His biceps were not overly big just perfect enough for when he were to huge you or take you in his arms you would feel safe; and I could see this pecks sticking slightly out from under his shirt. he was probably around 6’2, 6’3 far taller than my 5’5. He was a fine male specimen.
“it’s cool” his deep smooth voice sent unwanted shivers down my spine. He was smirking as he looked down at me like I was something to eat. And that made the shivers become replaced by uncomfortable quivers to wrack down my spine. Stepping back from him I never took my eyes off his hungry gaze.
“um thanks for the safe” I muttered before quickly jogging back to Adam who was watching from a distance with interest.
“damn man rude much!” I exclaimed punching him in the arm.
“OWW!” he cried holding his arm with a grimace.
“I’m sorry I didn’t see him” he complained. Scoffing I rolled my eyes at him.
“your such a jerk sometimes” I muttered hotly and marched off to my locked while he followed me sprouting out apologies along the way that I just ignored.
I threw my book on the table in chem and plopped down in my chair. Letting out a deep sigh I rested back waiting for the class to start.
“hey Wyatt” I looked up to see my new lab partner Matthew. After the blonde chick I knew that I was going to fail with her as a partner so I asked for matt. He’s a straight A student and your typical nerd. He wore a checkered button up shirts and khaki’s with suspenders. His hair was bright red and his face was covered with freckles and he had big glass that threatened to fall off his thin face every second.
“matt” I nodded. he took his seat and pulled out his notebooks pencils and other things I didn’t know the names of. Shaking my head with an amused smiled I folded my arms on the table and laid my head on them as I watched the class fill with people.
“so did you do the homework assignment yesterday?” matt asked. I shook my head.
“no I forgot” he clicked his tongue at me like a disapproving parent.
“Wyatt that’s the second time in a row”
“sorry I was super busy” meaning I was curled up on the couch with a tub of ben and jerry’s ice cream and crying at some ridiculously romantic movie because I was feeling sorry for myself. Shaking his head he held out his homework.
“here copy mine, it’s due today” he said pushing his glasses up to the bridge of his nose with is pointer finger. Grateful I took the paper.
“thanks matt, you’re a freaking life saver.” He blushed.
“well” he shrugged in praise of himself.
Quickly I copied the sheet, yeah I’m not ashamed to say that I copy homework from time to time, more now lately. I was just about done when the teacher’s voice interrupted my concentration. Snapping my head up I watched him set his bag on the desk.
“hello class, today we have a new student-” I blocked him out as I hurried my coping so I wouldn’t get in trouble.
Crap! Why does he have to be so specific in his answering, I hate summarizing when I’m cheating! I was just about done when a name was said that I barley heard somewhere in the teachers announcement. There, finished. I handed matt his paper back just in time to see that a figure walking down the aisle to the back. peering up there was the guy from earlier; his piercing blue eyes on me the entire time.
I snapped my eyes forward as the teacher told us to hand in our work and started the class. for the next forty or so minutes I felt eyes on the back of my head, his. I didn’t dare turn around I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I was aware of him the entire time.
I could have jumped for joy when finally the bell rung for the next class. I shot from my seat and rushed out barely hitting the corner when a voice came from behind me.
“hey” he said beside me. Looking up at him I didn’t say anything.
“can I at least have a name from the boy I saved from sudden death” he joked. Sighing I stopped in front of my locker.
“why would you want that” I asked him not even looking up at him just concentrated on the combination to my lock. From the corner of my eye I saw him leaning up against Adam’s locker.
“well I just wanted a name from one of the sexiest boy in this school” he husked. Frowning I slammed my locker and turned to him holding my book to my chest.
“excuse me?” smirking he stepped up to a little to close if I might add. I backed up till my back was pressed up against my locker. He rested his arm above my head his face inches from mine. I was to shocked from his forwardness to do anything.
“You. Are. Adorable” he whispered looked me up and down. My frown got deeper and I bit the inside of my bottom lip.
“mmm” he groaned as his crystal blue eyes trained on my mouth. I didn’t have time to react as he lent down and he bit at my bottom lip making me gasp before he pulled away.
“I think I’m going to make you mine for the year” he whispered to me. He ran a finger down my face to my chin where he captured it for a second, lifting my face up to meet his gaze with wide eyes.
“I will be surly seeing you later angel” he tapped his finger to my chin and walked away with a sinful swag that had the girls in the halls looking after him with awe. I watched his broad back disappear in the busy halls as I was froze to the lockers.
What the hell was that! I thought. Slowly I was coming back to my senses and pushed off my locker and walked to my next class in a daze. he bit my lip? I pulled said lip in my mouth; I could still feel his teeth. Someone called my name so I snapped my head up to Owen walking the opposite of me with his group of friends.
His warm brown eyes were gazing at me as his gentle smile graced his handsome face.
“hey” he greeted as he pass me by he gave me a wink before turning back to his friends conversation. If I had a mirror in front of me right now I would have seen the biggest confused face in history. Wide eyes and my mouth hung open, brows scrunched together.
What the hell is going on! Is it just me or are there two guys trying to get at me?
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