Chap 26
I was curled into Zane as we lay on his bed. He was softly combing his fingers though my hair as I stared into space. I’ve been in this same position for who knows how long. I could feel his breath caressing the back of my neck and sighed in relief at the way it made me feel safe. Unlike when Derek did it; I shiver just remembering.
“Hey, shh” Zane whispered, kissing the tip of my ear in a soothing way.
I just couldn’t forget the anger in his voice or the way his touch made me want to throw up.
With a whimper I suddenly turned into Zane and buried my face in his chest.
“Oh, Wyatt” I hated the sadness in his voice because it just showed me how pathetic I was being. His strong arms wrapped around me, I just wanted to disappear. There was a knock at the door but I made no move to separate from him I could care less at this point. Just the feel of Zane’s arms around me made me feel so much better.
“I brought your hom-” Owen’s voice trailed off.
My body froze at the sound of his voice and I buried my face deeper in Zanes chest. I almost forgot Owen lived here, I was so absorbed in mine and Zanes little world. Oh god this was so embarrassing.
“Is that Wyatt?” I felt Zane nod.
“What happened?” he asked with concern.
I cringed further in to Zane; I was seriously considering just hiding inside of his body.
‘Please don’t say anything’ I silently pleaded him.
“Um” it was like somehow my mental demands where transferred to him. “I think it’s best for Wyatt to tell you” he muttered, his fingers tightening in the back of my hair, like he didn’t want to let me go but I shook my head in protest.
I never wanted to talk about what happened!
There was a moment of silence before Owen broke it,
“Does he need anything?” he must have sensed the seriousness of the situation and dropped it. I shook my head again grabbing at Zanes shirt. I suddenly felt the bed dip on the other side of me and a hand caress my hair.
“I don’t know what happened but it’s something serious.” He stated. “I’m here for you too ok.” His voice was soft and calm, causing my body to react the same way. Slowly I reached behind me and pulled him down beside me so I was lying between them both. To my surprise there was no argument or protest from them and I was thankful for that.
I wasn’t trying to start more drama, I just felt better with the two of them with me like this. It was just a peaceful quiet, calming my body and racing brain till I finally drifted off to sleep.
“He did what?!”
I woke with the sound of angry whispers.
“You think I’m just going to sit back and let him get away with this!?” I was taken aback by the anger in Owens voice. It was the first time I’d ever heard him speak this way.
“What, you think I just let him get away with what he almost did?!” Zane growled.
Oh no they were talking about earlier.
“No, I know you didn’t but I hope you don’t expect me to let him off with just ‘your’ beating.” Zane chuckled.
“Of course not; that guy has no idea who he’s just f**ked with.” I cracked my eyes open so I could see what was happening with those two. I saw both of them standing in front of each other, their head close as they whispered. Zane glanced over at me just as I opened my eyes fully and turned towards me.
“Hey” his voice was gentle. I pulled myself up in a sitting position.
“How you feeling?” Owen asked lifting a leg to sit beside me.
“Fine” I muttered. I was so embarrassed that he knew what happened to me.
He then reached out and touched my cheek but I jerked back with a hiss.
“That f**ker” Owen snarled under his breath, his eyes narrowing darkly.
I fingered my lip and flinched at the sting. Dammit my lip just healed up too after the hit I got from Karen.
“Do you want me to get an ice pack for you?” Zane asked walking to the door when I held my hand out to stop him.
“No, I’m fine”
I looked at both their concerned and worried faces and something in me shifted. They both cared for me, I could see it in their eyes, I could feel it when they were around, and I could tell from their actions. All the words we’ve shared to one another, all the things they’ve done for me since we’ve all met.
What I was doing to them wasn’t fair; the fact that they knew about each other just made it worse. It made me feel like a horrible person. Derek was right; I was acting like a whore. My throat constricted as my mind raced again.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Owen asked hesitantly reaching out and taking my hand in his.
“I can’t do this anymore.” I cried taking my hand back causing him to frown at me.
“Can’t do what?” Zane asked crawling on the bed next to Owen.
“I can’t do this” I gestured between all of us. “This, it’s not fair to you guys.” I was practically bawling at this point; tears were pouring out of my eyes.
“Wyatt what are you talking about?” Owen asked.
I shot up from the bed when he went to touch me again. I couldn’t handle his touch or I would lose my nerve. I’ve been going over it in my head for the past two weeks now and it was time I came out with it.
“I’m in love!” I blurted out.
There was a moment of silence but I continued before they could interrupt my confidence.
“I’ve tried to deny it but it’s become impossible for me to do that. I’m constantly reminded of how much they’ve made me love them and how I can’t even close my eyes or sleep without them with me. It’s come to a point where the frustration has made me pull out a few too many hair strands.” I began pacing back and forth.
“I tried so hard to close my heart in the beginning but they kept coming back and eventually tore down every wall I’ve build up around it. It’s not normal to feel like a puddle of goo when their around, or have your heart race where you think it’s going to tear from your chest. Just looking at their face sends chills throughout my whole body. I just want to be in their arms all the time but I know that’s impossible.”
I took a gigantic breath as all the emotions I had swelling up inside me for so long came flooding out. After a minute past I finally looked up to see them staring at me with the most bewildered expression.
“Why is it impossible?” they asked at the same time, I held back a snicker and slowly answered.
“B-because I’m in love with…” I paused. Should I say it?
Ugh I’ve come this far,
“I’m in love with both of you”
“I’m a complete prick, I know” I sob burying my head on my hands full of shame. “I’m so selfish and greedy.”
“That’s why this will never work, why I can’t be with either of you. You deserve so much more than me!” I wiped my tears away with the back of my hand and straightened up. “Derek was right when he called me a whore because I’m just stringing you along and it’s not fair.” With that I made a move for the door.
“So I think it’s best that we go our separate ways, it’s just easier this way. On all of us.” I reached out and grabbed the door knob.
“I think its best we all move on from this.” closing my eyes as the words left my mouth I yanked the door opened but never got a foot out. The door was suddenly slammed shut and strong arms wrapped around my waist.
“That’s the worst idea I’ve ever heard in my whole life.” was whispered in my ear. I stood in shock as Zane held me so close to him I was afraid I would end up sinking into him.
“He’s right that is a dumb idea.” This time it was Owen. “Did you ever think of including us into this scatter brained plan of yours?”
“I don’t want to let you go” Zane breathed. “I told you already that you were the best thing to ever happen to me Wyatt, why do you think I could just let you go?”
“Did it ever accrue to you that we felt the same way for you?” Owen asked sharply.
“Yes!” I exclaimed in frustration.
Why were they holding me back, did they seriously want me to hurt one of them and pick.
“Then why would you leave?”
“To save us all from the hurt of just picking one of you; it’s impossible to have you both, and picking and choosing would break my heart. I can’t do it!” I tried to yank out of Zanes hold but he just tightened.
“Just let me go” I whispered sagging against Zane in defeat. I felt so broken, I didn’t want to stay here and watch them hate me for being such a selfish bastard.
The sudden feel of warm hands cupping my face made me snap my eyes up to see Owen staring deeply at me with so much emotion my knees gradually became weaker and weaker.
“I love you” my eyes widened.
“Nothing is going to make me stop either. I told you already that I knew you had feelings for Zane but I would get you one way or another. And I didn’t make love to you that day just so I could ‘hit it and quit it’ Wyatt. I’m very serious when it comes to relationships and the people I love. You mean so much to me and I intend to stay by your side for as long as you want me there.”
His words hit me hard as my heart nearly died from the shocking confession.
Was he implying that… did he mean to…?
“You already know how I feel from my confession in the hospital that day.” Zane muttered in my neck, his hot breath sending my body into over drive.
“You’re different from everything I’ve known, the people I’ve met or been with. You’re the most caring person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I can’t even tell you what being around you or just thinking of you does to me… it could get borderline stalker-ish if I’m being honest.” He turned my stunned body to face him.
“I could stare at you, I could listen to your voice, touch you, or just lay in a silent room with you all day and my life would be complete. To say that you make living worth it would be an understatement. And just the thought of you leaving me would crush the only thing I have left in this world and that would be, being able to love you to my hearts content.”
Here I stood in between two great men, both admitting their feelings to me. I had to be completely losing my mind right now. Because it seems to me that they were both implying that they wanted to be with me… at the same time!
“Do you know what you’re saying right now?” I asked them.
They reached out for each of my hands.
“We’ve both come to the conclusion that being without you just isn’t possible. Just as long as we get to be with you is enough for us.” Owen said.
“You wouldn’t get jealous of sharing me? Because I don’t even think I could be that confident not to let it get the best of me.” I shamefully admitted,
“To be honest I’ve never been all that jealous of a person to begin with but I’m going to be truthful with you. Since I know Owens true intentions I feel safe with you being with him but I’ll probably tear some heads off if someone other than him ever came onto you or hit on you. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.” Zane narrowed his eyes as if he were seeing different scenarios of people hitting on me and of ripping said people’s heads off.
I shook my head in disbelief,
“You guys are serious about this?”
“Couldn’t get more serious even if I tried” Owen nodded.
“Same here” Zane voice.
This must be what being in euphoria is like. I seriously thought my heart was going to burst from all these feels. But then reality came crashing back.
How would this word, it wasn’t normal to be in a three person relationship? Wasn’t this called polygamy or something like that?
Society surly wouldn’t accept us I knew that for a fact, but the question was did I care enough of what other people thought or did I just want to be with the two people I loved?
“So what do you say Wyatt? I know were asking a lot of you but can you accept us?” Owen voiced my thoughts.
I looked the two of them, their faces full of hope and anxiety.
“I want to try” I finally said screwing all the rules and going with my heart.
“I want to love you”
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