Chap 24
I buried my face in his shoulder as I felt his hold tighten around me.
“Adam” I cried weakly.
“Tell me what wrong Wyatt, you’re scaring me.” his worried voice made me look up at him tearfully.
His brown curly hair was a mess and I barely noticed that he had on a large white t-shirt practically falling off his shoulder that looked like it belonged to one of his brothers and a pair of black basketball shorts.
I guess I woke him up. Slowly I stepped away from him and wiped my traitorous tears from my face. A stampede of feet came running down the stairs as I glanced up at the twins bursting into the living room with the same rumpled look their younger brother was sporting.
“What the hell is going on down here?!” Jordan exclaimed as his eyes examined me before his confused and slightly annoyed expression changed to worry. Ryan was the one to come towards me and place a warm hand on my shoulder.
“Wyatt… are you crying?”
“Who do I need to kill?” Jordan growled as he stormed forward.
I didn’t answer just averted my eyes down towards the floor. Adam was the one to come to my rescue,
“Leave him be jerks, I doubt he wants your ugly mugs in his face right now.” He retorted wrapping a reassuring arm around my shoulders and guided me up the stairs.
“Lock the door.” Adam called behind him before closed the door to his bedroom. I walked sluggishly to his bed and flopped down on the disheveled grey comforter. There was a moment of silence before the memories of Zane and Owen came back. I felt the tightness in my throat and the tears began to start again which made Adam rush to me and kneel in front of me and take my hands.
“Oh come on Wyatt, you’re really starting to freak me out here, what happened?” I closed my eyes and took a shaky breath.
“I don’t know what to do Adam” I muttered softly because it was all I could manage.
“What are you talking about?” he asked softly.
I tightened my grip in his hands,
“I honestly don’t know where to start.”
“Well the beginning is always helpful” he teased but I wasn’t in the mood for laughs. I sat there for a good minute before taking a breath and heaving a deep sigh.
“Ok, I’ve got myself involved into a seriously complicated love triangle.” I rushed out ready to get this conversation over with.
“L…love triangle?” the profound confusion in his voice got me to open my eyes and look at him. He was frowning deeply. “With who?”
“Zane and Owen” I whispered turning my head away.
“What!?” he exclaimed jumped to his feet, letting go of my hands.
“Zane and Owen!?” he towered over me now, “When the hell did this all start?” I squeezed my eyes.
“Well, the first day of school” I told him reluctantly.
“Wyatt, how could you hold out on me like this?!” I rolled my eyes and snapped my head towards him and glared at him heatedly.
“Is that really important at the moment?” Adam quickly schooled his face and shook my head.
“Sorry, it’s just a shock is all; so tell me what happened.” I sighed again. “Wait let me guess, being you, you fell for both of them.” He said staring at me with a knowing look; I dropped my head in shame.
“Yes, I never want to get involved with anyone for a long time but they kept pushing and pushing and eventually I couldn’t over look them anymore. They slowly crept into my heart and now I’m screwed.”
“It’s that serious?” the shock in Adam’s voice made me shrink back.
“Yes Adam and I don’t want to hurt them. You have no idea how hard this is for me.” I sobbed burring my face in my hands.
The bed sunk next to me and Adam pulled me into his side,
“Tell me” was all he said and I spilled my guts.
I told him how I met Zane and how I was instantly attracted to him; I told him about his self-centered and arrogant playboy attitude, how his ‘Bad Boy’ image was a huge façade just to hide the vulnerable and very sweet guy beneath. The guy who just wanted someone to love and I was pretty sure he saw that ‘someone’ in me from his confession tonight. And I was totally take with him, the very thought of that hard but adorable man made me want to break down all my walls I had built up around my heart since Derek and let him in, just to hold him there forever as we learned to love together.
Then there was Owen, oh Owen, my own little Romeo. He was beyond the most charming man I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, the way he talked to you like you were the only thing on this earth and everything revolved around your every word. How he made love to you with such hot passion and affection you were convinced that he was tattooing his name on your very heart with every touch he made, with every word he whispered to you. He made me feel so important. He was so romantic and sweet that he made me want to melt at his feet and give myself to him in any way he needed me too.
They were polar opposite of each other but I felt a connection to both of them and it was tearing me up inside. I couldn’t choose, it wasn’t fair; I know that sounded selfish but there was no other way for me to think about it. I wanted them both but that was impossible and cruel, I could never do that to the two of them.
When I finally stopped talking I was all cried out and Adam was holding most of my weight as I leant on him. He didn’t say anything just held me but I was okay with that.
“Damn” I heard muffled from the door. I snapped my head towards the door as it slowly opened to reveal two nosy twins. Adam stiffened next to me before he growled and jumped to his feet.
“I can’t believe you two were ease dropping!”
“Shut up twerp” Ryan snapped with a slight blush rising in his cheeks.
“You feel so deeply Wyatt” Jordan said coming to sit where Adam just sat. I blushed in embarrassment; I can’t believe they just heard all that!
“It sounds to me that you’re in what I call a ‘Dangerous Love Affair’” he said. I glanced up at him in confusion.
“Why is it dangerous?”
“Because no matter which way you spin it someone’s going to get hurt.” He said gently.
I looked up at him and the dread in my heart just made me feel worse.
“Damn Jordan way to go, asshole!” Adam exclaimed.
“But he’s right and you know it” Ryan added. “Either way you spin it even if you choose one or none someone’s going to get hurt.”
“Can you get out now?” Adam sighed rubbing his eyes with his fingers in frustration. Jordan got up but I was like a statue as I sat there staring at the floor, my hands fisted on my knees. This was getting worse and worse by the minute but it wasn’t like I didn’t know this already.
Adam reached out and flipped the covers down and pushed me down on the bed and took my shoes off for me to get in. Once he tucked my frozen body in I just laid their as he wrapped his warm arms around me.
“Just try and sleep k, well talk some more tomorrow”
The moment I woke I so badly wanted to go back to sleep! Adam was hugging me from behind, his face nuzzled into my neck. I glanced over towards the clock on his wall and sighed. It was almost twelve in the afternoon. I dropped my head back on the pillow which caused Adam to groan something and slowly wake.
“Morning” he muttered into my neck, his breath tickling me.
“More like afternoon” I snickered.
I watched him sit up and rub his eyes of sleep. I chuckled at the disarray of his bed head; his normally tight curls were frizzy and sticking up at odd angles.
“I need food” he said groggily and slid from bed. I trudged behind him down the stairs and straight towards the table, which was spread out with waffles, fruit, orange juice and milk. I had the distinctive memory of the night I spent at Owens and the ridiculously gigantic breakfast spread he had.
We took a seat and piled the waffles high and doused them in melted butter and syrup. After a few minutes of stuffing out faces Adam finally slowed down and looked over at me with a narrow eyed gaze. My fork stopped midway to my mouth as I caught the look.
“Oh nothing… I was just thinking my ‘BFF’ is a sneaky selfish bastard, hiding such a juicy situation from me.” he rolled his eyes with all sorts of attitude and went back to his waffles. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
“I’m sorry, ok” I sighed in exasperation.
“Humph” refusing to look at me.
It was quiet after that as I awkwardly finished eating; I was debating on if I should go home. Maybe dumping all my dirt on Adam like that last night wasn’t a go idea. He probably thought I was some giant unfaithful slut. I was just about to push my chair back when Adam suddenly started to talk.
“The fact that you’re so bothered by this tells me that you’re very serious about both of these guys. And just choosing one would probably kill you.
“And from the way you described them to me I can easily tell that the same would happen to them.”
I gasped softly at his words and stared at him in shock.
“I’ve noticed the way you’ve been lately, don’t think I haven’t. And you’re not the type to take your feelings and others lightly. You’re a caring person and if you’re having this much trouble picking over two guys it’s probably best that you take a break and analyze your true feelings on the matter. Then have a talk one on one with them, together or separately is up to you. But know that I’m here when and how ever you need me. K?” he said walking over to my side and giving me a reassuring hug.
I was holding my tears at bay the best I could as I buried my face in his neck.
“Thank you” I sobbed in a shaking breath.
“Where the hell were you?!” my dad demanded as I walked into the house. I blinked in surprise as the front door shut behind me. I looked around past my dad who stood with his arms crossed and a peeved expression and spotted Eian and Karen. No surprise that Karen had a smug smirk on her face at me being scolded but Eian looked relieved and worried.
“I spent the night at Adams”
“You let him spend the night with boys Dan?” Karen’s voice cracked in disgust though it was clear she was trying to hide it. Dad looked over at her with a glare before turning towards me.
“You can’t just take off whenever you feel like it Wyatt.”
“I do it all the time when you’re not here which is most the time so what difference does it make.” My tone was a little ruder than it should be but I wasn’t having the best of days.
“The difference is that I am ‘here’ and I had no idea where you were. I called you but you never answered, I was worried sick! How do you think anyone would react in that situation?” he scolded. I was taken back, he was serious.
His haze eyes were red and his eyes had bags under them, his hair was disheveled like he had been running his hands through it. Suddenly I felt really bad.
“I’m sorry” I said dipping my head low “One of my friends was in the hospital and I didn’t think about checking my phone afterwards.” I mumbled my explanation.
My dad’s stance changed suddenly as his arms dropped to his sides and he walked towards me.
“Oh god, are they ok?” he asked the same time as Eian who stood up. I glanced at the both of them and gave a short nod.
“Now they are but he can’t go home so my other friend took him in for the time being.”
“Can’t go home?” dad questioned but I couldn’t say anymore which he picked up on quickly and let it go.
“I’M going to go take a shower k?”
“Fine, but next time you’re going to be staying out all night you better call me Wyatt.” the warning was clear and I nodded and headed up stairs.
“Oh, and we’re having a dinner date with Arbela, be ready at six.” Dad called after me making me falter in my steps and look at him.
“Seriously, tonight?” I asked.
“Yes tonight so you don’t forget.”
Slowly I turned back up the stairs and took my shower.
It was hard for us to leave the house when Karen started complaining that it was rude to leave her and Eian at the house.
“We’re guessed!” she said.
I had to really hold back an eye roll; though I saw Eian and dad both openly do it.
“Will you quit it Karen.” Dad snapped finally, yanking his arm out of her death grip before walking out the door towards the car. I stood there for a second and just shook my head at her desperation.
“That’s just sad” I taunted. I know it was childish but what can I say I’m not her biggest fan.
“Oh shut up faggot” she snarled. I chuckled and feigned hurt, putting my hand over my heat and a forced a grimace on my face as I left.
“Wait up; can you drop me off at Adams?” Eian asked running after me.
When we arrived, Arbela called dad to let him know she was waiting for us in the restaurant and found a table. It was a quaint little Italian restaurant called Molto Bene. As we walked in it was dimly lit room with booths and tables. The hostess asked for our name and kindly showed us to the table where a very pretty woman sat.
I watched her stand once she saw us and reach out towards my dad.
“Dan” she said happily hugging him close.
She had a light tan, long straight black hair; her eyeliner complimented her silver eyes beautifully. She had a light shine of lip gloss on her full lips and a small beauty mark on her cheek.
She was model worthy!
‘Damn dad!’ I said to myself silently congratulating him on his gorgeous find.
Arbela turned towards me,
“Wyatt” she greeted me enthusiastically, leaning forward to kiss both my cheeks. “I’ve heard so much about you, I’m so glad I finally get to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you too” I said as we sat down.
“So tell me about yourself.” Arbela asked me, her silver eyes trained on me in genuine interest.
“Oh, um, I’m not all that interesting.”
“Oh come on, you must a secret talent or things you’re interested in.” I could hear a slight accent as she talked to me.
“Not really, I’m a pretty boring kid once you get to know… unless you find homosexuality a talent.” I silently laughed as I watch her face morph into surprise. I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself.
I mean if you’re going to start dating my dad you better be alright and dandy with it because I’m not going through the hell my mother put us through all over again. There’s no way I’m going back in the closet for my dad girlfriends.
“Wyatt” my dad’s warning made me look at him.
“What you haven’t told her yet?” I asked stubbornly. He glared at me with stern look.
“Yes I have but you don’t have to throw it on her just to get a reaction.” He told me.
“Hey I was just making sure we weren’t going to have to go through round two” I admitted nonchalantly as I skimmed over my menu innocently. I heard him grunt before turning back to his date.
“I’m sorry about that; it’s a hard subject to bring up in our family.” Dad sugar coated it which caused me to snort without looking up.
And that’s how the night went; I tried to be as distant as possible to give them space only answering when I really needed to, because my mind just wasn’t letting me relax today.
Zane and Owen were all I could think of. Everything Adam had told me was settling in and I finally had a moment to reflect on it.
It was true; I need to think long and hard on how I was going to come to terms with the predicament I got myself into. I had to choose or not be with anyone. But it was so hard to think I would lose one or both!
Ugh! Why has my love life turned into a giant ball of suck!
Around the ending of this date I deducted that she was good for my dad, she was nice, caring, polite, funny from the way my dad laughed at everything she said. That counts right? And to top it off she gorgeous! Karen is going to lose her shit when she sees her.
I should have been a little bit nicer tonight because it was my dad’s first girlfriend since mom… that I know of, but it’s our job as the children to be brats when meeting the girlfriend’s right?
“Well it was nice meeting you Wyatt, and I hope to see you again soon.” She said as we stood outside. She reached out and kissed my cheeks again in farewell.
“You too” I then walk towards the car when they began having goo goo eyes for each other… Ew.
But I couldn’t help the smile that spread on my face.
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