Chap 21
He was hurt badly this time. I passed back and forth in front the room he was staying in. That bastard really did a real number on him. I wanted to call someone but didn’t know who would care. Richard and his Uncle Collin… yeah, they would come take care of him. I would do it but my life was just about as f*cked up at his was and he needed peace not more drama. I sighed and sat at the edge of the hospital bed and gazed down at him knowing my eyes were full of pain and pity for him.
“We have to get you away from them” I whispered softly. Shaking my head I reached in my pocket and first dialed Richard but got his voicemail then tried Collin but the same thing.
“What the hell” I sighed agitated. I didn’t know anyone else who would care enough to look out for him.
Nothing was ever easy for this guy; he was always fighting; never getting a break. I just hoped the boy who he was smitten with was finally the something good in his life. I glanced over at the beeping machine monitoring his heart and the IV bag dripping liquid in his arm. I shivered. With that thought I shot to my feet I grabbed the phone on the bedside table, flipped though all his contacts till I reached the name I wanted. Quickly I typed down a sentence and sent it hoping he got it and came fast.
The bastard won’t let him stay here for much longer and I don’t want to see him go back there.
Again the both of them were absent and it was almost the end of the week. Owen had yet to text me or talk to me at all since Saturday and I was beginning to get worried or mad, whichever way you looked at it. Did something happen to him?... Or did he just use me? I sat in my room glaring at my red walls as these bad thoughts filled my mind. Was that all he wanted, a roll in the sheets and he dumped me?
I had tried calling him but all my calls were sent to voicemail. I didn’t want to believe he was like one of those guys who hit it and quit it. All the sweet things he said to me, all those precious moments since we met, the ones I tried to ignore with a vengeance but he pushed me and pushed me till I could no longer hide my feelings for him and I gave into his charms and he does this to me?
He used me.
With a sharp cry of anger I threw my phone across the room denting the wall. Did he find someone new, like Derek? Well at least Derek stayed with me longer that a f*cking day!
“What is going on in here?” Eian barged into my room suddenly but I didn’t even glance up from my phone that lay across the room.
“Nothing, just leave” I snapped at him. He watched me in surprise.
“Whoa, what happened to you?” he asked sitting down beside me on the bed. I wanted to scream at him to leave; I just wanted to be left alone what was so hard for him to understand that.
“I don’t want to talk about it, especially to you” I barked rudely.
“Adam warned me about your mood swings.” I frowned and finally looked over at him.
“Excuse me?” he nodded.
“He says you become really mean and nasty when you’re in a foul mood’.” I just stared at him mildly offended before turning my head away, towards the window. When was he so buddy, buddy with Adam that they talk about me behind my back?
“Can you just go” I muttered. He sighed and the bed shifted as he stood.
“Alright, only because I’m not good with these kinds of things.” he said before leaving.
Pathetically I sat sulking as I stared out the window. I was tired of thinking about Owen and when he would call. I knew I shouldn’t have given in to him or my feelings for him. I should have pretended I didn’t care for his advances on me and stuck with being friends.
Groaning I sunk into my bed throwing the sheets over me and burying my face in the pillow.
‘Just forget him Wyatt.’ I scolded myself. ‘He’s not worth another break down like before.’
For some strange reason I wanted Zane then. He did have a way getting my mind of things that ailed me…
Ugh! I shook my head from those desperate thoughts. Last I saw him after we kissed was that day last week when he was letting some bitch eat his neck off in front of the school.
‘Like hell I need him either. I was better off on my own; those two were just using me.’
‘Was school always this boring?’ I thought as I nibbled on a fry at lunch. Adam was talking adamantly about something with Eian who had become hid new lunch buddy at our table. I wasn’t listening; I was too distracted with other things like… Owen could afford to switch school so he could no longer be around me if he wished.
‘Would he do that?’
Did Zane do the same? Was he avoiding me just like Owen? Maybe they were in on it together, to see who got in my pants first. So just like that they lost interest in me?
I let out a humorless dry laugh before pushing myself up from the lunch table.
“Hey where are you going?” Adam asked staring up at me in confusion.
“Nowhere I just need to do a little homework for next period.” I lied before walking away swiftly.
With my hands stuffed in my pocket and head bowed I drug my feet towards my locker. I probably looked like a sad mopey kid pouting. Well I couldn’t help it, I felt betrayed, though I should have known better… no I did know better but I went against my better judgment anyway. I let my guard down, I let people in when I shouldn’t have and it was tearing me down just like before.
Maybe I’m too gullible or nice. I let two complete strangers into my life… at the same time I might add which was a little hoeish and slowly let them both in. So it was like being dumped twice at the same time. I shook my head, I’m thinking way too much into this. It’s not like we were going out. Yeah I gave the goods away to Owen knowing it was a risky move but I didn’t think the rejection after would hurt so badly. If it was Zane I slept with I doubt I would feel like this because I know he’s a complete man whore and it would have been mutual I think. Using one another I mean.
Thoughts of the little date Zane took me too on the beach filled my head then, his kiss was so desperate I remember. He just wanted physical contact like he was letting off steam at whoever hurt him. I remember the need I felt coming off him in waves as he attacked my mouth. The words he said to me on the beach came crashing back.
I’ll make you forget him…
Let me help you…
I have a strong belief somehow that he was telling the truth that day. So why am I demonizing him when he had done nothing wrong to me? Ok, well, yeah he was with that girl last I saw him but I was with Owen last he saw me so we were pretty much even for being total pricks to each other that day.
Sighing I continued down the hall, once in front of my locker I reached out to open it but paused as a shadow cast over me. Frowning I looked over and gasped softly.
“Wyatt” he said and I just gaped up at him.
“Owen” his name came out harsh on my lips and saw him visibly flinch. He was fine, standing in all his immaculate glory right in front of me with no wounds to speak of. I shook my head at him and turned back to my locker snatching the book I needed for next period and slamming it shut with a loud ear cringing bang. I was so mad right now I just marched right past him. I heard him sigh before his feet echoed against the floor as he followed me.
“Wyatt, please.” I scoffed without stopping, turning the corner to hurry away from him.
“Please, I’m sorry” he called out to me. I rolled my eyes just when my phone vibrated. Reaching in my pocket; trying to ignore Owen to the best of my abilities. Glancing down at my now scratched up phone screen I caused earlier; I see a new text message from an unknown number. Frowning, I swipe it open and come to an abrupt halt that made Owen almost run me over.
“Wow, Wyatt” I barley understand what he’s saying as I read the message over and over again.
Is it possible for your whole world to stop in a matter of second from a few words?
‘Was this some sort of joke?’ I thought as the breath left my body.
-Zane is in the hospital don’t let him leave with the fat man and blonde women-
I stared at the screen for a good ten minutes in confusion and fear. What has happened to Zane?
“Wyatt, what’s wrong?” Owen’s concerned voice snapped me out of my daze. I glanced up at him hardly comprehending his moving lip.
Zane was in the hospital?
He was hurt.
I had to leave… now!
“I have to go” I muttered my voice sounded different even to me as I spoke. Owen frowned at me as I rushed passed him and out the front door. I wasn’t in control of my movements as I ran, all I knew was I had to get to the hospital; I had to get to Zane.
“Where are you going Wyatt?!” Owen chased after me.
“I have to get there now!” I rushed out.
“We’ll let me take you” he pleaded but I kept running towards the school gates. “Please!” he reached out and grabbed my arm. I grunted as he pulled me back into his chest.
“I’ll take you, where ever it is Wyatt just slow down.” he panted watching me with sad wounded eyes. I looked up at him for only a few seconds before nodding numbly. He led me to his truck then, gently lifting me in to the high seat. I gave no protest as I was too consumed with unease for Zane and compelled to find him, to see if he was ok.
‘Of course he’s not ok, he’s in the hospital for f*ck sake!’
Owen started the truck and pulled out of the lot and onto the street before turning towards me.
“Where do you want to go?” he asked me softly almost cautiously like the tiniest of sounds was going to make me lose it again. I kept my eyes put the window on the road as he drove.
“The hospital” was all I said. He didn’t ask me why or if I was ok he just drove and that was what I needed; silence. All I wanted was to see Zane.
We pulled up to the hospital and I charged out of the car and ran through the doors. Owen called my name but I could care less at the moment. I skid to a stop at the front desk, the woman gasped as she jumped out of fright.
“Oh my!” she breathed holding her hand up to her chest.
“Where is Zane?” I asked franticly. She frowned at me,
“Zane who, dear.” her old blue eyes observed me in distress as she picked up on my anxiety.
“Zane Daniels! Where is he?!” she was making me wait too long.
“Hold on a moment ok” I watched as she typed away at her keyboard. I felt a presence behind me knowing who it was but gave no acknowledgment. Finally the women looked up at me.
“What is your relationship with Mr. Daniels?” her attitude changed dramatically in the last second. She was accusatory as she glared at me. I blinked in surprise, why was she looking at me like I was a criminal? Frowning I straightened my stance in offence to her attitude.
“He’s my friend, I just heard he was in the hospital today.” This bitch better tell me where he is.
“Well Mr. Daniels has been admitted to the recovery ward. I’m going to have to ask you to sign in please. She handed me a clipboard that I took in haste and scribbled my name.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong with him?” the worry setting in was worse now.
“He was brought in a week ago but that is all I can tell you, you’ll have to ask his doctor.” I placed the clipboard on the counter and asked her the most important questions at the moment.
“What is his room number?”
“415” And with that I raced down the corridor.
The moment I was faced with his door I paused.
‘Was he really in there?’
I took a deep breath calming my fitful beating heart and went to open the door that separated the two of us when a hand settled on my shoulder and I sighed knowing exactly who it was.
“Wyatt” his voice held a distinct pain that stopped my heart but I shook it off.
“Not know” I breathed through an assault of emotions coursing through me at the moment. I wasn’t strong enough to balance both Zane and Owen at this particular time and wasn’t going to.
I would deal with Owen when I could bring myself to do it but right now Zane needed me more that anyone, and I was here for him as long as he wanted me.
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