Chap 20
I woke up with arms wrapped tightly around me and a warm body. I slowly opened my eyes to see tannish walls and sun beaming down in my eyes. Groggily I sat up and noticed the giant courtyard out the window. Glancing down I saw dark hair peeking through the top of the plush black comforter. A smile touched my lips; I had come home with Owen last night since he live just minutes away from the lake. Flashes of last night came back and my smile widened. Who knew sweet Owen could be so naughty in bed. Yes, we didn’t just stop at the lake; we brought the party to the bedroom and let me tell you I’m deliciously sore in all the right places.
I reached out and brushed my hand through his soft hair which caused him to stir. Laughing I pulled the blanket down to see his peaceful looking face as he started to wake.
“Stop staring” he rasped popping an eye open.
“Sorry can’t help it.” he smiled sleepily reaching out grabbing the back of my nape and pulled me down on top of him. His warm lips pressed against mine softly and I sighed at the pleasure his mouth brought me with just a simple touch. My desire hitched as our mouths meld together moving in a sensual rhythm, his hand ran down my naked back to the dip close to my bottom.
“Your skin is so soft Wyatt” Owen whispered against my lips grabbing my hips and sat me on top of him. My hands ran through his hair as he sat up to kiss me again. Our bodies moving provocatively on one another till we were nothing more than heat and passion, trying to get enough air between our lips. His eyes were so dark with lust I practically melted. I was just about to settle down on his member when the door was swung open.
“Owen have you seen-” I Squeaked diving under the covers but it was too late she’d seen me.
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed dropping a bunch of papers on the floor as she stood with her hand to her mouth and wide eyes staring at us.
“MOM!” Owen cried out in shock doing his best to cover our exposed bits with the black blanket.
“Oh my god!” she said again with a mixture of disbelief and alarm. I peeked up behind Owen and gave her a sheepish smile,
“Hello Mrs. Caine, nice to meet you” I laughed awkwardly.
“Oh my god” she whispered as she looked in a dazed now as she turned from us and walked out softly closing the door.
It was quiet between Owen and I, I was scared for him. Flashes of my own accidental come out filled my head. What if she acted just like my mom and kicked him out? What if his dad wasn’t as accepting as mine and chooses his mom instead of his son. But all my worry seeped away a little as Owen burst out laughing.
“Oh man did you see her face!” he fall back on his pillow and held his stomach. “Well I guess that’s one way to come out.”
“Yeah,” I frowned at him. “But aren’t you worried she won’t love you now.”
“I am but there’s nothing I can do about it now. Maybe it’s you that’s making this whole thing not so bad.” He said leaning over and kissing me softly. I stared at him in awe at his words; my heart was practically jumping from my chest.
“I have you right?” he asked nervously and I knew he was asking if I would be there for him if it didn’t go well. I smile caressing his face lovingly.
“Of course you got me.”
Once we got dressed Owen and I made out way down stairs. I could feel his anxiety and went to grab his hand as we walked into the kitchen. His sister Summer, Mrs. Caine and who I would assume was his father were sitting at the large dining table. Mr. Caine was a large man who you could tell worked out on a regular. He was tall, his hair was the color of Owen’s, a dark chocolate brown and his eyes a lighter brown also the same color as Owen’s. It was like looking at Owen twenty or so years in the future.
“Hello” I said softly.
“Hey Wyatt” Summer said stuffing her face with a cream cheese bagel.
“You dropped these.” Owen said to his mother placing the mail she dropped earlier in front of her.
“Thank you” her voice was low and awkward. I bit my lip this wasn’t going so well.
Mr. Caine stared down at our joined hands with a deep frown. My heart was pounding scared for Owen as we sat down at the table. Through the silence of the room I got to scan the table and I was dumbfounded. There was so much food on it was ridiculous, there was a lot of fruits, pancakes and waffles.
“Do you want anything” Owen asked me grabbing a plate off the table and glanced at me expectantly.
“It doesn’t matter” with that he filled my plate up two waffles with melted butter and syrup, also verity of cut fruit on the side and placed it in front of me. I blushed at the attention at everyone at the table. Owen was laying it on just a little thick in front of his parents.
Owen filled his own plate with pancakes and fruit and sat next to me and dug in. I slowly glanced at everyone at the table, they were all sitting and staring at their plates all expect Summer who was texting on her phone.
“So your name is Wyatt?” Mrs. Caine suddenly spoke. I just took a bite of my waffle so I forced it down to speak.
“Yes ma’am” I answered. She nodded her eyes shifting everywhere but me. She probably kept seeing Owen and I in his bed and I felt bad for her. It was defiantly a shock to her.
“Beth don’t beat around the bush here” Mr. Caine’s deep voice said. “Owen were you f*cking this boy in your room?” I flinched at the crude question. He wasn’t a subtle man was he?
Summer spit out her water she was drink at the suddenly question and I blushed deeper with embarrassment. Well if this wasn’t the most humiliating breakfast I ever had.
“Seriously dad!” Owen exclaimed. “Have some respect”
“How long have you been screwing guys Owen?” Mr. Caine said completely ignoring his son.
“Why is that important?” he retorted with a raised brow.
“Well I’d like to know how long my son had been gay, because no one else knew all except Summer apparently.” I studied Mr. Caine as he spoke to his son and I detected a bit of irritation and annoyance but not anger maybe a little disappointment but no rage like I experienced with my mother.
“I don’t know dad” he sighed. “Maybe since middle school”
It was quiet after that and I went back to awkwardly eating my breakfast. Owen took my empty plate and placed them in the sink and grabbed my hand.
“Let’s get you home” I nodded with relief, I couldn’t take the tense atmosphere in this house.
Kelly his butler I met the first time I came here was waiting with Owen’s car keys,
“Your car had been pulled up front sir” he said, Owen nodded.
“Thank you Kelly” and took his keys.
We jumped in his truck and he drove me home.
“Are you okay?” I asked after a few minutes. He looked over at me with a small smile
“Of course, why?” I shrugged.
“Well it was a bit tense back there and I was wondering if you were okay”
“Yeah, me and my dad don’t really have the closes relationship and my mom isn’t much different. So I wasn’t really that worried about what they thought. Okay, that’s a lie I was nervous as to what they might do like kick me out of something but I guess I’m good.” He told me and I nodded.
“Yeah that went better than I thought it would. Compared to mine yours was a piece of cake.” Owen frowned over at me, his eyes softened at my words.
“What do you mean?” oh that’s right I never told him about my mom did I.
“It’s a long story” I mumbled not really in the mood for spilling my messed up life.
“Its okay, you can tell me some other time.” He said and I smiled glade he wasn’t pestering me about it.
“Well this is your house.” he said to me and I glanced up in surprise a little disappointed that I’d be separated from him now. I gasped at my thought.
Oh no it was happening, that feeling of be far apart from him. The attachment I get when I have feeling for someone, I guess there was no more hiding that I was very much into him.
I stepped out the car just as Owen followed me to the front door. We just stood facing each other without saying a thing.
“So thank you for taking me home… and for last night.” A blush rose in my cheeks as I glanced down in embarrassment. I heard his deep chuckle before he reached out and lifted my chin with his forefinger and thumb.
“Hey, there’s no reason to be embarrassed about it. Last night was amazing Wyatt.” His voice was so soft and deeply soothing. “I hope to do it again and again for a very long time but only if you’ll let me.” Glancing up I met his beautiful brown eyes and smiled.
“I’d like that very much.” I spoke quietly. This caused him to send me one of his stunning smiles. He suddenly bent to my level and pressed a tender kiss to my lips that had my heart beating erratically. Pulling back we both sighed blissfully,
“I have to go” he breathed against my lips and my toes curled. I didn’t want him to go; I wanted to stay in this little world we made together, where everything was perfect and amazing. But sadly reality was knocking and I had to reluctantly answer it.
“Ok” I pouted causing him to laugh.
“Oh come on you’ll see me at school. I told you Wyatt I’m not letting you go so easily, so be prepared for a shower of attention.” I rolled my eyes playfully and pushed him away.
“I thought you were leave” I responded then turning away from him to get my keys out. I saw him smile as he shook his head.
“I’ll see you later then” he whispered into my neck giving me a gentle kiss goodbye. I inhaled sharply as I felt him walk away and get in his truck. Dazed I slid my key in the slot, unlocked the door and closed it softly, falling against it like a love struck girl who just had the best date of her life. I couldn’t help the shit eating grin on my face as I lent on the door with my eyes closed in elation.
I haven’t felt like this in so long it was kind of shocking to experience this again after Derek. That rumble of butterflies in my stomach had yet to stop and I wanted to bask in the forgotten feeling of joy.
“Well, it seems you’ve been a very busy fag hadn’t you?” my happiness was short lived as my eyes snapped open to see Karen standing in the mouth of the kitchen with a disgusted expression on her face.
“Well it seems like you’ve been a lazy free loader haven’t you” I bit back straightening my stance as I pusher off the door. Her eyes narrowed as she marched over to me.
“You don’t talk like that to me boy, I’m still your mother.” She said through clenched teeth. I scoffed in dry amusement.
“No, you lost that tile the moment you wanted to kick me out when I was fourteen and told me I was no longer your son. So you’re just a stranger invading my home and personal space.” I growled at her.
It came so quick I didn’t see it till I happened. I slammed back in to the door with the force of the blow as she punched me in the face. My head was turned as I cupped my mouth in surprise. My eyes shifted to hers in horror; she hit me.
“Talk to me like that again I’ll do a whole lot more than give you a busted lip, you disgrace to all mankind.” With that she turned sharply and left me standing in paralyzed shock as a metallic taste filled my mouth.
She hit me!
“Damn, what happened to your lip?” Adam asked on Monday while we met up at school. I told him that I was walking this morning so he was just now seeing the travesty of my swollen bottom lip.
“Don’t ask” I grumbled.
Ever since Saturday I’ve been in the most of sour moods. Karen was walking around the house like she owned the place and it really pissed me off. I had yet to tell my dad what she did because I knew he would never believe it anyway so I was going to have to deal with her, so I’ll let her strut around for a while, revel in her false win because I was going to hit back, and hit back hard.
“Oh someone’s a grouch today.” Adam said in a baby voice and I turned to glare at him in irritation.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” I growled and he backed away from me feigning terror.
“Oh my god, what a monster you are!” he cried dramatically loud and ran away rather girlishly. I watched him with indifference before turning back to my locker and slamming it closed only to reveal the person I really didn’t want to see at this particular moment.
“Hey babe,” I scoffed rather rudely and sidestepped him brushing up against him roughly.
“Leave me alone” I snapped stalking down the hall towards my fist period.
“Oh come one baby, talk to me. What happened to your lip? You want me to beat up whoever did it?” He trailed after me. I ground my teeth together,
“Wyatt stop and talk to me” shrieking in annoyance I spun around to face and glared up at him.
“No, Derek I don’t need you to beat anyone up; I don’t want you meddling in my life. I want you to Leave. Me. Alone. And no, I don’t want to talk to you, ever! And quit calling me baby, asshole!” I was pretty sure the whole hallway heard what I just screamed at him but I could care less. With that off my chest I left a rather shocked Derek standing in the middle of the hallway and turned into my class room.
Through the whole hour I sat in a foul mood. If it’s not one thing it’s another.
School went by without another Derek hitch. I went to class, I ate with Adam at lunch and watched him at swimming practice. And though out the day there was one problem, school was Owenless and as much as it made me feel a bit guilty I noticed it was Zaneless too. I couldn’t help but think about how Owen said I’d see him on Monday and here it was but no Owen. I checked my phone to see if he’s left any messages but there were none. I frowned in disappointment. Maybe he had a doctor’s appointment he forgot or something. And as for Zane, Zane was Zane he had his bad boy rep to keep up and don’t bad boys intentionally miss school to look cooler. This caused me to laugh aloud. How stupid.
I stood outside the school waiting for Adam to wrap up getting dressed. Maybe tomorrow I’ll see Owen.
“You ready?” I turned to see Adam walking out; his eyes were down as he stuffed a few papers in his bag.
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