Chap 15
“Well if it isn’t my sparkling angel” a familiar deep voice sounded.
I looked up from my phone as I stood outside the front of the school steps waiting for Adam to come out. Zane was leaning over the railing, his arms crossed and a pair of black shades covering his eyes.
“Did you get my letter” he asked. I frowned at him I shook my hair out of my eyes.
“Your what?” I asked confused. He smiled leaning closer to me till he was inches from my face.
“I figured you’d come back one of these days and find it, I’ve been very patient you know. I’m usually not the waiting type but for I’ll make an exception.” He whispered the last part before flicking his tongue over my lips. Gasped I flinched back out of reflex gaping at him.
“What the f*ck?” I complained wiping the back of my hand across my mouth. He just smiled and jumped cleanly over the rail and stood in front of me.
“Oh don’t act like you didn’t like it” he lifted a finger and traced my cheek lightly. Something was off with him; he was acting more forward and strange than usual.
“So lets go” he said grabbing my hand and dragging me down the stairs, I had to jog to keep up with his large strides.
“Go where! What the hell are you talking abo-” I paused finally understanding. “You were the one who left the note.” I glanced over his shoulder at me and smiled.
We arrived at his bike and he handed me a helmet.
“What is wrong with you?” he shrugged.
“Nothing much and yourself” he turned his back to me, taking his glasses off and put his helmet over his head.
“I can’t go with you, I’m waiting for someone” I snapped. Who did he think he was ordering me about? Sighing loudly he snatched the spare helmet from my arms and stuffed it on my head and strapped it under my chin.
“Your waiting for no one now get on” He straddled his bike and patted the back seat. I shook my head reaching up to take the helmet off but he caught my wrist in a tight gloved grip. “Get on the damn bike Wyatt” his voice made me pause, I never heard him sound so serious or use my real name. I hesitated before getting on behind him. Zane started the bike; I felt it vibrate beneath me causing me to wrap my arms around him tightly.
I laid my head against his back shutting my eyes as he pulled out of the parking space, I opened them just as we were leaving the lot and saw Owen by the gate with a couple of friends staring at us or should I say on me. He had a slight frown on his face before his mouth moved as he said something. I couldn’t hear it over the roar of the motorcycle and the helmet but at that same moment Zane revved the engine and peeled out on to the street passing mere inches from a worried Owen.
I didn’t look back because I was hanging on for dear life as we zoomed down the street at a dangerous speed. My body moved with him at every turn he made, for some reason I had a funny filling in my stomach being so close to him like this. The warmth of his body against mine brought back the dream I had. I tried to clear those thoughts from my head as I watched the scenery pass in a blur, cars all blending into each other. The tension left me as I finally relaxed and enjoyed the ride.
What seemed like an hour later he slowed to a stop; cutting the engine he waited for me to slide off so he could follow. Once I was off the bike I looked around and saw we were at the beach. I stood gaping at the sparkling water under the high sun. I haven’t been to the beach since I was six; I always wanted to go back but never got the chance. I jumped when I felt Zane unstrap my helmet removing it and dropped it to the sandy pavement. I frowned watching the helmet bounce with a thud.
I didn’t even have the chance to open my mouth before he claimed it.
“Mmm” I moaned in surprise. His lips were soft and warm as he pressed them roughly against mine.
His teeth captured my bottom lip hard and I yelped giving him the opening he was looking for. His tongue was hot and wet seeking every crevice of my mouth. I wanted to push him away but I didn’t… couldn’t, that’s when I felt it. The strong desperation he was putting into the kiss was my only hint at his need of me. He needed me, he needed this and for some strange reason I knew I had to give it to him. My hands reached up and bunched his long hair in my grip and he growled. The fire was building between us growing stronger and larger and this time there was no hiding from it there was no denying I had to have this just for a moment.
For the first time I gave in on my own.
I felt his hands roam down my chest to my sides till they reached my hips. My feet were lifted off the ground and I was place down on the bike seat with him standing between my thighs. My arms wrapped around his neck bringing him flush against me. I was having trouble getting air in my lungs but couldn’t pull away. His grip on my sides was painfully tight though I said nothing.
I whimpered as he moaned, each fanatic for the other. Hands were everywhere and tingles rushed through my body at every touch.
“Wyatt” he panted against my lips. I sat there heaving every much needed breath and watched him pull back to meet my gaze with those icy blue orbs, they were softer than normal as he looked at me. I was just now noticing the faint greenish blue tint around his eye and the scab on his bottom lip. I frowned slowly touching his lip lightly and up to his eye making him close them. He leaned into my touch which caused my heart to pound harder than it had with the kiss.
“Don’t” he suddenly said as I was about to ask him what happened. He opened his eyes and they had that familiar edge of hardness. I closed my mouth biting my lip to keep it in. We stayed there staring at each other till he leaned in and kissed me one final time before stepping back to let me down.
I jumped down, who hit him?
“Lets go” he said and took my hand gently this time and pulled me towards the water. The beach was pretty deserted considering it was in the middle of the week it shouldn’t be too busy. The crashing of waves was clear and beautiful. I could smell the salt in the air and I inhaled deeply.
We stopped at a reasonable distance since we didn’t want to get wet.
“Tell me” I said keeping my gaze on the endless water. “Why did you bring me here?” I asked.
“I said I was taking you out didn’t I and this seemed like a cool place to go I guess” he shrugged. Zane let go of my hand and dropped down in the sand. I looked down at him; the wind was ruffling his dark hair while the sun played its part at making it glow. Sighing I sat beside him.
“Why have you been gone all this time?” he asked. I ran a hand through my hair.
“It’s hard to explain.” I muttered and he scoffed.
“I doubt that, let me guess it has something to do with me and Owen” I snapped my head towards him.
“W-what? Why would you say that?” How the hell does he know anything about Owen?
“Because it’s not hard to tell; He likes you and your being difficult with him just like you are with me.” I scoffed glaring at him.
“I am not being difficult” I denied.
“Aren’t you?” he raised a dark brow at me.
“How is telling you stubborn men that I don’t want a relationship or a boyfriend being difficult I think I’m being pretty straight forward. You just don’t want to listen!”
“Because it’s stupid” he bluntly said. I shook my head in disbelief; it was like talking to a brick wall. “I don’t know why you’ve been hanging on this jackass ‘Derek’ for so long. It’s over angel it’s time to move on” he continued. I gritted my teeth and glared at the water not even able to look him in the face.
“Yeah, it’s just so easy isn’t it? Just forget the last six year of my life with him! What do you know of relationships?!” I exclaimed jumping to my feet.
He was right I was hanging on our memorize and I knew I shouldn’t be I was trying to stop but I didn’t like being put on blast about my own problems.
“No Zane you’re a f*cking playboy who sees people as a walking release to your dick and you’re going to give me advice about my own goddamn relationship problems.” I snapped glaring down at him.
“It’s not relationship problem Wyatt because there’s no relationship” his voice was void of emotion as he stood. “When are you going to see that,” he stared me straight in the eyes as he spoke. “He left you.”
Out of reflex to the blow in my chest I gave him one with my hand across his cheek. His head snapped to the side from the force. I glared blurry eyed at him uncaring as the muscle in his jaw began to move.
“I know that and I don’t need you narrating my f*cking life” I growled shakily through clenched teeth. He slowly turned his head back his eyes cloudy with raw emotions that took me back. There was anger of course but so much more.
“I’m sorry, I over stepped.” He apologized, his voice strained.
“Yeah you got that right” I felt the tears falling and I damned them for even coming.
“Wyatt, I understand that this is hard for you but I want you know that there are people that are actually trying to help you. People how want to be close to you.” I looked away from him more because the tears were starting to pour from my eyes but he captured my chin and brought me back to face him.
“I told you before I’ll be here to make you forget him and I wasn’t lying.” He leant down closer to me and I sniffled.
“Let me help you” this came out in a whisper; I got caught in his stormy gaze and fell deep.
“I’m not one of you toys you can play with Zane.” I mumbled feeling the chips in my armor cracking deeper and deeper.
“I don’t want you to be, I really don’t.” he said softly all the while he was inching closer to me.
“This doesn’t mean we have something here” his breath fanned my face and lips.
“Just shut up and kiss me” he ordered before giving me the world’s sweetest and softest kiss I’d ever known.
Whatever it was that was happening here, there was no stopping it….
But somewhere as the passion and lust of our kiss grew and we clung to each other I felt guilty.
Guilty that I was betraying Owen somehow… but why?
I know its short but i wanted to givve you guys something without waiting so long. =^.^=
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