~Y/n pov~
We arrived at Dongdaemun History and Culture Park station.
"This is strange. There's no one around." Dokja noted that the station looked to be completely deserted.
"Maybe it's a trap." I added, already knowing it is.
Although wouldn't Joonghyuk being here alter the story.
[This station is under the control of Dongmyo station]
Ilhun spluttered and looked up at us, "N-no! Dongdaemin is..."
His sentence was cut off as he started to choke again, his eyes glazing over.
[Kang Ilhun has become a wanderer]
"Someone's coming." Hyunsung whispered to us.
Joonghyuk looked towards the entrance of the station with narrowed eyes, his hand hovering over the hilt of his sword.
A small group of men holding weapons turned up.
The one in the centre, who looked to be the ringleader, smirked at us.
"Ilhun? Looks like you've brought unwelcome guests. Are you going to introduce yourselves?"
His smirk abruptly fell as he noticed Joonghyuk and he looked like a terrified child.
"Fuck off." Joonghyuk told him bluntly.
Dokja smiled nervously and placed his hand on Joonghyuk's arm to try and prevent him from drawing his weapon.
"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?!" One of the guys asked as he glared at Joonghyuk.
He was abruptly slashed down by the group's leader.
"I apologise. My name is Lee Seongguk. I am the vice representative of Dongmyo station." He introduced himself to us while smiling nervously.
"Take us to see your leader." Dokja commanded.
They took one glance at Joonghyuk and instantly agreed.
Dokja smirked, "Hey, you're quite useful after all."
"Shut up." Joonghyuk replied without missing a beat.
Seongguk led us through the station, his body was trembling slightly from the nerves of being in Joonghyuk's presence.
Joonghyuk didn't even spare him a glance as he walked beside me.
Everyone in the station stood at the side gossiping and whispering as we walked down the middle.
"Is that..."
"No way."
"If that's Joonghyuk... Then that must be Y/n."
It was strange that they seemed to know who I was as if I was in the original book... but it can't be.
Dokja would've known if I was in the book. Unless he's hiding it from me and has been lying this whole time.
Seongguk seemed to be reading something on his phone.
Dokja increased his agility and dashed right behind him so he could see the screen, "Hey, what are you reading?"
The man jumped in shock.
They seemed to be afraid of us so they are probably assuming we are all Joonghyuk's companions.
I glanced at Joonghyuk to see the usual blank expression on his face as he walked forward.
The world isn't fair. He's prettier than me.
I grabbed his hand and looked forward again.
He looked slightly surprised but didn't say anything and instead increased his grip on my hand, gently squeezing it.
[The Constellation, Demonic Judge of Fire, is squealing]
[The Constellation, Prisoner of the Golden Headband, is laughing at her]
[You have been sponsored 2,000 coins]
"It's this way. Our leader's waiting for you."
They looked at Joonghyuk expectantly and were surprised when Dokja stepped inside the tent.
It was obvious they expected Joonghyuk to be the leader and even though he didn't have the flag I have the feeling he might have tried to lead anyway if the circumstances were different.
[The Constellation, Secretive plotter, is watching Incarnations, Yu Joonghyuk and L/n Y/n]
Dokja came out of the tent as two guys gossiped at him.
"What's with that guy? Why is he the leader when Yu Joonghyuk is right here?" One whispered.
"He's kinda ugly too." Another replied.
Dokja's eyes twitched as he heard everything.
They continued to talk in a hushed tone.
"And why is Y/n here? I've never seen them meet so early on in the scenarios."
They clearly didn't read far in the book otherwise they would know more.
Why have they read a different version of the book to Dokja? One with me in it?
The two returned and bowed to us, "May we ask a question?"
Dokja just nodded in response.
"Where is Delusional Demon Kim Namwoon? He's supposed to be with Joonghyuk during the third regression."
"He's dead." I told them bluntly.
"What?!" They seemed surprised.
"He was probably killed by another prophet." Dokja lied.
Joonghyuk glared at him.
"I see! That's why there's been changes to this regression." The man believed the lie completely, "You should know that not all prophets are on the same side."
Some want to kill Joonghyuk? I don't really see how that changes much though.
We'll still be stuck in this world fighting for our survival.
"If you're done here. We should go to a different station." Joonghyuk cut into the conversation.
Dokja shook his head, "No."
The prophets left us alone as we sat in a small group.
"What do you mean we're not leaving?" Hyunsung asked, "Why are we staying?"
"Just for tonight.. Here's the plan." Dokja spoke quietly to us before switching to his phone to message us about the plan.
We were going to take over the station.
"About time." Joonghyuk muttered as he leaned against the wall.
Dokja looked annoyed but didn't say anything in response.
Dokja cut the leader's top open as a flag fell out, revealing the truth.
Joonghyuk could take on the whole station by himself if he wanted so he was busy fighting.
I felt useless and Hyunsung and I didn't need to help much with the fight.
The flag on Dokja's back turned brown.
Now the rest of the station was under our command.
We only need one more station to obtain the title of king.
The group we had defeated looked pissed.
Of course they're not on Joonghyuk's side.
They just didn't want to die so they sucked up to our group.
Dokja smirked at them, "You should've read to the end."
We decided to stay here to rest before heading out to obtain another station.
We were allowed to sleep in the comfortable tent because we had taken control of the station and they feared us.
"I'll keep guard." Hyunsung told us.
"You don't have to. I can do it." I argued.
Hyunsung gave me an annoyed look, "I've slept recently, it's fine. Besides.. When was the last time you actually slept?"
Last time I slept was when we were in the cinema dungeon.
It had been a couple of days.
I smiled gratefully at him.
Hyunsung made my happiness turn to embarrassment as he smiled suggestively and discreetly gestured to Joonghyuk and Dokja who were about to go into the tent.
"Stop that." I huffed, "Just you wait I'll find something to embarrass you about."
Hyunsung chuckled and patted my head, "Good luck with that."
"Thank you, Hyunsung." I nodded to him before entering the tent.
Dokja and Joonghyuk were laid on the floor as far away from each other as humanly possible.
There were three thin mattresses on the floor.
Clearly only the leaders of the group sleep here and everyone else sleeps outside on the cold floor.
It's been a while since I've not slept on the floor. Last time I slept on a bed I was back in my old world.
I laid down on the mattress in the middle.
My back aches from sleeping on the cold hard floor.
The mattress slightly cushioned my back as I sunk into it.
This is nice.
There were only two blankets, though.
Probably because there are only two leaders. They must use two mattresses each or something.
Dokja shuffled over after noticing my shivering form and draped half of the blanket over me.
"Thanks." I muttered quietly.
I shuffled to get more comfortable as the blanket warmed me.
Dokja smiled and rested his head beside mine, his forehead almost touching mine.
I was surprised to feel another blanket being draped over me as I tilted my head to see Joonghyuk.
He didn't say anything and just laid on the other side of me, one of his arms wrapped securely around my waist as I rested his head against mine.
My body suddenly felt like it was on fire from having the two handsome men so close.
I woke up feeling really warm and when I finally opened my eyes I realised it wasn't because of the blankets.
The blankets were all crumpled up at the bottom of my legs.
Two pairs of arms were wrapped around me as two bodies lay beside me.
I'm sure my face was as red as a fire truck.
Dokja murmured quietly in his sleep, his face looked peaceful.
His eyelids fluttered as he slowly woke up.
Our eyes met and we were staring at each other silently for a few moments.
The silence was broken as Dokja reached forward and brushed some hair away from my face, "Good morning."
I smiled giddily as butterflies fluttered in my stomach, "Morning. I'm so glad to have slept on a bed."
Dokja chuckled and agreed.
Joonghyuk shifted slightly behind me as he started to wake up.
Once his strong grip on me loosened, I rolled onto my back.
Dokja caught me by surprise as he pressed a kiss to my forehead and stood up.
He didn't say anything and quickly exited the tent with a smirk on his face.
He knows what he's doing.
I turned to look at Joonghyuk and froze when I realised he was already looking at me.
Did he see that?
His smirk answered my silent question.
I buried my face in his chest to hide my embarrassment as he chuckled, his chest vibrating.
"I saw that." Joonghyuk teased me, "I'm a little jealous if I'm being honest."
Why are they both teasing me?! What exactly did they talk about?
I tilted my head to look up at him as he smiled after finally seeing my face.
If I was shocked when Dokja kissed me, I was even more shocked now.
Joonghyuk leaned down and kissed my cheeks as I stared at him in surprise, not knowing what to do.
"We should go to the next station." Joonghyuk sighed as he held me a few seconds longer before standing up, pulling me up with him.
I smoothed out my clothes and tried to comb through my hair with my fingers.
We did have a hairbrush but Huiwon had it.
Why didn't I bring one with me?
That's why I was so surprised upon leaving the tent as Dokja handed me a brush.
"Where is the weapon?" Joonghyuk asked with annoyance as the self proclaimed prophets all hovered around us like flies.
One of them pulled the sheet of the meteor as if it was some sort of magic trick.
"That's not a weapon.. is it?" I muttered.
Dokja nodded in agreement as we stared at it in shock.
"That meteorite contains a powerful weapon. We've been taking turns supplying it with mana so it should hatch soon." One of the prophets explained, trying to make himself look smarter with his knowledge.
Joonghyuk seemed confused.
He was only in his third regression so he wouldn't have encountered it yet.
"We have to get out of here!" Dokja exclaimed.
There were confused murmurs from the people surrounding our group.
The red meteor started to rumble and shake.
I stepped back in surprise, the loud noise startling me.
Joonghyuk placed his hands on my shoulders to stop me walking into him.
I didn't pay him any mind but my thoughts lingered briefly on his warm hands firmly gripping my shoulders.
My eyes were glued to the rock. Everyone else was also still, staring at the meteor in horror.
It was already too late as the barrier appeared, preventing anyone from escaping.
[The Constellation, Prisoner of the Golden Headband, is very intrigued by what's happening]
[Many Constellations are watching in suspense]
The meteor split, red liquid oozing out as a dragon emerged from it.
The prophets were terrified by the sight.
Joonghyuk's grip tightened slightly as he made a sound of surprise.
[Tier 5 Fire Dragon, Lesser Dragon Ignis, has appeared]
2044 words
A/n I keep getting too absorbed in writing and forgetting about the constellations
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