Max pov:
It has been Two weeks since we got here. Me and Jess are now in the same cell. And by that I mean we broke the glass separating us. I walk into Jess room and see her changing I just watch cause I know she doesn't care. After she finishes she walks over to me and kisses me and then runs up the wall like a vampire and runs onto the ceiling I do the same. Ever since we became insane as they say we don't black out anymore and we gained powers very helpful when killing. I put my hands on her waist and kiss her. After a few seconds we release I jump down and go change knowing soon we would get our food.
Jess pov:
Max leaves to change and I start beating up the walls.," HEY HERE IS YOUR FOOD YOU LITTLE DEVILS." A man yells at us as he throws are food inside me and max react quickly and grab his arms through the slot." Well maybe you should not yell at us like that." I say in a evil tone," now you have to pay." Max finishes sounding evil as well. We rip his arms off and throw one out and take the other one and put it on a pile with other ones of guards we have killed it fills us with joy every time we count them to know we can still kill even in this prison. A lady runs in because she heard the guard kill
We don't try to kill her cause she is our favorite person here she is slightly insane like us but no one knows but us. Sometimes we let her in our cell and play around chasing each other on the ceiling. She avoids the dead guard as tells us," Jess, max you have visitors who are coming this afternoon." I was suprised no one ever center to visit us in the to weeks we had been their I didn't know who it was neither did max. " well isn't that a fun little surprise devil" ( that is what I call max sometimes to be cute ) he smirks evil dripping from it like blood," Definitely." We start laughing insane and run around our rooms on the ceiling the walls or the floor. We don't notice people come in to clean the mess we made. We must of laughed for a good 5 hours because we heard a bang on our doors and saw the lady again we don't know her name though.," hey guys can I come in?" We nod and she enters and eats with us on the ceiling I hold her hand like I am using a 'power' to keep her up their to eat with us we chat then she picks up our trays and says," the guests will be here soon so better get dressed we nod and she leave leaves. I change into a black half shirt that says the devil lives here and bitty shorts and knee high combat boots. Max changes into a shirt that says the same thing mine says and is ripped at the bottom it is sleeveless like mine too be wears super ripped blue jeans and combat boots. Then we finish our look off with fingerless black gloves. I also apply green lipstick and black eyeshadow. I then sit with max counting the arms again waiting for our surprise to enter the room.
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