Broken mind
Max pov:
We had gotten halfway done through the arms and had counted 7 when the door opened and two guards came in they looked scared but said," You have vistors." Then both guards walked to the back wall and watched us. We looked at what was their until they came out of the shadows it was mystreet we glanced at each other when Aphmau said," well look at suprise it is definitely interesting." She smirked and we got up walked to the diamond reinforced glass. Their was silence then Katlyen spoke," Aphmau what happened to you?" She smiled and so did I ," well let me see I am insane and loving it ,I have found the love of my life ,and I get to enjoy the luxuries of life" she finished but quickly added in," and by the way the names Jess I have been lying to you your whole life.", she smiled and planted a kiss on my lips before jumping on my head and into the pile of arms I join her and we laugh like this is normal. Well it is for us. The mystreet crew looked astonished.
Jess pov:
I layed with max in the arms for a good ten seconds before I heard Laurance say," but love we-" I cut him off and run at the glass kicking it and denting it before yelling " I AL NOT YOUR LOVE I AM WITH MAX AND OF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN LEAVE BECAUSE I AM NOT WHO I WAS THAT APHMAU IS DEAD AND I AM DARN GLAD TOO." I finish my fit and look to see max burst out laughing I realize that Laurance is trying to break the glass in his shadow knight form but is not even making a scratch. I then too start to laugh ( evily of course )," Laurance w-what are you d-doing." I say between laughs. Max has now reached the floor rolling around in laughter slowly gaining composure. " I am trying to get in so I can kill max for doing this to you!" He yells. Max and I stop in our tracks and look at him. We walk towards him our eyes start to change color mine to purple and red his to orange and red.max then speaks in a evil tone to Laurance," first off this is diamond reinforced glass. And two I didn't do this to Aphmau it was one $!NG|€ A{+." He finishes talking and I giggle and say," max I always love when you talk like that." He giggles and kisses my cheek. I hear Zane say," T-Then how did you dent the g-glass." I see him coawarding in fear along with everyone else because of Max and our eyes. ," that is easy watch." Me and Max line up back to back with the guards calling backup and the gang have pure fear in their eyes. *Clishhhh* The glass breaks and me and Max step out. " much nicer oh and little guards you shall never call us Devils again." I say walking up to them same as Max and he finishes," time to be punished." We rip their arms off and grow two down I have joy jump in my eyes when I think of a idea." Max we should take the bodies and play in the blood remember last time we did it was awsome!" Hejumps up and down showing that he agrees so we toss the bodies in our cell and I see Max look at me telling me something. (Hey Jess can you hear me ) I nod ( yeah I can wow this is cool ) he nods ( can I 'playyy' with Laurance sure I am hungry ) he smiles and we stop talking in our minds I walk into the cell passing every one and go to the gaurds we killed and decided to rip off some flesh and try it. The I try some more. Ignoring a screaming Laurance. Max walks over with a dead Laurance and says," what you doing?"," eating" I reply throwing him some flesh. He tries it then he tries more and now we start eating the mans stomach I must say he was definetly a body builder. We stopped eating waved at the rest of the group who where crying at the loss of two friends. One gone by death. The other lost to a broken mind.
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