chapter 21 - so.....demon?
Your p.o.v
Well aren't I in some deep shit...." Do you have anything to explain for yourself?" Slenderman said, jeez it's like he found out if you had a boyfriend and he's the strict dad.." Nooooo.....ok... maybe I..let...two..TWO.....demons in the manor.....I'm just saying maybe so..." Slenderman looked pissed but Masky...he was busy laughing his own ass off...' bicth ' Slenderman heard this and grew even more pissed and looked into soul...but I have a plan! " Would you forgive me if I give you a cupcake....?" Thank goodness I didn't say souls or else I'll would be offending other demons! Like Bendy! ' I just want to hug him to death! The little tail~ I just want to wacth it swing side to side and swipe at it!' " so you met that inky demon!? Since when!?" Of course Slenderman had heard my thoughts and got somewhat alert and grabbed all the ink in my room and called bendy.
Why? I do not know....
Slenderman p.o.v
I'm so pissed at y/n for Talking to Bill! I'm ok with Will and Kill but Bill .......
He can not be trusted...
I love her to death and beyond exist...I need to talk to bendy. Even if he's is busy with Henry,Alice,Boris, or Sammy! Honestly I don't like him. Sammy doesn't try to leave the studio, it's sad and pathetic at the same time . I just need more eyes/eye to look out for y/n. She means Soo much to us- well me. She has lived way much longer than me. I have been wacthing people ever since 1320 ( A/N: just a random number that I had to put in there! Oh- by the way when the word GOD or Goddess is used it's just the GOD part they wince cuz his name sends pain all over there body. Just you know everyday demons. Ok well by.) But she has wacthed an lived Much longer. I think at some point she has wacthed me. But knowing her she probably has. I know that with me she is not even scared of me whenever I'm mad, she's just pretending for the state or respect. She knows that she is stronger that everything and everybody.
'ugh! To many thoughts! I just need to focus on talking to Bendy'
Drawing a pentagram on the floor and putting candles on the end of each end I grabbed y/n's ink dumping it into the star it spreads. Horns soon comes into my view. Eventually the full body of an inky creature looks at everyone. The ink stops dripping and crawls back to Bendy.
Bendy's point of view
I looked around the room that I was standing in the sacrifice circle and felt a Burning ( pun intended) sensation but ignored it. I stood up only to fall back down and sunk into the star and my vision soon leaving me.
I awoke to someone yelling at another person. Opening my eyes I looked at.....' that slender!? And SHADOW!? Whats-' I was so caught up in thinking about shadow and Slenderman that I had forgotten that they could read minds. ( I have them powers to read minds to if your don't think that's not right then you could eat so many of Bills ch(ips)-ildern)
And the word count is.....: 561
I hope your having an awesome day my lovely shadows~ I'm having a great day so far because I'm able to spend time with my cousins, aunt's, nieces and my awesome grandma~!🤣 So thank you so much for being there for me and thanks for reading this garbage that I have been doing out of boredom. And if your feeling sad just know that your not alone, we/I am with you to the bitter end! Don't die for you feel like your not achiving your goals ( that's only for me) plus who need hate when you could love food
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