More COVID Stuff
Oh boy, do I have a LOT more to say about this here.
First, let's start with the fact masks are literally useless. It's been proven that because viruses are so small, masks won't do anything to protect you. They can help keep out bacteria, but not a virus. Only a hazmat suit can protect you from a virus, and that's a proven fact.
Also, wearing a mask but no gloves is essentially pointless. You touch all sorts of things which then gets the germs on your hands, and if you touch your face to adjuct your mask you just transferred all those germs from your hand to your face. Your eyes, ears, mouth, nose, any open cuts, even your asshole are all ways germs can get inside you! If it's a physical opening into the body, even a microscopic one, germs can get in. So yes, rubbing your eyes or scratching your ass can get you sick.
Also, clothes don't do anything to prevent any germs. They're not made to prevent germs, just cover our bodies. Have you ever looked at clothes really closely and seen all the tiny, tiny holes between the fibers? That's bigger than microscopic, and again, even if it's microscopic germs can get through. My sister was part of the student store when she was in high school {basically at lunch they sell snacks and such to anyone who wants them} and the teacher had a rule that nobody could sit on the tables or counters because your pants and underwear don't prevent the germs from your ass from getting all over the counter, and that surface becomes unsanitary. Basically imagine it as if someone sat there totally naked, because to germs that's how it is 24/7.
Social distancing is also pointless. Airborne pathogens can travel MUCH further than just six feet. Some estimates put it all the way up to 50 feet, but I think most sources agree they can at least go 20-30 feet. So, why would staying six feet apart really do anything in preventing a virus that can go through your masks and travel 20+ feet?
Now, how about I talk about who's been infected and is dying? The CDC shows that 92% of people infected are 54 or older, like MOST pathogens do. They also showed that 94% of people who died had {on average} 2.6 other conditions than COVID-19. Guess what? Most pathogens do that too. And 46% of deaths happen in nursing homes, but that number is a little inaccurate since someone living in a nursing home and then brought to the hospital is considered a hospital death. However, it's for sure that at least 46% of deaths happen in nursing homes.
The death count for COVID is inflated, I don't know by how much but I know it is. My dad had a friend whose relative was dying of lung cancer and they maybe had a couple weeks left to live because of their lung cancer. They'd been dying because of lung cancer for a while already, but they happened to show a positive COVID test {which, as we know, have questionable accuracy} and on their death certificate it said they died due to COVID, not lung cancer. Sure, COVID maybe contributed, but the fact they showed a positive test wouldn't have really made a difference on whether they lived or died. That's just one example, I've heard other stories from my dad's other friends and even some of my own friends with relatives that were already dying but because they had a positive COVID test they supposedly died from COVID.
Imagine this: you get into a car crash and some metal cuts you so you start bleeding out of major artery. Then, someone makes the cut even deeper and you start bleeding out even faster, and you die quickly. While the person who cut you sped it up, they were't the main reason you died, the car crash was. It's the same with COVID and pre-existing conditions.
Now, let's talk about the economy for a second. Knowing all of that, why should we all shut down? Small businesses are closing and will never open again and people are losing their jobs, just to name a few problems. Sure, the government is giving people leeway, but they can't stay supported forever. We don't have the money in our country to keep funding those who don't have jobs anymore, and what happens then? We have to open the economy back up and give people their jobs back or we're gonna see another great depression. And for those who had a small business, we need to help them open back up even if it seems impossible. Some virus shouldn't be the reason for anyone to fail. If you fail, it should be because you messed up, not something you couldn't control.
Let's also talk about school. How do they expect to teach students online? Learning through a virtual classroom can never replace learning in person, and I've never heard anything about anyone saying they preferred online learning. All I've heard is that it doesn't teach anything and nobody's motivated to do anything because it sucks.
I personally have a slow wifi speed and because of where I live {a literal forest 20 miles away from my school, but I'm still in the district grounds because it's still the closest district to me} getting internet service is really difficult. Only one carrier works out here, which is US Cellular. My school bought a bunch of hot spots through T-Mobile and even though my dad and I told multiple people several times that it doesn't work out here, they gave us the hot spot and expected it to work. They told us two other people out here got it to work, so we physically drove to the spots they told us it worked and even went further {in total we probably drove in a ten mile radius, seriously} and wouldn't you know it, we didn't get any signal.
The school then decided teachers should give me physical copies of everything, but that's much slower and actually worse than online learning. Lots of teachers were just printing out slideshows that were meant to be talked through in a classroom. At least in online learning you can record yourself talking through it, but on paper you can't do that. You'd have to physically type out what you'd say, but none of my teachers did that. They just gave me slides that were designed as a visual aid, NOT a lesson, and expected me to figure it out. If they're not gonna give me the full lesson, why would they expect me to complete the full material?
I've said it before, but I'll say it again here. If the school's going to be online, they have to provide equal opportunity to every single student. Every single one. Obviously the way they were doing it was NOT equal opportunity for me, meaning that they're breaking the law. In America, people pay property taxes and part of that goes to the schools so they can provide equal education to EVERY student for FREE. This means that if they wanna do it online, they have to provide internet and devices to EVERY student, not just the ones who can't afford it. They provided devices to everyone, but not internet service. If the internet service they chose doesn't work in a student's area, they're still legally obligated to find one that works in that student's area or provide an EQUIVALENT opportunity accomodation.
It's not just for doing schooling online, the law goes for normal schooling {or any schooling they'd wanna do}. They have to provide all students with buses because some students can't afford the transportation to school, but even then buses aren't equal opportunity because if I need to stay after school to make up a test, I can't because my dad can't afford the gas to come pick me up. I get to school about ten minutes before the bell so I also can't make it up before school because ten minutes isn't enough time to make up a test, and my dad can't afford the gas money to go drop me off {nor would he wanna wake up that early, we'd have to leave at 6:30 AM to be there by 7 AM which would give me 40 minutes to make up a test}. But, that's another rant for another day. Back to COVID.
I'm gonna talk about the suicide rates. The suicide hotline has had more calls than ever, and I believe suicide rates have doubled because of COVID. Not only are people worried about losing their job {if they haven't already lost it}, their house, their savings, etc., but they're also told not to go see their friends or go out somewhere because that's endangerment. For a little while it's stressful but people can get through it, but we all have our breaking points and some people just can't handle quarantine. Why should we stay closed down to prevent spreading this virus when people are dying anyways? I'd rather risk getting infected than be cooped up at home contemplating suicide. Therapists have either stopped seeing patients or will only see them through video chat or talk on the phone or make other arrangements, and that's not as effective as therapy in person. I don't think I need to say why.
It's also been brought to my attention that some people with disabilities who can't wear masks {including people with mental health issues like claustrophobia or anxiety} are being discriminated against. I can't speak for other countries, but in America the ADA protects them, and if you try to make them wear a mask you are violating the law. HIPPA also makes it so they don't have to tell you what their disability is. Lots of stores have been throwing disabled people out of stores and when they call the police the officers sometimes don't do anything! Those officers are enabling the managers of those stores to break the law by throwing out people who are unable to wear masks because even if they later get a lawsuit, they don't have any immediate reinforcement. The officer is also failing to do their job in upholding the law, and that officer should be fired.
Let me give you an example. Let's say that I'm told to do my homework and I decide not to do it. However, when someone tells on me the teacher says that I have a right to protest not doing my homework and doesn't mark the work as missing or incomplete or anything, but they also don't put a grade in for me. Later, when the student tells the school administration what's going on, it takes months for them to file the complaint before they tell me I have to do my homework and for refusing to do it I have to pay $50, but they completely skip out the part that my teacher failed to enforce the rule about me doing my homework. Sure, losing the money would suck, but because it took months before I really got in trouble I wouldn't care as much versus if my teacher had just scolded me and got me in trouble right there.
These are just SOME of the problems COVID is causing, there are a lot more problems that it's causing but if quarantine went away then we wouldn't have to deal with any of this. Sure, it'd cause some other issues to get rid of quarantine, but because we've lived our entire lives outside of quarantine we know how to deal with those problems ASAP instead of not addressing them and letting them fester for months on end.
I didn't wanna get too political so I didn't talk about some social media platforms censoring people who are anti-quarantine, anti-mask, etc., but that's also happening. People aren't being allowed to use their first amendment rights to free speech anymore if it doesn't support masks and quarantine. So... that's just something to think about.
Word count: 2032
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