Bruce's/Batman's POV (Point of View)
"Robin..." There was a such a tightness in my chest I couldn't... Couldn't breath! No this couldn't, it couldn't be happening... No!
"No! AGH!" So many emotions at once it was like a collision... Of fire, water, ice, snow, inferno... Everything swarming into a tornado triggered by the sight before my eyes... My eyes... How I could barely see out of them, for there was a curtain of dew that leaked forth. As if uncoordinated my feet stumbled forwards, and then there was a heap of wind sipping past my ears and attacking my face as I lunged and sprinted for him...
As if he was the most precious of all jewels, to be worshiped beyond anything or anyone of any world, my arms handled him with such delicacy and praise... They lifted him from the blood coffin he rested in, and into my embrace.
"Robin... No... Please... Don't... Don't go... Look I know, I know I was tough on you but I was only tough on you because you're the strongest, toughest person I know. And if it's anyone who can pull through... It's you..." My voice quivered as my breath caught in my throat. I knew I was talking to the walls, I knew he wasn't listening... And who was I to ask of him to live? Who was I to ask of him to suffer through everything he just went through, and still live? But I knew... It was already too late. And what I was asking, was for him to come back. He was already... Already gone.
"It's okay... I understand..." As my rain clouds dropped their tears onto his skin, my trembling hand cupped his cheek, and brought his forehead to meat mine. My eyes squeezed shut beyond any tightness. I couldn't breath... I couldn't breath! This wasn't happening.
"JASON!!!" I knew the screaming wouldn't help... Wouldn't bring him back... I knew the pleading I did for the next-who knows how long-wouldn't bring him back. He wasn't coming back! And... And it was all my fault. If I hadn't driven him off that night, if I hadn't of left him alone... Maybe this could have all been avoided, maybe, maybe it would be me instead of him... But I wouldn't want him to feel what I felt now... The... The beyond explainable misery. Not pain. So... So much worse.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... For everything..." I cradled his body to mine, rocking him back and forth as the devil wrenched forth from my weary soul and black heart tears of the purest sadness... This feeling wasn't uncommon... I had felt it before. With my parents. I never wanted Jason to feel it, I never wanted anyone to feel it. So many have... So many had... And I guess when I created the Batman, that's the exact thing I set out to stop. This... This chaos... This madness. Now I understood. That pain was inevitable. It would find a way... And when it did, it would not leave you alone... But now... Now I was all alone... Because the one person... The one I would have called my son... Was gone.
"I never told you... How... How much you meant to me... I'm sorry... Please... Forgive me... Jason please... Please..." It seemed as if the simple word 'please' was all that could utter my mouth... A million things I wanted to say. All including please.
Please stay...
Please don't leave me...
Please come back...
Please know that I love you...
Please understand that you're like a son to me... That's what I consider you to be, that's what you are in my eyes...
Please just wake up, just open those eyes!!
Please... I'm begging you.
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