Chapter three
It has felt like a long hours sense I actually ate anything but that might because I passed out during electric shock therapy and haven't woke up until the next day.
But today it was a weird day, it was so quite so I decided to peek out the window to fine blood splattered on the walls and body on the ground with their stomachs cut open. I got this big smile on my face thinking of all I wouldn't have to go through.
Slowly I open the door and go through the blood stained halls until I reach the kitchen. I look for the food but I couldn't find any so I grade a knife and go to one of the dead bodies and cut out their stamach to get a kidney but they were already gone. This made me really anger because I head kidneys were really good.
I didn't know that someone came up behind me until they say "hay kid do you want one of these" and holds a kidney in my face. I quickly take
it and wolf it down while he chuckles and says "I like them to. My name is eyeless Jack or Jack so what is your name" I look up and say "it's Harry, did you do this to them?" He chuckle again and"yes I did it was fun all that's left is a doctor that trapped himself a room that he uses to electricity people in." An idea hits me and I say with a evil gin on my face" can I kill him please it would be so much fun to seeing him beg like I did" he said sure but use that knife you got in your hand their to kill him but make it quick the copes will be here soon" i smile and run to the special room and brake the door down.
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