17 | nightmare
[taehyung comes out of the bed, and sits down on the chair to turn his laptop on]
❝ you can do it, man ❞
[it really is getting harder for him to breathe now that his nose has started bleeding again]
❝ here we go ❞
▻[the laptop is showing the face of someone concerned, but familiar]
❝ it is so hard to explain
everything ❞
❝ well, i... ugh... i promised
namjoon that i won't say
anything to anyone, but
i am recording this ❞
❝ because i didn't promise
him about not recording ❞
❝ well, after i'd taken care
of him, he went off
somewhere ❞
❝ i didn't want him to
be in an insane asylum ❞
❝ so i decided to take
care of him by myself ❞
❝ i did that, because i
am his friend ❞
❝ we are friends,
after all ❞
▻[he laughs in a nice way, and smiles at the camera]
❝ but... ❞
❝ namjoon has just returned,
and he is asking me to do
him a favor ❞
❝ i don't want to ❞
❝ is it odd when someone
doesn't want to help out
a friend? ❞
❝ i don't think so ❞
❝ i've always hated birthday
parties ❞
❝ and it is taehyung's birthday ❞
❝ namjoon keeps saying that
he has organized a special
birthday present for his
brother ❞
❝ don't get me wrong ❞
❝ i'm not saying that i'm
jealous or something...
no! i'm not jealous ❞
❝ they are both my friends,
and i love them so much ❞
❝ but namjoon has been
acting different, lately ❞
❝ he talks to himself more
than he used to ❞
❝ and this scares me ❞
❝ yesterday, i went to his
place, and i caught him
talking to the wall ❞
❝ but he said that he was
preparing himself to give
a lecture ❞
❝ when i wanted to leave there,
i found this on his table ❞
▻[he holds a map in front of the camera]
❝ i don't know where it is,
but i googled the location,
and it wasn't that far ❞
❝ it was an abandoned
building ❞
❝ what is namjoon up to? ❞
❝ is he planning to buy
that building? ❞
❝ but the owners are dead ❞
❝ and— wait a second...
who's that? is that taehyung? ❞
▻[he stands up from the chair, and pulls back the curtain to see who that person is]
❝ okay, i'm freaking out ❞
▻[he sits back down on the chair, and looks straight to the camera]
❝ i see that person sometimes ❞
❝ shit! am i going crazy? ❞
▻[his cellphone rings, and after a short time, he picks it up]
❝ hello? ❞
❝ wait, what? ❞
❝ where are you? ❞
❝ what do you mean
'you're scared'?! ❞
❝ you think you saw
taehyung wearing the
hoodie which i'd bought
for him last year? ❞
❝ dude, i saw that, too ❞
❝ it's fine, just calm
down, and get dressed,
got it? ❞
❝ i'm gonna get ready
for his birthday ❞
▻[the doorbell rings]
❝ okay, someone's at my
door, buddy ❞
❝ i'll see you there,
namjoon ❞
❝ bye ❞
▻[he throws his cellphone on the bed]
❝ i gotta go to see who
it is ❞
❝ ah, i'm going to be
late for taehyung's
birthday ❞
❝ when i come back from
the birthday party, i will
record one more video
about how the birthday
was ❞
❝ until then, goodbye ❞
❝ you shouldn't have
watched that, you
know? ❞
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