New Friends
Dedicated to Always_Hufflepuff who suggested bringing in Neville and Luna
Finally, Hermione had convinced them to wear some of her clothes.
Ron was wearing a grey tank top of hers, with his jeans and leather jacket from the night before.
Harry had opted to take one of her sweatshirts, pulling it over the light purple shirt and wearing his jeans.
Draco didn't feel comfortable wearing any of his clothes from the night before, and he had no idea what had happened to his jacket.
Luckily, he was slender, and could fit into a pair of Hermione's loose ripped black jeans. He also wore one of her white tank tops, and Harry's leather jacket.
Draco discovered Hermione had three Bite Me tank tops, which was why she wore them so often. She wore that, paired with black skinny jeans and a grey sweatshirt.
Draco studied himself in the mirror. He had never worn so much black, and even with the white tank top, he didn't look like himself.
"How do you feel?" Hermione asked, studying him.
Draco smiled softly. "I kinda feel like a badass, but it's really not my style."
Harry smirked at him.
"We'll take you home later today, and you can change," Ron suggested.
Draco nodded, and the group left to get breakfast.
Draco was bored. The IHOP they were at had such a long wait, and they had been standing there for ten minutes.
Harry sighed, stepping forward, and leaning over the podium thingie to talk to the girl.
"I will literally give you a hundred fucking dollars if you seat us right now," he said.
Her eyes went wide, and she laughed slightly before shaking her head and seating them at a booth. Harry slipped her a few bills, and she blew a kiss at him before walking off.
Draco wanted to strangle her, for some reason.
Draco's bad mood faded as his food was put in front of him. He smiled, and started eating his waffles.
"Harry! Hermione! Ron!" A bright, loud voice suddenly rang throughout the air.
Draco turned to see a tall girl rushing towards them. She had long blonde hair that faded into pastel purple towards the ends. Her makeup was all black, black eyeshadow, black eyeliner, black lipstick. She wore all black, and had a lip piercing, but the flower crown on her head directly compromised the emo-ness of all the black. The best word Draco could come up with to describe it would be pastel goth.
"Luna!" Harry stood, smiling, and hugged the blonde girl. "Awesome to see you!"
Hermione and Ron also stood, hugging the girl, before they all sat down, Luna included.
"Draco, this is Luna Lovegood. Luna, this is Draco Malfoy."
Luna looked him up and down, smiling. "Another punk, guys? Nice to meet you."
Draco shook his head. "I'm not punk, these aren't mine."
"Draco is very pastel," Hermione mentioned before shoving pancakes in her mouth.
Luna's eyes brightened. "I love it! Nice to meet you, Draco!"
Draco smiled. "Nice to meet you too, Luna."
"Waffle?" Harry offered, holding out a waffle on his fork. Luna smiled gratefully and took it.
Suddenly, a blur of red and black was smashing into the opposite side of the booth, shoving Harry and Ron over. "SUP FUCKERS?!"
Draco blinked rapidly as Harry laughed and kissed the cheek of the girl suddenly at their table.
This girl fit in a lot more with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. She had a lip piercing, nose piercing, and three ear piercings on each ear. A rose tattoo was on her collarbone, and she wore a leather jacket and a black t-shit with a band Draco didn't recognize. Her hair was red, but towards the bottom faded into black.
"Ginny, honestly," Ron sighed. "Be normal for once in your life?"
The girl- Ginny- promptly flipped him off before grabbing Luna's shirt and pulling her into a kiss over the table.
(For anyone confused as to how they are seated, here you go:
Ginny Harry Ron
Luna Hermione Draco)
Draco stared at the loud girl.
"Ginny, meet Draco. Draco, this is Ginny, Ron's sister, Luna's girlfriend."
"Your ex-girlfriend," she added, poking Harry in the side.
"Why is that relevant?" Harry grumbled.
"Well, I think your boyfriend should know who your past relationships were."
Draco choked on his waffle, Hermione burst out laughing, and Harry just blinked rapidly.
"Draco's not my boyfriend."
"He's also very pastel!" Luna piped up.
Ginny raised an eyebrow at Harry's statement, and smiled at Luna's.
"Pleased to meet you, Draco," she said gently.
Draco smiled. "And you."
By now, everyone had finished their food, and Ginny was complaining and saying she wanted to go do something.
"What the fuck do you wanna do?" Hermione asked, resting her feet on the table next to Draco's empty plate.
"Must you cuss in every sentence?" Ginny asked, rolling her eyes.
"The fuck did you just say to me, you wannabe ass punk ass bitch?" Hermione asked, pulling her feet off the table and leaning forward.
Draco rested his hand on her arm. "Chill, Mione."
She relaxed slightly, still glaring at Ginny. Ron gave them worried looks, and Harry cleared his throat.
"Let's go roller skating!"
Luna jumped up from the table. "I love roller skating! Let's go!"
Ron tilted his head to the side. "Sounds cool. We haven't been in a while."
"I've never gone roller skating," Draco admitted.
"That settles it!" Hermione grabbed Draco's hand. "We're going roller skating!"
"Can I change first?" Draco asked nervously.
"Of course!"
Twenty minutes and one explanation to his mother later, Draco was back in the car with the group, and they were driving to the roller skating rink. Draco was happy with his new outfit; a light purple crop top and white jeans.
Suddenly, Hermione slammed the brakes, and Harry rolled down the passenger window to yell at someone outside.
"Nev! Hey! We're going to the roller skating rink! You coming?"
Suddenly, a new boy was climbing into the car, sitting next to Draco.
"Hi, I'm Neville," he said, smiling at Draco. "I'm the only normal one of these fuckers."
"Wanna fight?!" Ginny shouted, twisting around in her seat. Neville smirked.
"Nice try, but no. Who are you?"
"Draco," Draco replied softly. He was still a little stunned by all the loud personalities he was surrounded by.
"Cool name," Neville said, smiling gently at him.
"Welcome to my kingdom!" Hermione shouted as she hit the brakes yet again.
They all climbed out of the car, grinning to see the roller skating rink.
"Get ready for the time of your livesssss!" Hermione shouted.
Draco grinned as he followed them inside.
They may be strange and loud and weird, but Draco loved his friends.
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