Five Years Later
Pansy's hands shook as they rested on the wheel.
"You got this, Pans," Astoria encouraged. "It's just a car. You drove before the accident, and nothing happened."
"Yeah, and then I got in a fuckin accident," Pansy muttered. her eyes widened significantly as she looked in the rearview mirror. "Sorry!"
"No bad language words Mommy!" Sam giggled.
Pansy smiled at her three-year-old. "Of course not."
She turned back to her task at hand.
Her fingers twitched nervously, a bad habit from when she was younger. She never could figure out how to control that.
"We're gonna be late, Mommy!" Sam shouted, a huge smile on his face. "Let's gooooooo!"
"Right," she said, smiling at her son in the rearview mirror.
"Hey," Astoria whispered, leaning in. "I love you."
Pansy nodded, smiling and closing her eyes for a moment, before opening them again.
Slowly, she backed out of their driveway, and started driving down the street.
"Yay!" Sam squealed, laughing as Astoria turned around in her seat to make funny faces at him.
Pansy tried to calm her nerves as she drove. She knew how to drive, but she hadn't actually been in a driver's seat in five years, not since the accident.
She supposed she was better than Neville, though. Neville couldn't get in a car for six months after the accident. It took a lot of coaxing from Blaise to get him near one again, and three more months before he could drive.
"You're doing fantastic," Astoria said softly.
Pansy relaxed at her wife's words. "Thank you," she murmured.
"Of course. I'm always here for you, Pans."
"Blaise Zabini, if you don't get your ass downstairs in three seconds, I swear on your mother and her six husbands I will murder you!"
"Love, not in front of the children, that would be a tragedy," Blaise laughed, stumbling down the stairs. "I had to change my shirt."
"You changed your shirt three times already. You look hot in everything, let's go. The twins are already in the car."
Blaise kissed his cheek. "You driving or me?"
"You, please."
"Of course." Blaise caught the keys that Neville tossed his way, and went to start the car.
Neville smiled as her grabbed his phone and locked the door. He hopped in the passenger seat and turned to face his kids. "You guys excited?"
Although the twins couldn't exactly talk yet, they both squealed happily at Neville's enthusiasm.
"Yeah!" Neville cheered, turning back around.
"You have too much energy for nine in the morning," Blaise muttered.
"You have too little energy for CHRISTMAS EVE!" Neville yelled, pumping his arms in the air.
"I hate you sometimes."
"You love me, bitch."
"No cussing in front of the kids!"
"Hey, they can't even talk yet! And besides, if Cassie's first word is fuck, Ginny's gonna lose her shit."
"Cuss one more time, see what happens."
"Bet, bitch."
Blaise reached out without taking his eyes off the road, smacking Neville on the back of the head.
"Ow!" Neville laughed. "Meanie!"
Blaise just grinned.
His grin dropped when Neville smacked him back.
"How many times do you think Blaise changed out of his shirt?" Ginny asked, turning the wheel to her Maserati.
"My guess would be five," Luna replied with a grin.
"Hm. I say four, and he settled on no shirt."
"I hope so," Luna said, squealing when Ginny poked her in the side.
"You're supposed to be my girlfriend!" Ginny protested, laughing.
"You can't tell me he doesn't have abs for days."
"That's true. Neville got lucky."
"Hey!" This time, Luna poked her. "You got lucky too, you bitch!"
Ginny laughed loudly. "Yeah, okay, I'm the luckiest girl alive."
Luna leaned back. "That's better."
"Because I get to see Blaise's ABBSSSSSS!" she finished, laughing as Luna smacked her arm repeatedly, laughing.
"Ron, there is one child in the car! Where is the other one?!" Hermione shouted from downstairs.
"Knowing Rose, probably the closet!"
"She's four!"
"When you know, you know!"
Hermione couldn't help but laugh at this, smiling as Rose ran into her arms.
"Found kid number two! Let's go!"
"You realize she's technically kid number one, right?" Ron asked, rushing downstairs.
"Shut up, Ron," Hermione laughed. She walked Rose outside, buckling her into her carseat next to Hugo, and stepped into the passenger seat.
"Fuck, we're late already," Hermione breathed, checking her phone. "Draco and Harry are gonna kill us."
"Draco's scary when he's pissed," Ron agreed. "Lesson be learned, Rose, never piss off Uncle Draco. Despite all the pastel and pretty colors, he's mean."
"He's not mean!" Rose giggled. Hugo nodded in agreement. "He lets me use his flower crowns!"
"He punched a guy once," Ron said.
"I don't believe you!" Rose giggled.
Ron huffed. "I have no credibility in this household."
Hermione laughed, kissing his cheek. "Start driving, before we are murdered slowly and fashionably by Draco Potter."
"If Ron and Hermione are not here in negative three seconds, I'm gonna kill them," Draco announced.
Harry laughed, wrapping his arm around his husband's waist and kissing hs cheek. "Calm down, love. They'll be here."
"I know," Draco huffed.
"Mommy drove here!" Sam piped up.
"Did she really?" Draco asked, staring at his best friend. She smiled shyly.
"Pans, that's amazing!" he cried, hugging her tightly. "I'm so proud of you."
"Thank you," Pansy said, her voice slightly muffled by Draco's sweatshirt.
Harry scooped up Cassie, who was making grabby-hands at him. "Hey, Cass," he said sweetly. "Started talking yet?"
She made a little gurgling sound and poked him in the nose.
"Guess not," he laughed.
Draco grinned at Cassidy, and her twin Casper, who sat on the floor playing with blocks. Blaise and Neville leaned back on the couch, relaxed but ready to do anything if one of their kids appeared to be in trouble of any kind.
His eyes flicked to Sam, who was attempting to help Casper make a block tower, and he smiled.
The doorbell rang, and everyone cheered as Draco opened it to reveal Hermione holding Rose and Ron holding Hugo.
"Hey, Mione," he said, kissing her cheek. "Hey, Ron."
"Uncle Draco! Uncle Draco!" Rose squealed, laughing when Draco picked her up. "Did you really punch someone?"
"What?" Draco asked, shocked. "No? Why would you ask that?"
"Daddy said you punched someone once!"
"Oh... Yes, I suppose I did. But he was mean, and he deserved it. Punch any boy who is mean to you or tries to hurt you, Rosie, okay?"
"Okay!" she cheered.
Hermione grinned. "Teaching her early, hm?"
"Please. Like you haven't punched a boy."
"I've punched plenty of boys. And girls, if you remember correctly. Sorry, Astoria!" she called, laughing. Astoria gave her a grin and a thumbs up.
"PRESEENNNNTSSSSS!" Rose screamed, wiggling outof his arms to rush to her presents underneath the tree.
Harry laughed, wrapping hs arm around Draco's waist. "They're cute, aren't they?"
"Yeah," Draco replied, smiling and resting his head on his husband's shoudler.
"But we're never having any, right?"
"Not a chance in hell," Draco laughed. "You're enough of a child for me."
"Hey!" Harry protested, laughing. "I can assure you, I'm very much a man."
"Oh, I know," Draco flirted. Harry laughed, kissing his cheek.
Yeah, Draco was pretty happy. Him and Harry and all of their friends were all he needed in life.
They would make it through everything, letting nothing stop them from what they wanted in life, innocents be damned.
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