Chapter 5
"OH MY GOD. NO. WAIT. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Screams Lea while being carried over Ezra's shoulder. Ezra throws her on the bed and asks "why stop?"
"I don't know" says Lea and Ezra holds her ankle making Lea scream. Ezra climbs over her and covers her mouth with his hand.
In the dark room with almost to nothing light, Lea got a glance of the majestic creature hovering over her. Both were starting into each other's souls through their eyes and were lost in an unknown dream they imagined seeing.
Lea blinks her eyes pulling Ezra out of his stance. He moves his hand from her mouth and says "don't scream for no reason" and bends down, close to her lips and says "let me give you a reason"
"I don't think I can afford you" says Lea.
"What?" Asks Ezra looking at her still on his fours, over her.
"I don't think you will have sex with me for 20$. Jasmine said Daniel will without any strings attached and only for 20$" says Lea.
"You wanted to have sex with Daniel?" Asks Ezra.
"Maybe but not now. He is mean and called me bitch" says Lea with a pout.
"I am hungry" says Ezra panting getting excited to rip this girl off her innocence.
"Hungry for a sandwich?" Asks Lea.
"Hungry for you" says Ezra and continues "I want to eat you" and before Lea could think more of this situation, his lips were on her's.
Lea had wide eyes at first but after a few seconds she closes her eyes to enjoy the hunger in his kiss making her crave a little piece of him too. The heat down there wanted attention and without even thinking, Lea wraps a leg around him, pulling him down to rub herself on him. Ezra breaks the kiss making her whine. Ezra smiles and kisses her again, fulfilling her silent request.
Ezra breaks the kiss and moves his lips to her jaw and then to her neck. He licks her neck and continues to lick and kiss her till he reaches her covered breasts. He places a kiss on her her breast and lifts her dress up, exposing her panties. He looks at her and without breaking eye contact, rubs his fingers between her folds over her panties. She bites her lower lip, convulsing under him. He then watches her with aww, when he puts his hand in her panties. He watches as she closes her eyes and puts her head back feeling a foreign touch down there. Ezra moves down and rips her panties off. He moves his finger between her folds making her whine and moan but the best part was yet to come. Lea screams in pleasure when Ezra latched his lips on her lips down there. Lea was fisting the bedspread unable to control her body or screams. She was in another world unable to reason with the situation or control it. Ezra was sucking her like a sucker fish and licking her like his life dependent on it. He dared push a finger in her core when she screamed for the last time tonight and finally after an out of the body orgasm, she passes out.
Ezra climbs to check on her and thought he was painfully hard, the thought of holding her close was much more soothing. Ezra covers the unconscious Lea and himself and pulls her closer to hug her. She was soft like a feather pillow and delicate as a porcelain doll.
Next morning, Lea woke up being squeezed to death. She couldn't move or breath and she wanted to live, so after trying to push Ezra off her, she pinches him a little and he creases his eyebrows and loosens his grip with his eyes still closed. She finally breaths in relief and gets off the bed. She watches Ezra for a few minutes and then blushes thinking of last night. She walks out of his bedroom wishing to visit it again.
Lea walks in Arturo's outhouse and sees him sit up on the bed with his legs hanging out.
"What's this?" Asks Lea excited to see him sit up by himself.
"I feel really good today" says Arturo with something strange on his face. A smile.
"Call the physiotherapist again. His visit made me feel good" says Arturo.
"HE? What you into Arturo?" Asks Musa entering the room.
"I am too straight. You know it as I never stuck anything into your ass every time you bent over in front of me" says Arturo.
"So you were checking my ass everytime I bent" says Musa and Lea leans to check Musa's ass.
"Perv" says Musa and Lea looks up at him with wide eyes, she then giggles seeing Musa smile. Musa approaches Lea and asks "tell me more about yourself. What's your parents name?" Asks Musa.
"I don't know my father's name but my mother's name was Christina Stone" says Lea and Musa nods looking disappointed.
"What's wrong?" Asks Lea.
"You remind me of someone I knew, I was hoping you were her daughter, cause you look a lot like her" says Musa.
"I don't look like my mom. Everyone used to say, I look more like my mother's step sister then her" says Lea watching the maid bring in Arturo's breakfast.
Lea walks away to hand Arturo his tablet before breakfast.
"What's her name?" Asks Musa.
"The step sister's name? Hmm... I think it was something like... Lucy or Luciana or..." Starts Lea.
"Lucinda?" Asks Musa.
"Oh yeah, that's it. Lucinda" says Lea and walks towards Arturo with a glass of water and a tablet but Arturo was seated shocked. Lea looks at Musa and he too was in shock.
"What?" Asks Lea.
"Where is Lucinda?" Asks Musa impatiently.
"She is dead. I mean, she is said to have died the day I was born" says Lea.
"So she was your first victim" says the maid in the room.
Lea looks at her with creased eyebrows and the maid appologatically says "sorry, but there were rumours"
Lea excuses herself to have breakfast leaving the after food pills near by. She was doubtful of the maid as she was the same one who brought lunch yesterday.
"Could she be Lucinda's daughter?" Asks Musa.
"If she is Lucinda's daughter, it means Francis can be Lea's father" says Arturo and fists his hand in anger.
Lea walks in the mansion from the back door and the first thing she encounteres is Daniel receiving a hard punch across his face from Ezra. She walks slowly towards them and see Ezra pick Daniel up by his collar and say something to him to which Daniel nods. Ezra let's go of him and turns to see Lea looking at him in disbelief. Ezra looks away from her and pushes Daniel towards Lea.
Daniel looks at Lea and grinds his teeth.
"Do it" warns Ezra.
"Sorry" says Daniel between his grinding teeth.
"Why are you apologising?" Asks Ezra.
"Bitch" pauses Daniel and continues "I am sorry, I called you a bitch and threw you in the hungry lion's den"
Lea nods scared of Daniel and he wipes the blood of his lip and walks away in anger.
Lea watches him walk away and look back at Ezra. Lea blushes seeing Ezra in the light of day and turns to run away but then stops. She turns back to Ezra and walks towards him. Ezra watches her approach him and all he would imagine is her on her knees in front of him.
Lea awkwardly stands in front of him and without meeting his eyes, asks "how much do I owe you?"
Ezra creases his eyebrows and waits for her to explain further.
"You know, for last night. Daniel charges 20$" says Lea.
Ezra knew Lea was a victim of a prank by some maid but he found her innocence too adorable to not play along. He removes 100$ from his wallet and hands it over to Lea.
She was confused as to why he was playing her.
"I owe you for feeding me" says Ezra.
"I.. me? I mean..." Starts Lea unable to form a sentance.
"I was hungry and you were a good starter" says Ezra and bends down closer to her and continues "and you make the best cocktail I ever had"
"Huh?" Asks Lea who had passed out as soon as she came last night and didn't wait to see Ezra licking her clean off all her juices.
Ezra's eyes get darker with lust and he says "I would like to dine again tonight and eat all the courses"
Lea gulps down and blinks her eyes trying to process what Ezra was indicating. She never knew a simple dinner talk could turn to dirty talk.
Lea was unable to look away from him and sees him remove another 20$ and hand it to her.
"What's this for?" Asks Lea and he answers it by snaking his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. He holds the back of her head with his other hand and kisses her lips. The kiss was not a hungry one like last night but was as hot as it could be. Ezra breaks the kiss and sees her eyes closed. He adores her for a minute and then slowly let's her go. She opens her eyes and sees him walking away from her, leaving her undone.
Lea takes her own time to walk into the outhouse with a smile on her face. She looks up to see the maid cleaning up after Arturo. She picks the breakfast dishes and starts to walk out. Lea walks to the counter she left the pills and sees a new one added. She turns to look at the maid who smiles at her and Lea smiles back not letting her know she was suspicious of her adding the pill with the other.
'how stupid do you think she thinks you are? I mean, you look dumb but this dumb?' says her subconscious to which Lea rolls her eyes.
Like yesterday, Lea hands Arturo three pills and keeps the fourth pill in her pocket.
Lea approaches Arturo and sits on his bed beside him. Arturo makes a irritated face and asks "what now?"
"Tell me about you. Your friends and enemies" says Lea putting her legs up on th bed to sit crossed leg, making herself comfortable.
"Why do you care?" Asks Arturo.
"Just getting to know you" says Lea looking at him like a little curious girl waiting to hear an interesting story.
"I have better things to do" says Arturo.
"Really? Like what? Go horse back riding?" Asks Lea which gains her a growl.
"Not scaring me this time. Start" says Lea with a large smile.
Arturo spoke about his education, parents, friends growing up, his love for food and only one girl he ever loves "Lucia" with a smile on his face.
Their getting to know eachother came to a halt with the physiotherapist's visit. He smiles at Lea and she welcomes him with a "hello, doctor"
"You can call be Ben" says the young physiotherapist.
"Physiotherapist are not doctors" says Arturo.
"Be nice" says Lea warning Arturo.
"Be nice by lying?" Asks Arturo.
Lea gives Ben an apologetic look and says "he is just jealous of us that we can go out for lasagne and he can't. Oh wait, he can"
"How?" Asks Arturo impatiently and then says "i mean..."
"Save it old man" says Lea and removes 100$ bill from her pocket.
"My treat if you first finish your session" says Lea and Ben smiles at Lea for her tactics.
With the help of a wheelchair, Arturo after a year steps out of the mansion with Ben and Lea from the back gates of the mansion. The guards were hesitant to let Arturo go out without informing Ezra but a glare from Arturo, their formal boss and they had to step aside.
Lea smiles seeing Arturo looking out of the car window like a little boy excited to go out. He even insisted on an ice cream while returning.
"There goes my 20$ too" says Lea making Ben laugh.
They return to the mansion late evening and together Ben and Lea help Arturo into the bed.
Ben was about to leave when Lea said "I'll show you out" and both walk out of the outhouse.
"I need another help from you" says Lea to Ben and removes few tables from her pocket.
"Can you help me find out what these are for?" Says Lea and Ben nods.
"Thank you" says Lea and hugs him goodbye. Ben blushes and walks away with a smile. Lea was smiling too and turns to get in the outhouse but felt a gaze on her. She looks around and then looks up at Ezra standing at the large window of his bedroom looking down at her with anger on her face. Lea jumps up, startled when Ezra punches the glass window, cracking it to bits.
Lea looks up in horror when Ezra didn't look like a man but a beast ready to kill. And for reasons unknown to Lea, she knew she was his prey.
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