Chapter 20
Lea looks at Arturo with big doe eyes and a frown on her face.
"Your little frown won't stop me from shooting you to save me" says Arturo.
"You are my father" says Lea with so much pain.
"He is no one to anyone. No relationship means anything to him" says Mateo glaring hate daggers at Arturo.
"You will not harm her" orders Ezra to Arturo.
"Your intense glare won't scare me boy. I taught you that glare" says Arturo and looks around waiting. And then his wait was over. He smiles when he hears commotion from the outside of the boat cabin they were in. Mateo looks around and sees a swat team attacking his men. They were finding their way in so, Mateo was rushed to safety to escape the boat. Arturo sees this as an opportunity and pulls Lea out at the deck of the boat. Ezra watches all the commotion, without a panic on his face, standing glued to his place. His eyes follow Arturo pulling Lea and smiles seeing Lea putting a fight to not go with Arturo. He smiled to see she wanted to be with him. He finally walks out to the deck behind Arturo and seeing a small boat ready for him to leave with Elena in it.
"Get in" says Arturo to Lea.
"Never. I want to be with Ezra" says Lea pulling herself from Arturo.
"Fucking get in" says Arturo but before he could climb in the small boat, a gun goes off and everyone stood silent. Arturo and Lea had wide eyes and Elena screams. Lea looks down at her dress and sees blood spatted on it. She looks at Arturo and sees blood oozing out of his chest. Arturo was shot. Arturo looks around and sees Ezra pointing the gun at him. Ezra had shot Arturo.
Arturo turns to look at Lea one last time and falls back into the sea. Lea screams and looks at the dark water to find Arturo but he was sinking in fast. Elena pulls Lea into the boat and screams to the boat captain to speed away. Lea was shocked and watched Ezra as he stood at the edge of the boat, watching her speed away with Elena. He was not even attempting to fight for her, simply stood there with an alarming calm on his face. Lea watches him thow the gun in the sea and put his hands in his pockets, like nothing was happening.
Ezra watches Lea speed away with Elena into the dark and between all the commotion on the boat, Ezra closes his eyes to feel the cold air of the sea hit his face.
Lea was rushed into a car as soon as they landed on the shore. Lea was trembling and didn't understand what was happening. When she took a few seconds to gather her thoughts, she looked at Elena beside her and asks "where are we going?"
Elena holds Lea's hand and says "trust me. This is good for you"
"What just happened?" Asks Lea bursting into tears.
"It will all make sense soon" says Elena embracing her.
Mateo had a hard time passing checkpoints and reaching his private jet. He was leaving to a private island where he ran his illegal businesses. He had to stay covered for a few hours and then reach his jet after few hours when the cops had cooled down their search. He enters his jet and sees Ezra sipping on a glass of champagne with his wedding suit disoriented. His tie was loose around his neck with few shirt button, unbutton. Mateo looks around and asks "where is your bride?"
"She left. I am going to give her some time to get over Arturo's death and then find her when I am in the mood" lies Ezra to keep Lea safe.
Mateo takes a seat next to him and says "It's amazing how our kids turn up like us. On my honeymoon, I had three women in my bed and not one of them was your mother" laughs Mateo.
Ezra looks away from Mateo and tightens his jaw. Just when the jet was about to leave, Musa with few Mateo's men enter the jet. Musa and Ezra share a look and off they leave to the island.
Ezra was not prepared for what he was seeing. Drugs, guns, warehouses filled girls and boys, factories manufacturing illegal substances.
"No wonder the government wants me dead, right?" Laughs Mateo.
It took a day for Mateo to show Ezra the whole island and the businesses he ran. But this is not what Ezra came here to see. What he came to see was hidden in Mateo's huge mansion in the middle of the Island, standing in front of Ezra was a woman he had waited for his whole life to meet.
The woman places her finely manicured hand on one side of Ezra's face and with a sad but genuine smile, she very sweetly calls his name "Ezra, my son"
"Hello mother" says Ezra meeting his mother for the first time in his life.
"I never thought I would see you in this life time" says Athena, Ezra's biological mother.
"You look so handsome" says Athena adoring Ezra.
"Just like his father" says Mateo.
"Lucia promised me you will never step a foot on this island" says Athena.
"She tried" says Ezra.
"Fruit doesn't fall far away from the tree, my love" says Mateo and puts his arm around Ezra's shoulder and continues "he just killed Arturo and dare he flinch. That's my boy" he says proudly but Athena had a hard expression.
Ezra was left alone in the living room till dinner was served. He was looking around when he sees Musa looking at him from a distance. Musa walks close to him and says "feel like home?"
"My new home is Lea" says Ezra.
"Keeping her closer would be smarter" says Musa.
"To keep her safe, I have to keep a distance" says Ezra.
"Just like Lucia did. She was only protecting you" says Musa.
"I know. I have no complaints for her. She did what she thought was good for me. She was the reason I knew what mother's love is" says Ezra.
"Lucia loved you more than life itself" says Musa and Ezra nods.
"What now?" Asks Musa.
"One last thorn to remove from my bed of roses" says Ezra.
Musa joined for dinner and it was nothing but awkward between Ezra and Athena.
"I missed your cooking, love. She makes the best food in the whole world" says Mateo with his mouth full. He then continues to say "after dinner let's party in the old warehouse. Just us men, testing the products we sell. If you know what I mean" laughs Mateo.
"I am gonna pass. Anyway, my taste is more polished" says Ezra.
"Ohhhh .. fancy are we. I know your taste, you like Lucinda and Arturo's daughter" says Mateo and looks at Athena and continues "same Lucinda who is responsible for creating problems in Lucia's marrage"
Ezra looks at Athena to see her reaction and she says "Lucia knew what she was marrying into. Arturo was no angel. I am surprised he has only one child. I hope she is nothing like her parents"
"She is not. She is a wonderful girl" says Musa.
"Wish I could meet her. I know if my son chose her, she must be special" says Athena.
"We will bring her once Ezra takes over the business" says Mateo.
"If that's what he wants" says Athena, hopefully.
"Mom wouldn't have liked it" says Ezra and Athena straighten her back and says "I am your mother. Lucia was just suppose to take care of you till we sort out assets"
"You are our son. You have to take over after us" says Mateo.
"No, if he doesn't want to. Then we shouldn't force him. I draw a line Mateo. If you force Ezra to take over, I promise I will put a bullet between your eyes and leave you rot on this island" says Athena glaring at Mateo.
Mateo doesn't say anything for a few seconds and then ultimately says "you won't bury me?"
"Rotting will suit you better. Decaying with worms eating you slowly for days. Your reeking body will not let any animal to eat you and finally your bones will be left for wild dogs to chew on" says Athena with disgust.
"Hmm... Such a great conversation while we all are eating steak" says Musa.
"Aww .. sweetheart, you have my death all planned. Isn't that nice" says Mateo and laughs.
"I am serious Mateo" says Athena with all seriousness.
"You know what, Ezra you are responsible of me, after I die" says Mateo.
"He is no good. He threw Arturo's body in the sea for fishes to feast" says Musa.
Ezra and Athena share a look and smirk. Both look at Mateo and he creases his eyebrows.
"I don't like you two" says Mateo and continues "fine. Let's get some rest tonight but tomorrow I desperately need a party"
"We just had one yesterday" reminds Musa.
Mateo stands up holding his drink in his hand and says "let's have a party without any deaths"
"No promises" says Ezra under his breath but everyone present heard him.
Ezra was shown to a room which was too extravagant.
Ezra took a shower, taking a good amount of time missing his new bride. There was not a second he stopped thinking of Lea but he couldn't bring her here. With a heavy heart he finally comes out of the shower and gets ready to bed. He was about to get in bed when he hears a knock on the door. He opens to find Athena.
Athena enters the room and asks him if he needed anything.
"I am good" says Ezra waiting to know the reason for her late visit.
"I didn't expect you to kill anyone and Musa said you killed Fransis too" says Athena.
"Fransis shot mom" says Ezra.
Athena smiles a sad smile and says "it's strange to hear you call Lucia mom"
"I loved her and so did she. I want to avenge her death" says Ezra.
"You have avenged her by killing her killers. Fransis and Arturo" says Athena.
"Arturo dad wanted Lucinda dead but Fransis killed mom and said he misunderstood the assignment. Dad agreed but banished him from family" says Ezra.
"Misunderstanding or not, Lucia is dead" says Athena.
"There was no misunderstanding. Fransis knew what he was doing. He was a puppet who followed orders" says Ezra.
Athena now had a hard expression on her face and asks "what are you implying? You think I payed Fransis to kill Lucia?"
Ezra tightens his jaw, fists his hands and with all the anger says "I didn't say anything. You confessed"
Athena had wide eyes to what she said.
"I spent many years to reach you. You. You my biological mother played with me and killed my mother" says Ezra.
"NO" screams Athena and Ezra saw what Athena really was. She had flaring nostrils, burning red with anger and continues "I am your mother not her. She stole me from you. I told her to keep you for few years till the cops leave mine and Mateo's back. But she got greedy. She did not want to send you back to me. She didn't want to send my son back to me"
"So you killed her through Fransis and let Arturo dad beleive he was responsible" says Ezra.
"Arturo is no angel. He cheated on Lucia" says Athena.
"BUT YOU ARE THE REASON SHE IS DEAD. I CAME HERE FOR YOU." says Ezra and wraps his fingers around her neck. She claws his hand but he pulls her close and says "you are the last thorn I need to prick out of my life"
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