Chapter 19
Lea smiles at the server who takes away the dishes after she is done with dinner. She walks behind the server to close her hotel room door behind her and peaks out to see two guards standing outside her door. She smiles and closes the door. Ezra had two guards guarding what he called the most important thing in his life.
Lea was all smiles from the past few weeks and couldn't stop smiling even in her sleep. How did she know she was smiling in her sleep? Ezra had clicked a few pictures of her smiling beside him.
Lea stood in front of her bridal gown hanging from the chandelier in the middle of the room and of course, smiles.
Lea was about to get into bed when her phone rang and if only it was possible, she had a wider smile.
"Hello baby," says Lea flirtatiously.
"Baby? Hmm... I like that" says Ezra on the other side.
"What do you want? Why are you calling me and disturbing my beauty sleep?" Asks Lea giggling.
"I wanted to see you. I missed you" says Ezra.
"Video call is all you are getting mister," says Lea.
"Nah... I am old school. Look out the living room window" says Ezra confusing Lea.
Lea walks out into the balcony from her third-floor hotel room and gasps seeing Ezra outside beside his car.
"What are you doing here?" Asks Lea on the phone, looking down at him.
"I missed you," says Ezra looking up.
"You are adorable. Is this my life? Is this how you will treat me? Love me?" Asks Lea excited.
"That's the plan. My love is all you need" says Ezra.
"Hm... So, you coming up?" Asks Lea biting her lower lip.
"I know you want me to. But I am a man of my word. I'll wait for tomorrow night" says Ezra.
"I love you so so much," says Lea and continues "so if that is it, bye"
"No wait," says Ezra in urgency and continues "I came here to confess something"
"What?" Asks Lea.
"Do you remember, a few years back someone had broken into your hostel room in the middle of the night?" Asks Ezra.
Lea thinks for some time and says "Oh yeah but how do you know?"
"I was the one who broke into your room," says Ezra.
"WHAT? OMG, I hit him. Oh god, I hit you" says Lea.
"Yeah," Snickers Ezra.
"Why?" Asks Lea.
Ezra takes a deep breath and with all seriousness says "I found you to kill you but you... One look at you. One little smile of yours. Those eyes. All made me crazy and I fell for you. For the first time after a long time, I wanted something apart from revenge. I wanted you. I wanted you for me"
"I hit you," says Lea in a soft voice and then laughs. Ezra was confused and she says "You know what that means. I can take you down anytime I want"
Ezra smirks and says "I like being under you and you over me"
"Doing what, baby?" Teases Lea.
"You know," says Ezra.
"I don't know. I am too tired now. I need to get my sleep to look fresh tomorrow and I need to get under the covers... Naked. So bye" says Lea and cuts the call but not before she hears her beast growl.
ea stood in front of the mirror wearing her wedding gown and breathing heavily.
"Oh dear, you look nervous," says Elena standing behind her.
"I'm scared. I don't even know why. I just want to burst into tears" says Lea and sees the makeup artist's eyes go wide. Lea turns to her and says "I won't do that. I still have wedding pictures to take"
"You look beautiful and the makeup is expensive," says the makeup artist nervous that her two hours of work will be wasted.
"Your work is done. You can leave. Thank you" says Elena.
"Ok. Just so you know. Your groom is very handsome and big and strong and even if he strays your face with cum, the makeup won't wash out till tomorrow morning" says the makeup artist.
"Ok, eww... Leave" says Elena grossed out.
The makeup artist leaves and Elena watches Lea looking at herself in the mirror.
"What are you thinking?" Asks Elena.
"What brand of makeup did she use?" Asks Lea and Elena was shocked at first and then bursts out laughing.
Lea walks out of the dressing room with Elena towards the entrance of the huge ballroom where the ceremony was to be held. The door was closed for now and would open with the music. Lea spots the little flower girl and ring bearer who were Elena's cousin's kids. The groomsmen where Mateo's men and bridesmaids were Lea's friends from nursing school. From the outside, this looked storybook-perfect wedding.
Lea noticed the nurses nervous standing beside ex-convicts or gang members.
Elena smiles and lets go of Lea's hand. Lea looks at Elena for a minute and then feels a soft touch behind her. Arturo stood behind her and smiles seeing Lea.
"You look just like your mother, beautiful," says Arturo.
"Did you love her?" Asks Lea.
"No," says Arturo and caresses her cheek and says "Maybe if I had time with her. She too would grow on me, as you did"
"I am happy I got at least one parent with me today," says Lea.
"I am glad I got to experience this. Thank you" says Arturo and Lea smiles.
The grand door opens and Lea peaks in and sees a lot of people.
"Who are these people?" Asks Lea.
"Some of Mateo's men and their family. Some work in resorts, clubs, and all. You wanted a big crowd. Ezra arranged one" says Arturo.
"I love him so much," says Lea watching the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk out, side by side.
"You have bad taste in men," says Arturo.
"Just like my mother," says Lea, and Arturo narrows his eyes at her.
Finally, it was time for Lea to walk down the aisle. Lea looks around and sees people flooding the ballroom, making her nervous. But everyone suddenly disappeared when she sees Ezra. They say the devil was the prettiest of all the angels. And right now, Lea couldn't make up her mind to call him what, the devil or an angel.
Ezra was wearing a three-piece suit, tailored to perfection.
But for Ezra, time stood still seeing Lea as a bride. His bride. Walking towards him, to be his.
She was wearing a ballgown that glittered like the night sky with stars.
Lea reaches the end of the aisle and Ezra extends his hand for her to take but Lea couldn't pull it out from Arturo's grip.
"Let go," says Lea.
"Think again," says Arturo.
"We are already married. This is just a big party" says Lea.
Arturo lets go of her with a foul face. He walks away to take a seat and seated beside him was Mateo.
"If I could kill you every day," says Mateo.
"Sorry for the disappointment," says Arturo.
"I'll get to enjoy the fun we will have at the end of the day," says Mateo.
"What's happening at the end of the day?" Asks Arturo and only receives a smirk from Mateo.
Ezra takes Lea's hand in his and Lea smiles at him.
"You look prettier than me," says Lea.
"It took me only a few minutes to get ready," says Ezra.
"Show-off," says Lea.
The ceremony starts, vows were exchanged and the groom gets to kiss his bride. The after-party was held followed by lunch and wedding games from the Italian side of the family. In the end, a few handful of people were welcomed to the boat to continue the reception.
"I am going to sit this out. I feel nauseous on a boat" says Arturo.
Mateo puts his arm around Arturo's shoulder and says "You are the main attraction of the evening. And anyway, you don't want to miss your last dance. I mean, father-daughter dance"
Arturo heard him loud and clear. He turns to look at Elena who mirrored his look.
Ezra had his mouth open, drooling if one could say, seeing Lea change into, what she called her party dress.
"You said, I can buy any number of dresses I want," says Lea.
"To seduce me?" Asks Ezra unable to look away from her body which was playing peek-a-boo behind her body-con, high-slit, low-neck off-white dress.
"You like?" Asks Lea.
"I love," says Ezra looking like a little boy drooling over candy. He pulls her in for a kiss and then takes her to the middle of the dance floor on the boat where everyone was present.
Arturo looks around seated alone holding a glass of wine. He observes his surroundings and spots men alert.
"What are you thinking?" Asks Musa taking a seat next to Arturo.
"Is Mateo out of jail on parole or...?" Asks Arturo and Musa laughs.
"He is a wanted fugitive," says Musa.
"I guessed. You think these few men will protect him?" Asks Arturo.
"Depends what they are protecting him from," says Musa.
"Cops. Obviously cops" says Arturo.
"Who is going to tell on him?" Asks Musa.
"Maybe I will," says Arturo.
Musa smiles a sad smile and stands up, faces Arturo who was still seated, and says "I swear I have never faked our friendship"
Arturo could see the sincerity in his eyes and nodded.
"I have a gift for you," says Lea slow dancing with Ezra.
"I have too much already. I have you and you and then you" says Ezra charming his way into Lea's heart.
"You are adorable. But I have a gift you will love" says Lea.
"I like it already," says Ezra and kisses her lips.
"Save some for the honeymoon" shouts Mateo, making everyone laugh. He then continues to say "Let's end the evening with a father and daughter dance"
Ezra with a hard expression walks past Arturo, throwing daggers at him. Arturo walks towards the middle of the dance floor and Lea smiles at him. Both dance together in silence and Lea watches a very nervous Arturo, anxious about something.
"What's wrong?" Asks Lea worried.
Arturo smiles and says "Just know, I want the best for you" and for the first time, Lea felt fatherly love when Arturo kisses her forehead. She closes her eyes and when she opens to see Arturo, he was looking away. She looks at what he was seeing and sees Ezra standing at a distance with his hands behind him.
"Thank you for your presence in my wedding," says Ezra to Arturo and continues "Time to leave". He brings his hands in front and points a gun at Arturo.
"Ezra, no," says Lea and shields Arturo.
"I gave you everything you wanted, love. I just want one thing on my wedding day. I can't stand him alive knowing he was behind my mother's death" says Ezra.
"Forgive him, for me" begs Lea.
"He doesn't care about you," says Ezra.
"He does," says Lea.
"Not over me, sweetheart," says Arturo, and Lea feels cold metal on her template.
"As I said, you grew on me but if I have to choose between you and I, I choose me," says Arturo, and Lea had tears in her eyes, feeling betrayed by her blindsighted feelings.
Chapter 20 updated on patreon
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