Chapter 16
"What are you doing?" Ask Elena to Lea who was frantically writing something in a small book.
"I am making a family tree. All the relationships are so complicated. I am writing down all of them so that I don't miss any of them" says Lea making Elena laugh in such serious affairs.
Arturo was glaring at Ezra and asks "How long have you known about this, you backstabbing asshole " Says Arturo gets punched again by Mateo.
"Mind who you talking to," says Mateo and continues "and whom you are speaking in front of"
Arturo was thrown out of his chair by the punch and was helped by Elena and Lea to sit back up. Arturo holds his jaw and looks at Ezra who was smirking at him. Arturo rolls his eyes and sarcastically says "I apologize, Princess, oh do tell thee how long have you known about this"
Lea giggles making Elena hide her laugh.
Ezra doesn't answer but looks at the entrance of the venue waiting for someone.
"I really should have got him those speech therapy classes," says Arturo shaking his head.
"But you said you wouldn't waste money on a bastard like him," says Lea, and Mateo glares at Arturo with anger.
Arturo did not want to be punched for the third time and in return stared at Lea and said "Your mother wasn't enough to create problems in my life, you are here to complete her task for finishing me"
"Hey, firstly, you are to blame for everything. Like EVERYTHING. And second, if he kills you, it's not on me" says Lea pointing at Mateo.
"Oh you will be the reason for my death," says Arturo.
Ezra's wait had finally come to an end when Musa walks into the venue. Musa smiles at everyone and says "Hey boss"
Arturo was happy he has at least one of his men with him but he was shocked to see Musa calling Mateo boss and hugging him.
"It's been forever since I have seen you. I was at peace to know my son had you beside him" says Mateo.
"It was not easy" says Musa and whispers to mateo "he is scary at times"
Mateo laughs and says "like father, like son"
Arturo was confused and refused to believe Musa worked for Mateo.
"I thought you were my friend," says Arturo hurt.
"I didn't expect us to end up friends," says Musa.
"You were much friendlier with Lucia" comments Francis.
Musa glares at Francis and says "Lucia knew who I was and trusted me to take care of Ezra in her absence. I have had his back even when he was attacked by you"
Francis panics and says "I would never do that to Ezra"
"Save it, I know what everyone has done in my absence," says Mateo and lights a cigarette.
Francis looks at Ezra and with panic clear in his voice begs "Believe me. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you"
"I have always known you were behind the attacks on me," says Ezra and continues "You wanted me dead more than you wanted Dad dead. You always gave me ideas to kill Dad so that if he did die, the blame would be on me"
Arturo smirks at Mateo and says "he calls me dad" proudly.
"Do you deserve it?" Asks Mateo and Arturo's smirk vanishes.
"I will forgive you for the past," says Ezra, and Francis smiles wide, relieved he wouldn't be killed today but that was short-lived when Ezra continues to say "Confess to what you have done for Dad"
Francis knew exactly what he had done but he would never confess, especially now. He looks at Arturo and says "We are brothers. Step-brothers but brothers. I would do anything for him"
"Confess what you have done," says Ezra.
"I don't know what you are talking about," says Francis panicking.
"You don't ask nice, boy. There is a very easy way to make people talk" says Mateo, removes his gun and fires a shot at Fransis's knee.
Fransis screams in pain and Elena screams scared.
Mateo stands up from his place and hands Ezra his gun.
"Now ask, and he will answer," says Mateo and Ezra looks at Francis and says "Confess what you did on the cruise we were in, on Mom's birthday"
Arturo who walked in with a crane stood up straight listening to what Ezra asked.
"Please don't kill me," says Fransis and Ezra looks at Mateo and back at Fransis. Ezra points at Fransis and shoots another shot on his other knee.
Mateo looks at Arturo and says "It's so important to have a good father figure to teach your kids these basic things"
Arturo creases his eyebrows and wanted to back answer Mateo but he had bigger worries to worry about.
"No stop. I'll confess. I'll confess" says Fransis and another shot was shot.
Arturo had shot a shot at Francis but Musa hit Arturo's hand and he missed it.
"Your time has come to answer," says Musa who snatches the gun from Arturo.
"Arturo had instructed me to help him get rid of his biggest problem. I just obeyed him" shouts Francis screaming in pain.
Mateo and Ezra were glaring at Fransis and Mateo asks "You wanna do it or ..." But before Mateo would finish his sentence Ezra shot multiple shots at Fransis even after Fransis was far dead. Once all the bullets were shot, Ezra pointed the gun at Arturo.
"She was everything to me. You took her from me. CONFESS YOUR CRIME" screams Ezra with anger.
Arturo looks around and finally says "I didn't want her dead. I wanted Lucinda dead"
"LIER" screams Mateo.
"Believe me. I wanted Lucinda dead. I had told Francis to kill the one problem in my life. Fool thought I was talking about Lucia" says Arturo.
"You are blaming my sister's death on miscommunication? How convenient. Do one thing. Say sorry and bring back my sister" mocks Mateo.
"I didn't want Lucia dead," says Arturo but there was no way anyone believed him.
"You need to pay," says Ezra and takes the gun from Musa and points at Arturo.
"No," says Lea and stands in front of Arturo.
"Move" warns Ezra.
"No, I know he did bad things but come on, Lucia was mental too. She would have died anyway, one way or the other" says Lea.
Mateo and Ezra glare at Lea and she continues "I read her autopsy report and her medical history. She was clinically suicidal. Her upstairs lift was not working"
Elena had wide eyes listening to Lea put Lucia's mental health in a comic.
"You are lying," says Ezra.
"I don't think he disagrees," says Lea pointing at Mateo.
"She was fine after I handed you to her," says Mateo.
"Just saying, he gave you away to her mental sister without a care for your safety," says Lea, and Mateo points a gun at Lea.
"Say she was mental one more time" warns Mateo.
"I am sorry. But look, she is dead. Francis who killed her is dead. Lucinda is dead. I mean, only Arturo is left and he is as good as dead" says Lea.
"I want him completely dead," says Mateo.
"I won't let you kill my father who I have just met. I need alive people to attend my wedding" says Lea and Mateo creases his eyebrows. He looks at the pendant around Lea's neck and takes the pendant between his fingers. He looks away from Lea and looks at Ezra and says "You married her? SHE IS ARTURO'S BASTARD"
"Lea is Arturo's heir to his fortune. He signed away everything to Lea" says Ezra.
Mateo smirks and says "You married Arturo's heir and now you own his fortune"
"He won't get anything. I didn't sign anything without going through Musa" says Arturo and realized Musa was on Ezra's side.
"It had to be done. That's what Lucia would have wanted " says Musa.
"You had signed off all your fortune to Lea, your only child. Lea married me and signed off everything to me. You have nothing" says Ezra and looks at Lea and continues "Not even your child is yours. She is mine"
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