Chapter 1
A man's head, face down was buried in the sand, and pushing him further into the sand was the creature crafted by the best craftsmen hired by God only to create him.
"Wanna repeat what you said?"
Asks Daniel, Ezra's head of security to the man who in a few minutes could very easily meet his creator.
"I think that enough" suggests the wise in the group, Musa casually standing near the group of three with his hands in his pocket, looking down at the man in the sand.
Like every other time, Ezra agreed to Musa and lifted his foot off the man's head letting him breathe. The man coughs out sand and turns to fall to the ground. He looks up at Ezra and panics again. He tries to scramble away but Daniel holds him in place, kneeling him in front of Ezra.
"I don't want to see you ever again in my life. Leave the club before I change my mind to let you live" warns Ezra. He looks away from the man and looks at the scared 19yr old caddie and says "You will be compensated for the rude behavior of the golfer"
The grateful girl nodded with the generosity of her employer.
Ezra looks at Musa and says "Cut the expense to pay the girl from this golfer and ban him from entering any of our facilities ever again"
Musa nods and Ezra walks away for Musa to comfort the girl and Daniel to throw the trash of the man out of the golf club owned by the Giordano family. A family with only two members inheriting multiple resorts, hotels, and country clubs around the world. Arturo Giordano and his son Ezra Giordano were the only two people left of the vast legacy. Arturo had a stepbrother, Francis who could be called family but Arturo hates his so-called gambler stepbrother and forbids him to come close to the fortune and himself. But Ezra loves Francis as much as he hates Arturo.
"Everything taken care of, boss," says Daniel and walks into Ezra's office with Musa.
"The girl is a little shaken by the incident so I sent her away with a paid vacation to the country club" says Musa.
"I want to lick your pussy like an ice cream. I am so trying that on a girl" laughs Daniel talking about the comment the golfer made about the girl. A glare from Ezra and he quiets down.
The three discuss business when Ezra's secretary announces Fransis was here to meet Ezra.
"What does he want?" Asks Daniel disgusted knowing Fransis was here. He looks at Ezra and says "I mean, it's not the end of the month yet so wouldn't have come to collect his monthly allowance from his generous nephew. An allowance for doing nothing"
"It's not our business" warns Musa for the hundredth time.
"Leave" is all Ezra says but Daniel whines "Oh come on. I want to stay and see what new business scheme he has for you this time"
Ezra doesn't say anything but his silence added with a glare was enough to comprehend he was angry and an angry strong man is much worse than a screaming maniac.
Daniel walks out of the office and sees Francis with a wide smile.
"He threw you out" smirks Francis.
"Ezra doesn't like it when I say the truth about you on your face," says Daniel.
"How is your father? Oh wait, he is dead isn't he?" Says Francis and approaches Daniel, close to him, and continues "Your father died saving Arturo. Arturo is responsible for your father's death"
Daniel clenches his teeth and says "he saved Arturo. I can't be more proud to call him my father. I would die for Ezra and save him from everyone, including you"
"What I would give to see you die like your father," says Fransis and walks away from Daniel, into Ezra's office.
Francis enters Ezra's office and sees Musa. He looks at Ezra and says "I got good news. I found a girl to take care of Arturo" says Francis.
"Since, when do you care for Arturo?" Asks Musa.
"He is my elder brother. Of course I care for him and I also know how difficult he is after the accident which has made him bedridden for the past year. He is waiting for death and it's not coming to him easily so he is removing his frustration on the nurses taking care of him" says Francis.
"I pray for Arturo to watch his enemies die in front of him, all those who wish him to die," says Musa.
"Of course, you would say that, after all, he was your best friend. Arturo surely had poor people as his friends" says Fransis.
"Money doesn't choose friends. Honor does. And I will serve his family till my last breath" says Musa.
"Wow. There are a lot of people ready to die for Arturo. Maybe you all should have driven with him in his car when he got into the accident" says Francis.
"Don't you wish that every day" says Musa.
Francis smirks and says "Every fucking day"
"Enough," warns Ezra a little louder stopping the argument.
"I need to speak to you alone," says Francis.
"I am not leaving. Let's hear of this girl" says Musa.
"She is a nurse and worked in an old-age home for the elderly. She is patient and experienced" says Fransis.
"What's the catch?" Asks Musa.
"Nothing. She needed a job and I thought why not send her to help you all out? I know none of you can find a nurse or caretaker for Arturo" says Fransis and before Musa enquired more, Fransis continues "Look, if she stays, she will work as a caretaker. If she leaves then she leaves like the rest"
Musa looks at Ezra who was waiting for his approval. Musa didn't see a reason to disapprove so he nodded.
"Now, if you don't mind I would like to speak to Ezra, alone" insists Francis, and Musa nods and leaves the office.
"What's the catch?" Asks Ezra.
Francis smirks and says "This girl has a reputation. People she takes care of.. die"
"How?" Asks Ezra.
"Natural causes. Just like we want Arturo dead" says Fransis.
Ezra clenches his teeth and fists his hand at the thought of his father.
Daniel sees Musa walk out of the office and asks "So? What did he want?"
"He is bringing in a girl. I want you to gather as much information you can of this girl before she enters the mansion" says Musa very calmly.
"You know our work would be very easy if Ezra didn't hate his father," says Daniel.
"No child can forgive his mother's killer," says Musa.
"You believe Arturo did it?" Asks Daniel and Musa stays silent.
Ezra walks into his mansion with Musa and Daniel tailing behind him. They walk behind the mansion into the outhouse where Arturo stayed, bedridden for the past year. Before the three could enter, they heard a commotion. All three shared a similar puzzled look and entered to see what was happening.
Arturo was struggling to breathe with his oxygen mask wrapped around his neck. He was choking and Ezra stood in his place watching his father. Musa rushed to Arturo and cut the string of the mask around his neck. Arturo breathes in relief but his pain was far from gone. The machines attached to him were going crazy, beeping loud noises notifying Arturo's falling pulse.
Ezra had prayed to watch his father die in front of him and today he was ready to witness it in real.
"Found it" comes a voice from under the bed and Ezra sees a hand from under the bed holding a syringe. Ezra holds the wrist and pulls out whoever was under Arturo's bed. With a loud gasp comes out a girl with an open mouth and wide eyes. Ezra and the girl watch eachother for a few seconds but then the girl removes herself from Ezra's grip and climbs over Arturo. He straddles Arturo's waist and rips his shirt open.
"What the fuck" screams Daniel and before Musa could push her off Arturo, she stabs Arturo in the chest with the syringe.
"What's happening?" Asks Musa seeing Arturo cool down after a loud gasp. The machines cool down too and the girl watches as Arturo relaxes. The girl gets excited, smiles and stands up on the bed.
"I did it. I saved him" says the girl.
"What's happening? And this the last time I am asking" says Daniel.
"Oh hi. I came in and saw he was struggling to breathe and then the maid said she will call the doctor. I am here and I am a nurse/caretaker so I took care of him and nursed him. He will be fine, don't worry" she said and looks at Ezra standing at the foot of the bed. She walks to him, and said "Would you help me off the bed" and holds his shoulder and tries to get off the bed. Ezra holds her tiny waist with both his large hands and picks her up, and places her down on the floor. The girl giggles and says "you are strong"
"Who are you again and what are you doing here?" Asks Musa.
"Hi. My name is Lea. Fransis Giordano sent me to take the position of his brother's caretaker" says Lea, introducing herself.
"Lea," repeats Ezra and she turns to look at the strong man with a piercing gaze that was seizing her soul.
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