7 - Drop
Loki looked up at Thor. He pointed at him, yet said nothing. Loki got up and stumbled over to a large window. He pressed his head against the glass, his arm half-supporting him.
"Loki?" Thor looked worried fir him.
Loki looked out into the cityscape. He heard something loud,
He saw a giant ship flying through the sky, with four large propellers, all spinning in sync with each other.
"A ship."
"What?" Tony looked at Thor and back at Loki. Tony started slowly walking towards Loki, and Thor akwardly followed.
"I see a ship."
Loki was inside the ship. His brother looked at him in horror. Thor was in a large glass container. And in the blink of an eye, the container fell out of the ship, Thor yelling as it fell.
"You okay, Loki?"
Loki snapped back to reality, falling backwards onto Tony, who had moved next to him. Tony caught him and pushed him back up. Loki was hyproventalating and clutching his chest.
"What just happened?" Tony asked.
Thor put a hand on Loki's shoulder. "You okay, brother?"
Loki looked at his hands, cold and shaking.
"I remembered something."
Thor looked at Loki, confused. "What art thou mean?"
Tony looked at Thor saying, "oh."
Loki looked back out into the cityscape. "I was in a ship. And you were there."
Thor turned his head in confusion.
"You were in a capsule of some kind."
Loki closed his eyes, trying to hold back tears.
"And it fell, you with it, out of the ship."
Thor was blatantly confused. "What tricks are you playing, brother? This is unlike yourself! You let me fall out of that ship, and you know that."
Some sort of explosion of guilt went off in Loki's head.
He didn't realize that it was him that had done it.
Loki really does love his brother.
He wouldn't do something like that.
His vision got blurry. He stumbled backwards, Tony catching him.
"Woah woah, Loki, you alright?"
Loki just staired at Tony, tears escaping his eyes.
Tony slung Loki's arm over his shoulder, walking him over to the couch.
Tony sat Loki down next to him. Loki almost looked lifeless, stairing at the ceiling and barely blinking.
Loki just continueued looking at the ceiling.
"Loki, look at me."
After a second of still stairing, Loki shifted his head to look at Tony.
"Stop blaming yourself."
Loki looked down at his hands.
Tony grabbed one and squeezed it. Loki looked back up at Tony, and swiftly hugged him.
Tony wasn't expecting that, but quickly hugged him back.
Loki sobbed into Tony's shoulder.
Tony pulled away, subtly smiling at Loki.
Loki took a deep breath and wiped his eyes.
Thor looked up at Loki and Tony.
"Brother, what have you not told me?"
Loki sighed.
"Thor, I, well I, didn't attack New York. Thanos did, using me as a weapon."
Thor looked confused.
"The septor I had, I think Thanos used it on me. Because I don't remember most of that attack. And what I do remember I want to forget."
Thor staired at Loki, a blank look on his face. It formed into a smile.
"I knew you had pure soul all along."
Thor opened his arms and hugged Loki, who hugged back.
"I'm afraid, Loki, I need to get back to Asgard."
"Bye, feathers."
Thor giggled. "Bye, cow."
Thor walked over to the elevator. "Fair well man of iron! Good luck with my brother."
Tony waved at Thor as the doors closed.
"I told him to stop calling me that."
Loki faintly smiled.
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