18 - Metal
Ultron grabbed Klaue's arm. "I am not one of Stark's puppets, his hollow men. I'm- look at me do I look like Iron Man? STRAK IS NOT-"
Ultron chopped Klaue's arm off.
The woman with red eyes and fast dude we're with Ultron.
"I am sorry, I am- Oohh, I'm sure that's gonna be okay. I'm sorry, it's just I don't understand. DONT COMPARE ME WITH STARK."
Ultron kicked Klaue backwards.
"He's, Stark is a sickness."
"Oh, junior."
Tony landed behind Ultron.
"You're gonna break your old man's heart."
Thor and Steve stood behind him. The rest of the Avengers were in hiding.
"If I have to."
"Nobody had to break anything." Thor said.
"Clearly you've never made an Omlet."
"He beat me by one second."
The fast dude with white hair stepped forward. "Ah, this is funny, Mr. Stark. It's what's comfortable. Like old time?"
He gestured towards a pile of missles on the ground.
Tony looked at them. "This was never my life."
Steve stepped in, aiming his response at the woman and the white-haired dude. "You two can still walk away from this."
"No, we will."
"I know you've suffered-"
Ultron interuppted. "Ah, Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I cant physically throw up in my mouth,"
Thor interjected. "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."
"I think you're confusing peace with quiet."
"Yeah-huh. What's the vibranium for?"
"I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan."
Ultron closes his fist, some sort of blue energy comming from it. Tony was pulled foward by it, and Ultron shot lazers at him through his fingertips.
Tony fell, and shot himself towards Ultron. Ultron did the same. They clashed into each other, and Ultron pushed Tony into a wall.
They fought hand to hand, Tony being thrown into glass a few times as they did.
Below Ultron and Tony, a few smaller robots fought Thor and Steve. The quick dude slowed Thor down and the red-eyed woman slowed down Steve.
From his hiding spot, Loki heard Klaue scream, "ALL OF THEM." He summoned a few daggers and ran towards the center area, where the fight was going on. People started shooting at him, and he attempted to defect the bullets with his daggers.
Natasha faught the extra soldiers in a smaller area near the fight.
Clint snyped the soldiers with his arrows from his higher hiding area.
Everyone was fighting in the center. Comotion was sounding everywhere, lazers from where Tony and Ultron were fighting (Tony was doing great), Cap's sheild zipping through the air, gunshots, metal clanging, and a soft whizzing sound from a white and blue streak zooming around the room.
Tony and Ultron flew into the ceiling and outside.
Steve and Thor were working together to break the last of the smaller robots. Loki had stolen a gun from a solder and was attempting to use it,
"Thor. Status."
"A girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care, I bought a human could keep he at Bay. Fortunately, I am mighty."
"Yes, Thor. And everyone has to know about her how great you are."
Steve got pushed backwards by the blue streak, Turing out to be the white haired kid. The red eyed woman shot something red at his head.
She did the same to Natasha. Now it was just Loki and Clint.
Loki pulled a dagger out of the chest of one of the soldiers; he had given up on the gun. The woman walked beside him and shot red energy at him. Loki moved his head in an almost painful motion.
He shut his eyes tight.
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