- Twenty - One -
Sorry for typos
"What else Baekhyun?", Luhan asked Baekhyun. The heartbroken boy looked at his friend when he spoke the words.
It's been almost two weeks. Baekhyun didn't attend to school nor left Luhan's house. He was sleeping or eating the whole day, not taking a glance at his phone. The young guy even had a little space in Luhan's drawer, but it was only filled with pajamas, since Baekhyun never wanted to go out anyways. Gladly his parents had no problem with it, because Baekhyun was often gone for more than two weeks, but at that time he was sleeping at Chanyeol's house. The school didn't call his parents either, because Luhan told the principal that Baekhyun was very ill and won't attend for weeks.
"Here", Luhan pointed at a folder. "Are documents about someone who raped people Baekhyun. We could help a lot of people, take revenge for them. Do you want Chanyeol to walk around free? Don't see him as the person you love, but the person who raped multiple people."
Baekhyun sighed. "But I don't get why-"
"Why he hasn't raped you, I don't know either. Maybe he didn't felt like it?"
"You mean I'm unattractive?"
Luhan shook his head. "Don't be dumb right now."
"I don't know Luhan", Baekhyun said and bit in his chocolate. "Of course somewhere you're right but I'm not ready yet. Give me time"
"Baekhyun we're waiting for more than a week"
Meanwhile Jinyoung leaned back on his couch, his mouth wide opened. He looked to his left and right and went with his fingers through his hair.
"Chanyeol what have you done?"
The tall guy kneeled infront of his cousin, eyes filled with worry. Not a single word left Chanyeol's lips.
"Do you know what Baekhyun is now able to do?!", Jinyoung's voice raised and Chanyeol nodded slowly. "No you don't!" He shouted.
"Chanyeol this is not good, not good at all. I told you to tell him, why didn't you?"
A silence filled the room, even the dogs felt the negative atmosphere. "I. ." Chanyeol started, "I was scared to lose him."
"You always told me that he trusts you and whatever, so why did you hide this secret Chanyeol? I know, I know that this is not a normal secret but-"
Jinyoung interrupted his words, seeing Chanyeol looking at the ground.
"Look at me Chanyeol", he said but the taller one shook his head. "Chanyeol, look at me." Jinyoung held Chanyeol's shoulder and made him look up. Jinyoung's heart was bleeding, seeing Chanyeol cry. Chanyeol's tears were always filled with guilt, no matter what he did, Jinyoung always knew that Chanyeol has a warm heart, he sighed and hugged Chanyeol.
"You're a grown man Chanyeol, stop crying"
Chanyeol shook his head.
"You really do love him right?"
Chanyeol nodded and hugged him back.
"I'm sorry for being selfish about the consequences, I totally forgot about how much he means to you"
"It's fine Jinyoung, don't worry, but. . Can you do me a favor?"Jinyoung nodded, "Of course!". Chanyeol looked at the ground.
"Can I. . maybe stay at you place? I don't want to be alone at night anymore"
"No problem, I'll prepare your bedroom. It's already late anyways, let's go to sleep."
Chanyeol smiled and nodded. Jinyoung took Chanyeol's jacket and brought at to the guestroom, there he prepared Chanyeol's bed. Afterwards he searched in the taller one's jacket for a phone. Jinyoung clicked on the display and searched for Baekhyun's number, immediatly he took a picture of the number and walked back to the living room.
"Everything is done, wash your face and change your close, I'll lend you mine."
Chanyeol nodded and thanked him again for supporting him.
When the sad teacher was asleep, Jinyoung took out his phone and messeged Baekhyun.
Baekhyun, it's Jinyoung.
Don't ignore this messege right now.
Chanyeol told me what happened and I think you deserve the truth. Coming straight to the point, I want to meet up with you and tell you everything and answer all you questions.
Chanyeol knows nothing of this, trust me please
Jinyoung send the messege. He looked at his phone and hoped for a reply, but it was 3a.m so it could take a while.
I don't believe you, I don't want to hear anything of his disgusting stories. Please, leave me alone.
Baekhyun replied. Jinyoung was shocked because of his early reply. Without thinking twice, Jinyoung typed again
Listen to me Baekhyun, Chanyeol won't be there. Give me a chance to tell you something, afterwards you can decide what you want to do
Minutes passed by.
Give me a reason to meet up with you
Jinyoung sighed and typed
I'll bring Sweet Chili Sauce with me, Jinyoung waited.
Tomorrow, 6 p.m, I'll send you the adress. If I see Chanyeol there I will leave
With a smile Jinyoung went to sleep. The next day he woke up with the same smile, excited to meet Baekhyun. He has to clarify the situation between him and Chanyeol. Talking about Chanyeol, Jinyoung prepared brunch for his guest and woke him up, because it was almost 2 p.m. but Jinyoung guessed that Chanyeol maybe had not many sleep when he stayed at his home.
The tired teacher greeted Jinyoung, brushed his teeth washed his face before and took a seat. "You still seem tired"
"I kinda am", Chanyeol admitted.
They ate and talked about how Chanyeol was dealing with all this right now and what even happened. "Chanyeol I'm going out around five p.m if it's fine?"
"Oh, of course, don't worry"
"Okay, you can stay here or maybe you bring over some clothes"
Jinyoung sat down on one of the benches from the dog park, atleast that's the address Baekhyun sent him. The little guy literally thought morr about the dogs more than about this situation. Jinyoung let the dogs free since he knew that they're not going to harm anyone. The three ran to the other dogs, their barks filled with happiness.
After a few minutes Jinyoung called Baekhyun but that wasn't necessary anymore because the young boy finally arrived. Jinyoung stood up and stretched out his hand and greeted Baekhyun.
"Sit down, Baekhyun"
Baekhyun nodded. "I see, you're really here without Chanyeol."
"I don't break promises Baekhyun, the dogs are here too." Jinyoung whistled loud and the dogs ran towards the young boy. Baekhyun gave a weak smile and petted the dogs. "Your eyes look puffy, did you cry a lot?"
Baekhyun didn't answer his question. "You wanted to tell me something, that's why I am here right now"
"Right", Jinyoung agreed. He took deep breath before he started. "Baekhyun, the files you found, the information and the topic they were about. . It is all true, everything of it happened."
Baekhyun shut his eyes, his facial expression turned from sad to disgusted.
"But now I am telling you what caused Chanyeol to do all this" Baekhyun nodded slowly. "You know, Chanyeol's family was never normal"
"Mommy, are you working again?"
"Yes Chanyeol, go and bring your jacket we're going"
"But mommy, I don't want to! I don't like this place", the six year old Chanyeol spoke to his mother. The twenty four year old young woman sighed.
"I don't have time for this Chanyeol, we're going or you're staying at home alone!", she yelled.
Alone, that word was very familiar to the little Park. Chanyeol had to stay home alone, in the dark because his mother couldn't organize a babysitter. Even in his young age, she thought he could handle his fears in the dark.
"So Chanyeol was often alone as a child", the curious Byun Baekhyun asked.
"Yes, but that's not the point."
"Oh god, yes yes yes~" heard the now nine year old Chanyeol moan his own mother. That was a daily process for him. His mother, also known as the main whore of the bordello, was always heard by the little boy.
Hundreds of men would come here daily and some of them would have fun with his mother. Chanyeol walked around in the bordello and saw girls wearing nothing but underwear, giving some men a lap dance. The males looked all different, some where disgusting looking others actually looked fine. Some of them came in sport clothes others wore suits.
"Chanyeol baby what are you doing here?" A woman asked him, she bent down, the little guy had a great view over her breasts.
"I'm hungry"
"Ahh, you should've said that earlier little guy. Go back to the cabinet, I'll bring you a sandwich"
He nodded and smiled, hopping towards the back rooms. He opened the door and froze, he didn't know what to feel when he saw his mother on her knees, behind her a man, thrusting his genital in her, giving disgusting moans from him.
Chanyeol often heard his mother moan or scream like a mess but never saw this action before, he felt something weird in his stomach, his pants tightened.
"Ch-Chanyeol, leave!" His mother yelled but Chanyeol didn't move a bit. "Can't you hear? Cha-ah-nyeol, leave!" His mother moaned her sons name. The nine year old boy didn't know why but he liked the sound his mother gave while moaning his name.
With fear and a weird pain in his pants he ran away, but it wasn't a good idea to run away with closed eyes because he bumped into someone.
"Huh, little Chanyeol what happened?"
"I. . I don't know" he stuttered and was almost about to cry. "My pants, it hurts so much down there"
The young woman looked at him and opened his pants. "Let me see", she pulled down his underwear. "Ah, I see, someone is erected hm?"
"No, erected Chanyeol, do you want me to let the pain go away little boy?"
He nodded, "Please! Please!"
She smirked, looked to the left and right of the hall and wrapped her fingers around the small genital and started stroking the nine year old boy's cock. Chanyeol didn't know what this feeling was, but he already loved it. His body was filled with adrenaline .
"Is it helping?"
"Y-Yes. . ", he moaned.
Chanyeol was laying on the ground, with one hand he grabbed the woman's arm and dug his fingernails in her flesh. She giggled and went faster on him.
"Ah, w-wait my stomach feels weird"
"That's good Chanyeol wait and see what happens", she said and let the young boy reach his climax. Chanyeol came and saw the woman's arm being covered with cum. Chanyeol breathed heavily.
"Is the pain gone?"
He nodded
"This is disgusting Jinyoung, I can't believe that this even happened"
"It did Baekhyun and this day changed Chanyeol completely."
"But why do you know about this?"
"Oh, I'm his cousin, my mum is the sister of Chanyeol's mother, unfortunally his mother was a whore and my mom was working as an assistant in a hospital. My mum offered my aunt a job there or anywhere else but she was addicted to her job and sexual intercourse and because of that she pulled Chanyeol into it as well"
"Oh god Chanyeol. Yes, please~", a brown haired girl he didn't even know moaned his name, she pulled his hair and screamed, not holding in any moan. Chanyeol smirked and thrusted into her without wasting any energy.
That was a daily thing for Chanyeol. Since he was four teen, he had sex with girls or even elder woman. Until his fourteenth birthday he let other woman touch him, he needed the feeling of another body, he was addicted to it.
Now he was eighteen and literally worked at the bordello as well, everyone wanted Chanyeol, even his co workers. He was known as one of the best workers there.
With the age of twenty Chanyeol was thrown out of the bordello, the reason for it was that he started to hurt the people who didn't want to do the positions he wanted, or they didn't let them get hurt.
Chanyeol wasn't the type to do relationships, he only needed to fulfil his needs.
Jinyoung sighed. "And that's where it all began. Chanyeol couldn't hold himself back, he started to rape people, hurt them."
"He is disgusting, cruel a fucking monster! He always acted like he was an innocent teacher but in real-"
"Baekhyun! Let me finish, please"
Baekhyun rolled his eyes and nodded.
"Chanyeol lived in my house, every night he came come, he cried. He cried for hours, he hated it, he hated his mother, his old job, that he couldn't control this sexual lust. He begged me to help him, he would even go to the asylum but he didn't want to go to jail"
Baekhyun Jinyoung in the eyes and felt his pain.
"I. . I didn't know what to do. I know what he has done but I knew that he never wanted this things, it was all his mother's fault."
"How did it come that Chanyeol never went to jail?
"That's my income. I'm a judge Baekhyun, so I had access to Chanyeol's files, since we work together with the police. After the incident with Sooyoung, I gave Chanyeol one last chance to change himself. I told him to work on himself, to control his lust"
Jinyoung paused and looked at Baekhyun who was looking at the ground.
"Did he ever touch you without your permission Baekhyun?"
Baekhyun shook his head. "I know about the thing with your classmate. Do you know why he did that?"
"Because he was being seduced"
"No", Jinyoung shook his head. "He slept with him because he wanted to see if he can control himself. He never wanted to sleep with anyone, which was good, but when the person tried to seduce him Chanyeol took the chance to see if he can control himself." Jinyoung sighed and smiled. "I will never forget the way he smiled and told me he was in love"
"I love him Jinyoung, I really do!"
"Are you stupid?! He is your fucking student. First you rape people now you're a pedophile?"
"Please don't bring up the past.", Chanyeol bit his lips. "I know, I know it's weird. But I can't stop thinking about him, his smile, his laugh, his unfunny jokes in class with his friends, the little notes on his classtests like 'I don't really know how to calculate that but I know it has something to do with the lala and lala' that make me smile. I don't know Jinyoung but I really feel happy around him"
"Mh hmm"
"I'm fucking serious! Do you think I'm happy with the age gap? I will get old and look horrible but he will always stay the beauty he is."
"Did you notice something?"
"Chanyeol, I'm so proud of you my brother", Jinyoung said and had literally tears in his eyes. "You didn't mention his body once, you really love him for his soul don't you?"
Chanyeol smiled proudly and laughed, a laugh Jinyoung hasn't heard in years.
Baekhyun just looked at Jinyoung and said nothing.
If that what Jinyoung told him, was the truth, than it meant that Chanyeol raped people because of his traumatic childhood, this bordello and his mother
"Wait", Baekhyun said. "But he introduced me to his mother? She was not really friendly but she was quiet old?"
"His mo-? Ah, that was not his mother. He paid a woman to play the role as his mother, Chanyeol called me afterwards and told me that the woman acted like an asshole. Chanyeol never spoke to his mother once again and no one knows who his real father is."
Baekhyun nodded slowly and sighed, it was already getting dark. Jinyoung called the dogs and stood up.
"What I want to say with all this is, there is a thirty year old man in my house, crying old night long because the only person he really loved without any sexual thoughts, left him. I don't care if you go to the police Baekhyun, go and bring him and myself to the jail, but I thought this is important for you to know, because I know that my cousin who is like my brother never did something to hurt others on purpose, his lust took control. He really fought against it and his final result, was the love towards a twelve years old younger student named Byun Baekhyun"
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What would you do
if you would be in Baekhyun's situation?
Also, it's my birthday!
I expect some sweet notes on my messege board!
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