- Twenty - END - Three -
Sorry for typos
"The philosophy and math teacher of the PT Highschool was transported to the hospital. The doctors said that he had inner bleeding and broken bones. Right now we got the information that there are no actual chance of survival."
Baekhyun stared at the Tv, suddenly everything went numb. He couldn't hear anything but his heartbeat. His body felt heavy, everything went blurry for a second.
"Wait", Baekhyun brought himself back to reality. He typed the number of the hospitals and asked if a Park Chanyeol was being transported there. After he found out which one it was, Baekhyun took his bike and drove as fast as he could.
Meanwhile at the hospital the doctors where trying everything to save Chanyeol's life. But why would a doctor do this? Trying to save the life of a rapist?
Well, of course the doctor didn't know that it was a rapist he was saving right know, for the doctor Chanyeol was a human being. The life of a human being was never meaningless, everyone was equal. Everyone deserved a new start, a new chance in life.
These were the thoughts that the doctor kept in his mind while helping Chanyeol to survive.
"He is stable now!!" A nurse cheered after the three hours of the operation.
The doctor took a deep breath and smiled, everyone was happy and tried to close the wounds with the broken rips. The patient was placed in a quiet room where he could rest for a while.
Chanyeol felt dizzy, he was tired when he woke up, that was nothing new. Especially the past few month he felt very tired and couldn't walk properly. Sometimes even breathing felt hard.
A white clothed person entered the room, Chanyeol tried to calm the blurry picture.
"How are you feeling Chanyeol?"
"What. . "
"I'm Dr. Jung, the one who saved your life. I'm just here to check your condition and I wanted to ask you if you feel ready to answer me some questions."
Chanyeol only looked at him with a blank face.
"You've been asleep for a few hours now, such a strong person. Why did you try to commit suicide?"
Now he remembered, well atleast a part of what happened to him. "Suicide?" He asked. "I never did that"
"Chanyeol, you don't need to lie. I'm your doctor and here in my hand are all the information about you condition I need."
"I didn't!" He raised his voice. "I. . I just looked out the window to get some fresh air because I was feeling dizzy again and the next thing I remember was that everything went black"
The doctor gave him a worried look. "I see, maybe it is because of your-"
"Let me go!!" A voice sounded out.
The doctor and Chanyeol looked at the white door.
"I said let me go, I have a right to see him! Let go of me, I waited for eight hours god damn it. Chanyeol!" Someone screamed and than the door was smashed open.
The figure of a young boy appeared, even if everything was still a bit blurry, the glow of this beautiful face could only belong to one person.
"Baekhyun. . ", he whispered weakly.
A burning pain was now lingering on Chanyeol's face, Baekhyun slapped him. "You asshole!", he cursed, another slap. Baekhyun took Chanyeol's collar and pulled him. "How dare you do this to me?!"
The doctor held Baekhyun's arm and tried to pull him away.
"Mr, you can't-"
"Shut the fuck up and leave okay?!", his voice shaked.
Chanyeol nodded towards the doctor, with that he left. Silence filled the room for seconds.
"How dare you Chanyeol? How dare you treat your own life like that? You have no right to treat yourself like that, you know why?"
Chanyeol just looked at him.
"Because this", Baekhyun pointed at his heart. "Belongs to me! Your life, the breath you take the steps you make your lips that smile everything Chanyeol, everything belongs to me!", tears covered the students cheeks. "Dont you dare treat things that belong to me like shit. Everything that is my property is precious, o-okay?", he couldn't hold back his tears anymore.
Warm arms were wrapped around Chanyeol's neck, he did his best not to hiss because of the pain.
"I was so fucking scared, I thought I lost you."
Chanyeol had nothing to say.
"Do you even know ehat I had to go through? The four month felt like death to me without you. I know what you thought, Oh, how can I cry over a eighteen years old boy. But how did I feel? You think it is easy? That it was easy to be disgusted by you? To leave you?"
He wiped his tears. "Park Chanyeol, it wasn't" he said. "I fucking died leaving you, but I didn't know why. I always thought about why I am loving you, I don't know why. That's why I had no reason not to love you. I cried for days, weeks, months. I skipped school I ended friendships. My true me died without you."
"Did you ever think how I would feel like if you just end your life like this? Did you really think. . ." Baekhyun paused as his tears appeared again. "Did you really think I stopped loving you?!"
Chanyeol looked at him, he died seeing Baekhyun cry. The little boy place his palms on Chanyeol's cheeks and looked him in the eyes.
"I never did, if you thought that. Not for a second or minute. I don't think your past is your fault, Jinyoung told me. At home I had a long time thinking about it and I wanted to say: That I am so proud of you Chanyeol. You managed your life, your past, your future, you have to appreciate the things you achieved"
Now it was Chanyeol's turn to cry, he cried like a kid infront of Baekhyun but that didn't matter. For the first time in his life, someone actually said that he was proud at Chanyeol. The only thing that was important at this moment was the fact that the love between the two was stronger than the horrible past of Chanyeol.
He hugged Baekhyun tight, ignoring the pain that was rushing through his body and brain. Baekhyun patted his head and ran his fingers through Chanyeol's hair.
"Please cry as much as you want"
The giant cried and didn't hold back a single tear, but the sudden stitch in his head stopped him for a second.
"Ouch. ." He said and pressed his palm against his forehead.
"Are you okay?!", Baekhyun panicked.
"Yes, I'm fine. . I have these stitches since a few month, it's getting worse by time, I guess it's because of the stress"
Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who was watching him in awe.
"What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked but Baekhyun only shook his head.
"I missed your voice", he said and giggled quietly.
Chanyeol smiled. "Baekhyun, I'm really tired, I missed you so much but would it be okay if-"
"Of course! I-I'm sorry, I'll be leaving. Can I visit you tomorrow?"
Chanyeol smiled and pecked him once, "Please, do this, I'm waiting." Eventhough Chanyeol really missed him, he felt way to tired after this day to par any attentuon to his love.
Baekhyun nodded and walked towards the door, he waved once to Chanyeol before leaving the room, going home with a bright smile.
After month without Chanyeol, Baekhyun was finally able to sleep peacefully, dreaming something beautiful instead of the disturbing and scary dreams. Chanyeol did the same, laying in the bed of the hospital, eyes closed, sleeping peacefully. The only difference between the two was, that only one of them would wake up the next morning.
"Uh, hello?"
"Hello, is this Byun Baekhyun?"
"Yes that's me, who am I talking to?", Baekhyun replied.
"I am Dr. Jung from the hospital, I'm sorry to tell you this, but Park Chanyeol has passed away this morning"
The body which woke up with the best energy in years, suddenly felt heavy again.
"We diagnosed HIV positive in Park Chanyeol's documents, that was probably the reason for the headache pain the past few month and the dizziness and all the other syndromes, it is the worst stage. He probably has it since he was a young chil-"
The phone fell on the ground and so did Baekhyun. The man he lost month ago but won yesterday, was lost again. Baekhyun had lost the love of his life, forever. The only man he gave his heart, the only person he trusted, the only human being who didn't only taught him what love was but also showed him.
Tears drops fell on the ground, Baekhyun shuddered, with his palms his balanced his body. A scream filled the neighbourhood, a scream filled with pain. A loud cry was heard.
"Baekhyun what happened?!" His mother ran down the stairs, looking after her son.
Baekhyun only continued crying out loud, screaming his name. He felt like dying, he wanted to die.
"Why him", he whispered and looked at the ground. His mother stared at him with shocked eyes. "Why him, it wasn't his fault. Chanyeol was innocent, why him?! WHY HIM", he screamed, his lungs felt like bleeding.
"Mom he hasn't done anything wrong!", he cried in her arms. "He was innocent", he whispered tiredly.
Minutes passed and Baekhyun was still wrapped in the arms of his mother. He hugged her tightly, tears never stopped dropping, he felt inanimate.
"Wait", he whispered weakly to himself. "If he had HIV positive, does that mean. . . ."
× × × × × × × × × ×
I want to thank you so much for reading this book,
also I please you to not hate on me or my book and respect the ending I chose!
It is ridiculous that some reader hate the author after sad endings and I mean the one who are serious with the hate and not "AUTHOR-NIM I HATE YOU T T", cause that one is cute.
It was an honour to write a story for you guys,
See you hopefully in my other stories, my ilovies!
[ If you didn't get what Baekhyun meant by the last sentences, read my "Thank you" to understand, I will explain it to you]
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