- Twenty -
Sorry for typos
"Chanyeol, thank you so much for coming with me"
"No problem Sooyoung", the tall friend smiled and followed the girl to the car. She sat at the drivers seat and started the car.
"Ah", she sighed. "The day was so exhausting, wasnt it?"
"It was"
After fifteen minutes the two arrived at the house. Chanyeol took some bags and walked upstairs. Sooyoung followed him. "You can leave it in the kitchen Chanyeol"
He nooded and placed the bags next to the fridge. Sooyoung entered the kitchen while tying up her long brown hair, her body structure was now emphasized since her arms were in the air. Her skirt reached from her waist until unter her knees, her beautiful wide hips were surrounded by the dark brown material of her skirt. Two buttons of Sooyoung's shirt were unbuttoned.
With her hair being tied up, Chanyeol realized her beauty.
"Do you think Hwan will like the decoration I just bought?"
The tall guy nodded. "Thank you again for helping, you know I'm always afraid of being alone while Hwan is working. The fact that you stay here helps me a lot"
Chanyeol only smiled. Sooyoung was thankful, she was new in the city because her and Hwan got to know eachother in the city she lived beforr while he was on duty. Since she has no friends, Hwan said that Chanyeol can take care of her. At first the tall man wasn't happy about the idea of letting a girl alone for a week.
Sooyoung bent down to clean the dishwasher, Chanyeol had no chance but to stare at her body.
"No. . " he whispered to himself.
"Huh, did you say something?"
"N-no", Chanyeol stuttered. "I. . need some fresh air." He said while staring at her back. Chanyeol left the room and walked to the balcony, dialling someone's number. The phone rang two times.
"J-Jinyoung. ."
"Chanyeol? What's going on?"
"It's happening again.", he said and took deep breath.
"Chanyeol, no it doesn't! You need to calm yourself"
"I tried!" Chanyeol shouted. "I tried to calm myself the whole week, I. . I can't Jinyoung. I thought it's gone I thought I did it, but . . .no" Chanyeol knew that he was going to lose his patience again, there was no way to hold him back. He could hear Jinyoung yelling something through the phone but Chanyeol hung up.
He walked back to the kitchen, Sooyoung was not there. Chanyeol walked to her bedroom, there she was. Sooyoung was about to take off her skirt but noticed Chanyeol standing at the door.
"Chanyeol! I want to change, can you leave?"
Chanyeol didn't say anything, he only stared at her, gazing her body from head to toe. His eyes were blank, no one could read his facial expressions now. With slow steps he walked forward, Sooyoung looked at him in confusion, slightly getting scared. He was literally surrounded by a dark purple aura.
"Chanyeol what-" her sentence was cut when Chanyeol pushed her against the bed and that was everything else than gentle. He climbed on top of her, Sooyoung tried to push Chanyeol but no chance and screaming was no help because the neighbours couldn't hear anything.
With one hand held both of her wrists over her head meanwhile with the other hand he tried to undress her. While Chanyeol was distracted Sooyoung kicked wild with her legs. Chanyeol hissed and fell from the bed. Sooyoung stood up and was about to leave the room, she was crying, her eyes were puffy. She was trying to hold her skirt which Chanyeol unbuttoned as she was running towards the door. Unfortunally she realized that Chanyeol was faster than her and that the door was locked.
Sooyoung cried louder, she grabbed a vase and tried to throw it against Chanyeol who was infront of the bed. She couldn't aim right and threw it against the wall, Chanyeol walked towards her and pulled her back. With one shove he pushed her again down to the bed, which was now covered with glass panes.
Sooyoung screamed loud when the panes where digging through her skin and clothes. Chanyeol hovered over her, he was filled with anger, he took her skirt and underwear and ripped it into two pieces. Chanyeol took her wrists and pressed them against the matress.
The duvet was now painted with blood red. Sooyoung cried and begged Chanyeol to stop, but no way.
"Chanyeol please stop! Chanyeol it hurts" she cried.
Chanyeol unbuckled his pants and pulled his underwear down.
"Chanyeol what are you doing?" Her voice cracked. "Please, I'm begging you" she said, catching breath. "Don't do this Chanyeol, please. . "
Chanyeol only looked into her eyes, they were filled with fear, to the opposite Chanyeol's eyes showed no emotions, he had a blank facial expression. For a second Sooyoung had hope that he would stop, but the hope was gone when she felt Chanyeol's size entering her body.
Without any words Chanyeol started to thrust into her, the panes scratching her body, her face filled with tears, Sooyoung was choking, choking from all the screams, beggings and cries. Chanyeol instead was about to fulfil his needs, he moaned like a mess, ignoring the sos screams from his target.
The pain was intense, there was nothing left but a numb body, Sooyoung couldn't bear with this pain anymore. Chanyeol couldn't hear the shouts anymore, his heart burned from hearing the painful screams he took a pillow, pressing it against her face.
"Please sh. . shut up" Chanyeol said while tears were streaming down his cheeks.
Sooyoung tried to loosen Chanyeol's grip and screamed louder against the pillow.
"Shut up. . Please, please. . please"
The screams were getting quiet. Chanyeol's thrusts get harder, more tears weted his cheeks. His body covered in sweat, Sooyoung's in blood. The tall guy closed his eyes and tried to ignore the things he was doing right know.
"I am so sorry" he muttered under his breath, still thrusting into the body. "So sorry Sooyoung" he stuttered a whisper.
After two minutes Chanyeol reached his climax and came in the now dead body, "What did I do. . " his weak voice sounded out, the next thing he knew was that everything went black.
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I have nothing to say
I hope you noticed that this is a flashback???
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