- Seven -
Sorry for typos
Chanyeol doesn't know what to do. It was the first time that Baekhyun acted so. . needy. At that moment he was sitting on Chanyeol's lap, pressing his irresistable body against Chanyeol's crouch. The fact that Baekhyun was only wearing his boxer shorts and Chanyeol his thin clothed pajama, made it worse. Chanyeol grabbed Baekhyuns hips with his hands. He tried to stop the younger one from moving, since Chanyeol tried to stop getting a boner. Well, too late. Because Baekhyun was not even thinking about stopping to move his lower body while he was kissing his boyfriend. Baekhyun's hands were wrapped around Chanyeol's head, pressing their lips harder against each other.
The small boy even started to bite, suck and lick Chanyeol's lips. Most beautiful moans escaped Baekhyun's mouth. Chanyeol lost control. He had no clue what was going on but it's enough. He held Baekhyun's hips with his left hand and with his right one Baekhyun's waist. Without any expection he threw Baekhyun beside him and hovered over the midget. He slammed both of his hands right next to Baekhyun's head and kissed him hard. For Chanyeol, that was definitely not enough. Having no control about his body he brutally rubbed his croach against Baekhyun's, letting him whimper under Chanyeol's control.
Baekhyun bore his nails into Chanyeol's shirt, moaning shamelessly as the taller one investigated Baekhyun's body with his lips. Chanyeol taking off his shirt broughy this whole thing to a new level. Chanyeol let his hands travel under Baekhyun's shirt, feeling the soft skin. He sucked on Baekhyun's neck, leaving purple marks, his hands soon travelled to Baekhyun's lower part.
"Ch-Chanyeol don't!" Baekhyun stopped the taller, pushing him away with his hands on Chanyeol's chest. "What's wrong?" Chanyeol got confused, everything seemed so well. Baekhyun gasped for air, his chest going up and down.
"I think I'm not ready yet"
"Are you serious Baekhyun?"
"I-I'm sorry okay!" He apologized. "I didn't think that we would go this far" He lowered his gaze. Chanyeol let out a chuckle and gave Baekhyun a quick peck on his lips. "It's okay babe, don't worry. I'm going to take a shower okay?" Shower.
- ℘ -
Baekhyun waited for Chanyeol to leave the bathroom. He knew that Chanyeol would jack himself off, Baekhyun is not that innocent at the end. Soon the door opened and a Chanyeol with wet hair entered the room. He was already dressed and dried his hair with the towel.
"Why were you like this before, puberty?"
"What? No!" Baekhyun demonstrated. "I thought I should. . I don't know, pleasure you a bit?"
Chanyeol chuckled. "You know, you left me in pain instead of pleasure." Baekhyun looked at him, confusion in his eyes. Chanyeol dimmed the light and went over to the bed. Baekhyun was covered with thick blankets, hugging the material, kicking it in the right position with his legs. Chanyeol laid next to Baekhyun, put on his glasses and took his book. "Not important" he said.
"Are you going to read the book?"
"Yes, why?"
"I thought we could do something funny!"
"I had enough fun today, I have no energy left."
Baekhyun sighed. "Old man"
"What was that?" Chanyeol asked and looked at him above the glass frames. "Nothing"
"You called me old again"
"Because you are" Baekhyun stated. "If that takes your energy, what will happen if we do it? Huh, huh? Will you fall asleep while-"
"You didn't say that" Chanyeol warned and threw his book on the ground, hovering over the small boy. Baekhyun chuckled and took Chanyeol's glasses off. He placed his hands on Chanyeol's cheeks and slowly pulled him towards himself, kissing Chanyeol. It was only their lips placed on each other's, no movement. It felt like through their lips their love was transferred to each other's body.
Chanyeol slowly laid his whole body on Baekhyun's, being careful not to crash the small boy. Baekhyun played with Chanyeol's hair. Eventhough Chanyeol was way older and taller than Baekhyun, it sometimes felt like he was a baby Baekhyun has to love and take care of.
"Good night babe" Chanyeol mumled.
"Good night".
- ℘ -
Chanyeol shoot his eyes open, choking.
"I said wake up idiot. We're late!"
"Baekhyun what the fuck, why am I wet?" At this Baekhyun giggled. "Because of this." Baekhyun pointed at the glass."I think your energy needs a long time to refresh because you just didn't want to wake up."
"That's no reason to-"
"Come on stand up. I already put some clothes together, today we're going to wear some matching clothes!!" Baekhyun said in an excited tone. Chanyeol checked his boyfriend up. Baekhyun was wearing a white shirt, black ripped jeans and a caramel jacket which had a hoodie.
For Chanyeol he placed a white shirt with a caramel blazer and also a black jeans. After washing his face, brushing his teeth Chanyeol changed his clothes. Baekhyun stared at his boyfriends back while Chanyeol was styling his hair.
"My boyfriend is so handsome!" Baekhyun blurred out. Chanyeol turned around and laughed. "What's wrong with you this morning"
"What's wrong about admiring you? Okay, old man old man old man-" Chanyeol turned around and flicked Baekhyun's forhead with his fingers. "Don't be silly"
Baekhyun pounted, tip toed and gave Chanyeol a peck on his lips. "I love you" afterwards he giggled.
- ℘ -
"I told you Jongin! He is way too cute for the typical Baekhyun. He is needy, cute and emotional."
"Dude, is he on his period?"
"Don't be stu- oh my god, maybe." Chanyeol got confused. Actually he would always stay calm and wouldn't think about such things like that. But he once read about the behaving of couples in a newspaper he read during class. Which says ' If your partner buys you presents all of sudden or act more loving towards you, they're probably hiding something ' Chanyeol really tried to care less but he can't.
"Should I talk to him?" Jongin suggested. "Do you want me to die? Baekhyun has no clue that you know about our realationship. If he finds out, he's going to tell Luhan."
"What's wrong about that, are you ashamed of your own relationship?"
"No, Jongin" Chanyeol answered. "You should know Luhan. Did you know that Baekhyun has to act as Kyungsoo's boyfriend?"
"I heard something like that from Lu-. . .oh, now I understand"
"See, I can't risk it. It's for Baekhyun's sake. You know that I don't care about getting fired but Baekhyun would be suspended."
- ℘ -
"Alright class, I'm going to hand you some papers. Please read the article and afterwards we will talk about it."
"Students, were is Baekhyun?"
"He is here!" Luhan answered and pointed to a seat, who sat next to Kyungsoo.
"Baekhyun, you can't change your seat without my permission"
"Sorry Mr. Park." Kyungsoo spoke up. "I asked him to." Chanyeol sighed and told the class to continue reading. After the most students finished reading, Chanyeol told them to solve task 1 - 3. Meanwhile he was correcting some class tests, but little giggles disturbed him. Chanyeol looked through the class and saw Baekhyun clinging on Kyungsoo's left arm, pointing at his paper. Both laughed, Baekhyun rested his head on Kyungsoo's shoulder.
Chanyeol knew that they're about to make someone jealous, who broke Kyungsoo's heart. But it was suspicious that no student watched those too, so why did they act like that?
- ℘ -
After the lesson ended Baekhyun was about to leave class. Chanyeol pleased him to wait infront of the class, Baekhyun only nodded. Chanyeol waited for all students to leave the classroom, cleaned his desk and left the room as well. He looked around, no Baekhyun.
That made Chanyeol angry. He always hated it when Baekhyun wasn't listening to him. Chanyeol breathed in and went to the teacher's office. Chanyeol and his colleagues talked about their classes today. He wished everyone a good day and drove home. Baekhyun was probably waiting for him.
Chanyeol locked his car, went upstairs and opened the door. He entered the house and called for Baekhyun, but no sign. Chanyeol placed his bag on the floor and searched for his phone to call Baekhyun. Just then he saw a messege from Baekhyun
I'm sleeping at home today.
What's wrong? Chanyeol typed.
I'm not sleeping in the same bed as a liar.
What are you talking about Bakehyun?
But no answer. Chanyeol slowly got angry. He changed his clothes and checked his phone. Still no messege from Baekhyun. That's enough, he called him. After two rings the mailbox spoke.
Byun Baekhyun, answer me immediatly!
Chanyeol scrolled through their chat, maybe he wrote something wrong before? Just yesterday everything seemed to go well? Suddenly the screen moved from itself, a new messege from Baekhyun. Atleast that what Chanyeol thought. But it was only the 'Read' sign.
- ℘ -
The next morning Chanyeol woke up late, totally missing his first period. He only brushed his teeth, wore the first clothes he picked from his wardrobe and cruised towards the school. He ran upstairs, breathlessly entering class.
"Sorry sorry sorry! I overslept." He apologized, his students watched him and started to laugh out loud. Chanyeol got confused and looked at himself in the small mirror, which was placed on the wall next to the door. Chanyeol's shirt was unbuttoned and his tie untied as well. His hair a total mess, one shoe untied.
He coughed. "Excuse my epiphany." Chanyeol buttoned his shirt, tied his shoe and continued class. His tie was placed on his table since he got no time for it. Chanyeol stayed infront of the board and explained his students why the protagonist of the book handled like this to protect the one he loves. The students named some methapors and the supposable meaning.
Since Chanyeol was late the class ended earlier. He praised himself for having a good lesson structure eventhough he forgot his bag. The students left class. Chanyeol sat on the chair and cursed. He held his tie and wrapped it around his neck and pulled it to the left and right.
Suddenly the door opened. An angel, also known as Byun Baekhyun entered the class. Sunlight shined through the door into the class. Chanyeol stood up and walked two steps forwards. Baekhyun walked towards Chanyeol.
"Baekhyun. . " Chanyeol almost whispered. Baekhyun didn't say anything. He just grabbed Chanyeol's tie, tip toed a bit and tied it right. Eventhough Baekhyun tip toed, Chanyeol bent down. The moment Chanyeol wanted to grab Baekhyun's hips to balance him on his tip toes Baekhyun already finished and stepped back.
"That doesn't mean that I'm not angry at you Chanyeol." Baekhyun said in a low voice.
"I haven't done anything Baekhyun"
"You sure?" Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. Chanyeol was sure. In the time between yesterday and the day before Chanyeol did nothing that could hurt Baekhyun. Yesterday they barerly talked, except the times Baekhyun answered Chanyeol's questions in class.
"Chanyeol you said no secrets right?"
"You're an asshole."
"Baekhyun" Chanyeol raised his voice. "Watch your words, I'm still older than you and your boyfriend."
"A boyfriend wouldn't hide big secrets like you do!" Baekhyun almost screamed. Chanyeol widened his eyes, he never saw an angry Baekhyun before. But mostly, he looked hurt.
"Jongin found it out. I didn't tell him about our realationship okay?"
"Mr. Kim knows about our relationship?"
Chanyeol looked confused. "That was not the reason why you're angry?" Baekhyun shook his head, gritting his teeth. "No. . But now I got another reason to."
"If you would just tell me what I did wrong."
"If you just would've told me that I'm not the only student you dated before!"
There it was. The reason why Baekhyun acted the way he did. The secret Chanyeol has been hiding from Baekhyun from the beginning.
"Just admit it!" Baekhyun yelled at him. He didn't care if anyone heard. At the end no one should be in the building while break so there is nothing to worry. "Admit that you are a pervert old man who dates students! That I am not the first student you dated, that I am nothing special."
"Baekhyun enough" Chanyeol said, no energy in his voice. He looked at the ground.
"Why? Why have you been hiding this from the beginning? Were you afraid that I wouldn't date you, that I wouldn't play your little teacher student game? So you can sleep with-"
"Baekhyun that's enough!" Chanyeol yelled at him. Baekhyun shrugged.
"You're just afraid of the truth." Baekhyun now whispered. "I. . I know that you slept with him. A-And that he is in our class as well. . ."
"Baekhyun I-"
"No" he interruped Chanyeol. "Please don't talk to me anymore." With that, Baekhyun left the classroom.
× × × × × × × × × ×
Is it too early for drama?
I was planning on doing this
some time after chap 10
Btw, where's your feedback huh - -
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