- Prologue -
Wednesday morning at PT High school. Students were entering the class, placing their bag and books on the tables, sitting down. Everyone got excited because Wednesday is also known as test-day. Since 50% of a class got bad grades in math, the teacher decided to write a little test every second Wednesday. As expected the students hated it, but they couldn't do a thing about it because it's one of their favourite teachers you just can't discuss with.
The students prepared for the test. Some looked at their notes, others placed a plaid piece of paper on their tables. The teacher walked around and handed them the test, with the blank side facing the students.
You could hear students whining, hyperventilating, praying and suffering. The test wasn't actually that hard. But some students just can't work under stress. Also, it's important not to fail the test because of the teacher. The teacher always showed way more love towards intelligent students.
Even though grades cant tell
about someone's intelligence in specific.
"What's wrong?"
"I got a D, my boyfriend is going to kill me!" Baekhyun whined, just wanting to bump his head against the table.
"Why should your imaginary boyfriend kill you Baekhyun?" Luhan asked while laughing at his friend.
"He isn't something imagined okay?", Baekhyun protected his for Luhan none existing boyfriend.
"He is until you introduce me to him!"
Baekhyun sighed and nodded. It was hard for him to talk about his boyfriend. He didn't tell anyone about him. As the bell rang and both stood up, the two friends laughed and headed towards their seats, holding their philosophy book in their hands.
"Do you have homework?", Baekhyun whispered before the teacher entered the class.
Baekhyun laughed out. "I knew it."
"It was hard. I thought I could solve it later." Luhan whined, meanwhile the teacher tried to open the door, but struggled a little because of the pile of papers in his right hand.
"Good morning." some student greeted their teacher.
"Good morning" he greeted back, nodding.
The teacher wiggled through the students, trying to balance his papers.
"Good morning Mr. Park" Baekhyun greeted with the sweetest smile of his. "Do you need any help?" He asked, the teacher nodded and gave him the pile of paper. Baekhyun gladly accepted them.
"Homework?" Mr. Park asked while looking through his list.
"Jackson, where's your homework?"
"Well, Mr. Park you know I have to practice for the dance battle this weekend so I totally-" he searched for an excuse but the teacher interrupted him with saying "Cut it, Jackson. Baekhyun?" His eyes searched the student's seat.
"Here! Yes I do have my homework, Mr. Park"
Mr. Park nodded and continued checking the list.
Luhan, Jackson and the other 4 students got some extra homework for not doing the one they haven't done today.
"He's so cruel!" Luhan muttered.
"He isn't Luhan" Baekhyun disagreed. "You know he hates when someone doesn't do their homework or is bad at the math test."
"The homework was hard to solve and the test complicated", Luhan complained.
"No shit Sherlock, but what are you going to do about it?"
"Byun, stop the chat" His teacher warned.
"Sorry Mr. Park"
"So, the last class test was a disaster. Here are some examples where the most of you had problems." Mr. Park stood up and wrote a sentence on the board. He explained the problem and even named some examples from the class test.
"But we have to move on to the next topic. Novels. Genre: Romance. I will hand you a paper which has a question as it's topic. I want more than 5 sentences from you guys as an answer."
Mr. Park handed the paper and gave the class 15 minutes to write down some sentences. He leaned back in his comfy chair and looked through the class. Some students began to write immediately, other's thought about it a while.
After 15 minutes Mr. Park told the student to get quiet. "So, who wants to read out first?"
"But I'm not ready!"
"You had 15 minutes" he repeated. "Who wants to start? Jin?"
Jin nodded "Okay, so the question was What is love? and my answer is: food."
The students started to laugh in disbelief, Mr. Park only sighed at his student.
"I told you that I want more than 5 sentences"
"Wait! I have 5! Food is love, because it makes you happy. It brings you into a good mood and it keeps you healthy-"
"Okay okay" Mr. Park stopped him. "That's enough. Who wants to try it too, Baekhyun?"
"Oh-okay. But I only wrote something about the love towards a person"
"That's fine and it's great to hear that you take this example." Mr. Park smiled.
"Well. .", Baekhyun started. "You say that you love someone when their happiness is very important to you, so that you behave in a kind and caring way towards them. You can say that you love someone when you want to protect or support the person. Also when the certain person has some kind of strong affection. You feel safe and warm when the person is around you, like you have nothing to fear. You just feel comfortable. It's love when you want all the attention. Love is just something. . . that makes your heart tickle when you see the person"
The students knocked on their table. Mr. Park paused for a moment, smiling.
"You did well Baekhyun. I would like to hear some more, but we will listen to it tomorrow since the lesson is about to end. Like I mentioned we're going to read a novel. I want you all to buy the book until next week! I will send you an e-mail with the name and price. Have a good day" he smiled and went back to his table.
"Wow Baekhyun, that was great dude" Luhan cheered for him.
"Guess you're really in love with your imaginary boyfriend huh?"
"Stop it Luhan!" He whined and blushed at the same time. "But. . yeah I am" he proudly agreed and waved towards Luhan as a goodbye before walking home.
"I'm home" Baekhyun yelled, waiting for an answer, but there was no one. Baekhyun walked through the living room and threw his bag off his shoulders, which was laying on the ground now. He went upstairs towards the bedroom. He opened the door and entered it. Baekhyun undressed himself and chose some comfy shorts and a big shirt. He threw himself on the bed and laid on his stomach.
After a few minutes he was just about to drift into his dream world, but a hand started to sneak under his shirt.
"Ughh. . stop it. I'm tired." He mumbled into the pillow, hugging it stronger. The hand started to rub his back slowly, giving him shivers. Baekhyun felt a weight being placed on his body. An arm was now wrapped around his tiny body. Warm breath hitting his neck.
"Chanyeol I'm tired."
"I'm tired too, baby. Don't you want to cuddle?"
Baekhyun couldn't hold the urge to smile. He turned his body to Chanyeol and hugged him, nuzzling his head into his boyfriend's neck.
"You're actually earlier at home than me, what happened?" Baekhyun asked with his eyes closed. He slowly lifted his right leg and placed it above Chanyeol's. Chanyeol, on the other hand, leaned a bit back to grab a blanket so he can cover themselves with it. After he did that, he wrapped his arms around Baekhyun and pressed him harder against his chest.
"We had a little conference, babe" he replied. Baekhyun nodded slowly before closing his eyes. Chanyeol slowly petted Baehyun's hair like a little puppy's head.
"Baek? Baby wake up", a voice woke the minor up.
"Ngh. . I don't want to" the little boy protested and nuzzled more into the taller's neck. Chanyeol chuckled at his action and gave him a little peck on his forehead.
"Come on, you have homework"
"No, I don't"
"Baekhyun," Chanyeol said with a serious tone. "I gave you homework today."
"But Mr. Park~" Baekhyun pouted.
"Stop it" he chuckled again. Chanyeol just can't resist this cute boy. Who could? "It's important. Also, your test was a D Baekhyun"
"It was your fault!" Baekhyun sat up, pointing at his boyfriend. "You said the test isn't going to be that hard Chanyeol"
"It wasn't that-"
"It was! it was! it was!" He pouted again, repeating his sentence like a five years old child. "You even learned with me"
"Learned, huh? The moment I opened the book you tried to distract me seductively Mr. Byun."
"I don't remember anything you said."
"Oh, of course, you don't." Chanyeol laughed. He took the advantage and grabbed Baekhyun's wrists to pin him onto the bed.
"You would never try to seduce your teacher would you?"
"I wouldn't dare to." Baekhyun smirked, slowly closing his eyes, he knew that Chanyeol was going to kiss him. And it happened. Both of them shared a passionate kiss, filled with love. Baekhyun smiled into the kiss and Chanyeol loved it. He loved the way he made Baekhyun smile with his lips touching Baekhyun's.
Baekhyun moved his lips synchronise to Chanyeol's, following his lead. Chanyeol supported his balance with his left arm on the bed. Meanwhile, his right hand travelled on Baekhyun's body, giving the petite boy shivers.
When Chanyeol broke their kiss, Baekhyun was about to connect their lips again but Chanyeol pushed him down to the mattress.
"I'm going to get you philosophy book." he winked. Baekhyun groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance. One peck and Chanyeol stood up.
"Chanyeol come on! I'm your boyfriend!", Baekhyun whined.
"You're my student too, Baekhyun."
"I-I'm not sleeping with you anymore!"
"You never slept with me."
"Well, and I'm never going to!"
Chanyeol laughed and went upstairs. It was still funny how Baekhyun said sleeping instead of having sex. Or even naming it intercourse. He watched out for Baekhyun's bag. After some minutes he found it. He took out Baekhyun's book and folder. Chanyeol saw the paper with the topic What Is Love? Chanyeol remembered Baekhyun smiling while he read out loud. He looked at Baekhyun's folder. But instead of the sentences, Baekhyun read it was written something else,
× × × × × × × × × × ×
who dat who dat
knew dat knew dat
Ayo iz me.
I'm glad if you read this part
until the end instead of skipping!
Thank you for your support🖤
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