- Five -
3 яd ρ.σ.v
Sorry for typos
A whole day.
Baekhyun was stalked by Luhan and Sehun for a whole day. Luhan planned on not leaving Baekhyun's side the whole time. In class he would always stare at him, watching him by every second. Seeing if Baekhyun does anything suspicious. The two friends sat together while lunch.
Baekhyun's phone started rinning.
"Ou, excuse me" Baekhyun said in a polite way and left the table, leaving his meal behind.
I need his phone!
Luhan made eye contact with Sehun. A gesture which means that Sehun should follow Baekhyun without getting noticed. Sehun nod to his boyfriend, following Baekhyun. While looking for Baekhyun Sehun asked himself why he is doing this kind of game. And than he notized Baekhyun standing in a corner.
"But I can't!" Baekhyun whined. He listen to the person on the phone and rolled his eyes.
"Wait- You're the one saying I should study more and now you want me to-" Sehun guessed that Baekhyun got interrupted by the person on the phone.
"Ugh. . " Baekhyun groaned. "Okay okay, I'll come over after school."
. . .
"Yeah, see you"
After school huh?
Sehun went back to his table, sitting next to Kai. Again the eye contact with Luhan. Sehun gave him a nod, meaning I got information. Luhan smiled proud at his boyfriend. Not a minute passed by and Baekhyun came to join Luhan again, excusing for the phone call, which Luhan actually thanked for.
- ℘ -
"What did you get?? I followed him the whole day but nothing! Not a messege, no little notes on his paper to write down his thoughts. He haven't spoke about his boyfriend at all!"
"Babe you need to calm down first." Sehun held Luhan's shoulder. Luhan nod and breathed out. "From what I heard, Baekhyun is going to meet up with someone."
"Who? Who? Who?"
"I don't know Luhan!"
- ℘ -
"Soo. . Baekhyun?"
"Do you have any plans for today?"
Baekhyun looked around thinking. "Uh, not really. Why?"
"Let's hang out than"
"Okay" Baekhyun agreed. "At seven?"
"How about right after school?" Luhan suggested. Baekhyun bit his lips.
"I want to change my clothes first, you should too."
"Oh. . Right" Damn it.
- ℘ -
The class of Mr. Park is soo boring
Luhan thought. He has nothing against Mr. Park but his lesson. Everyone loves him. The way he explains things, the way he writes on the board. Such a great structure. Of course Mr. Park was loved for his looks too. The only positive thing about Mr. Park's class is that Baekhyun gets mocked.
Luhan remembers the first lesson with Mr. Park. Baekhyun adored him, like everyone else did. But in fact Baekhyun was the first boy who showed it, undesired. Since that day some classmates mocked Baekhyun, saying that he wants a suga daddy and stuff like that. It's not like Baekhyun liked it. He just laughed and sighed, sometimes getting aggressive but in a cute way.
"With that people" Mr. Park raised his voice. "I'm going to end the lesson, have a great day".
Luhan stood up, putting his books in his bag slowly. He waited for Baekhyun to leave the class first but he was so so slow. Luhan sat down and watched Baekhyun smiling to himself. The students started to leave the class
"Have a great day too Mr. Park" They said as a goodbye. Mr. Park smiled.
"See you tomorrow Mr. Park" Mr. Park nod.
"Goodbye Mr. Park~~" Baekhyun said, probably making eye contact which Luhan couldn't see. Mr. Park gaze left his papers which he was sorting. Baekhyun walked past his table. Mr. Park looked after him, smirking lightly.
"Goodbye Baekhyun"
Finally he left the building. Now Luhan has no problem with following Baekhyun. He texted Sehun to not worry about him and that he will follow Baekhyun.
"I know you're not going home Baekhyun" Luhan whispered to himself. He waited for Baekhyun to leave the school ground. Luhan slowly followed him, keeping a specific distance.
Luhan watched his every move. His heart beats fast, getting nervous.
Is it wrong to spy on my best friend?
But he should've told me right?
Maybe there is a reason. .
Ugh, stop it Luhan. It's okay, friends do this kind of things! Yes. . exactly
That's where Luhan stopped walking. He saw Baekhyun turning into an alley. Luhan only stood there. He leaned towards the wall but didn't turn into the corner. His hands rested on the wall, trying to recognize Baekhyun, but only seeing sillouette. Now Baekhyun was running towards something.
No, someone.
He stopped infront of that person. It was impossible to hear a thing.
"I said I'm sorry!"
The person speaks so quite I can't hear him.
"I'm here now right? Don't be mad"
Baekhyun now laughed.
"I knew it, you can't be mad at- au au au okay okay!"
He must hurt Baekhyun!
"Baekhyun!!" Luhan screamed, running towards his best friend. The two black shadows were now clear. Luhan freezed, staring at them.
- ℘ -
Loud laughing filled Kyungsoo's living room.
"Baek, you could've told me that you're in a relationship with Kyungsoo!" Luhan smiled at the two boys which were sitting next to each other.
"Ah. . I'm sorry" Baekhyun laughed nervous. "I was shy you know?"
"You don't have to be!" Luhan laughed again, taking a sip of his coke. "But I understand the reason. But no need to worry I kinda shipped you two anyways."
Baekhyun chocked, Kyungsoo patted his Baek.
"I guess that's why Baekhyun hasn't told you" Kyungsoo explained.
"You have to tell me everything about your relationship!"
Luhan was ardudous. He couldn't control his feelings. It's obvious that he is happy for Baekhyun.
Happy for him, because it's not an old creep.
Happy for him, because it's not a catfisher
Happy, to complete his one day mission.
- ℘ -
"What the fuck did you do Byun Baekhyun"
"I'm sorry okay? Kyungsoo, I'm really sorry"
Kyungsoo sighed. "It's okay. Why don't you tell him that there is something between you and Mr. Park" He crossed his arms, leaning his back against the couch. Luhan left an hour ago, saying that he should give the couple privacy.
"Because you're the only one who knows without Chanyeol's permission!"
Right. Kyungsoo found out, without having the right to. One day Baekhyun stayed at Kyungsoo's house because of a little fight. Kyungsoo noticed the way Baekhyun stared at his phone, waiting. He always walked around, couldn't stay still, even for a moment. But the second Baekhyun left the room, his phone started to ring.
Kyungsoo wouldn't touch other people's stuff, especially not their phone. But this time, he did. He went over to the table and picked up the call. He said nothing but heard a "Baekhyun, it's enough, come home okay?". He would recognize this voice everywhere. It was the teacher which he had philosophy with. . The teacher who always wrote those hard class tests in math.
The one and only Mr. Park
"Thanks to you, that you were quite and didn't reply." Baekhyun said, remembering the whole situation.
"But what now?"
"What do you mean" Baekhyun paused. "What now?"
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Luhan things we're in a relationship. What are we going to do?"
"Pretend to be a couple, obvious?"
"Oh, so we have to act like a normal couple in every situation in life? At school too?" Baekhyun nod. "Did you probably forget that your boyfriend is our freaking teacher Baekhyun?! If he caughts us, he will kill me and end your realationship."
"He won't get it, believe me Kyung"
Now I have two secrets to hide Baekhyun thought.
× × × × × × × × × ×
I promised you an update and here it is!
Hope you enjoyed it!~~
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