I wake up, feeling as if I am covered in sweat and with weight across my stomach. I lift my head to find Dean in a deep sleep, his mouth partially open, his arm draped over my stomach and his head on my chest. His forehead covered in sweat droplets, and my bare torso covered with sweat from the body heat.
Gently removing his arm off of my stomach and sliding out of the bed, I replaced my chest with a pillow for his head. He must be a heavy sleeper because I am not that smooth. I take a brief moment to admire the man that I shared a bed with just last night. His dark eyelashes full, arms sculpted to perfection, toned chest and back, defined jawline, and those lips. Those ample lips that brought me the most pleasure that I have ever felt in my 18 years just hours ago are now slightly upturned as he sleeps and my hands glide over my center, remembering the way his lips felt on me down there. Warm and cooling all at once.
My stomach tightens and I start to feel hot, not from Dean's arm and the heavy sheets this time either, but from the way my body responds to him. It is like I can't control it when I am with him. Stopping my thoughts, I lightly bend over and kiss him on his cheek, and decide to get in the shower to get ready for the day.
Once I was refreshed and changed for the day, realizing that no one else was up yet, I decided to make breakfast for everyone. While digging through the refrigerator for the eggs and butter, I first hear shuffling feet against the wooden floors, followed by a screeching noise of a chair being moved and Nina's morning groggy voice. "Morning. Coffee. Is. A. Must."
"Got you covered love." I giggle and hand her the cup of coffee.
She smiles and brings the coffee to her lips, not bothering to cool down the hot liquid first. "Oh-"She remarks, her nose scrunched up, "I think this is your cup."
She slides me back the cup and I take a sip of it. "Mm, yup, definitely mine." I giggle and hand her the other cup of coffee that was meant for her. "Sorry." I say and turn back around to finish the pancakes.
"We are awfully chipper this morning, aren't we? And don't say it is the coffee either, because from what I just tasted, coffee is basically nonexistent in that cup. Spill." I look over at my shoulder to see Nina covering her smile with her cup of coffee and her big brown eyes squinting at me.
I giggle and remove the pan from the stove, setting the pancakes, bacon, and eggs on the L shaped kitchen island. " are right about it not being about my delicious coffee. It was Dean." I say softly, before sitting next to her to continue.
Nina's eye brows furrow. "Scarlett Montgomery. Did you lose your virginity last night? I mean hey, if you were ready, that is great, but I am not sure how I feel about the fact that my best friend was doing that mere feet above me." She says, emphasizing the word 'that' and giggles covering her eyes.
I flush as the words leave her mouth, my eyes wide with shock. "No!" I exclaim. "No, no not that. We...well he...he umm sort of you know, with his mouth." I stutter and wiggle my fingers over my vagina.
Nina's mouth drops and now I am the one covering my face, chuckling with embarrassment. "Oh my goodness! How did it feel? Was it what you expected? guys are so flipping cute, it's sickening." We both chuckle at her excitement and I tell her everything about last night's events, and how amazing he makes me feel.
"I love your girlfriend's cooking." Dex says, leaning back on the sofa and rubbing his bloated belly.
Dean chuckles and swings his arm over my shoulder. "Me too, Dex. Me too." He gives me a sexy side grin. "Those are my absolute favorite pancakes. You seriously need to get my mom to put them up for a special one day. The customers would go nuts for your cinnamon banana breakfast cakes, especially old man Jerry."
I nod and kiss him on the cheek, before standing from the couch. "Well what do we have planned for the day?"
"Yeah." Nina utters. "I think that you dapping young men should show us around this beautiful town."
The guys all exchange glances before standing up and looking at us with matching grins. "Men, I say we show these foxy young ladies a good time on the last day of 2018 before ringing in the New Year." Dex announces proudly.
The guys all nod suspiciously and I can tell they already have plans made with the smirks they have plastered on their faces.
We ended up going sledding instead of snowboarding today and we all had so much fun. Including grumpy pants Kaitlyn, which was a shocker since she has been a little irregular lately. The hill top was full of people sledding down the hill, full of laughter and smiles as far as the eye can see. The walk up the hill wasn't too fun, especially carrying the sleds, but it was worth it.
Most of the time Dean offered to carry my sled as well but I wasn't about to be that girl and make the poor guy carry both mine and his. At one point we went down the hill together, his arms were tight around me holding my back against his chest. My breathing was erratic as I felt the adrenaline going down the hill with him behind me. It was fun and almost romantic up until the point where our sled flipped, but no harm was done thankfully. My tailbone still hurts as it is from my collision with Nina.
After lunch at the café and visiting the gift shops, we returned to the cabin to hang out and rest for a little bit. "What did you end up getting at the gift shop?" Dean asks me as I start putting my stuff into my bags.
I pulled out my snow globe that I had bought and handed it to him. In the snow globe was the village and the mountains topped with snow surrounding it. It also had the beautiful fountain in the middle, replicating the one that was in the village where we went shopping.
"That's nice." Dean says, shaking the ball and watching the flakes fall everywhere within the glass object. "Why a snow globe?" He asks, handing me the globe back.
I shrug my shoulders and wrap the globe back into the newspaper and place it in my bag. I have a collection of snow globes. Anytime I visit somewhere new, I buy one from there. Usually it will have the towns name or like an animal that is popular in that area, and then sometimes you find ones like these which have the town replicated within the small ball. I love these ones the best because it's a reminder of where I have been instead of a picture, you know?"
"I think that is actually pretty cool. I used to collect baseballs. Whether it be as a gift, bought them with my allowance, or even finding them. I would put them in this large bin that I had. Eventually I had just way too many and ended up giving some away and using the rest." He chuckles lightly. "My dad and I used to always find some by the field in Douglas. He is kind of the reason why I started collecting them."
I want to know more about his dad and how he was before he left them for another woman, but I am always at a loss for words. Just as I muster up the courage to ask about him, Nina walks into our room.
"Hey Scarlett. We are going into town to get stuff to make s'mores, do you guys want to go?"
"No I think I am going to shower and rest a little bit longer." Dean says the same time that I say, "Yeah I will go."
I walk over to Dean and engulf him in a hug. "I'll be back soon. Do you need anything?"
"No, but thanks for asking. Have fun." He kisses me softly, rubs the tips of our noses together, and walks towards the shower with his head down. I know he is feeling down now because he brought up his dad. I get it, I do. It pains me more to know that someone can just abandon their child. Even if it was for another woman. His dad made a to where my parents didn't have one. They were taken from me. The fact that someone made the choice to leave is worse.
I get downstairs to meet Nina and Caleb so we can head into town. "You guys ready?" Caleb asks, grabbing the keys from the hook. I nod as we make our way out the door.
"Hold up! I want to go with you guys." Dex shouts, running outside to join us. He slips and face plants it into the snow. "Ow. Shit." He says standing back up, and wiping the snow from his clothes. "I don't think snow likes me very much." He giggles, giving us all the okay to laugh with him.
"Where is Kaitlyn?" Nina asks, getting into Caleb's car.
Dex shrugs, getting in the back seat with me. "She didn't want to go. She has been acting really weird lately too. I don't know what her deal is."
I agree with Dex but I don't say it aloud. I haven't had the chance to ask her if everything is okay either, being that we are always with everyone else. I decide to text Dean, knowing that he will be alone with her, and I ask him if he can talk to her and see if something is going on with her. Not sure if she will open up to him as much as she would to Nina or me, but it is worth a shot.
An hour later, after getting everything we need for s'mores, we get back to the cabin and Dean and Kaitlyn are nowhere to be found. Dean never texted me back either.
"Dean? Kaitlyn? You guys here?" Dex yells, his voice echoing within the log home. "Where are they? His jeep is still here."
Kaitlyn starts to descend the stairs from Dean's and my bedroom. She quickly runs her fingers through her hair and her cheeks pink. "Hey guys!" She says, sounding out of breath.
"What were you doing upstairs?" Dex asks her. The same question I was wondering.
"Oh. Umm the toilet wasn't flushing, so I went and used the other restroom."
"I will take a look at it." Caleb says, leaving the group.
I go upstairs to check on Dean and find him passed out on the bed. His broad shoulders facing up, and his face in the pillow.
"Dean, we are back." I whisper, gently nudging him.
He groans and rolls over, grabbing my arm and pulling me down next to him. "What took you guys so long?"
"We were only gone an hour. What did you do while we were gone?" Why didn't he text me back? Did he read the text and then maybe talk to Kaitlyn?
"After my shower, I felt even more tired, so I decided to take a nap till you guys got back." He says, wiping the sleep from his eyes. That explains why he never texted me back.
There is a light knock on the door and Caleb peeps his head in. "Hey guys. The toilet was fixed. The flush valve just needed to be adjusted. But hey, I guess there is an 18 and up club that Kaitlyn says she found online. Would you guys want to go for a bit and check it out? Could be fun."
I have never been to a club but I do love to dance. Dean and I exchange glances and I smile. "Sure, we will go." Dean answers for us. It will be good to broaden our horizons a little bit and we are all of legal age for the club. What's the worst that can happen?
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