Chapter 32
A/N- So this is it, this is the final chapter!! I have to admit, it hurts to finish but I'm also so happy because this is the first book I have ever completed. But don't worry! There is going to be another book, possibly even a third. Until then I hope you all enjoy the read.
P.S. As promised is the book trailer I made for Inner Demons. It's the first trailer I have ever made so I hope you all like it, and please let me know what you think of both the book and the video!!
The Orginization's outpost was covered in video cameras. There wasn't a hallway, bathroom, regular room, or closet that didn't have one. Normally that kind of invasion of privacy would seriously annoy me but this time I was grateful. It was because of these camera's that we had been able to watch Wes walk out of his recovery room, dressed in street clothes, and alone. He wondered through the halls, often getting turned around and having to try a different route. Eventually he found an exit and walked out, away from the cameras, and away from us. The guards didn't realize he was missing until an hour later.
I was happy he was healthy and safe. Even happier that he wasn't kidnapped or forced to leave with a gun pointed at his head. But the fact that he left on his own accord hurt. It was like one second I was relieved and happy, and then the next second my heart felt like it was dropping into the acidic pit of my stomach.Wes took his chance to get free and left me behind in the process.
I thought what we had was special, at least that's how it felt to me. But maybe Wes never really wanted to give up the game of being a player and I was only a distraction until he could be back out on the streets. That thought made my whole body go cold. I was stupid and fell for every line he threw at me. At least that's what my mind kept thinking. My heart, on the other hand, was still holding onto hope that I was wrong. Stupid heart should have known better.
The Organization made quick work of the papers and forms to get us into Freya's half-way house. It had only taken a couple of days and we were heading off to our new home. The only things we had to bring were the clothes on our backs since we didn't have any belongings at Landry's. Well, I had my picture of my mom and me, but I preferred to leave it there rather than walk back into that place.
When we pulled up to the front of Madam Bavoux's Voodoo Shop, Freya was already waiting outside on the curb. The front window showed a sign that indicated the shop was closed for the day. She must have shut things down in order to get us settled, which was nice. But truth be told, I didn't know what to expect from Freya.
She seemed friendly and definitely more vocal than Mr. B, but she was still a stranger. I guessed only time would tell how things worked out with her. Though I expected Ms. Pierce would still be around a lot, as well as her brooding bodyguard.
The black van that was transporting us came to a stop right where Freya stood. Lolly was the first to jump out, bouncing on her heels once she was on the sidewalk. Both her and Lucas were thrilled to be away from Landry's and out in the real world. I wanted to share their enthusiasm, but with everything that had happened and everything that was still ahead of us, it was hard to do.
I climbed out of the van with only Sage behind me. Once she was out, she grabbed my hand as Freya lead us towards the building. Only this time, instead of walking through the shop like before, she walked around to an alley that lined the side of the building.
"This is the main entrance to your new home. You're free to go through the shop when it's open but when it's closed, you will have to go through here. The alley stretches to the back and to the right is another alley that leads to the side road where the grocery store is, just in case you need to go that way," Freya informed as she took out a set of keys.
Before opening the door she added, "Oh, and you each get a key to this door."
Once inside, we were greeted by the rich warm colors of her living room. I remembered each detail so well, even though it felt like it had been months since we were last here. The side door we had walked through was just off the open kitchen area, looking out into the living room. The fireplace was lit making the space feel cozy, and several luggage bags were sitting behind the brown sofa.
"What's that?" Declan asked while he closed the side door behind him.
Freya walked over to the luggage with a big smile on her face before she answered, "These are your clothes. The Organization is paying for all of you to stay here and for everything you need, so to start things off, they had me go out a buy you all some clothes!"
She seemed genuinely happy and excited for us, but we all looked at each other like this might have been a bad idea. New clothes were nice, hell anything was better than the scrubs we wore at Landry's. But I was a little worried about exactly what kind of clothes Freya may have picked out for us. I knew that sounded ungrateful, and I felt bad for feeling that way. It seemed everyone else was internally struggling with the same thoughts, their faces showing mixes of excitement and caution.
Freya must have sensed our apprehension because she soon added, "It's only to get you started, you'll be able to go pick out your own stuff in a few days."
We each let out audible sighs of relief, which made Freya laugh at us as she stepped away for us to inspect our new belongings. Each of the suitcases had tags on the tops with our names on them. Instead of diving in, like Lolly, I waited for everyone else to find their stuff before retrieving the case with my name on it. But before any of us could take the time to look inside, Freya started walking for the grand staircase while signaling for us to follow.
Towing our new suitcases behind us, we each followed her up the stairs. At the top, we were met with the same two hallways that I had seen when I was last here. Back when I was trying to get some fresh air on the balcony only to be followed by Wes. My heart skipped just thinking about him but I had to shake my head to get rid of the old memories and focus on the here and now.
"Boy's you will be sharing a room, two doors down and to the left," Freya informed pointing to the right hall. "Girls, you got the room down this hall, it's the last door before you reach the balcony," she pointed down the hall right in front of us. Before we could all go our separate ways, she turned to us with a raised, perfectly shaped, eyebrow. "I don't want any of you getting any ideas. My room is right here," she pointed to a room right on the corner where the two halls met, "so don't think you can sneak into each other's rooms. No boys in the girls' room, and no girls in the boys' room, and I'm especially talking to you, Lolly and Lucas. I've been warned about you two."
Lolly and Lucas gave each other mischievous smiles before looking at Freya and giving her their best goody-two-shoes voices as they answered in unison, "Yes, mam."
She shook her head at the two of them and laughed before raising her hand to dismiss us. Lolly gave Lucas a quick peck on the lips, while Sage gave Declan a tight hug before we walked towards our room. I wanted to feel happy for all of them, but honestly, seeing them all so happily coupled up made me depressed. Maybe this was how Alicia had felt back at Landry's?
Once again, I erased those thoughts from my mind as I opened the door to our new room. Surprisingly, the space was huge. With our positioning on the second floor, I was willing to bet we were right about the voodoo shop. In fact, our room was probably just as big as the entire shop space below, storage included. There were three metal canopy full sized beds, that each stood against one of the three walls, leaving the wall with the bedroom door empty. With each bed was a set of nightstands, dressers, and desks. In the middle of the space was a small sofa, just big enough for three people, and a television.
"Oh my God! Girls, come look at this," Lolly hollered, standing just inside a door that led off to the left of the room.
Sage and I both dropped our bags and went to investigate. Looking through the door, I could see why Lolly was hyperventilating with excitement. There was a small hallway with three large walk-in closets, that ended with another door. The door was open, and through it we could see a grand bathroom. Counter lined one of the corners in an "L" shape, with two sinks. The wall space from counter top to ceiling was covered with a giant mirror. On one side of the room was a claw foot tub and a toilet, and the other held a huge walk-in shower that could probably fit four people. This bathroom was larger than my solitary room back in the Class B dorms at Landry's.
"We are going to be living in the lap of luxury," Lolly informed us in a sing-song voice as she skipped through the bedroom.
Sage and I both laughed at her as she threw her suitcase on the bed next to the door leading to the bathroom.
"Go ahead," Sage said, nodding her head to the other two beds.
I gave her a small smile before taking the bed opposite of Lolly, the window beside it looking out onto the balcony. This left Sage with the bed in the middle, opposite the bedroom door.
The three of us sat on the matching purple comforters on top of our beds and opened our suitcases. Lolly began to squeal and bounce up and down while sitting. She pulled out pieces of clothing in bright pinks, yellows, and purples. Grabbing fist fulls of the colorful materials, she rubbed them against her face and sighed. The fact that Freya knew exactly what Lolly liked didn't surprise me. Her hair was colorful so her dream wardrobe must have been too. At least this gave me hope for my own clothing, but I waited for Sage to do next.
She dumped the contents of her luggage on her bed and took a relieved breath. The material in front of her was an assortment of blue, green, and a few dark plaid patterns.
"This will totally work," she announced with a nod of her head.
That left me. I hurriedly opened my case, ready to get it over with like ripping off a band-aid. Dumping the clothes in front of me, a small smile spread across my face. The clothes were mostly black and gray, some white. It was the usual tones I went for when shopping for myself. Freya was getting more and more bonus points with me as the days was going on.
We each took our time silently putting our clothes away in the dressers by our beds, saving the closets for when we could go shopping later in the week. After we changed out of scrubs and into some of our new clothes, we promised each other we would be burning the scrubs later on. When we were just about done, the sound of Freya calling for us echoed through the halls.
As we walked down the hall and reached the rail that looked out over the living room, I instantly spotted Freya below, but she wasn't alone. In the living room stood Ms. Pierce, Mr. B, and five teenagers. While descending the stairs, I was hit with a shock of recognition. These teens were the same ones that saved us in the cave, the Nephilim.
Ms. Pierce and Mr. B both looked calm and collected, as usual, but Freya looked nervous. In fact, she looked like she was a little surprised by this visit. The kids, on the other hand, looked completely confident. They stood in the middle of the living room as if they were feeling right at home. Honestly, it pissed me off. The air around them felt heavy with arrogance and made the newly rebellious side of me want to take them down a notch.
When we reached the group waiting for us in the middle of the living room, Ms.Pierce took the floor, as usual.
"Are you all settling in well?" she asked us with a small smile.
We nodded our heads, unable to take our eyes off the newcomers.
"Good," she said with a small clap of her hands before turning to the Nephilims. "Since the Organization is taking these kids under our wings, we thought it was only best for you all to meet."
She began with the two girls standing to the back of the group, saying, "This is Victoria, and this is Emily." She pointed to each of them as she said their names. Victoria was tall, with long dark brown hair that flowed to her waist, and her skin a tan brown that hinted at a Hispanic heritage. She was really pretty and looked like the kind of girl who knew it. Emily seemed like the exact opposite. Her skin was a pale complexion, with short blonde hair that barely touched her shoulders, her figure was almost as short and petite as Lolly. They both nodded to us, Victoria seeming bored while Emily gave us a big smile.
Ms. Pierce looked at the three boys in the front of Victoria and Emily and began to point them out. "This is Joshua," she said pointing to one of the boys. Joshua was tall and muscular, he looked like a younger Mr. B. Though his skin was dark, he was still lighter then Mr.B, plus he had hair, short black hair. But the physical traits were as far as the similarities went. Joshua seemed way more relaxed and approachable.
She pointed to another boy with short brown hair and light skin, and said: "This is Micah." Now, this guy looked like he would be the serious type. His mouth held in a thin line like he hadn't smiled in years.
Finally, Ms. Pierce moved on to the third and final boy. He stood in front of the pack, tall, muscular but lean, with his head held high and confident. His blonde hair kept kind of long, almost reaching to his chin. But as arrogant as he looked, his face held a half smile that reminded me a lot of a certain someone. I immediately didn't like him.
"and this is Zachariah," Ms.Pierce finished.
"Zack," the blonde boy quickly corrected.
Ms. Pierce nodded while saying, "Right, Zack, sorry." She clapped her hands and turned back to us with wide eyes. "They will be training with you guys a couple times a week, and staying at one of our small outposts, just down the street"
"Well, we should be going," Zack announced. "We still haven't unpacked."
"Thank you for coming, and if you need anything, feel free to call me," Ms. Pierce informed them while not so subtly nudging Freya with her elbow.
Freya gave her a pointed look before adding, "and you are more than welcomed to visit here as well."
Zack gave them a nod before waving to us. He escorted his group to the side door by the kitchen, and as he held the door open for them all to walk through, he locked eyes with me and smiled wide. It made me want to knock those perfectly straight white teeth right out of his mouth.
Once they were gone, with the door slamming behind them, I made sure to make use of having Ms. Pierce here.
"Have you gotten any news on Wes?"
Sure I was trying to forget about my feelings for him, but that didn't mean I wasn't still worried about the jerk.
Ms. Pierce's mouth turned down into a solemn frown.
"No, I'm sorry. We can't find him and without him using his powers there's no way to track him."
"And he's not going to do that since turning into a giant demon would be pretty hard to hide in public," I sarcastically added.
She gave me a pat on the shoulder before turning to talk with Freya and Mr. B.
With nothing left for me to do, I walked up the stairs to the balcony. The fresh air was welcoming, but the space gave me memories that only made my already damaged heart hurt more.
Leaning on the rail, I looked out over the street. I should be happy, ecstatic really. We weren't locked away anymore and yet we all still had each other. But we originally started with seven, and now we were down to five. It made me like I was missing a piece of me, a piece with blue-gray eyes and devilish smirk. So maybe I would have felt better if there was six left, screw Alicia. She had betrayed us in the worse way, and yet Wes had betrayed me as well.
My feelings were all over the place. So I decided to admit it to myself, at least this once, and after that, I would move on.
I missed Wes. I wanted him there, with us and with me. I wanted his arms wrapped around me, his body warming me and making me feel at home. No matter what, he had always made me feel at home. Now I just felt homeless. Heartless. I was cold all the way down to my bones, and it seemed no matter how hard I could try, I wasn't going to lose this chill.
The sound of Sage and Lolly calling me from our room snapped me out of my thoughts. I squared my shoulders, lifted my head high, and walked back inside. I would forget Wes and move on. Even if it killed me.
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