Chapter 25
The cabin was completely empty except for all of us who huddled just inside the door, and a large area rug. The man in the suit kicked up the rug to reveal a door cut into the wood, and then lifted it up to reveal a dark, thin, set of steps.
"Everyone down, and be careful," he instructed us.
Each of us followed the guards down, arms outstretched to use the walls to keep from falling in the dark. When we reached the bottom, we were in another small room, only this one looked as if the walls were made of steel. Off to the side stood a steel door with a tiny keypad on the wall next to it and a light blue light above the keypad. The man in the suit typed a few buttons on the keypad and the steel door slid open.
Through the open doorway, I could see a long hallway, the walls made of the same steel as the room at the bottom of the steps. The guards and the man in the suit wasted no time as the led us through a door all the way at the end of the hall. This room was also steel, and the only thing inside of it was a large steel cage in the center. No one said a thing to us as the man opened the cage door and pointed inside. One by one we stepped inside of the cage, Wes grunted at the man as he passed him, while Declan jumped at the man in an attempt to scare him. I guess if we were going to be treated like an animal, Declan most of assumed we should act like animals. Only the man didn't budge an inch, except for the smile that grew on his face as he closed the door behind us, causing another keypad on the wall to glow red.
"You kids aren't as scary as you think you are," the man stated, locking his dark eyes on Declan.
The two guards that had escorted us all the way from Landry's now stood on each side of the room's door, as the suited man paced in front of our cell.
"Why are we here? What is this place?" Wes asked, stepping close to the bars.
I could hear the tension in Wes' voice like he wanted to yell but was doing everything in his power not to. Not giving a damn if the guards or this asshole saw, I stepped up behind Was and placed my hand on his shoulder. He was having trouble keeping control of his emotions, his shaking body beneath my fingertips was evidence enough, and I wanted him to know I was there for him. Strangely enough, I was more worried about him, Sage, Declan, Lolly, and Lucas more than I was worried about myself. Hell, I was worried about Alicia too. She may not have been in that cage with the rest of us but that didn't mean she was safe. I could only hope she saw us taken away and had gotten out of there, running as far away from that place as possible.
"This is one of the organizations secret security bunkers, and you all are here because you killed those kids at Landry's," the man stated calmly, though the smile on his face said he was enjoying this little exchange.
"You'll be kept here until we determine whether or not you can rejoin us in the fight against The Gate Keepers. While you are here you will address me as Sir and will restrain yourselves from any outbursts," he added.
Lucas shouted through the bars, "You can't keep us here! We didn't kill them!"
Sir walked up to the cafe, his nose practically touching the bars, and said, "You are a product of tainted and evil blood, your cries of innocence mean nothing to me."
It was with those words that Lucas threw out his hand and a wave of fire exploded from his fingers. But the man stood his ground and as the fire connected with the metal bars it arched up and extended to the top of our cell, never piercing the exterior of the cage.
Sir started to laugh, a big belly laugh laced with taunting glee, like a villain in a movie.
"Use your powers if you want, it won't make a difference. This cell has been enchanted by a warlock we caught escaping the dark portal. All you'll end up doing is wearing yourselves out, as well as hurting each other," he announced once he had controlled his laughter, and then added, "or kill each other."
After whispering to the guards, Sir left the room, closing the steel door behind him.
I turned away from the statue standing guards and took a look at our new home. There were no beds, nowhere to sit unless I counted the toilet that was unsuccessfully hiding behind a curtain attached to the bars in a corner of the cage. Our only source of comfort available was either the floor or each other. Surprisingly, Declan and Sage took the second option as Declan sat on the floor with Sage laying next to him, her head in his lap.
Wes paced along one side of the cage while Lucas stood in the center and attempted to throw fireball after fireball at the bars. Each one extinguished into thin air as they connected with the bars, but that didn't stop him from doing it over and over again.
"Baby, stop," Lolly whispered as she approached Lucas and wrapped her delicate arm around his waist.
At her touch, his whole body relaxed and he fell to the floor, panting. Lolly crouched down next to him and wrapped her body around his like she was trying to shield him from any danger that might approach them. Everyone was doing everything they could to comfort each other, and there I was, standing and watching Wes pace frantically.
I wanted, no, needed to be there for him, to calm his worries. But how was I supposed to do that? We were stuck here, trapped, imprisoned for something we didn't do. The only good thing about it was that we weren't being sent to our deaths like I had originally feared. Though that didn't mean we were safe, not by a long shot. Adding to that fact was the approaching blood moon, the last piece of The Gate Keepers agenda, and it was only two weeks away.
Ms. Pierce seemed awfully convinced that their best chance at defeating them would be us. How were we supposed to do that now? Sir said we would stay here until they thought we were safe enough to be let out. Could they determine that in two weeks?
My thoughts kept spinning, making me feel like we were all doomed. But Wes kept pacing, he needed me. So I pushed the dark thoughts from my mind and did my best to smile as I walked over to him. As soon as he spotted me, he stopped dead in his tracks and raked his hand through his hair, practically pulling on it in frustration.
"Wes,'re gonna wear yourself out," I told him.
He nodded, leaned against the bars, and slid down to the floor. Without hesitation, I sat down beside him and wrapped his hand in mine.
"How did we get here?" Wes asked, looking at the ground.
He sounded so defeated it made my heart feel as if it was breaking into a million pieces. I didn't know how to answer his question but I knew I needed to think of something. No matter what, I couldn't let Wes give up. If he gave up, I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep it together any longer.
Then, just like that, a thought struck me.
"We were set up."
"What?" Wes asked, finally taking his eyes off the ground and looking at me.
I turned to face him and said again, "We were set up. It's the only thing that makes sense. How better to keep us from fighting then have us locked away?"
Wes grew quiet as he thought about what I said, or at least that's what I assumed he was doing. But I didn't have to wait long. A moment later he nodded his head before saying, "Your right. The damn Gate Keepers set us up."
His brows pinched together as he added, "But how?"
I shook my head and gave the only answer I had, "I have no idea."
"The only thing I can think of is that maybe a demon got in, or one of the Keepers' minions," Wes suggested.
"Do you think it was Silas?"
"He seems like the sneaky sort but that day in the woods, it felt like he wanted to help us."
I nodded and thought about it. Silas had wanted us to ask Ms. Pierce but the other Dembions, the ones she was trained with. It was like he wanted us to distrust the Ms. Pierce and Mr. B as well as the organization. Being locked up in a cage sure made the organization feel untrustworthy, but I couldn't help but feel loyal to Mr. B and Ms. Pierce. Maybe that was because they were like us, they're dark bloods. The Organization, however, seemed like they hated us, or at least Sir did. Could he have done this?
"I'm not sure who it was. Could have been Silas, hell it could have been Sir. Right now, I don't trust anyone outside of us," I told him.
"Same here," Wes answered, followed by a big yawn.
I examined his face and in the dim light, I could see bags starting to form under his eyes. It had been a long day and an even longer night. We needed to get some rest. Without resting we would be no good to anyone, not even ourselves.
"Here, sleep," I said as I stretched my legs out on the floor.
Wes gave me a smile and a quick peck on the cheek before he laid his head in my lap. We both fell asleep like that, him laying on me, and me sitting against the bars, my fingers playing in his dark brown hair.
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