Chapter 21
"Trin, what in the hell are you doing here?" Wes asked placing the girl back on her feet.
His skin looked flushed and his eyes were bloodshot. It was like he was trying to hold in some deep emotion but signs were popping up all over his body, trying to break through the mental wall he was straining to hold up.
The girl, Trinity, didn't notice Sage or I or anyone else in the hall. Not that there were many other people in the hall, just a couple of guards who didn't seem to care that we were out here socializing. Trinity just looked up at Wes with similar big gray-blue eyes, like he was the only one around, like she was looking at her idol. But her lips poked out a little in a small pout like she was upset by his question.
"Joe said you called. Said you wanted him to come visit but he was too busy so I thought if you were finally accepting visitors that I could come."
"I wasn't accepting visitors Trin, I just needed to talk to Joe. You shouldn't be here, there are dangerous people in this place. How did you get here anyway?"
Trinity pouted more as her eyes gleamed with fresh tears.
"I took the bus. I haven't seen you since you were arrested, it's not fair. Why don't you want to see me?"
Tears escaped her eyes began trailing down her cheeks. Even though I didn't know this girl, it was obvious she was hurting, and I couldn't help the feeling I had to go to her and comfort her. Thankfully Wes did exactly that. He wrapped his tattooed arms around her and hugged her tight as more tears fell down her face.
The moment between the two seemed personal and I was beginning to feel like an intruder standing behind Wes and observing the two of them. I cleared my throat and Wes quickly pulled away from the girl and turned to me.
"We'll give you two some space. I'll catch you later Wes." I said motioning to Sage for us to head back down the hall.
Before I could turn around I felt a strong hand grab onto my arm and pull me back around. Wes was smiling at me now and let go of my arm only to wrap his around my shoulder.
"Trinity, this is my girlfriend, Chloe." He said speaking to the girl and indicating to me.
Trinity's eyes lit up and she beamed at me with a brilliant smile as she bounced on her heels. Her reaction reminded me a lot of Lolly.
"Oh my gosh, girlfriend?" She asked looking back at forth between Wes and I.
He nodded and I knew right away I was starting to blush.
"Chloe, this is my little sister, Trinity," Wes said to me, not taking his eyes off the excited girl in front of me.
"It's nice to meet you, Trinity."
"You too!" she squealed before launching herself forward and wrapping her little arms around me. "Wes has never introduced me to a girlfriend before. You must be really special," she exclaimed still locked around me.
Arching a brow, I looked at Wes. I was surprised to find that he was the one blushing for once. I wanted to tease him for it but I never got the chance. Before I could open my mouth the lunch bell rang and halls soon flooded with kids heading to the second-floor cafeteria.
Wes grabbed hold of Trinity and pushed her against the wall, standing in front of her to block anyone in the hall from getting to her. I understood his concern and felt it as well, so I stood beside him helping to create a wall around her. Looking over to the guards for assistance I found nothing, the guards were nowhere in sight. All I could think was that they were in the classrooms with the remaining visitors. We should have taken Trinity to one of the rooms but it was too late now.
Soon though, the crowd started to thin. I let out a sigh of relief but was soon choking on that breath when my eyes locked on several figures lingering behind the retreating group of kids. None other than Toby, Betty, and at least five others were left standing at the end of the hall once the crowd had finally dispersed.
Wes grabbed Trinity again and in a stern voice commanded, "Go, walk out the front door, catch the next bus home and don't come back here."
Trinity latched her small hands onto his forearms, her big eyes pleading with him.
"Why can't I come see you? Your still my brother!" She shouted at him, standing her ground.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" a familiar voice taunted making my skin crawl with each word.
I looked away from Wes and his sister to find Toby and the rest of his group had started to head our way. It wouldn't take them long to walk the hall and reach us, meaning it was already to late for Trinity to make a run for it. With a new found determination, I stood my ground in front of Trinity, trying to act as a shield or a wall. Looking over to lock eyes with Wes, I silently urged him to do the same. I didn't need to look at Sage, she was already by my side.
Toby and his crew spread out in front of us just as Wes took his place next to me. It made me feel only mildly comforted to know that they would have to go through the three of us to get to Trinity now. Not that I really liked the odds of seven against three, but it was better than nothing. Besides, we had been training all week. We were stronger now, I was stronger now, and much more capable with my abilities. I didn't want to use them on Toby and his followers, but if they left me no choice then that was on them.
"A little family reunion here Wes?" Toby asked with a sneer.
I could feel the tension radiate through Wes' body as he stood next to me. We may not have found out Wes' abilities yet, but that didn't mean he wouldn't put up one hell of a fight if they came near Trinity. I hadn't known of their brother-sister relationship for very long, but I could already tell just how protective he was of her.
"Get out of here, Toby." Wes shot back.
The demand only made Toby laugh, as well as a couple of his lackeys. Some of their faces I didn't recognize, but it was easy to tell that they followed his lead.
Toby leaned slight, standing on his tip toes, to look over our shoulders at Trinity.
"I know Chloe here is my date for tomorrow but you sister is awfully cute, Wes. Even is she is a little young."
"Sicko," Sage growled under her breath.
"Tsk, tsk, Sagey. You jealous I asked the prettier twin to the dance?" Toby teased some more.
"If you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you and your people get the hell out of here!" Wes threatened with more anger in his voice then I had ever heard before.
His body was shaking and his hands were curled into tight fists. The tension in the air was so thick it was practically visible. If someone didn't show up soon to break this thing up fists were going to start flying.
Toby's eyes flashed and his cocky smile faltered just a little from Wes' words.
"I'm not going anywhere without my date," he stated, holding a hand out towards me.
My eyes flickered from his hand to Wes' face, his eyes were already locked on me and he was shaking his head. I knew in the park I had agreed to what Toby wanted to save Wes, but I had hurt Wes in the process. I didn't want to do that again, but I didn't want anything to happen to his sister either.
Before I could make up my mind Wes stepped forward and smacked Toby's hand away making the decision for me.
"Screw off. She's not going anywhere with you."
Toby was seething with anger, his face blood red, but before he could do anything another familiar voice sounded from behind us.
"Whats going on here?" I briefly glanced over my shoulder to see Alicia, Declan, Lolly, and Lucas coming our way. Thank god, the cavalry.
"This doesn't concern you, hot head." Toby barked at Lucas' question.
"Well these are my friends, and if your trying to start shit with them then it does concern me," Lucas replied as him and the rest of our friends saddled up next to us.
At least now we had even numbers if it came down to a fight.
"Screw this, I'll just take my date and go." and with those words, Toby reached out and grabbed me by the arm and yanked me towards him.
It was this simple action that caused chaos to break loose.
Wes rushed forward and punched Toby in the jaw. What soon followed was a storm of bodies flying at each other. The big guy from the park tried to grab for Wes only to be taken to the ground by Lucas. Another boy jumped in and was soon tangled up with Declan. The whole thing was a mess of fists flying, legs kicking, arms wrapped around other bodies. Even Lolly and Alicia were going one on one with a couple of Toby's guys.
I was relieved to spot Sage grab Trinity by the arm and push her into an empty classroom. But my relief was short lived as I spotted Betty making her way for the same room. I did the first thing that came to mind and grabbed her by the arm effectively taking her attention off of the young girl and onto me. She swung her fist toward my face and I was shocked to find my reflexes were faster than hers as I dove out of the way of her punch.
This of course only made her angrier. Her huge foot stomped on one of my feet causing pain to shoot up my leg. But once again my fight training for the last few weeks came in handy. I heel palmed her in the chest causing her body to shift off balance and then followed it by a punch to her jaw. She stumbled back, holding her quickly bruising face, and looked shocked. The shock didn't last long as she yelled what could only be described as an outraged battle cry, and rushed towards me. She wrapped her thick arms around me dragged me to the ground. Pinning me down with her legs she through hit after hit, connecting with my stomach, chest, and face. The hit to my face threw my head back causing it to smack on the ground.
Now for some reason, the only thing I could think at this moment was that this is usually the part in a movie where the person sees stars dancing around their head. But for me, there were no stars, all I could see was red. Everything, everywhere I looked was covered in a red haze, and that all too familiar fiery burn started to swell deep inside me.
Without thinking, I grabbed hold of Betty's shoulders and pushed her off of me, sending her flying into the wall. When I got to my feet, she was doing the same, though she looked like she could fall over at any moment. She tried to rush me again, which ended up with me slamming her back against the wall and sending a final punch in the direction of her face. When my fist connected with her cheek I heard a definite "crack' along with the shrill screams of Ms. Pierce demanding everyone to stop.
I stepped back to watch big Betty slide down the wall to the floor, holding her bloodied face. Everyone else was backing away from their opponents as Mr. B and several other guards rushed the hall. They pushed us against the walls and wrapped our wrists together to prevent anyone from getting out of hand again.
With everyone against the walls, Ms. Pierce paced the hall, telling guards which people to take to the nurse's office and which people would be taken to her office. I couldn't help my smile as I realized that all of Toby and his group were headed to the nurse, while all of us were good to walk ourselves to Ms. Pierce's office. We may be in trouble, but it felt a lot better than when I surrendered to him in the park.
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