episode 3: Super Crazy Fun Time in Japan
Cordelia: so after I get about... Let see here.... There 26 episode of world tour and I got two episodes of world tour... So about when I get to episode 9: Can't Help Falling in Louver and when I get to that episode and finish it I will work on my Bede x reader book
Cordelia: also if you haven't know this yet but episode 9: Can't Help Falling in Louver is in paris and when I hear this episode I think: paris is the city of love so I have a special chapter in that episode which may be heart warming and cute as the same time
Cordelia: enjoy this chapter guys
Chris: Last time on Total Drama World Tour. Egypt! Land of pyramids, land of hot, land of sweaty *cut to each team running* our contestants had loads of fun on the run in the sun *Cut to lindsay waving* and they still managed to find time to *cut to DJ breaking a fake dog* dust a dog *cut to Izzy moving the camel mouth* shut up camel *cut to Ezekiel Losing the stick* feed the crocs *cut to DJ* and whack a bird *cut to the teams rowing there boat* showing style on the nile team amazon managed to pull out a win *cut to Ezekiel parts of the show* zeke found a way to lose on lose and lose again *cut to the pyramid* and as the sun began to set on the sandy sands of egypt *cut to Duncan parts of the shows* we found out what happens when someone refuses to get along and sing the song *cut to chris who is next to chef* this week who's gonna sing? Who's gonna dance? Who's gonna sell out their friends for a chance at one million dollars? Welcome to: total drama world tour *sings the last part*
Cue music
Dear mom and dad I'm doing fine
You guys on my mind
Cut to owen farting in the water
You ask me want I wanted to be
And now I think the answer is plan seen
Cut to harold Doing karate moves and getting hit by an or
I wanna be famous
Cut to Courtney rowing a boat while Duncan and Melody talking while Sekio was laughing that harold and cue to the alligators Cringe and cue to Sekio smiling that gwen but then gwen sinking into the water and seiko looking that Courtney who have a look of disappointed while Duncan and Melody facepalm
I want to live close to the sun
Cut to Alejandro helping heather up but tiara kick Heather off while y/n was laughing
Go pack your bags cause I already won
Cut to Tyler pushing cody in a baby carriage and then trip over Ezekiel which cause cody to be thrown out of the baby carriage and into sierra arms
Everything do get in my way
I'll get there one day
Cut to lindsay looking that a picture of tyler and looking confused then running away from a bear
Cause' I want to be famous
Cut to lizzy taking off the bear head and laughing then get bit but a baby seal and running away
And Cut to DJ and Bridgette surfboarding but hit each other and falls off
Also cut to LaShawna and Noha walking but a plan come down and they duck
Cut to everyone kicking in a pyramid while singing
I wanna be x2
I wanted to be famous
I wanna be x3
I wanted to be famous
Cut to everyone falling off the plan and landed safely
Owen: *scream* I'm too young to die!
Noah: Stop sweating lunchbox, air travel is like the 15th safest mode of transportation. Unless you're in a death trap
The block up hole: *breaks*
Noha: this one for example
Everyone: *scream*
LaShawna: this is not the way LaShawna leaving this world *wa about to go out of the plane*
Alejandro: *grab LaShawna* Hold on *pulls LaShawna in*
Alejandro: Such beauty will not fall thought giant airplane holes on my watch *hold LaShawna close*
Owen: *scream and break his seat belt and cover up the hole*
Harold: I could have done that, I just perfer to leave the ladies wanting more
DJ: She wants more all right. More alejandro
Harold: Ha, DJ you know nothing about woman
LaShawna: You can put me down now... I mean if you wanted or not *laughs nervously* your choice because this is nice
DJ: Mm-hmm nothing
Owen: not that this isn't fascinating and all but help my butt it being sucked out of a plane
Y/n: Hold on owen! Me and my sis will save thou... Just... Don't move a muscle (Hold on owen! Me and my sis will save you... Just... Don't move a muscle)
Tiara: Come on, brub (Come on brother)
With team Amazon
Courtney: I happened to like winning and being first class. Which happens to make me an ideal leader
Gwen: If our team needed one which we don't because we're winning
Country: And I have plans to keep it that way so think about me as leader
Heather: You're like not the only person on the team Courtney. There is my friend sierra to consider
Sierra: *look though cody stuff and pull out a shoe and sniff it*
Sekio: she more crazy then Izzy
Country: um your friend is going through Cody's stuff like a starving raccoon goes through a dumpster
Gwen: I think his shoelace just went up her nose
Sierra: *see the shoelace and cough up the end of it*
Heather: *trust not to puke* are there more barf bags around
Melody: I think heather should be voted off one day
Gwen: why is that
Sekio: so heather haven't told you? Wow heather didn't tell them about your Ex-boyfriend
Country: wait Ex?
Melody: Heather and Y/n use to date before y/n broken up with her... And after what tiara told me Alejandro is having alittle crush on y/n
Heather: what!? No! I was trying to get y/n back
Sekio: why? So you can get close to the element of Harmony
Cody: isn't that the group of heros who save there home town?
Melody: yeah y/n is the element of heroic and heather found out about it then he'll broke lose... Also Courtney I have a pet raccoon and she is well train to only eat leftover or anything I leave out in the open
Sekio: it ture, I have a pet snake he not Posionous it a bull snake or what other call them gopher snakes
Chris: this is your Captain speaking. It time for everyone to join me in the common area. And I mean everyone
Cut to the common area
Chris: Welcome to today's challenge
Harold: It's is a reward or elimination challenge
Chris: Good question harold, and like I'm gonna tell you
Tyler: Two of us got booted out last time. So today has reward written all over it
Lindsay: I could use a reward. I hope it's candy or a whole bunch of shoes or shoes made of candy
Y/n: I think blaze could make that but knowing him he will just eat em (I think blaze could make that but knowing him he will just eat them)
Tiara: Aye he eat anything he makes. He once made a cake with Mona Lisa but he end up eating the cake.... I swear he have a bleedin' big stomach and doesn't get full Unlces he eat 35 prices of sweets (yeah he eat anything he makes. He once made a cake with Mona Lisa but he end up eating the cake.... I swear he have a very big stomach and doesn't get full unless he eat about 35 prices of sweets)
Chris: and I hope you all brought your giant radioactive monster repellent because, we are about to land in... Japan!
Chef: *break door open wearing a outfit*
Harold: Gosh, you guys. That's totally a chinese outfit
Melody: Harold if you don't shut up I will have one of the Japanese urban legends kill you
Sekio: there videos about Japanese urban legends
Chris: Thank you harold, now remember anyone who doesn't sing
Harold: Just you'd really think you'd work harder to get it right
Melody: I'm this fucking close to smacking you harold *put finger together*
Chris: harold. Anyone who doesn't sing is immediately disqualified
Harold: Your culture insensitivity is just... Gosh! I mean Gosh
Chef: *slice the door*
Everyone: *scream and falls out of the plane*
Chris: Or we could have just lower the plane
Chef: Gah! Too bad
Everyone: *keep sceaming*
Bell noise
Noah: Seriously!? I mean Seriously!?
Chris: Sing and I meant save your musical butts. Maybe you'll try harder this time
Cue music
Courtney and Melody: We're singing as we're falling!
Heather: While some are cannoj-balling!
Izzy and Tiara: Yeah!
Alejandro and Sieko: Our lives being to flash before out eyes
Noah and Owen: We might just go ka-blooey
Harold and Tyler: Get smushed and become chewy
Everyone: Cept there's tons we wanna do before we die!
LaShawna: Billionairess!
Cody: Billiards Champion!
DJ: Making it home to see my momma!
Sierra: Marry Cody!
Bridgette: Catch a Barrel!
Lindsay: Be an actress in a drama
Country: Corporate lawyer!
Gwen: Prom Destroyer!
Melody: Music Creator!
Seiko: Bike gang leader!
Harold: Be a ninja with throwing stars!
Alejandro: Lion tamer!
Owen: New food namer!
Tyler: Repairman for the parallel bar!
Noha: But first we must Cease dropping!
Y/n: Our goal here would be stopping!
Izzy and Tiara: Before we smash into the ground from the sky!
DJ: Get into little pieces!
Harold: Heads merged with our feetses!
LaShawna: That would really suck and here's why!
Melody and Bridgette: We'd like to keep on living!
Alejandro and y/n: So, Chris, we hope you're given:
Sierra: Some wings!
Courtney: A jetpack!
Seiko: Some Rockets!
Gwen: A rift in time!
Melody: A Witch broom!
Heather: Parachute!
Noah: Waterbeds!
Tyler: A trampoline!
Izzy: Spring Shoes!
Tiara: A bean bag!
Alejandro: Rocket books!
Y/n: A griffon!
Lindsay: Flying squirrel!
LaShawna: Bubble bath!
Lindsay: I changed to bubbles too!
DJ: Momma!
Owen: A pizza! No! Chips and some dip will do!
Everyone: Cause there's so much to do before we die! Yeah, we said it! There's still so much to do, there's still so much to do, there's still so much to do before we die! Yeah!
Owen: Yeah!
Everyone: *scream and land in some rice*
Harold: Japan yes! I know everything about this place
Melody: Did you know some people die to the slit mouth woman.. hope you don't run into her
Seiko: She not bluffing harold
LaShawna: what you know just sent us free falling out of a plane
Harold: But I went to Sensei steve's feudal japanese summer camp
Y/n: Harold, Japan and Chain r different countries, Japan have Sushi, Rice, Cherry Blossoms, Urban Legend, and other creepy stuff while chain hae.... I don't know what chain hae because Gekko only know about japan (Harold, Japan and Chain are different countries, Japan have Sushi, Rice, Cherry Blossoms, Urban Legend, and other creepy stuff while chain have.... I don't know what chain have because Gekko only know about japan)
Alejandro: Oh yeah, I speak japanese too. Lashana hanan
LaShawna: *giggles*
Y/n: Don't yeh mean: Hana no yō utsukushī reshōna (Don't you mean: Hana no yō utsukushī reshōna)
Tiara: Och, Brub! Where did yeh learnt to speak japanese? (Wow, Brother! Where did you learned to speak japanese?)
Y/n: Gekko gave me lesson on how to speak in japanese, Zion is a jammy bloke to hae her! I'm glad there together (Gekko gave me lesson on how to speak japanese, Zion is a lucky guy to have her! I'm glad there together)
*Cut to a Japanese game show studio*
Chris: ok, your first challenge is inside a Japanese game show studio. Bow down before super human mega pinball smash
Harold and Tyler: *gasp*
Tyler: I love japanese game shows
Harold: Sweet!
Harold and Tyler: *high five*
Harold: My favorite is human itchy my car go go. Where you have to throw a banana into a car window using a-
Tyler: Giant shrimp fork! Awesome!
Y/n: ... The bloody hell, mate?
Chris: *hit gong* oh look my own personal geek gong. Okay I'm gonna need one volunteer from each team to climb into these giant hamster balls. Then your teammates are gonna beat you around the game board scoring points by bouncing your off bumpers and pounds. Most points wins. And, I have a special local surprise for each of you to share you little ball-shaped paradise with. So teams select a ball guy or gal, Victory?
LaShawna: We choose DJ
DJ: We do!?
Chris: Coolio! Here's your pinball buddy
DJ: A Panda? No! Remember when I crumpled that mummy puppy in egypt
*Cue flashback*
DJ: Hey there little buddy, wish I had a biscuit to give you *touch the dog*
The dog: *breaks apart*
Pyramid: *blow up*
End of flashback
LaShawna: That so totally did not happen. The mummy dog didn't explode, it just disintegrated remember
Lindsay: I remember when you knocked a poor little birdie out of the sky
DJ: Exactly! Terrible! I think that dog thing might have cursed me
Panda: *attack DJ*
Chris: Aww, cute! Team Chris is really x4 hot
Noah: I'm uh I'm allergic to panda dander. I get hives
Tyler: What he said
Alejandro: I'll do it for my team
Tiara: Oi Chris, can my blub join Alejandro, because me and Izzy bet on brass the Alejandro will tongue-wrestle y/n in the pinball (Hey Chris, can my brother join Alejandro, because me and Izzy bet on money that Alejandro will kiss y/n in the pinball)
Y/n: Hold on sis, Chris won't allow this- y'r nuts sister, beside it take days 4 two people to hae feeling 4 each others (Hold up sis, Chris won't allow this! Your are nuts sister, beside it take days for two people to have feeling for each other)
Chris: hmm... Alright but I want in on the bet
Y/n: what the bloody hell Chris!
Tiara: Aye! And Chris gaff yer bet (Yeah! And Chris place your bet)
Chris: I say 20 dollars. Also more ratings *throw panda to Alejandro and Y/n*
Alejandro: well hello handsome creature. May I scratch your ears or get you a tasty cookie
Y/n: Aww bubtion panda r so cute, Alejandro thou know how they handle Animals bubtion's (Aww, baby panda are so cute, Alejandro you know how to handled Animals baby's)
Tiara: Yeh hae a soft spot 4 animals dae yeh, brub (You have a soft spot for animals do you, brother)
Y/n: Aye Cordelia told me to care 4 em and love em... I wonder if Alexa would be k if I get a bubtion panda (Yeah Cordelia told me to care for them and love them... I wonder if Alexa would be ok if I get a baby panda)
Tiara: Maybe... Ask her once he get back to the element base (Maybe... Ask her once you get back to the element base)
Y/n: *walk over to Alejandro and the baby panda and pet the baby panda*
The girls: Aww
DJ: *still getting attack by the panda*
Chris: And team amazon
Heather: Gwen face could use some remodeling
Seiko: it should be heather, she could use some claw marks on her face
Melody: Yeah, so she could never get a boyfriend again because her face would be ugly
Gwen: Nice, I hate to tell but we're on the same team so you might want to flip the witch switch back to off
Courtney:Would you girls like some leadership, I'd be glad to choose
Cody: Stop bickering, I'll do it
Chris: You might want to bring a toothbrush cody, because the beast you'll be sharing your space with is sierra
Sierra: *Fangirl and tackle cody*
Cody: Oof
Chris: It's human pinball time!
Chef: *pull the pulley thing and let it go*
The pinballs: *rolls*
DJ: *screaming and score points*
Cody and sierra: *score points*
DJ: *say sorry panda over and over again*
Team Amazon pinball: *goes to the middle and go up then falls back down*
Sierra: Hold me *hold onto cody*
Panda: *point*
Alejandro: Thanks Tin-tin
Y/n: That's a sterling idea (That's a great idea)
Alejandro and y/n: *scores 23,000 points*
Harold: The paddle must connect with the ball at a perfect 33.7 degree angle to maximize the impact on the-
LaShawna: Help or get out of the way
DJ: *hit his team off the paddle*
Alejandro and Y/n: *score more points*
DJ: *score 41,000*
Team Chris is really x4 hot and team amazon: *score more points*
Team Amazon: *go though the paddles*
Cody: *falls out* If we got a point for every time she kissed me in there
Sierra: We'd be millionaires
Cody Confession
Cody: *clear ear out and pull out Sierra gum* Is this her gum... Ewwwww
End of Cody Confession
DJ: *go though the paddles and come out with a sleeping panda and cry's*
DJ Confession
DJ: *cry's* I can't believe I hurt that poor little cuddly, my own tears are falling into my scratches
End of DJ Confession
Alejandro and Y/n: *go though the paddles and come out with the baby Panda*
Team Chris is really x4 hot: *cheers*
Tiara: Really!? Come on just snogbye two! I want my ship to sail (Really!? Come on just kiss you two I want my ship to sail)
Chris: With a score of 462 thousands team I am really x4 hot takes the superhuman mega pinball smash and winds a leg up in the next Japanese challenge
DJ: I wanna go home
Chris: will we let him? We'll sing sing the panda make a full recovery and give DJ an unplanned claw cutmohawk? Stay tuned, There's more wacky cathy mackie teriyaki action after the break
Cookie: you know *eat cake* you are really go that this
Cordelia: thanks
Lukas: so cordelia we have a song for episode 9?
Cordelia: yep! Since episode 9 is in paris I was thinking of having: can't help but fall inlove with you, and since the next episode is about Bridgette kissing Alejandro I will make tiara cuss out Alejandro
Cookie: what about episode 5, 6, 7, and 8?
Cordelia: episode 5 is about new york so I'm thinking of giving Alejandro and y/n alittle alone time to have Alejandro can make a move on y/n hut get cockblock but someone, Episode 6 is a aftermath show to talk about stuff so don't know yet, Episode 7 will have tiara vs heather and Tiara will bitch smack heather then when if LaShawna and y/n turn then LaShawna will bitch smack y/n but end up being bitch smack by tiara for hitting her brother, then episode 8... I don't know yet but it will have some Courtney x sekio moments at get cockblock by heather
Lukas: what about episode 13: I See London?
Cordelia: easy I will have a double Elimination because I do know that Duncan and gwen kiss but it will be Duncan and Melody who kiss and if I remember correctly Gwen get voted off on episode 16: Picnic at hanging dork so gwen and Melody will both get voted off
Cookie: what about Seiko and Tiara
Cordelia: well for tiara it will be episode I See London as for Sekio it will be where Duncan got voted off which is episode 21: African Lying Society-Safari
Lukas: we all know sierra get voted off in episode 23: Awww, Drumheller and cody get voted off in Hawaiian punch... So what about heather?
Cordelia: I read this book which was a total drama world tour: Kaylub's End and the creator was Eevee2 and her ending was where heather, Alejandro, and Kaylub was trying to get the one million dollars so I may base the ending like how they did it
Cookie: So heather, Y/n, and Alejandro will battle to get the one million dollars? But what about the more lovey stuff *eat more cake*
Lukas: yeah there need to be more lovey stuff in this book *eat Abit of cookie cake*
Cordelia: I was gonna have Alejandro kiss y/n in episode Greece Pieces but I think I can move that over to episode 26: Aloha, Final. Hawaii Punch and have heather kick Alejandro is the coconuts and win then have it alit how they have in in total drama world tour
Tikki: We about to be back on in a few more minutes
Rikki: yeah so better hurry up
Cordelia: right
Cookie: so you will be making a Total drama All Stars Alejandro x male reader book right?
Cordelia: yes I'm right after I get about a few chapters in my pokemon Bede x female book
Lukas: you beat all the gym leader in pokemon sword but since you never finish the game you have to base that book around shield
Cordelia: yep! And I'm thinking of having y/n become like a Pokemon breeder for when y/n mother marry Kabu the fire type gym leader because she didn't want to become a champion
Cookie: ok so we got each episode thre of the oc are gonna be voted off, we know what gonna happen and all the other stuff
Cordelia: yep! Let get back to the book
Break over
Chris: Welcome to Total Drama Action! Where there will be crazy action and kooky filming. And somber eating
someone talking while owen moving his mother: Very nice food, I like it
Someone talking while Izzy move her mouth: Hey there way oh so cute monster
Someone talking: Total drama action soon pears and apples of fun
Everyone: *confused*
Noha: Um, what?
Chris: That piece of cinematic gold is the japanese promo, total drama is huge here
Country: okay but that was in english so way are they dubbing our voices
Chris: Turn out the locals just don't like the sound of y'all, sorry
Courtney: No your not
Y/n: Izzy is sixes and sevens (Izzy is crazy)
Tiara: Aye she is... And it scares me (Yeah she is... And it scares me)
Chris: Ture. Ready for the next challenge? I hope you paid attention because you'll be writing, directing, and producing your very own japanese commercial. There a band new candy hitting the japanese marker. It's chef total drama yum yum happy go time candy fish tales. I call this: the total drama yum yum happy go time candy fish tales challenge... Of celebration fun
Chef: You said we were going to pay a real tokyo ad firm
Chris: Oops, I did? Didn't I? As props you'll be allowed to use anything you can find in the airplane storage area. Since team Chris is really x4 hot won the first challenge they get to choose their props first
Team Chris is really x4 hot: *cheers*
Chris: With team Victory choosing second and team amazon stuck with whatever drags are left
Alejandro: Well, I'm seeing a tiny tokyo, a giant radioactive monster
Izzy: Oh yes! Big O can be the monster!
Owen: Al, you're a genius
Y/n and Tiara: So ripping it orf of godzilla (So ripping it off of godzilla)
Alejandro: something like that
Tiara: We r definitely gonna get second gaff (We are definitely gonna get second place)
Tyler: Super japanese idea, al. Nice!
Alejandro: Noah? What say you?
Noah: meh, I guess
Alejandro: *place helmet on Noah*
Team Chris is really x4 hot: *walks away*
Alejandro: Good luck honorable opponent
Harold: I don't need your luck
Alejandro: Of course you don't you have superior leadership skills and vision, your team is lucky to have you
Harold: I know right! They are! Right?
Lindsay: I have an idea, last time I went out for japanese I had these hugh bowl of pad thai and it was-
LaShawna: Pad tie is thai
Lindsay: Are you sure? That doesn't sound right
Harold: Fear not LaShawna, I have a dramatic vision. It mixes kurosawa's pathos with miyazaki's sense of wonder
Lindsay: I think I ordered that at the Japanese place too
Team Amazon
Country: A pathetic pile of stuff nobody wants, Gah! Goodbye first class
Team Amazon: *see someone*
Cody: Was that?
Team Chris is really x4 hot
Tyler and Noah: *build a city*
Owen: *stomps round* Owen stomp x2
Noah: Hold on there chubby buddy let's us finish the tiny city first
Alejandro: *eat the candy and spilt it out* gah!
Alejandro Confession
Alejandro: it tastes like rotting fish intestine with a side order of fermented squid and Dirty hawing equipment *throw up*
End of Alejandro Confession
Y/n Confession
Y/n: Here the thingamijig, if ye hae y'r da bad cooking ye get use to the taste. My da once try and make fish fingers, chip and beans but he end up burning the food and once we try it we all threw up so bad we hae to be in the hospital 4 three days to get our stomach pump... So me and my sister can handle anything (Here the thing, if you have your father bad cooking you get use to the taste. My father once try and make fish fingers, chip and beans but he end up burning the food and once we try it we all threw up so bad we have to be in the hospital for three days to get our stomach pump... So me and my sister can handle anything)
End of y/n Confession
Y/n *take the candy fish tale and grab one then eat it*
Alejandro: How are you eating that
Y/n: Try having my pop cooking it taste like fancy burnt butter with eggs and ol' molding carrots (Try having my dad cooking, it taste like Burnt butter with egg and old molding carrots)
Tiara: Momo cooking is so much better... Blud I miss pop something (Mom cooking is so much better... Brother I miss dad sometime)
Y/n: I know sister, can't adam and eve he was killed by a robber... At least he save a bunch of people from the robbers (I know sister, can't believe he was killed by a robber... At least he save a bunch of people from the robbers)
Team Amazon
Heather: We have the candy fish swimming in the fish tank then it breaks out and plays basketball. Like duh
Melody: *eat the candy fish tail* That the stupidest idea ever
Sekio: *grab the bag and throw it away* Mel, you do know that not good for you
Melody: Try having the BunrtRose Twins dad cooking.... Man I still miss him he was like a father to me when my parents was away on a Music tour
Sekio: Still it nasty
Gwen: To dr seuss. Spinning mask's. We toss candy into there mouths and-
Courtney: Insane! Flashing lights and fireworks. Chef wants to be dazzled
Melody: *have flashback about fireworks* Heck no! Y/n friends blaze almost blow up the house with fireworks that was full of sprinkles
Sekio: Yeah it ture
Cody: You guys, they're all good ideas and-
Heather: Overruled! Fish tank!
Gwen: Hello, the only way we are winning is with the spinning heads and lots of them
Country: You people are impossible. I'm so out of here *walks away*
Melody: *walks away over to team Chris is really x4 hot to talk to the twins*
Sekio: *follows Melody*
Heather: find! So am I *walks away*
Gwen: Fine! *Throw mask and walks away*
The Mask: *falls on cody face*
Courtney: Uh, we can't storm off together ! Kind of Defeats the purpose
Heather: You go back that way
Courtney: No you go back that way
Gwen: Well I came this way first
Cody: We are in some deep trouble
Sierra: O-m-g-i-n-o, want me to get them
Cody: *move mask* Not so much
Team Victory
Harold: More rain! Much more! This whole thing need to be somberer
Bridgette: Yes, harold
Harold: It's sensei! Call me sensei!
Chris: you have five minutes left to film your ad. Then it happy fish yum what whatever. We'll be watching them in five minutes
Horse: *farts*
Team Amazon
Cody: you know what you're doing?
Sierra: I have no idea and it's awesome
Cody: It's just you and me huh?
Sierra: Just you and me *sigh dreamy*
Cody: *sigh* Okay, stand by and we're rolling
To the viewing room
Tyler: We're done shooting owen, you can take the suit off
Owen: I got really sweaty and not it won't come off
Chris: All right, and that you're done filming. It's time to see if you're hard work pay off. Chef
Chef: *mumble* No budget no ad agency ripoff Cheese ball cheap show
Chris: First up: Team Chris is really x4 hot, with monster rampage
Video start
Monster owen: *roars and destroy stuff* monster noises
Alejandro: Oh no it's the large shake monster
Tyler: we must run
Noha, Y/n, and Tiara: Think of the children
Izzy: He's so hot
Monster owen: *roars*
Alejandro: Wait! We shall stop him this away *grab candy fish tale and throw it in owen mouth*
Monster owen: oh delicious
Alejandro, Noha, Tyler, Izzy, and the twins: *Sings*
Monster owen: *dance*
Video end
Chris: next up is: Team Victory with a samurai's lament
Video start
Harold: *ride the horse*
Lindsay: oh great samurai
LaShawna: Please, do you have food
Bridgette: DJ you're line.. ugh. The hunger, the hunger, the hunger
Harold: *on his back* honor *sings* gosh
Video end
Sekio: lame
Melody: yeah that was kinda lame
Y/n: Knowing this team Amazon will win first gaff, we will win second gaff, while team Victory win last gaff... And it's just a hunch (Knowing this team Amazon will win first place, we will win second, while team Victory get last place... And it's just a hunch)
Chris: Yeah... That was.... Interesting
LaShawna: maybe your pad thai idea wasn't so bad
Lindsay: I told you
Harold: It's was art. A metaphor. A commentary on the earth's sorrow and it's crying out for more-
Chris: Next up is: the amazon
Gwen: ah this is humiliating
Heather: What do we tell him
Country: Chris, as the leader of team Amazon it falls to me to tell you that our team didn't-
Cody: Come up with an amazing title for our awesome commercial
Melody: We have a commercial
Cody: Let's just call it: Huh?
Video start
Sierra and Cody: *sings*
Sierra: Eat them now, eat them then, eat them anytime. Just eat them, yeeeaaahhhh
The dead seagull: eat them
Video end
Everyone: *shock*
Chris: Okay... Well chef
Chef: Chris, I think I gotta go with team Amazon
Team Amazon: *cheers*
Chef: I don't know I just love exploding donuts
Gwen: Cody, that was amazing
Country: Total Amazing
Sierra: Oh isn't he~, Group hug *hugs cody*
Team Amazon expect for sekio: *try to hug*
Sierra: Back off
Chris: congratulations team amazon, but chef I also have to know who bit the biggest
Chef: um... Those guys *point that team Victory* with that the sad donkey thing. You lose, you sending someone home... Tonight
DJ: And put a panda in intensive care then I choke and wrecked our ad. And we lose again
LaShawna: Wait!? It's not a reward
Chris: Well I'm sure enjoying it
Cut to the plane
Harold: *sigh*
Alejandro: it could just as easily have been me
Harold: *nods*
Alejandro: we still have our honor and girls especially those of LaShawna majestic caliber . They love guys with honor
Harold: Like Samurais
Alejandro: Like Samurais
Cut to chris and team victory
Chris: it's vote time, up in the loser class bathroom you'll find five passport. Stamp the passport of the team member you'd like to send home. Got it, lindsay?
Lindsay: I know, I get it
Lindsay confession
Lindsay: This is a really good picture of me *walk out*
End of Lindsay confession
Bridgette confession
Bridgette: *Vote Harold*
End of Bridgette Confession
LaShawna confession
LaShawna: *vote DJ*
End of LaShawna confession
DJ confession
DJ: *vote himself alot*
End of DJ Confession
Harold confession
Harold: *vote the beach ball*
End of Harold confession
The panda confession
Panda: *vote DJ*
End of Panda confession
Chris: those staying in the game will get in-flight snacks and if you don't get one, you'll be taking the drop of shame
Team Victory: *look shock*
Chris: the following players are safe: Lindsay, Bridgette, LaShawna. And the final bag goes to Haro-
Harold: Wait! It was I who brought dishonor to our team. Only one thing can restore the balance *stab himself with a fake lightsaber while walking to LaShawna and speaking japanese* LaShawna, I think I will miss you most of all *falls*
LaShawna: Harold, that's a toy lightsaber
Harold: *get up and falls out of the plane*
Chris: you might need this *throw parachutes* Good luck harold! He yelling someone back at me. Oh no he's just screaming for his life, Sayonara from japan, where will our travels take place next, Will team Amazon be able to keep there fragile peace, what other weird products does chef want to sell, all these questions and many more, probably won't be answered, on the next episode of: Total, Drama, Would Tour *sings the last part*
Cordelia: I have a headache guys and sorry if this wasn't out quickly, I been busy with stuff
Cordelia: so I may put this on hold for awhile like I say: once I finish episode 9 I will make my Pokemon SWSH x reader book but I may change it to now
Cordelia: each total drama world tour episode I'm watching is on youtube and there about 22 minutes long and I have to take breaks so from today this book is on hold until I fell like updating this book
Cordelia: I also need some sleep
Cordelia: also the songs take the longest to type because of how many people are in the show
Cordelia: Enjoy guys... Man my head hurt like hell
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