Days 4, 5, 6 and 7
4- bound
My idea- dl stuff happened in the hc x empire
The first time it happened was just after the weirdo showed up at his front door. In an elegant yet understated pale green dress, she looked mildly like someone Scott was sure he'd seen in a history book.
"It" was prickling around his heart, by the way. He didn't know what, why, or how, but he had a feeling it was to do with the woman, who's name was Pearl. Then the flashbacks started.
Once or twice a week, he saw strange 'visions', getting frequently more disturbing. The worst part was that he recognized a few of the people- there was him, with weird floaty candles round his head, there was Cleo, one of the other people- who- came- through- the- rift. The one thing he didn't understand was the line that flashed bright into his retina and stayed there long after the trance had ended. It connected the hearts.
After a few weeks of the trauma, he realised something very important. The woman whom he was connected to- a crazy looking blood- stained maniac- was Pearl. It seemed impossible that the person that seemed to have killed at least three people, from the look of the flashbacks- (they looked like Cleo, Joel and some person with white hair he didnt recognize) HEADCANNON- since some people (cough cough bdubs cough cough) look very different in their dl skins they cant be recognized but others (cough cough scott cough cough) don't look different. But it was true.
And after a few days messing around with magic, he figured out what the line was.
What to do about it was a whole other problem.
5- Sand
Idea- after lil Pearl
It was that time of the year again- over about a month, the 10 missing people would turn up, looking normal, but refusing to say anything about where they had been. They never looked like anything weird had happened to them, they were always wearing the same thing they were when they left.
Well, until in the fourth year, Pearl showed up. She was wearing a scruffy dark green tunic, ripped at the edges, with a royal red cloak that reached her waist. And there was the sand.
Scattered throughout her hair, round her eyes, embedded so deeply in her cloak that it probably wouldn't ever be clean again. She appeared unharmed, but they always did. Why had she come back all of a sudden?
A yawn, a chirp and a stretch of her legs. She was waking up- they normally took some weeks. Then her eyes opened.
They were bright red- not the whole thing, just the irises. A split second later, they were back to their regular blue- purple. (Headcannon- everyone who was on evo had their eye colours changed a bit) "No..." she hissed, not meant to he heard by anyone else. "I- I trusted you. Win it for me, will you?"
And with that, she closed her eyes again, and fell back into slumber.
Day 6- bread
idea- Gri seeing some bread on hc and getting a memory
"Fine..." Pearl was getting on his nerves again. He glided down to the cave underneath Dwayne, (don't ever take that out of context), sighing as he once again saw the man on the toilet when he looked up. Thanks, Joel.
What was the friendly neighbourhood aussie telling him to do this time? Why, clean up his storage, of course. He was one of the official mess kings of the server, second to only Scar probably.
After about half an hour, he'd sorted about a quarter of it. "Stupid.... Persuasive... aussies." he muttered under his breath as he stepped back to admire his work, wiping a hand over his tired head. "Wait.. arrgh." One shulker in the corner. When it was open, he could see it contained fourteen tarnished clocks. Weird. As he dug deeper, he pulled out an old leather jacket, and.. was that bread?
The bread...
"Look what they've done! That's just adding insult to injury now."
"You're right. Blummin' heck, I'mma have a word with them."
"Yeah, me to."
"No.. wait.. Stupid, stupid boys."
"What the heck was that?" Gri mumbled as he took his hand away from the bread.
Day 7- fall
I want to do a hc one bc i havent done that many.. But lil would be so much easier.
Heck im doing lil
"No... Tim...."
"Why? He knew he was on less than an hour."
"How did he?"
" I think.. I think it was his shoelace."
A snigger. "HIs bloody shoelace? He died because of his bloody shoelace?"
"I think so, Joel."
"Should we have-"
"Per usual."
"Yeah." Another snigger.
"Which was your favourite of the ones we've had so far?"
"Well... I've never actually done one before."
"Oh yeah.. You won't have. There was the poppy one, then the private one for the Southlanders, that was stupid, and the one where we vibed to Otherside."
"Hang on, what was I doing in the last one?"
"You... you were chasing Scott and yelling threats at him because of the boat."
"O seven."
"Where we going anyway?"
"You'll see."
"Oh. Where is- is that?"
"Yeah. He'd have wanted to be buried next to her."
"He absolutely would."
"That looks good."
"Thanks. Normally we give him something as we- HEY! MY DIAMONDS!"
"Well he wasn't going to use them, and.."
"To Timmy, bestest bad boy. He's in the sky now."
"Don't put 'im in the sky, he'[d only go and fall out of it."
"He's a Bad Boy flat on the floor."
"Absolutely. To Tim."
"To Tim."
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