Day 11- something
day 12- fool
(I skipped day eleven)
Idea- after s8 in void
Pearl pov? Pearl pov. Pog.
Oh, I was such a fool.
I knew that as soon as two people from- there would meet, they would know. And I was right. As soon as we started messing around with magic, moon big. Moon very big. And no one knew why.
Everyone tried different tactics to stop it. Blowing it up from here, blowing it up from the moon, going into space, or the end, or the Netger, or what we did.
We jumped into the void.
So smart.
But it worked, kind of. Me and Gri can pull us out to a new world, even though the others won't know what happened. And we might get a few awkward questions.
"You awake?" I hear a whispered shout.
"Yeah. The others won't be, I don't think."
"Should we- um- do something?"
"Er- probably. I wanna race you first though."
"You want to do a race using forbidden magic around the most dangerous place in the worlds?"
"Yeah!" After that, he pulled his helmet off, not needing it, stretched off his suit and shook out his parrot wings, then changing colour to a dark purple with gold shot through. I did the same, but my wings don't have any gold. Also they weren't parrot wings.
After a few laps (I won't tell you who won- you can figure that out yourselves-) we glided back to the others. "You want to do the honours?" I asked. Plus, I would probably mess it up.
And a few minutes later, we were all sitting dizzily on a stretch of land.
day 13- sweet
Again, skipped. Sorry
Day 14 clash
this is another dialouge one, sorry.
Idea- the fh bit in lil
"Love you!"
"I said I love you..."
"Say it back..."
"I- I-"
"Jim... say I love you back."
"I can't..."
"Why? Is it- what's wrong?"
"Who else are you protecting?"
"You know this, you just don't want to admit it."
"I- yeah. You're right. But wasn't I- don't you-?"
"I'm sorry, but after last-"
"You've said enough. "
"I'm going. Go back to your-"
"Scott! I don't hate you, it's just-"
"Just what? Just because I wasn't with you for the entire thing? Because I haven't attacked any of your team for the whole game, Jim. Unlike him."
"I'll give you 30 seconds."
"I come after you."
"That's... fair. Better than I was expecting."
"I'm going!"
"Go! Quick! 27..."
"Please, one last.."
"Whatever! Be fast! 20..."
"Say you love me back."
"I- okay. 15..."
"Go on."
"Ill be lying, you know. 12."
"Yeah. I know."
"Go on!"
"Run as soon as I say it, please! 5."
"I will!"
"Say it now."
"Go on!"
"I- I love you.
<smajor was slain by solidarity>
Day 15- world. Ummmmmmmmmmmm
Idea- I wanna finish that dsmp crossove- yeah.
"We're still dying in vain." He finished.
"Scar..." Wels whispered.
"Where did you hear that song?"
"Oh, um- from a friend." That was the safest option, and it was technically true. It was just that the friend wrote it that he didn't tell them. "Where did you learn it?"
"My brother. Said he learnt it in 'ell."
Scar knew that hell was the slang for where the evil alters where, so that did make sense. And he must have got it from....
Oh shoot.
The one half- decent alter in that place.
"I need to talk to him, please. Can I?"
"You- you sure?"
"Yeah." Two minutes later, there was a buzz, and a figure in dark armour stumbled towards the campfire.
"Why on earth am I here?" he yelled towards them.
"Scar says he needs to talk to you. Don't ask me."
"What dya need, kiddo? (Sorry I can imagine hels saying kiddo it's so funny-)
'Ang on, I've seen you before. In a picture somewhere."
"G- ghosts?"
"Ghost? Who?"
"The one with the blue sheep?"
"Oh! Yeah. I know him. Goody two shoes, if you ask me. I can only imagine bwhat his normal self is."
"His normal self blew up a country twice and betrayed his dad multiple times, then came back from the dead."
"Can I meet him?"
"First can I talk to ghost?" Scar said that in such a pleading voice that the nerther knight had no choice.
"Okay, kiddo. Follow me."
"X, you coming?"
"Can I, mate? I wanna know what this is about- ow!" One of the crows had just bit him.
"If you want."
will be finished- god this is turning into an actual story.
Feather (16) okay I'm doing more dsmp
"If you want."
"I kind of... want to understand this."
"Well I don't, so tell me if you do." That got a laugh out of X.
After Held had somehow got them into the alters world, the knight pulled Acar over to the side (oh god that sentence has so many damn typos-) and said that no one really ever knew where ghost was, that he just sort of floated about. After a few hours of wondering around in the sweltering heat, Toby paused. "Hold on- was that a sheep?" That was probably the easiest way to find Ghost. Friend came everywhere with him- for gods sake, there was even a song about it.
As they crept closer, they could see it was indeed a bright blue sheep with a pale person next to it. Not normal pale, pale like incredibly desaturated of colour, with grey skin and an almost white jumper. "G- ghost?" he called out softly.
"Who- holy sh!t t- t-" He held up a hand to silence ghost, then walked over slowly as you might do to a fox or badger.
"Yeah. It is me. Ghost, are you okay?" Ghost was looking past the group, behind them, with an expression of sheer disbelief and fear on his white face. "What is it?"
But even before he turned around, Toby knew. From the lopsided head to the green cloak, he was gazing at the one alter that had haunted his nightmares.
day 17 card
As they entered the BBBB for the last time, Joel noticed a piece of card had been slipped under their door. It was just a plain white piece of paper, nothing obviously weird about it. Paper was much more of a luxury than it had been in the last two worlds- remember when they completely demolished the ground under the Red Velvet keep? This had a messy scrawl written on it that made tears come to his eyes. They didn't deserve it.
"Good guys at heart" They definitely didn't deserve that- how many kills did they have, fifteen? And meanwhile this family- children- were here, telling him....
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