Chapter 21
I sulked, my heart felt so low. He just came and now he is leaving... Again, the lonely days and empty nights. No bickering, nothing.
"I didn't brought you to sulk in front of me," he spoke, taking a bite of his burger, sitting infront of me. There was these granite slabs that were obscuring our table, giving us a little privacy. Though, I can see people giving us a look.
"You should be spending time with aunty instead," I let out, my head on the side wall, looking at the side of the burger I should prioritise munching.
"I did. We made breakfast together, and then we cleaned together, so yeah?"
"Good," I smiled weakly.
"Are you gonna miss me?" He smirked dorkily. What really is up with him? I would obviously miss him. I always do. He's been such an essential part of my life.
"In your dreams!"
"Ouch," he said, palming his chest and I grinned.
"The AC is cooling right on my face!"
"Huh?" I questioned but before answering, he just stood up and sat beside me making my heart pound. It's different. It's different with him.
It's a sort of uncomfortable feeling with the most comfort I had ever experienced. Even when I feel nervous and anxious for no particular reason, I feel safe. As if I can let my gaurd down. As if I am in a fiction. A romance fiction.
"Min Yoongi go back, aren't you afraid that someone will see us and the next day we are flashed on TMZ?" I questioned and surprisingly, he just shook his head.
No? He's not afraid?
"Oh Hey? Sora?" Someone said in a dulcet voice and I looked up to Yeji who spotted me in the place. I waved back but I didn't expect her to come up.
"I asked you to come then you didn't. Suddenly I see you here. What a betray!" She laughed and I smiled firmly.
"Oh my God? Min Yoongi?" She blurted out.
"Oh hello," he smiled warmly.
Sure. Smile more.
"I am army since 2013! You're even my bias!" She spoke.
Wasn't it Tae yesterday?
"Nice to meet you. You're her friend?" He asked while I sipped on my coke with extra ice. He's very interested, I see.
She sat right where Yoongi was sitting a few moments before, "Yeah. We are colleagues and even studied in the same med school. We're like bestfriends!"
Oh okay?!
"She never told me," he said glancing towards me and I gave an awkward chuckle.
"How do you guys know each other?" She asked. I didn't even bother to answer because someone particular seemed quite interested.
"We're childhood friends. We studied in the same school."
Respect plus plus. Gta San Andreas theme song in background. Last time you said I mean nothing to you, huh?
"Wow Sora. That's so cool," she said with literal hearts in her eyes while he giggled. My head was still stuck on the wall as I was still finding where the McDonald's placed my extra cheese slice.
"I think I should not intrude. Bye. Nice to meet you, Yoongi," she bowed and left.
"She seems to be a nice person," he spoke.
"Ofcourse!" I grunted, taking a French fry and actually stuffing it in my mouth.
"What's wrong with you?"
"Nothing at all. She seems to be a nice person, yeah Yoongi?" I mocked and he seemed obfuscated but I just took another fry to soothe my not-so-justified frustration.
"Yah? Don't eat them all. Leave some for me!"
I stuck out my tongue at him and proudly picked the last one, dipping it in the sauce and placing it between my teeth to mock him. And... Suddenly, his face was so near to mine, he took a bite of the fry hanging out, his lips lightly brushing against mine.
Oh. I am cool. Yeah, it's fine. Cool. FUCKING NOT!
My eyes widened and I just watched him chew onto that with an amused smile. I frantically wiped off my lips and smacked his arm.
"What-" I smacked him again before he could speak.
"It hurts-" another one, and then another, till I was myself exhausted.
"Don't do unanticipated stuff!"
"Why?" He smirked, "You get flustered?"
What's really up with him?
I gave a mocking smile, holding his hand which held his burger and motioned it to his mouth, stuffing it with it.
"Aiba ba ba bwa," he spoke something with that burger stuffed in his mouth making me laugh.
He slapped off my hands and pulled out the food and coughed.
"Eat fast. Let's go then!" I said and his eyes became dull a little. What does he want now?
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