Was it really necessary?
For you to mention my failures
Does it do anything if you
If for once, you ignore my shortcomings
I get it
I'm incompetent
I'm worthless
You can keep on saying it, engraving it into my mind
Just accept it, Mother
I'll never be as hardworking
I'll never be as focused
Why do you care all of a sudden?
I'm useless anyways
I'm a dead girl walking, but at least he has some hope
Focus on him
He can be someone you're proud of
I'll fill the slot of disappointment for you
Mother, I can be the one that you bitch about to your friends
Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about
Over the dinner parties that I'm not invited to
No one wants the disappointment anyone
She's too lazy
Wasted talent
So what if I'm all of those things
So what if I'm not the star child you had hoped for me to be
Because all I am is what I am
I will not change for you, Mother
You've tried
I guess
But even that wasn't enough
Accept it
You failed
Cause so have I.
I'm just your incompetent daughter
What else do you want?
For me to try harder?
Honestly, no
Cause everytime I try, I end up failing
End up being a bigger disappointment
If that was even possible
I'm just the useless one
The inconsistency in your perfect family
Maybe if I didn't exist, everything would be better
If I die, I know you'll cry
But those tears won't be of grief or remorse
Those tears would be of relief
Relief that I was gone
Relief that now, your family can resume being perfect
Without that one impurity
Cause I'm just the incompetent daughter
That ruins everything
Even her own life
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