dear north;
I'm ashamed to say that I asked Val about you for the next tutoring sessions.
She's better at sign language now, though the session after your visit: I taught her to say you are beautiful and all of the compliments there were. You reminded me how much it warms the veins in my heart when people say things like that. No one has to, no one asks anyone to. But it's nice to hear, you know? It's like, even though I do not hate my reflection in the mirror, someone sees the love I share with the world. They love my love. The best thing you can do, I think, is to fill your finger tips with the love you think people deserve, and touch them. Maybe you'll make them smile, maybe you'll kill them.
You stopped picking Val up by using the door as a drum. You honked loudly and she ran out to you. I didn't see you for a while, and it nearly tore me apart.
I saw you as this beautiful tragedy, and such beauty should've been shared with someone; anyone. I even regretted helping you, because at night, I was haunted by your shouts; the way your lips were chaotic.
I wanted you to be at my door again, and I know, North. I know that was a horrible idea, because you can't wish for the homeless man to ask you for a money a thousand times. I'm sorry about that. You know how much I love you, how much I want to kiss your bruises and scars away.
Anyway, one day, a full month after last speaking to you, I headed to your car, ready to confront you. You had Valerie by your side, and she was showing you all the new ways to say food. You walked out of the car at the same time. All of my sadness and nostalgia towards you rolled away, because you were so enchanting, North.
You were the fairytale with too many obstacles and climaxes, the only story that truly deserved a happy ending.
"Yes?" you said.
"It's polite to pick Val up at the door, don't you think? Especially when it's raining. She gets drenched."
"And if I walk her from the door to the car, she won't get drenched? What's the problem, Lilac? Did you want to see me?"
Maybe I should've said no. "Yes, actually. I'd very much like to talk to you more."
"Oh," you smiled. "Is that so?"
"Y-yes. Yeah."
"Good, I was just going to ask if you'd like to go to dinner with me," you spoke slowly, in hopes of me understanding.
"Is that so?"
"Yes, Lilac. It would make me happy to have you in my life."
"Okay," I smiled. Your face lit up. "You can pick me up at seven."
"I will."
Little Val waved to me and spelled out my name. I waved back and nodded to you, before rushing back to my house.
Damn it, North. You made me cuss for the first time in years while getting ready, that day. You made me so nervous that I cussed. Damn you, you charming villain. I wasn't even a princess, but you made me feel like one.
yours truly, lilac
WOWZA this story's already at 3k! thank you for the love! <3
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