1. A Murder in the City
September 13th, 1899
My fingers flowed across the typewriter; hitting each key in a rhythm. The black ink spilled across the clean white paper, shaping words together like art. The clicks and clacks of each letter pressed was music to my ears. I was Van Gogh and this was my canvas. I was Beethoven and this was my symphony.
"Katherine!" I heard my father call from downstairs.
I sighed and wiped the back of my hand across my forehead; slightly sweating from the adrenaline I always got when writing. I pushed my chair back and left my room, descending the staircase to find my older sister Lucille sitting at the table across from my father.
"Yes, what is it?" I asked.
Lucille motioned to the seat beside her and I sat down. Her eyes widened and she motioned to my forehead. I looked at her quizzically before grabbing a spoon off the dining table and looking at my reflection.
I quickly wiped the ink stain with my sleeve; probably just smearing it worse but fading it nonetheless.
My father cleared his throat gruffly, "Your sister has exciting news to share with you."
I could already tell that. I wondered if Lucy would topple over her seat in pure glee. Her blue eyes sparkled and her blond curls bouncing up and down with each move she made.
"Darcy has asked for my hand in marriage Kath!" She practically blurted out. I swear I could nearly feel spit hit my face.
My eyes went wide and it took everything in me not to let my jaw drop.
"Darcy?" I asked incredulously, "As in the Darcy we've known nearly our entire lives?"
She nodded vigorously.
"Father of course said he approved- oh! Will you be my maid of honor? What kind of dress will I wear? What color do you think the-"
"Slow down Lucille." Father said sternly, "You have quite a bit of time before being married to this boy."
"Yes father." She quickly said.
I shot her a smirk from next to her.
"Considering your sister is now getting married," Father started.
Oh no.
"I believe we should be looking for some young men to court you Katherine."
"Why?" I asked, already knowing the answer from the thousandth time I got the same speech.
"Because it is proper for society dear. You are soon to be 18 years old."
"But what if that's not what I want?"
"That is what you need. Not to run around filling your head with things such as working and writing. While I am against your job- it doesn't mean I don't support it."
I fought the urge to mutter things under my breath.
A quick glance at the clock told me my shift was about to start and I thanked the heavens.
"Speaking of this- I must get to the Sun. They are expecting me. I'll be home by dinner."
I quickly gathered my skirts and threw on my messenger bag before my father could get another word out.
"Do give her a break father. She is only 17." I heard my sister say gently as I closed the door behind me.
There were perks to having Lucille be the favorite child.
• • •
I walked down the street, bag slinging at my waist as I made my way to the huge building marked as The Sun. I took the steps up to my floor and checked in with our secretary, and my best friend, Clara.
"Good afternoon Katherine." She said with a smile.
"Afternoon Clara. Anything interesting happen while I've been gone?"
Clara shrugged, her short strawberry blonde curls bouncing with her shoulders.
"All the men in the news room are going on about something- I don't know what. Can't hear a thing with all of the commotion."
"Alright. Thanks."
I walked over to the door that held what sounded like a thousand voices at once inside and opened it swiftly.
Everyone was typing furiously or using the telephone; slamming the down on the handle, only to have it ring once more.
"What on earth is going on?" I asked.
Nobody acknowledged I was in the room and I rolled my eyes- going over to sit at my own desk and eavesdrop.
"Murdered! In the dead of night!"
"I've never heard anything like it before!"
"I've heard they're still doing the autopsy!"
My back straightened and I furrowed my brows.
New York had its crimes- but murder?
"Who was murdered?" I asked, turning in my seat.
One of the guys, Romeo, looked back at me.
"A lady named Anne Harbor." He said, "She was found in an alleyway this morning."
"Oh no. . . How awful."
Romeo nodded gravely, "Heard she was a really lovely lady. Left behind 2 kids."
I didn't have words for that. I couldn't imagine being those children; even with my own mother passed on.
"Were there any reporters on the scene this morning?" I asked.
Romeo shook his head, "None. They tried to move her body as fast as they could. But the entire state is in terror still. Word gets around. . . Though, I believe her autopsy is being performed by your cousin."
My eyes widened, "Really?"
"That's what I heard."
"Well- I may have to pay him a visit today."
Romeo nodded, "Don't let the boss know. He'll kill you if he finds you trying to write a story on this." He winced, "Bad choice of wording. Sorry."
"It's alright."
• • •
My shift ended by 3:30 and I packed up my pens and paper. I waved goodbye to Clara before descending the stairs back to the lobby and waking outside.
Time to pay my cousin a visit.
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