Chapter 6: Blood In The Snow
(We see Batman talking to the President over the phone which he asks him for a big distraction. Cut to Green Arrow & Black Canary walking to a table where Batman & the rest of the team are already sitting.)
Black Lightning: I thought we were stopping Hawkgirl from kidnapping a democratically elected official! Had I known we were taking Hawkgirl and imprisoning her, I never would have agreed to be a part of it.
Black Canary: Black Lightning makes a good point.
Batman: I've released her. I would never have held her indefinitely. I just needed to put someone on the Watchtower who might talk some sense.
Huntress: Which you should have told us you were doing.
Captain Atom: You should have told us about the Martian.
Batman: Martian Manhunter is dead. Superman burned him alive.
Agent Venom: I was there. It was not a pleasant sight.
Batman: Last night I received an encrypted message. I believe Manhunter did get through to someone in Superman's camp.
Catwoman: What was in this message?
Batman: Superman and Luthor have finished creating their super-human technology. It works, and it's devastating. The message claimed this tech is being manufactured at Superman's Fortress of Solitude.
Green Arrow: And...what? This mystery person is implying we should break into Superman's impenetrable fortress--and let me repeat those words, 'Superman's impenetrable fortress'--and steal his tech?
Batman: We need to accept that Superman has changed. If he continues down this path, this may be our only way to restore the balance. Getting our hands on this technology may be Earth's only hope in the future.
(He gets an alert from his utility belt.)
Batman: This is it.
Black Lightning: This is what?
Green Arrow: Wait...what?
(Batman stands up & walks towards the teleporter.)
Batman: A distraction they can't miss. Catwoman, Black Canary, Captain Atom, and Agent Venom. I'll need the four with me. The teleporter will take us just south of--
Green Arrow: Don't think for a second that you're leaving me behind, 'Bruce!'
Batman: This is a surgical strike. I'm not taking anyone I don't need. I have the greatest thief in the world, two men who can hold Superman off if it comes to it and who work extremely well together, and a woman whose voice may be able to shatter Kryptonian crystal.
Green Arrow: And you have her boyfriend, who can put two arrows in your condescending ass before--
Black Canary: An entire armada is buying us a small window so we can take steps to possibly save the world. I'm going to do that. You feel free to keep bickering though.
Agent Venom: How come you're not throwing a tantrum like Oliver?
Green Arrow: I heard that.
Huntress: You'd love that, wouldn't you?
Agent Venom: I mean, it shows that you care.
(She stands in front of him.)
Huntress: Delirium, if you could?
(Delirium reveals Y/N's face & she kisses him.)
Huntress: See? I care.
Agent Venom: *smiles*
(Delirium covers his face.)
Agent Venom: I'm ready to save the world. You guys?
The North Pole
(Batman & his selected team which includes Green Arrow teleport to the North Pole.)
Batman: We're half a mile from the fortress. Atom, take Catwoman ahead so she can start finding us a way inside.
(He scoops Catwoman up & flies off.)
Agent Venom: So that's what it looks like.
Batman: There's no way the warship movement could be missed by Superman and the League. They should be in Korea by now.
(Cut to some Naval crewman looking over the Korean sea, looking for any members of the League but they see nothing, that's because Superman's at the White House. Cut to Batman's team at the doors of the Fortress of Solitude.)
Green Arrow: I know Catwoman is good--
(Imagine Agent Venom next to Green Arrow.)
(Catwoman walks out of the keyhole.)
Catwoman: You say 'impenetrable fortress' and I just hear 'Christmas morning with presents to unwrap.'
Agent Venom: [claps]
Catwoman: The applause is nice. It's unlocked. You're up, Atom.
(Captain Atom pulls the door open & the noise it makes alerts Superman that something is happening at the fortress.)
Batman: No.
(It's Martha & Jonathan Kent, Superman's parents.)
Martha: Bruce?
Batman: I didn't know.
Jonathan: I think you should go, son.
(Superman's on his way.)
Batman: You're right. We're leaving. I'm sorry, Mr. Kent.
Green Arrow: What? What about the whole 'fate of the world' thing?
Batman: It doesn't matter what distraction I've set. He isn't thinking straight. If Superman suspects for a second that we're here for his parents, we--
(He gets an alert from his utility belt.)
Batman: It's too late. Atom. He's coming!
Agent Venom: D...
Delirium: I know.
Martha: Clark. Clark. We're fine.
(Y/N takes out all of the guns he has on him & aims them at Superman.)
Green Arrow: You're aiming guns? At Superman?
Agent Venom: Better than arrows I'd say.
Jonathan: Let him go, son.
Captain Atom: Okay.
Captain Atom: Venom, with me!
(Y/N runs out to join Atom in the fight against Superman. Back at the fortress, Green Arrow is with the Kents as rubble from Atom's blast separates him from Catwoman, Batman, & Black Canary. Batman tells him about the locator in his hood & that they will come back for him once Superman's gone. Cut to the fight between two soldiers & an alien.)
Captain Atom: So many different ways I can attack you.
(He punches Superman into the ground.)
Captain Atom: I can blast nuclear energy out of my body.
(Superman punches Captain Atom into some ice.)
(Y/N finally catches up & begins firing upon Superman.)
(But, of course, the bullets don't even phase Superman.)
Superman: *turns to Agent Venom*
Agent Venom: Time for a different approach.
(Delirium pulls the guns back inside itself as Y/N shoots a web at Superman which attaches to his face. He then pulls the web towards him. Once Superman is close enough; he punches him in the face.)
(Once Superman hits the ground, Y/N starts punching him rapidly across the face in the hopes of knocking him unconscious.)
Agent Venom: *between punches* I never thought I'd ever be fighting Superman. But here I am!
(One of his punches turns Superman's face to the side. Suddenly, he fires his heat vision in that direction. He turns to face Agent Venom. Y/N's able to dodge his heat vision but enough of it hits him in the face which burns Delirium.)
Delirium: [screams]
(He retracts the part covering Y/N's face.)
Agent Venom: Deli--
(Superman grabs him by the throat.)
Agent Venom: [gasps]
(Out of desperation, he pulls out his sidearm but Superman smacks it away.)
Agent Venom: [strained] Crap.
(Captain Atom recovers from Superman's punch.)
Captain Atom: All this power. And yet, whenever we come up against someone else like us, we just punch each other in the face. You know why?
(Superman drops Y/N.)
Captain Atom: You okay, Venom?
Agent Venom: [coughs]
Captain Atom: The Pentagon thinks I can take you, Superman. Especially with Venom's help. You know why I haven't before now? Because I serve. Because I fight for my country, not for myself. Because I haven't been ordered to. Because I know that I'm not bigger than our nation. I follow orders, Superman. Orders have changed.
Agent Venom: [coughs]
(Out of the corner of his eye, Y/N sees Wonder Wonder run by him with her sword drawn.)
Agent Venom: Atom!
(He takes the sword away from his throat.)
Agent Venom: I'm sorry.
Captain Atom: It's not your fault, Corporal.
(He faces Wonder Woman.)
Captain Atom: I can't hold it in. Do you understand? I have more power in me than ten nuclear bombs, and you and your stupid magic sword have just breached the thing that contains it. Now I have a choice to make. I can stand here. I can let go. I can take you and the entire North Pole with me. Or I can do what's right. Cor--Flash. Working with you has been an honor. You're the best partner—the best friend anyone could ask for. Thanks for being mine.
Agent Venom: Nathaniel...
Captain Atom: Marry that girl of yours. That's an order. Now, go back to the teleporter. The others should be there by now.
Agent Venom: No.
Captain Atom: You're a good man. Delirium?
Delirium: Yes, sir.
(Delirium covers Y/N's face & takes control.)
Agent Venom: D, don't! No! God damnit! Captain!
(He runs back to the teleporter. Captain atom looks down at Superman.)
Captain Atom: Do you remember, Superman? Do you remember when you thought of anyone other than yourself? I have orders, Superman. I was ordered to take you out if the opportunity presented itself. I guess this is my last opportunity.
(Superman breaks his wrists.)
Captain Atom: You can't hurt me. I'm already dead.
(He flies up with Superman.)
Captain Atom: And I'm taking you with me.
(Wonder Woman flies after him.)
Wonder Woman: Kal!
(Wonder Woman crashes back down to Earth.)
(Superman flies to Wonder Woman to see her unconscious & badly burnt from the explosion. Flash takes her to see some medical attention. Clark returns to the fortress & confronts Green Arrow.)
Martha: Clark, my God. What happened to you?
Superman: The U.S. government just ordered my death. Do you know anything about that, Ollie?
Green Arrow: I know very little about anything. I didn't even know we were coming here. Hell, we came to the North Pole and Black Canary wore fishnets. That shows a distinct lack of planning.
(He reaches for one of the pills but Superman melts the pill with his heat vision prompting Green Arrow to aim an arrow at him.)
Superman: Arrows won't help you.
Green Arrow: Sure they will. They'll make me feel better just like how I'm sure Venom's guns made him feel better.
(He fires an arrow at him which hits his chest but it ricochets & hits Jonathan in the shoulder. That enrages Superman.)
(He shoots an arrow through the hole Superman made before he can hit him again. Cut to Batman, Catwoman, Black Canary, & Agent Venom waiting at the teleporter.)
Batman: I'm sorry about Atom.
Agent Venom: He was following orders. But thanks.
Delirium: (Y/N). I am also sorry about Nathaniel. He was a good man.
Agent Venom: He was.
Delirium: About earlier--
Agent Venom: You followed his orders. Something I should've done to begin with.
Delirium: Still. I want you to know that I won't take over again unless you give the go ahead.
Agent Venom: Thanks, D.
Catwoman: Dinah.
Black Canary: He'll come.
Catwoman: We have to go.
Batman: Wait!
Catwoman: What is it?
Batman: The locator I put on Green Arrow!
(They run to Green Arrow's location to see an arrow with his locator attached to it. Black Canary takes the green pill off the locator.)
Black Canary: This is, isn't it? The tech you were after? Ollie saved the day.
Batman: Yes. We'll wait by the teleporter. He may still--
Black Canary: No. He's not coming.
(Batman, Catwoman, Black Canary, & Agent Venom teleport back to the rest of the team.)
Black Lightning: They're back.
Batwoman: Did you get it?
(Batman places the pill on the table.)
Huntress: Where are Atom and Green Arrow? Dinah?
(She walks away.)
Huntress: Dinah!
(She turns to Y/N.)
Huntress: (Y/N)?
Agent Venom: They...they didn't make it.
Black Lightning: What the hell happened?
Batman: Superman is no longer the man we knew. He's gone. We're out of time. I suggest you all find somewhere to hide. I believe he'll be coming for us.
Batwoman: Where are you going?
Batman: The cave. My computer there is the best chance we have of analyzing this. Once I know how it's made, I should be able to synthesize it. It could be our only chance to stand against him.
Catwoman: Superman will be coming for you.
Batman: I know.
Catwoman: The cave is the first place he'll look!
Batman: I know!
(Back at the fortress; Jonathan, Martha, and even Jor-El try to convince Superman to stop what he's doing to no avail. Catwoman's having the same luck in trying to convince Batman to not face Superman alone at the cave.)
Catwoman: If you think for a second that I'm letting you face him alone, you're out of your pointy-eared head.
Batman: I'll have a better chance against him if I don't have to worry about you.
Catwoman: Oh, shut up! Stop the stoic crap and let me help you. You want everyone to think you're this invulnerable, infallible thing, but I know that's not true. I've seen your scars. Hell, I've heard you snore. You're human, and he's not. He will crush you. He--
(She falls unconscious & Batman catches her. He then hands her to Huntress.)
Huntress: She won't forgive you for this, you know?
Batman: I know. She can be pissed off and alive. Hide. All of you. Go deep underground. If this works, I'll find you.
(Batman teleports away.)
Huntress: You better never do this to me.
Agent Venom: I don't have any knockout gas on me.
Delirium: You have tranq darts.
Agent Venom: Thank God she can't hear you.
(The parents of Superman continue to try to stop what he's doing & not to take Bruce's life. But he ignores them & flies away. In the Batcave, Superman & Batman have a heated discussion over the events that have transpirated over the past months. Eventually, after Superman throws Batman against a wall, he plays Clark & Lois' wedding video. He also plays something that hurts Clarks ears plus the bats are alerted by the sound. He lazers the bats out of the air as Batman runs to the green pill. Before he can grab it, Superman grabs his wrist.)
Superman: No.
(After Superman tortures Batman in the hopes of telling him where the analysis of the pill was uploaded to.)
Superman: I...I didn't mean to--
Batman: No. Of course not. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it? It makes it so much easier to justify your own atrocities. You're not a hero. You're just another thug!
(Alfred gets Superman's attention.)
Alfred: Clark Kent.
Superman: Alfred?
(Alfred's taken the pill.)
(Alfred cleans his fists, picks up Bruce, carries him to the teleporter, & they teleport away.)
One Day Later
(We see Y/N sitting on a couch, but not his own. With a girl standing in front of him.)
(Y/N): Thanks for letting me crash at your place.
Helena: [chuckles] You already thanked me.
(Y/N): I did?
Helena: Right before you hopped onto my couch.
(Y/N): Oh? I don't remember that.
Helena: So, are you ready to talk about Atom?
(Y/N): What's there to talk about? He knew his time was up so he tried to take Superman with him.
Helena: And that's all you have to say about it? About the final moments of your partner?
(Y/N): What do you want to say, Helena? That I was too slow to stop Wonder Woman from cutting his throat? That the best man I ever knew is dead and there was nothing I could do about it? That I...*gets choked up* let my partner down? *starts crying*
(He begins crying prompting Helena to kneel down to him & hug him. Y/N buries his face into her t-shirt.)
(Y/N): Sorry about your shirt.
(She kisses his forehead.)
Helena: I have other shirts.
(He kisses on the lips. She kisses him back on the lips. The two lock lips again & start having a makeout session. She pushes him back against the couch & is about to get on top of him but he stops her.)
(Y/N): Helena, wait.
Helena: What is it? If it's too soon for this I under--
(Y/N): It's not. Trust me, it's not.
Helena: Then what?
(Y/N): [deep breath] I have to tell you something.
Helena: Okay?
Delirium: Do you mean...?
(Y/N): I'm not the same guy you remember.
Helena: From what I've seen, you're gonna have to prove me wrong, Flash.
(Y/N): Here goes.
Delirium: Are you sure, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Get off me, Delirium.
(Delirium gets off him through the top of his shirt revealing to Helena that Delirium has been his legs this whole time.)
(Y/N): Heh. I expected you to be speechless. You see, I lost them--
(She places her index finger on his lip & sits on his lap.)
Helena: Tell me later.
(Y/N): [muffled] This isn't a deal-breaker?
(She takes her index finger off his lips.)
Helena: Why would it be?
(Y/N): I love you.
Helena: *smirk* I know.
(Y/N): Delirium? You mind waiting out on the balcony?
(Delirium slithers to the balcony window so Helena & Y/N can continue their makeout session. During it, Y/N repositions himself & happens to turn on the tv which is showing Superman's address at the U.N.)
Superman: Our way of life is threatened. Bruce Wayne, the terrorist also known as Batman, has stolen a powerful weapon. He intends to use it against us. We are standing here, together, today, to tell you that we will not allow Batman to terrorize the planet. We are standing here today to tell you that we will fight for each and every one of you. We will fight against the terror that Batman represents. You do not have to fear this great evil. Because we will be ever watching. Ever vigilant. As a reporter, my wife, Lois Lane, spent her time uncovering evil. She believed that no matter how well injustice, corruption, and evil hid, it could always be rooted out. It could always be exposed. We are gathering our forces. We will expose Batman and all who seek to aid him. The last thing Lois ever said to me was "Save the world."
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