Chapter 4: Reveals
(Batman with Catwoman & Superman with Wonder Woman where each express their viewpoints on what Clark did to stop the Apokolips invasion.)
Wonder Woman: They're celebrating.
Catwoman: All across the world, they're chanting his name.
Wonder Woman: You saved so many lives.
Batman: He took so many lives.
The Watchtower
Superman: So many were lost.
Wonder Woman: Kal. What you did was incredible.
Superman: It wasn't enough.
Wonder Woman: You can't be everywhere.
Superman: Exactly. We can't be everywhere. We can't monitor the whole world. All the wars we've stopped could start again while we're looking elsewhere. We need to enforce the peace. We need allies. We need more like us.
Wonder Woman: There aren't many like us.
(Luthor appears behind them.)
Luthor: Not yet. But there will be.
(Batman is talking to his team about what happened.)
Batman: There's no coming back from this for him.
Huntress: No coming back from what? It was war. Admittedly, thanks to Superman, it was a very short war. People die in wars. He saved lives.
Batman: He slaughtered thousands, Huntress.
Huntress: He's a hero in the eyes of almost everyone around the world. But not in your eyes. Even after he saved the lives of your friends. Including me.
(She points at Green Arrow & Black Canary.)
Huntress: Go on. Tell Green Arrow and Black Canary why their being alive offends you.
(She points at Agent Venom & Captain Atom.)
Huntress: Tell Captain Atom why his partner being alive is such an inconvenience to you.
Green Arrow: Please don't bring me into this.
Agent Venom: I'd rather not get into an argument with Batman.
Huntress: There are people in this room who don't know your secret identity, aren't there?
Captain Atom: Bruce?
Batwoman: 'Bruce! Striking terror into the hearts of crimnals!
Agent Venom: It doesn't make you any less intimidating, Bru--Batman.
Huntress: You've asked these people to fight with you and you haven't even told them who you are?
Batman: They know who I am.
Huntress: I think I'm done here. I don't want to fight against Superman, not when I believe he's in the right.
Agent Venom: I didn't take you for a coward.
Huntress: Say that again.
Agent Venom: Coward.
Huntress: Why don't you and me step outside? Symbiote or not, I can still kick your ass.
Captain Atom: You told her?
Agent Venom: Granted, I fought beside her and the war was over. Plus she asked about it so I thought; "why the hell not?" It wasn't even my idea to tell her to begin with.
Delirium: Wow.
Catwoman: Agent Venom, Huntress. Wait. There are things you don't know. Tell her.
Batman: Superman is working on something.
Huntress: What sort of something?
Batman: I don't know what it is or how it works yet. But Superman and Luthor are talking about creating enhanced beings. I believe he's going to make a personal army.
Black Lightning: How do you know this?
Batman: I can't say.
Huntress: Again, You expect us to blindly follow you but you refuse to trust us!
Batman: You're right.
(He takes off the cowl.)
Agent Venom: Didn't see that coming.
Delirium: Neither did I.
Agent Venom: Huntress is right.
Huntress: About?
Agent Venom: Trust. This team won't work without trust. You've all worked with Batman before despite not knowing his secret identity. Some of you have even worked with Captain Atom here. Now, he trusts me and I trust him since we've been on missions together. We also know each other's secret identities. Obviously.
Captain Atom: Wrap it up, Corporal.
Agent Venom: Right, sorry. So, I'm going to extend the olive branch in the hopes of all of you trusting me. Hell, if Batman can reveal secret identity, so can I.
Batman: I already know who you are.
Agent Venom: How? You know what? Don't answer that. You're Batman, of course you already know who I am.
Green Arrow: Now that's not surprising.
Agent Venom: Corporal (Y/N) Thompson. It's a pleasure to be working with you all.
(Huntress looks at him shocked.)
Agent Venom: What? I'm not too ugly I hope--
Huntress: Flash?
Agent Venom: That's a...nickname of mine. I...don't remember you telling you that.
(She takes off her mask revealing her face.)
Agent Venom: Helena?!
Delirium: Oh.
Batwoman: On screen! We've got trouble!
(They look at the screen behind Batman.)
Batman: Damn it. The cultists!
Catwoman: Who?
(He puts his cowl back on.)
Batman: I'll explain on the move! Captain Atom take Agent Venom with you. You two will beat the rest of us there. Try to disperse the mob.
Agent Venom: *his face back being covered up* Don't. I'll swing there--
(Captain Atom scoops him up.)
Agent Venom: [groans]
(Pan down to Green Arrow finding out that Black Canary already knew that Bruce Wayne is Batman.)
Green Arrow: Wait a knew? And you didn't tell me? I tell you everything.
Black Canary: You had Harley Quinn handcuffed in your Arrow Cave.
Green Arrow: I tell you almost everything.
(Cut to Captain Atom & Agent Venom in the air.)
Agent Venom: I could've swung here.
Captain Atom: As you already know, this is faster.
Agent Venom: Yeah, but did you have to scoop me up in front of her?
Captain Atom: Your ex-girlfriend? Are you in high school?
Delirium: Are you?
Agent Venom: Whatever. I see them.
Captain Atom: So do I.
(They're now above the cultists.)
Cultist: Cast them out! Cast these criminals out of Gotham!
Captain Atom: We're here. It looks like they mean to evict everyone from Crime Alley and the surrounding blocks.
Agent Venom: What is this?
(Cut to Batman & Catwoman in the Batmobile.)
Batman: A cult that worships Superman. It's been growing ever since Superman started his crusade. I suspected they were behind a string of killings--shootings of small-time criminals--to their minds, probably continuing the work Superman started when he murdered Joker. And now, after the Apokolips attack, there are more of these 'worshipers.'
(Cut to Huntress, Black Canary, & Batwoman riding motorcycles.)
Black Canary: Well, Superman did literally smite our enemies from the heavens.
Batwoman: So, Helena, who's this 'Flash' Thompson?
Huntress: An ex-boyfriend I haven't seen in a while.
Black Canary: *smirks* Really?
Batwoman: What are the chances that he's recruited onto the same Batman team as you? [chuckles]
Huntress: Shut up. Both of you.
Batman: Do what you can, Atom. Venom.
(Cut to Captain Atom & Agent Venom with the cultists.)
Agent Venom: Drop me.
(Atom drops him in the middle of the cultists.)
Agent Venom: Leave this people be or you're gonna have to deal with the other guy.
Cultist: Other guy?
(Captain Atom lands behind Agent Venom.)
Captain Atom: Stop this!
Cultist: Do not stop! Our cause is righteous! Superman would--
Agent Venom: So cool.
Cultist: We answer to you. We serve only 'him.'
Green Arrow: I'd take your religious fervor far more seriously if you weren't a dressing gown in public. Seriously, did someone sew the Superman symbols on or can you get them like that online?
(The cultist pulls out a shotgun.)
Cultist: I bought this online!
Batman: You had to mock the zealot.
(They begin to fight the cultists which they are able to beat quite easily. Agent Venom shoots a web at one which attaches to his chest. He then swings that cultist around into other cultists.)
Batman: Go in strong and fast. They'll disperse as soon as they realize they're beaten.
(They continue to handle the cultists until Green Lantern, Superman, & Wonder Woman show up.)
Wonder Woman: Enough! Stop this fighting! Return to your homes.
Green Arrow: We were handling this.
Wonder Woman: No. You weren't. You're not needed here. Leave.
(Superman lands in front of Batman & Green Lantern lands in front of Agent Venom.)
Agent Venom: Can I help you?
Green Lantern: I had my ring scan you. And to my surprise, it told me that you're wearing a symbiote that hatched from an egg on the planet Klyntar.
Delirium: He knows my history.
Agent Venom: Seems so.
Green Lantern: You know they're bred to be an Agent of the Cosmos.
Agent Venom: Kinda like you, huh? We're like coworkers.
Green Lantern: Funny. Too bad the one you're wearing is nothing more than a parasite.
Delirium: Parasite?!
Agent Venom: D, calm--
(Y/N turns away & grabs his face before Delirium can do anything. He regains control shortly after this & turns back to face Green Lantern.)
Agent Venom: Heh. Sorry about him.
Green Lantern: Keep that thing under control. I almost blew you away.
Agent Venom: He has a temper. The thing is though, so do I.
(He pulls out a pistol & holds it against Green Lantern's head.)
Green Lantern: Why don't you pull that trigger and see what happens?
Agent Venom: Keep tempting me and I will.
Captain Atom: Corporal, stand down!
Green Lantern: I'd listen to the Captain if I were you.
Agent Venom: Yeah, probably. *flips the safety on the pistol to off*
(Huntress walks up to Agent Venom as Catwoman walks up to Batman.)
Huntress: [whispers] Flash.
Agent Venom: [sighs]
(He flips the safety back on the pistol, puts it away, & follows Huntress as she walks with the rest of Batman's team.)
(Imagine Agent Venom behind Huntress.)
The Same Night
(We see Agent Venom on a rooftop.)
Agent Venom: Got to work on that temper of yours, D.
Delirium: I know (Y/N). I am sorry about my outburst.
Agent Venom: It's okay. Looks like I've got to work on mine as well. He called you something you don't like being called. And I couldn't stand for that.
Delirium: Thank you.
Agent Venom: Don't mention it. What are friends for?
(He's about to swing off the rooftop when hears his name being called.)
Huntress: (Y/N).
Agent Venom: Helena.
(She walks towards him.)
(Y/N): She's coming this way.
Delirium: I see that.
(She's now standing in front of him.)
Helena: Could you...?
(Y/N): Huh? Oh, of course.
(He reveals his face.)
(Y/N): What's up?
Helena: Looks like we're back in each other's lives.
(Y/N): Yeah. Didn't think we'd see each other again. Especially in costume.
Helena: [chuckles] As did it.
(Y/N): Seeing each other again or in costume?
Helena: In costume...
(Y/N): Cool, cool...
(There's a brief silence between the two.)
(Y/N): What happ--
Helena: Not here, okay?
(Y/N): Or ever?
Helena: What? No. We're on a rooftop.
(Y/N): We are.
Helena: We'll talk another time, okay?
(Y/N): Okay.
Helena: I promise.
(She's about to walk away but remembers something.)
Helena: One more thing.
(Y/N): Hm?
(She gets close to his ear.)
Helena: [whispers] Just because I pulled away from Lantern doesn't mean I've forgiven you for calling me a coward.
(With that, she walks away from Y/N.)
(Y/N): Oh, man.
Delirium: (Y/N). You have goosebumps.
(Y/N): Yeah. She has that effect on me.
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