Chapter 3: Army of Two
(The Justice League is currently on the Watchtower where they're arguing whether what they've been doing since Metropolis is right. Some of the things that they've done to bring "real peace" to the world includes crippling a kid who tried to stand up for something and now he's eating through a straw. Also almost killing Black Adam...after he butchered a village but that's besides the point. They continue to argue until Damian puts out that this is all a part of Batman's plan. He sent Hawkgirl back as a weapon, his little doubt bomb. Luthor agrees with him. He brings up how it comes down to communication. He suggests that Superman does a public address which Superman agrees with.)
(Kalibak is seen storming down a hallway.)
Kalibak: Father!
Kalibak: Father. I would speak with you.
Kalibak: Darkseid.
Darkseid: What is it, Kalibak?
Kalibak: News from Earth. The Kryptonian has called for an end to fighting. He is dismantling armies in favor of peace.
Darkseid: You think Superman has softened?
Kalibak: I would like to lead a war party to Earth. I would like to test this "peace." Is that...?
Darkseid: Yes. He made a mistake.
Kalibak: Can he be killed?
Darkseid: Of course not. Who would come for him? Go. Kill the Kryptonian and take the Earth. Leave me and the Black Racer.
(Cut to the public address.)
Luthor: Are you ready?
Superman: You're sure about this?
(He puts a suit over his costume.)
Luthor: Yes. I think this is one of those jobs for Clark.
(Luthor stands at the podium.)
Luthor: Ladies and gentlemen. Just over a month ago, the world was rocked by a terrible event. A city, my city, was torn apart in the blink of an eye. Since this day, heroes of Earth have been working tirelessly to ensure this never happens again. This man began a crusade to fight for you all, to fight for truth, justice, and peace. People of Earth, I give you--Superman!
(Clark comes out with Diana & Billy, as Shazam, behind him.)
Clark: I'm sorry if we frightened you. We should have spoken sooner. We have been acting against some of the greatest evils on Earth--men and women, governments and regimes that have killed and tortured and oppressed without consequence for too long.
(Harley is shown watching the public address.)
Clark: Some of you may see me as an alien. But I came to this world as a child. And I was raised by two of the greatest, most compassionate people on Earth. I believe in this world. I am one of you.
(Catwoman, Batman, & Alfred are shown watching the public address as well.)
Clark: I know there are some who disagree with our actions. But I could no longer stand by and allow the people of Earth to suffer. Not when I had the power to prevent it. I know some of our actions may have seemed...extreme. But the result is less people are dying from needless war. Less people are grieving for loved ones. Sons and daughters and mothers and fathers who may have been lost are returning home. My friend, Lex Luthor, reminded me that we hadn't told you all why we're doing this. He wanted us to shape a message. We just want you to be safe.
(A boom tube opens & parademons come out of it. Clark, Billy, & Diana fly up to engage the parademons but Clark's shot down by Kalibak.)
Kalibak: I've heard you don't believe in fighting anymore, Kryptonian.
(Superman takes it to Kalibak. We're taken to the Watchtower where Cyborg tells the remaining Leaguers there that boom tubes are being opened in Shanghai, Moscow, Mumbai, & Istanbul.)
(We see Batman & his team watching Parademons arrive in Istanbul.)
Batman: It's a full planetary invasion!
Catwoman: Why those cities?
Green Arrow: Yeah. Don't they know alien invasions always start near famous monuments?
Agent Venom: Somebody watches way too many movies.
Batman: They're the most populated cities on Earth. This is about inflicting as much death as possible. Gotham will be next. We have to get out there.
Catwoman: And then what? I steal things. Repelling alien invasions, not so much.
Black Canary: Batman. Every time we've faced something like this, we've done it beside the rest of the Justice League. We can do our part. I'm sure Captain Atom can take one of these cities. But, be realistic, we can't stop this without other heroes--we need Superman on our side.
(Cut to Kalibak & a bunch of parademons piling on top of Superman.)
Kalibak: Can you hear the people? Can you see them? You can, can't you? You can see all over the world. You can see them dying. You can hear their cries.
(Superman hears cries for help in different languages.)
Kalibak: You're weak, Kryptonian. Too weak to do what needs to be done. You'd rather spare the lives of your enemies than save the lives of your people.
Superman: No...
(Cyborg is blasting parademons away from some civilians.)
Cyborg: I need some back-up!
(Green Lantern is holding up a jet.)
Green Lantern: They're attacking every major city in the world. We all need back-up! Do you think Batman's team--?
(Flash is carrying a woman through the chaos.)
Flash: I'm sure Batman and his team are out there--but they probably have their hands full, too.
(Batman's team does in fact have their hands full as well. Pan down to Agent Venom & Huntress up to their necks in parademons.)
(Y/N webs some parademons to a building.)
Agent Venom: So, Huntress, you think I could get your autograph after this?
(Huntress kicks a parademon across the jaw.)
Huntress: [panting] You really think there's going to be a "after this" for us?
Agent Venom: Yeah, why wouldn't there be?
Delirium: Please focus.
Huntress: *while kicking a parademon in the chest* Why aren't you with Atom? Aren't you two partners?
Agent Venom: *while throwing a parademon into three other parademons* Like Canary said, he's...currently protecting another city! Plus, Batman said I should go with you.
Huntress: That he did. Why would he do that?
Agent Venom: Maybe he knows we don't? I'm not one to question the Bat--Ah!
(A parademon runs into Y/N, picks him up, rams him through a wall, & into a building.)
Huntress: Venom!
(Inside the building we see a bunch of parademons coming through the hole of the wall & start to pile on top of Y/N. Some begin to claw, punch, & bite him.)
Agent Venom: [yells]
Delirium: (Y/N)!
Agent Venom: [grunts]
Delirium: (Y/N)!
Agent Venom: Get off...of me!
Delirium: Corporal Thompson!
Agent Venom: Delirium!
Delirium: You are being overwhelmed.
Agent Venom: I haven't noticed...[grunts]
Delirium: I believe Huntress may be in the same situation. It's time for me to take over.
Agent Venom: Okay.
Delirium: I need confirmation.
(A parademon stomps on Y/N's face.)
Agent Venom: [muffled] Come on!
Delirium: Corporal Thompson, I need confirmation!
(Y/N's able to break free just enough to get the parademon's foot off his face.)
Agent Venom: Delirium, I am giving confirmation to take over!
(Suddenly a black mass jumps through the building's roof & into the air.)
Huntress: [sighs] What is that?
(The black mass lands behind her.)
(Imagine Huntress in front of Agent Venom.)
(The black mass is actually Agent Venom who smacks away the parademons with his arms.)
Huntress: You're...bigger?
Delirium: Apologies for the wait, Huntress.
Huntress: You sound different.
Delirium: That is because the Corporal currently isn't in control. I am.
Huntress: *while taking down a parademon* And you are?
Delirium: You can call me Delirium. I am the symbiote over the Corporal.
Huntress: The what now?
Delirium: I'm sure the Corporal can explain further.
(The two continue to fight oncoming parademons as we cut to the outside of Paris where Kalibak tries to yield but Superman isn't having it.)
Superman: You think you can come to my world, slaughter innocent people and not answer for your crimes?
Kalibak: Darkseid will--
Superman: No. Daddy isn't here for you to hide behind, Kalibak.
Kalibak: NAAARGH!
(He attempts to punch Superman but he catches his fist in his hand.)
Superman: You hurt my world.
(He breaks Kalibak's hand.)
Kalibak: HNNG!
Superman: I've let creatures like you live before. No more.
(He grabs Kalibak by his throat.)
Superman: No more mercy for cancers posing as men.
Kalibak: You can't...HNG...kill me. I'm immortal.
(After killing Kalibak, Superman finds Flash & talks to him about killing all of the parademons.)
Flash: You want to kill them all?
Superman: No. But nor do I want to worry about their lives more than those they're killing. All around the world. Every second. They're slaughtering people. Every second we spend trying to incapacitate or restrain these murderers more people will die.
Flash: I think you've already made up your mind. You didn't come to me to talk. You came to me for permission to kill. I'm sorry, Superman. I can't give it to you.
Superman: You can think faster than anyone else on Earth. Can you think of any other way that will save as many lives?
(Barry thinks about it.)
Flash: No.
(With that, Superman flies into space, flies back towards Earth at a very fast speed, & starts reducing the parademons to ash. Cut back to Huntress & Agent Venom being overwhelmed by Parademons.)
Delirium: (Y/N).
Agent Venom: I take it that we're not doing so hot?
Delirium: Unfortunately. This...may be the end.
Agent Venom: [sighs] Mind giving me back control? For our final moments?
Delirium: Not at all. It's been an honor.
Agent Venom: The honor's been all mine.
(Y/N shrinks back down to size & Huntress notices.)
Huntress: Welcome back to the party, Corporal.
Agent Venom: Looks like there won't be an "after this."
Huntress: Really hoped I wouldn't be right on that.
(They go back-to-back.)
Huntress: So, can I know the name of the man I'm going to die with?
Agent Venom: Only if the same goes for the woman.
Huntress: It does.
Agent Venom: [chuckles] The name's--
(Just before Y/N can tell Huntress his name; all the parademons around them are turned to ash.)
Huntress: What happened?
Agent Venom: I don't know. But I consider us pretty lucky.
Huntress: Lucky...yeah. So, wanna explain your symbiote to me?
Agent Venom: Sure, why not?
(Huntress & Agent Venom aren't the only ones of Batman's team to be saved by Superman as we're shown Green Arrow & Black Canary kissing as Superman reduces the parademons around them to ash. Cut to the Bats fighting parademons.)
Batwoman: Batman!
Batwoman: Don't stop fighting.
(Barry watches as ash falls to the ground.)
Wonder Woman: He did it.
Luthor: Incredible.
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